トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。(5分毎に更新)
配信名:【Schedule & Chat】Weekly Kroniicles ⏳
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
No 時間 元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 00:00:00   Guysavage Sometimes i have to drive to meet with contractors lol
2 00:00:00   Guysavage I dont mind that part tho
3 00:00:00   Jack
4 00:00:00   Random Clipper guy is giving me some ptsd
5 00:00:00   Rewind44
6 00:00:00   Guysavage "Message Retracted"
7 00:00:00   Jack
8 00:00:00   Rewind44
9 00:00:00   Guysavage this mouse pad really be helping my wrist
10 00:00:00   Jack
11 00:00:00   Nerrev don't forget your mouse pad again
12 00:00:00   Guysavage i wont...
13 00:00:00   Nerrev so are you getting soul hackers 2
14 00:00:00   A Wicked One Should have ordered two guy. One for work one for home.
15 00:00:00   Guysavage i should have bought an extra Kronii sweater. my little brother really likes it so i gave it to him lol
16 00:00:00   Rewind44
17 00:00:00   A Wicked One That's nice though. They hoodies will come back in stock eventually.
18 00:00:00   AnJello At least it's being used
19 00:00:00   Nerrev Just buy more, im waiting for the pixel acrylic to restock too before i buy the other shirts
20 00:00:00   Nerrev *can
21 00:00:00   AnJello I'm still waiting for it to restock in my size, but I'll probably buy one a size larger, just in case
22 00:00:00   Rewind44 Hopefully they restock when I'm not at work
23 00:00:00   Guysavage i still will hold out hope for a kronii themed alarm clock or watch
24 00:00:00   Orange Robot As small dude, I never have to worry about clothing going out of stock.
25 00:00:00   Orange Robot Same, Guysavage
26 00:00:00   Nerrev oh look at him, he is just a little guy
27 00:00:00   Orange Robot Get down on my level, scrub.
28 00:00:00   AnJello If a Kronii themed watch comes, I would wear that bad boy everyday. (Probably with the exception of putting it into water, even if it may be waterproof)
29 00:00:00   AnJello How tall are you again OR.Robo?
30 00:00:00   Orange Robot 5'2 ft
31 00:00:00   Nerrev pocket watch is nice too
32 00:00:00   AnJello So would be the same size? I'm 5'4
33 00:00:00   AnJello *so would we*
34 00:00:00   Orange Robot Roughly speaking, yes.
35 00:00:00   Rewind44 A clock or watch will have to be a collab merch like with Omocat since Holomerch are not allowed to ship mechanical parts iirc
36 00:00:00   AnJello So would you go for S, or M
37 00:00:00   Nerrev they didn't? that sucks
38 00:00:00   AnJello GOD-DAMNIT!
39 00:00:00   AnJello *slaps chair*
40 00:00:00   Random Clipper dude, i want that one acrylic stand that zenya had, the one with a cat, that looks so amazing, i want it
41 00:00:00   Orange Robot I always have to get Small sized clothing. Unfortunately I have to shop for clothes in the teens section because mens clothing sizes are too large
42 00:00:00   Nerrev the one with a cat? which one is that?
43 00:00:00   Random Clipper its like errrr, its one with kronii with a hat, sitting with a cat on her lap, its looks freaking gorgeous
44 00:00:00   Random Clipper its an art on pxiv, but the creator turned it into an arcylic stand i think, so its unofficial goods
45 00:00:00   AnJello Where can I buy this
46 00:00:00   Random Clipper idk
47 00:00:00   Nerrev ohh unofficial goods!
48 00:00:00   Rewind44 At the soup store
49 00:00:00   Nerrev why are you at the soup store?
50 00:00:00   Rewind44
51 00:00:00   Orange Robot He's buying clothes
52 00:00:00   AnJello Well hurry up
53 00:00:00   Orange Robot I can't find them
54 00:00:00   AnJello What do you mean you can't find them
55 00:00:00   Random Clipper Why are you buying kronii acrylic stand in the soup store
56 00:00:00   Orange Robot I can't find them. There's only soup.
57 00:00:00   AnJello What do you mean there's only soup?
58 00:00:00   Orange Robot It mean there's only soup.
59 00:00:00   AnJello What aisle are you in?
60 00:00:00   Sleepy L How big is this soup store?
61 00:00:00   Orange Robot I'm in the soup aisle!
62 00:00:00   AnJello . . . WELL THEN GO TO THE NEXT AISLE
63 00:00:00   Orange Robot Alright, you don't have to shout at me (move to the next aisle) There's more soup!
64 00:00:00   AnJello (uh i forgot this part) Got o the next aisle!(?)
65 00:00:00   Orange Robot (move to the next aisle) There's still soup!
66 00:00:00   AnJello What do you mean there's still more soup?
67 00:00:00   Orange Robot There's just more soup!
68 00:00:00   AnJello Where are you right now!?
69 00:00:00   Orange Robot I'm at soup!
70 00:00:00   AnJello What do you mean you're at soup?
71 00:00:00   Orange Robot I MEAN I'M AT SOUP!
72 00:00:00   AnJello WHAT STORE ARE YOU IN!?
73 00:00:00   Orange Robot I'M AT THE SOUP STORE!!
75 00:00:00   Rewind44 Man, Abridged episodes are a blurse upon this Earth
76 00:00:00   Orange Robot (takes a bow) Thank you! Thank you!
77 00:00:00   Rewind44
78 00:00:00   AnJello I remember watching some SAO abridged videos
79 00:00:00   Orange Robot The SAO abridged videos are pretty well made. Need to see where they are with the series at this point.
80 00:00:00   Random Clipper
81 00:00:00   AnJello yea
82 00:00:00   Guysavage ten minutes since the last message? Guess I'm the last Kronie
83 00:00:00   Rewind44
84 00:00:00   Nerrev Axel is a dummy lol, he just said pp in front of sora
85 00:00:00   Rewind44
86 00:00:00   Nerrev by pp i mean the japanese terms of it too
87 00:00:00   Rewind44
88 00:00:00   Sleepy L
89 00:00:00   Guysavage Nerrev is clipping other vtubers...
90 00:00:00   Nerrev I'm not lol. I'm trying to rest as much as i can outside clipping kronii and work
91 00:00:00   Guysavage i dont believe you
92 00:00:00   Nerrev that won't be the first time
93 00:00:00   Nerrev
94 00:00:00   Guysavage Thats the last straw. reporting nerrev's latest clip now
95 00:00:00   Nerrev
96 00:00:00   Guysavage Nerrev snapped his neck in depression over what i did...
97 00:00:00   Jack
98 00:00:00   Nerrev I will become one of the voices in your head
99 00:00:00   Sleepy L Kronies die so often here in FC
100 00:00:00   Guysavage Good
101 00:00:00   Nil Lots of Kronies seem to be immortal in FC too, so it balances out.
102 00:00:00   Guysavage Sup nil
103 00:00:00   Guysavage Prokr wasnt immortal. Hes gone forever...
104 00:00:00   Rewind44
105 00:00:00   Orange Robot I'm still here, just lurking
106 00:00:00   Nerrev Now you talk about it, I haven't seen prokr that much recently
107 00:00:00   Guysavage Yeah. He choked on a wienerschnitzel. Thats what his bf, Hunkirii said at least
108 00:00:00   Rewind44 If you accidentally unsub and resub, it seems that resets the waiting time for chatting here, so you have to wait another 10 weeks to chat here again
109 00:00:00   Nerrev he was hunkirii's best friend..
110 00:00:00   Guysavage sometimes it felt like they were more than just friends
111 00:00:00   AnJello @Rewind44 That would be a dirty sadistic move if Kronii told us to do that
112 00:00:00   Nerrev shiperonie
113 00:00:00   Rewind44 @AnJello What would really be dirty and sadistic if she does an endurance stream and right after, she hosts a space
114 00:00:00   Guysavage Cant believe Prokr stole Hunkirii away from Jootadoot...
115 00:00:00   Random Clipper nil
116 00:00:00   AnJello @Rewind44 I mean, I'm never there for spaces so I see this as a win
117 00:00:00   Rewind44
118 00:00:00   Wowzival I live for spaces
119 00:00:00   Random Clipper speaking of which, you need to rest nerrevor I will report to kronii and she will hate you
120 00:00:00   Rewind44 Wowzival
121 00:00:00   Random Clipper wow
122 00:00:00   Nerrev i did , i took like few hours nap
123 00:00:00   Wowzival what's up rewind & random
124 00:00:00   Guysavage Wowzival
125 00:00:00   Wowzival what up Guy
126 00:00:00   Guysavage nothing much. hbu
127 00:00:00   Random Clipper you need sleep, nerrev you are active online almost all the time
128 00:00:00   Rewind44 RC, you also need sleep
129 00:00:00   Guysavage RC is worried about Nerrev. Could it be...?
130 00:00:00   Nerrev bro i barely in vc lol
131 00:00:00   Random Clipper oh right, look at the time
132 00:00:00   Wowzival GAINS
133 00:00:00   Nerrev *FC
134 00:00:00   Random Clipper get that gains, wow
135 00:00:00   Guysavage Nerrev is in voice chat??? With RC???
136 00:00:00   Random Clipper dude, you like retweet on twitter every 3 hours
137 00:00:00   Wowzival Krotein shakes for days
138 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig RC x Nerrev
139 00:00:00   Rewind44 Gabriel
140 00:00:00   Nerrev RC is stalking my twitter help
141 00:00:00   Random Clipper faqing gabe
142 00:00:00   Guysavage Sup Gabriel
143 00:00:00   Nerrev it's okay i won't be able to open phone when i work anyway
144 00:00:00   Guysavage yeah. Nerrev x RC... Random Nerrev, so to speak
145 00:00:00   Random Clipper fair
146 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Nerrev Clipper
147 00:00:00   Wowzival RC X nerrev X Gabe
148 00:00:00   Random Clipper btw gabe, how are you feeling
149 00:00:00   Nerrev not clipping lmao
150 00:00:00   Nerrev shut up guy
151 00:00:00   Random Clipper nah bro, gabisu still best ship
152 00:00:00   Random Clipper like, if gabisu appears on stream even once, im clipping it
153 00:00:00   Jack
154 00:00:00   Rewind44
155 00:00:00   AnJello Is this Gabe x KC Akisu?
156 00:00:00   Jack
157 00:00:00   Nerrev maybe one day kronii will do that, community ship lol
158 00:00:00   Rewind44
159 00:00:00   Random Clipper ye
160 00:00:00   Random Clipper please kronii, i need gabisu clip
161 00:00:00   Nil @Gabriel Kroniig Hey, I had a question for you. When did the bipolar hating Kronii thing become a joke?
162 00:00:00   Random Clipper it was never not a joke
163 00:00:00   Random Clipper
164 00:00:00   A Wicked One Wasn't that an evolution of the she hates us meme.
165 00:00:00   Random Clipper i mean, i heard him talk about it during a space before, but i want to hear it from gabe himself again to see if my knowledge tally
166 00:00:00   Nerrev Bold of you to assume he was joking
167 00:00:00   Guysavage Kronii hates me fr tho
168 00:00:00   AnJello Kronii loves us
169 00:00:00   Random Clipper we hate you too, guy
170 00:00:00   Guysavage She said she HATES Jack Frost
171 00:00:00   A Wicked One Oh yeah I forgot you guys have spaces
172 00:00:00   Random Clipper i missed like any spaces for the last month or two, so idk
173 00:00:00   AnJello I miss all the spaces
174 00:00:00   AnJello Except that one time
175 00:00:00   Rewind44 The last space I was on was Gabriel's space karaoke
176 00:00:00   Random Clipper i think gabe fell back to sleep
177 00:00:00   Random Clipper same rewind
178 00:00:00   AnJello Gabe lurking check
179 00:00:00   Nerrev kronies space gave me anxiety
180 00:00:00   AnJello Oh?
181 00:00:00   AnJello What happened
182 00:00:00   Wowzival kronii spaces are the best
183 00:00:00   Nerrev makes me realize you guys are real
184 00:00:00   Guysavage maybe i should ask to be a speaker in the next space
185 00:00:00   Wowzival what is real
186 00:00:00   Wowzival what is reality
187 00:00:00   Random Clipper no nerrev, i am still just your alter ego that you made, you can rest assured
188 00:00:00   Nil I'm confused because everyone treats Gabe saying he hates Kronii like it's a joke, but without any context, it doesn't seem like one, just like the Gabe being racist thing.
189 00:00:00   Random Clipper
190 00:00:00   Nerrev We don't we just get used to it
191 00:00:00   Wowzival
192 00:00:00   AnJello Gabe was being racist?
193 00:00:00   Random Clipper basically, from my own understand, gabe has always been saying "She hates us" to the girls, even before kronii, and normally everyone would just ignore you or missed your chat message
194 00:00:00   Random Clipper but for some reason, kronii was the only one who noticed and responded to gabe's tomfoolery, and he just rolled with it i suppose
195 00:00:00   AgentofShield11 i worry for gabe sometimes
196 00:00:00   AnJello Well
197 00:00:00   Nil I see.
198 00:00:00   Rewind44 Gabriel also has nice comments on the streams
199 00:00:00   AnJello I'm pretty sure Gabe was just saying that as a tease (i think)
200 00:00:00   Nerrev I mean he's been doing this for months like more than half a year, what can we do lol
201 00:00:00   Rewind44 Agent
202 00:00:00   AnJello And if you know Kronii, she talked about going with the flow of things, which I think is the reason she noticed Gabe tomfoolery
203 00:00:00   AnJello And I guess it's just been a running joke?
204 00:00:00   Random Clipper the joke will be that it was never a joke
205 00:00:00   Nerrev She used to but stopped for like the last 2-3 months i think? nowadays its pretty rare
206 00:00:00   AgentofShield11 oh well, at this point, its honestly not on my conscience if gabe has to publish a twitlonger explaining his "tomfoolery" if it ever got taken out of context
207 00:00:00   Random Clipper i mean, gabe seen some shitakis, but a twilonger is the least of his concern
208 00:00:00   AnJello Then what happened to the other Kronies saying "she hates us," "she tolerates us," "she's indifferent," etc
209 00:00:00   Nil Recent events have got me thinking about what people do and don't take seriously around here.
210 00:00:00   Nerrev too late, it's part of kronies lore now
211 00:00:00   Random Clipper tbh, i feel like gabe started that
212 00:00:00   AnJello I see
213 00:00:00   桂木 Heiwa Oh I see
214 00:00:00   AnJello Was this back during the Sonic Adventure or way back?
215 00:00:00   Random Clipper yeah, recent events has been interesting, and dude, i found this one comment that i just absolutely love for some reason
216 00:00:00   Random Clipper clock
217 00:00:00   Rewind44 Silver Pocketwatch
218 00:00:00   AnJello Testing Testing 1 2 3
219 00:00:00   AnJello Silver-Sapphire Pocket Watch
220 00:00:00   Jack pocketwatch
221 00:00:00   桂木 Heiwa
222 00:00:00   Jack
223 00:00:00   Rewind44 Around 3 more weeks until the Golden Pocketwatches right?
224 00:00:00   AnJello I think so
225 00:00:00   Random Clipper 21 days
226 00:00:00   AgentofShield11 yeah, that much closer to such prestige
227 00:00:00   Random Clipper will fc2 get flooded with gold clocks
228 00:00:00   AnJello it'll take longer for me cause I joined late
229 00:00:00   Guysavage Yeah my bank was being annoying and wouldnt let me join membership. Im like a few days late unfortunately
230 00:00:00   Rewind44 Mine will also be late, I only learned about online payments through joining membership on Kronii's channel
231 00:00:00   Random Clipper anyway, i should banish myself from the umbra planes
232 00:00:00   Random Clipper ...
233 00:00:00   Guysavage see ya later RC
234 00:00:00   Rewind44 Good night Random Clipper
235 00:00:00   AnJello Can we all take a moment of silence for hunkiri though
236 00:00:00   AnJello
237 00:00:00   桂木 Heiwa Night Nite RC
238 00:00:00   Rewind44 Hunkirii lost Pocketwatch, but will always be day 1 member in our hearts
239 00:00:00   AnJello
240 00:00:00   Tiny little clock
241 00:00:00   AnJello What a Chad
242 00:00:00   Rewind44 Upgraded New Kromie
243 00:00:00   Sleepy L Night RC
244 00:00:00   Random Clipper
245 00:00:00   Rewind44 Tiny little clock
246 00:00:00   Guysavage Hunkirii is busy with school now...
247 00:00:00   AnJello Birb
248 00:00:00   A Wicked One I'm behind because I didn't really watch kronii at first. Once I started watching it was an easy decision to become a member.
249 00:00:00   Rewind44 Good to have you Wicked
250 00:00:00   AnJello I didn't even know that Council debuted until a month later
251 00:00:00   Rewind44 Jello missed the cube
252 00:00:00   AnJello
253 00:00:00   Rewind44 Superhot VR... man, the memories. Will Kronii be Batman once again?
254 00:00:00   Guysavage i just double checked and looks like im just a day late on joining membership...
255 00:00:00   Guysavage I hate banks!
256 00:00:00   Rewind44 oof
257 00:00:00   AnJello Can't believe the longest running joke that comes back every now and then is SOUP HOT
258 00:00:00   AgentofShield11 we'll see if kronii still has the power of god and anime on her side soon enough
259 00:00:00   桂木 Heiwa I didnt know there is participants in chat(;^ω^). Alright, Kroyasumi
260 00:00:00   Rewind44 See ya Heiwa
261 00:00:00   AnJello don't forget the power of sword
262 00:00:00   Sleepy L G'Night Heiwa.
263 00:00:00   Guysavage Bye Heiwa
264 00:00:00   AgentofShield11 rest well heiwa
265 00:00:00   Sabas Good night Heiwa
266 00:00:00   Rewind44 Sabas
267 00:00:00   Guysavage Sabas
268 00:00:00   AnJello night Heiwa
269 00:00:00   Rewind44 Man the waks and gwaks on that stream were divine, exquisite. Also the first instance of comedic timing
270 00:00:00   AnJello Did you know that Kronii's first "Gwak" was on her 12 Minutes stream?
271 00:00:00   Rewind44
272 00:00:00   AnJello It was when she flipped the button in the bedroom(?) and the lights where red
273 00:00:00   AnJello And she got electrocuted and died
274 00:00:00   Rewind44
275 00:00:00   Rewind44 The most memorable thing I remember from 12 minutes was spamming "babe"
276 00:00:00   AnJello Babe?
277 00:00:00   AnJello Babe?
278 00:00:00   AnJello Babe?
279 00:00:00   AnJello SIS!?
280 00:00:00   AnJello Babe?
281 00:00:00   Rewind44
282 00:00:00   AnJello
283 00:00:00   AnJello Yo when we found out the Babe was actually Sis...
284 00:00:00   Rewind44 Spoilers yo
285 00:00:00   AgentofShield11 ayo can we ban this spambot?
286 00:00:00   AnJello Its not like they're people here who didn't know that that happened
287 00:00:00   Rewind44 There are some who have not watched the earlier streams yet
288 00:00:00   AnJello Spambot? I can't be a spam bot!
289 00:00:00   AnJello Spambot? I can't be a spam bot!
290 00:00:00   Rewind44
291 00:00:00   にぇ bonk the Spamjello
292 00:00:00   AnJello Great, my name has food in it again
293 00:00:00   Sleepy L Spamjello does not sound tasty
294 00:00:00   Rewind44 AnJello gonna get shadow realmed due to Spam crimes
295 00:00:00   にぇ Egg&baconjello
296 00:00:00   AnJello Despair
297 00:00:00   Rewind44 Danganronpa?
298 00:00:00   AnJello Now We Wait...
299 00:00:00   にぇ It's too late for me, gonna sleep
300 00:00:00   AnJello I give you a bro kiss if you know that reference
301 00:00:00   Rewind44 Good night Nie
302 00:00:00   AnJello Night bro
303 00:00:00   Sleepy L Night Nie.
304 00:00:00   にぇ Take care fc
305 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig dont go...
306 00:00:00   Sleepy L I'm going to head out too. Night
307 00:00:00   AnJello Hi Gabe
308 00:00:00   AnJello How are you bro
309 00:00:00   AnJello Night L
310 00:00:00   にぇ It's almost 2am here lol
311 00:00:00   AnJello
312 00:00:00   AnJello How does being on the other side of the world feel
313 00:00:00   AnJello Gabe, I got a serious
314 00:00:00   AnJello Serious question
315 00:00:00   Rewind44 Good night Sleepy L
316 00:00:00   AnJello Okay bye lurkeronii
317 00:00:00   AnJello Has Gabe always been this inactive?
318 00:00:00   Rewind44 I think he became less active when he got in KCT
319 00:00:00   AnJello Man...
320 00:00:00   AnJello Which is odd cause I don't usually see him in KCT
321 00:00:00   Rewind44 He still says the occasional MEAT greeting and though
322 00:00:00   AnJello Yea
323 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Gabe finally took off his batteries and is in standby mode
324 00:00:00   Wowzival welp the Tylenol truck finally died
325 00:00:00   AnJello The what
326 00:00:00   dabombishere123
327 00:00:00   Wowzival my work had a truck that was white in the front and red in the back i called it the Tylenol because it was a pain too drive
328 00:00:00   dabombishere123 RIP Truck-kun
329 00:00:00   AnJello
330 00:00:00   Wowzival transmission just blew out on it
331 00:00:00   Rewind44 RIP, may you be replaced with a truck to challenge Kirby Truck
332 00:00:00   Rewind44 Welcome new Kromie
333 00:00:00   AnJello Tiff welcome
334 00:00:00   dabombishere123
335 00:00:00   Wowzival Tesla Kirby truck
336 00:00:00   dabombishere123 MEAT
337 00:00:00   Wowzival Tiff
338 00:00:00   AnJello I thought you weren't Gabr
339 00:00:00   Rewind44
340 00:00:00   AnJello Jabe
341 00:00:00   AnJello Geb
342 00:00:00   AnJello Have
343 00:00:00   AnJello Gabe*
344 00:00:00   Sabas Jebriel
345 00:00:00   AnJello _Jeb
346 00:00:00   AgentofShield11 my name jeb
347 00:00:00   Rewind44 Stove jebs?
348 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Zatsudan today basically
349 00:00:00   dabombishere123 It’ll be an interesting one
350 00:00:00   Rewind44 takoronie
351 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Rewind , hmm wholesome SCs from the anniversary?
352 00:00:00   AnJello welp
353 00:00:00   AnJello cya chat
354 00:00:00   dabombishere123 I only say that because every single supa is essentially “thank you”, but in different forms.
355 00:00:00   AnJello gonna go back to watching vods
356 00:00:00   Rewind44 Bye AnJello
357 00:00:00   AnJello
358 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Take care, Jello
359 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Kaela almost cried yesterday in her SC reading
360 00:00:00   Rewind44 Lil Blacksmith
361 00:00:00   Just a takoronie It was her birthday sc reading if im not mistaken
362 00:00:00   dabombishere123 The little Blacksmith that could
363 00:00:00   Rewind44 Excited for It Takes Two part 3
364 00:00:00   dabombishere123 It takes 3, to finish It Takes Two
365 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Hopefully
366 00:00:00   dabombishere123 If I could save time in a bottle, the first thing that I'd like to do
367 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Is to save every day 'til eternity passes away just to spend them with you
368 00:00:00   A Wicked One
369 00:00:00   dabombishere123 I hope we can one day get a voice acting stream from Kronii. I know we kinda got it when she read the novels and the digimon games, but like voicing over an anime, or reading a script.
370 00:00:00   Sabas
371 00:00:00   dabombishere123
372 00:00:00   Rewind44
373 00:00:00   TemporalAeon
374 00:00:00   Rewind44 Aeon
375 00:00:00   TemporalAeon
376 00:00:00   Mark Howard
377 00:00:00   Rewind44 Mark
378 00:00:00   Mark Howard May you all have a good day. And hello Rewind44
379 00:00:00   dabombishere123 You as well, Mark
380 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie]
381 00:00:00   Rewind44 Shizuka
382 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie]
383 00:00:00   Mark Howard Sorry I wasn't here today, I was flying a whole day.
384 00:00:00   No. 1729 good morning
385 00:00:00   Rewind44 No. 1729
386 00:00:00   Mark Howard Hi Shizuka
387 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] Hello markand it's ok you don't need to be here every day
388 00:00:00   Mark Howard Good morning NO.1729
389 00:00:00   No. 1729 Rewind, Mark, Shizuka
390 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] those that I've already greet, I'll say hi tomorrow.
391 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] it still night for me
392 00:00:00   No. 1729 How have you been? Mark
393 00:00:00   Mark Howard I know it's okay but just weird for me about the loneliness
394 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] I don't really know how our chaotic free chat helps people from loneliness but I'm glad it does
395 00:00:00   Mark Howard Well pretty much like doing new air man training for this week, I have to lead them and teach them how to fly in different formations and combat simulation, it was quite exhausted.
396 00:00:00   No. 1729 Sounds like a pretty rewarding job, though. It's great!
397 00:00:00   Mark Howard Well I guess to keep someone in company that is a best way to make them feel they are not alone.
398 00:00:00   No. 1729 I think it can be a good day just by greeting good people
399 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] I think I know that in FC there'll always be someone answering you at any time
400 00:00:00   Mark Howard With a little bit dizzy and accomplishment in our hand so yeah it's just like that.
401 00:00:00   Boros is STRONG (and friendly) Daily Reminder #45: Ouro Kronii is dope and based and superlit
402 00:00:00   No. 1729 hey Boros thanks
403 00:00:00   Rewind44 Boros is STRONG
404 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] FC always reminds me that there are other people in the world beside me and my loneliness
405 00:00:00   Mark Howard Hello Boros
406 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] BiS
407 00:00:00   No. 1729 You remind me of Maverick. I hope you don't feel bad about this. Mark
408 00:00:00   Boros is STRONG (and friendly) Hope you guys are doing good, I feel better abou the Kronies after last night
409 00:00:00   No. 1729 you too Boros
410 00:00:00   Mark Howard We are living in the same world, sharing feeling and take care of each other, family and friends, that is civilization is, love you too my friend.
411 00:00:00   Boros is STRONG (and friendly)
412 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] We're Kromies
413 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] that's what we are. A special being made by none other than the perfect warden. Of course we take care of each other
414 00:00:00   Mark Howard Maverick is inspirational, I admire his personality.
415 00:00:00   Boros is STRONG (and friendly) Hope that things are normal tonight
416 00:00:00   Mark Howard Love forever
417 00:00:00   Rewind44
418 00:00:00   No. 1729 yeah
419 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie]
420 00:00:00   Boros is STRONG (and friendly)
421 00:00:00   TemporalAeon scs will also be disabled bc of sc reading, so thats one problem solved
422 00:00:00   TemporalAeon
423 00:00:00   No. 1729 hey Aeon
424 00:00:00   Mark Howard Hello AeonHow's it going??
425 00:00:00   Rewind44 Wait Aeon, did you guys send CSCF during the stream earlier?
426 00:00:00   Boros is STRONG (and friendly) What is CSCF?
427 00:00:00   Rewind44 Reverse the letters
428 00:00:00   TemporalAeon I did, yeah
429 00:00:00   Rewind44
430 00:00:00   TemporalAeon lmao boros
431 00:00:00   Mark Howard Oh I think I understand now.
432 00:00:00   Boros is STRONG (and friendly) Oh I think i got it lmao
433 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] Rewind remember, so he bonk
434 00:00:00   No. 1729 oh
435 00:00:00   Boros is STRONG (and friendly) oh
436 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Misery did as well
437 00:00:00   Rewind44 Misety didn't have plans for a PC fund
438 00:00:00   Rewind44 Misery*
439 00:00:00   No. 1729
440 00:00:00   Mark Howard I still remember how happy kronii was in the holo summer festival, even she was mimic as Chloe, that is funny.
441 00:00:00   TemporalAeon
442 00:00:00   Rewind44 Seeing the clip with imposter Kronii and Kronii
443 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] Even misery was not spare... rewind is on a bonking run
444 00:00:00   No. 1729 collab stream was really fun
445 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] Oh yeah the Kroniixkronii moment was
446 00:00:00   Boros is STRONG (and friendly) Suironii
447 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Lui finally kissing Chloe, but only because it was Kronii wearing the Chloe head
448 00:00:00   TemporalAeon operation pc fund will begin again when walter-kun recovers...eventually
449 00:00:00   No. 1729 hey dabombishere123
450 00:00:00   Rewind44 It's one of the times I wish I had a PC since I wanted to do an old timey Animation with Suisei and Kronii
451 00:00:00   dabombishere123 1729
452 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] btw random questionwhat temperature is considered cold and hot for you guys. I'm curious
453 00:00:00   No. 1729 17 and 29
454 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] mine is probably 18 to 32, I wanna say 16 but the most cold weather I've experienced is 18.
455 00:00:00   TemporalAeon -10 and like...20 as a rough estimate
456 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] damn Eaton is in Antarctica
457 00:00:00   TemporalAeon also lol 1729
458 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] Aeon
459 00:00:00   TemporalAeon I mean, things get pretty cold in canada, especially up north
460 00:00:00   TemporalAeon you get used to it quickly
461 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] Yeah true north is freezing
462 00:00:00   No. 1729 Actually, it's like 15 to 24
463 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] I remember dying, when bathing with water at 18, but -10
464 00:00:00   TemporalAeon oh and ive been through worse than that as well. just gotta bundle up, keep moving and stay in warm places when you can
465 00:00:00   No. 1729
466 00:00:00   TemporalAeon ive also legitimately had a bad case of frostbite before once, because it was just that cold and my hand got wet from snow+ice
467 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] well I might be weak at cold but I'm strong at hot temperature
468 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] yeah I know that tooo
469 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] that's why most of the time being in hot weather is better, there's no such thing as frost bite
470 00:00:00   No. 1729 Did you ask me about the body temperature I feel when I'm wearing clothes?
471 00:00:00   TemporalAeon also, i say bad but it wasnt to the point that i had to like lose my hand or anything. i probably should have gone to see a doctor though, bc i was in excruciating pain
472 00:00:00   No. 1729 oh Aeon
473 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] yeah I know that feeling, it's like a thousand of needle poking in and out your hand king of feeling right
474 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] *kind
475 00:00:00   No. 1729 I'll correct it -5 to 15
476 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] I once carried a big sack of cold ice cubes, and was holding it for like 20 minutes or so my hand was feeling that needle poking pain
477 00:00:00   No. 1729 oh my
478 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] now I'm doubtful 1729
479 00:00:00   TemporalAeon its kinda like that, but also probably a lot worse than you are imagining
480 00:00:00   TemporalAeon at least to the extent that it happened to me that day
481 00:00:00   🌿Misery⏳ Finished the TLC vod, why is Kronii so funny
482 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] yeah it is probably less painful than yours cuz my pain lasted for like only an hour, after that it's ok.
483 00:00:00   TemporalAeon hey Misery!
484 00:00:00   No. 1729 I thought you were asking me what I felt when I was wearing short sleeves Shizuka
485 00:00:00   No. 1729 hey Misery
486 00:00:00   🌿Misery⏳ Heya Aeon
487 00:00:00   🌿Misery⏳ 1729
488 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] what 1729
489 00:00:00   🌿Misery⏳ Shizu *mandible huggu*
490 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] Hello Misery
491 00:00:00   TemporalAeon oh yeah i understood the question as just general "cold" lol, not like with basic clothing or anything
492 00:00:00   TemporalAeon like when youd wake up, check the weather and be like, "oh its gonna be a cold day today"
493 00:00:00   Rewind44 Misery
494 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] yeah
495 00:00:00   No. 1729
496 00:00:00   🌿Misery⏳ Rewind
497 00:00:00   Darkizer
498 00:00:00   No. 1729 hey Darkizer
499 00:00:00   🌿Misery⏳ Heya Darkizer
500 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] I think I gotta go I'm sleepy
501 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] bye guys
502 00:00:00   🌿Misery⏳ Aight, rest well Shizu
503 00:00:00   No. 1729 good night Shizuka
504 00:00:00   🌿Misery⏳ Also I do not want to talk about it at all but I am glad Kronii really put her foot down last stream
505 00:00:00   Rewind44 Gnight Shizuka
506 00:00:00   No. 1729
507 00:00:00   Boros is STRONG (and friendly) Based Misery
508 00:00:00   Boros is STRONG (and friendly) Though I will leave at that
509 00:00:00   TemporalAeon gn Shizuka!
510 00:00:00   TemporalAeon and mhm, yep
511 00:00:00   TemporalAeon
512 00:00:00   Sabas
513 00:00:00   No. 1729 hey Sabas
514 00:00:00   Rewind44 Golden Hourglass
515 00:00:00   No. 1729 welcome new member
516 00:00:00   Sabas
517 00:00:00   Carhillion Good day mah fellow kronies! Just stopping by to greet you guys, now i leave. Until the stream
518 00:00:00   Rewind44 Hi Bye Carhillion
519 00:00:00   No. 1729 take care Carhillion
520 00:00:00   Boros is STRONG (and friendly) See ya later Carhillion
521 00:00:00   JD Cadence Hello everyone
522 00:00:00   Rewind44 JD
523 00:00:00   Sabas bye carhillion, hi JD
524 00:00:00   No. 1729 hey JD
525 00:00:00   No. 1729 How are you?
526 00:00:00   JD Cadence HBU 1729?
527 00:00:00   Rewind44 Oh, the Twilight watchalong was today
528 00:00:00   No. 1729 I think I'll be a little busy today, but I feel good. I wish I could see the stream
529 00:00:00   Boros is STRONG (and friendly) I've never watched the movies, its gonna be funny seeing mid 2000's vampire stuff
530 00:00:00   JD Cadence I hope what you are planning to do goes well for you 1729.
531 00:00:00   Greed Might need a drink to watch that movie
532 00:00:00   No. 1729 same to you JD Thank you as always
533 00:00:00   No. 1729 hey Greed
534 00:00:00   Boros is STRONG (and friendly) Definitely gonna do some sort of game
535 00:00:00   JD Cadence Drinking game??
536 00:00:00   Greed Hey 1729
537 00:00:00   Jack good morning afternoon evening kromies
538 00:00:00   Boros is STRONG (and friendly) Im thinking every time I cringe I take a drink, idk how much cringe there is though
539 00:00:00   No. 1729 hey Jack
540 00:00:00   Boros is STRONG (and friendly) Oh hi Jack!
541 00:00:00   Rewind44 Boros
542 00:00:00   Rewind44 Oops I mean Jack
543 00:00:00   No. 1729
544 00:00:00   Jack woke too early again, pain
545 00:00:00   Rewind44
546 00:00:00   TemporalAeon try not to die boros lmao
547 00:00:00   TemporalAeon hey jack!
548 00:00:00   Jack
549 00:00:00   No. 1729 Jack
550 00:00:00   JD Cadence Hello Greed and Jack
551 00:00:00   Sabas took a sick day because of a sore throat
552 00:00:00   Jack boros
553 00:00:00   Rewind44 Jack
554 00:00:00   Sabas watching vod of climax story live
555 00:00:00   Rewind44 oof Hope you feel better Sabas
556 00:00:00   Boros is STRONG (and friendly) Concert was very good, feel better soon
557 00:00:00   No. 1729 oh Sabas hope you get well soon
558 00:00:00   JD Cadence I hope your recovery goes well for you Sabas
559 00:00:00   Jack sabas
560 00:00:00   MiscDan64 Hey everyone, all going well?
561 00:00:00   No. 1729 hey MiscDan64 all good hbu?
562 00:00:00   JD Cadence All is well at my end, hope it’s going well for you Dan
563 00:00:00   Rewind44 MiscDan64
564 00:00:00   MiscDan64 Going nice and steady today
565 00:00:00   No. 1729 nice
566 00:00:00   No. 1729 It's time to go. I hope you all have a good day. see ya!
567 00:00:00   JD Cadence Have a pleasant (even though it’s going to be busy) day 1729, take care
568 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig
569 00:00:00   Sabas
570 00:00:00   JD Cadence Good afternoon Gabriel, hope you are doing well
571 00:00:00   Rewind44 No. 1729 Bye
572 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig I'm not doing well
573 00:00:00   JD Cadence Well I hope it gets better for you Gabriel
574 00:00:00   Jack Kronii
575 00:00:00   Rewind44
576 00:00:00   Jack
577 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig if you can give me morphine maybe
578 00:00:00   MiscDan64 Wishing good health to everyone here
579 00:00:00   Greed
580 00:00:00   JD Cadence Well maybe I can hook you up
581 00:00:00   JD Cadence Joking around is fun
582 00:00:00   Jack
583 00:00:00   Jack back to sleep.
584 00:00:00   Rewind44
585 00:00:00   Jack
586 00:00:00   JD Cadence Have a good rest Jack
587 00:00:00   Boros is STRONG (and friendly) Sleep well Jack
588 00:00:00   MiscDan64 take care Jack
589 00:00:00   Jack
590 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig my ankle is killing me
591 00:00:00   JD Cadence Joining along with being wholesome ehh Dan??
592 00:00:00   MiscDan64 I feel that JD
593 00:00:00   TemporalAeon defend yourself! kill your ankle before it kills you!
594 00:00:00   JD Cadence Yeah
595 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig I need my ankle...
596 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Technically I already killed it
597 00:00:00   JD Cadence Technically
598 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Was watching Kronii's part in Kaelas stream when I was getting out of the car and I somehow ended up missing my step and sprained it lmao
599 00:00:00   MiscDan64 Why do I find this relatable? lmao
600 00:00:00   JD Cadence Ekkk, imaging that scenario makes me wish for a pleasant recovery Gabriel
601 00:00:00   Rewind44 Hop you feel better soon
602 00:00:00   Rewind44 Hope*
603 00:00:00   MiscDan64 Yeah, hope you take it easy Gabe
604 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig maybe I can sue Kroniie
605 00:00:00   JD Cadence I don’t think that’ll work…
606 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Funny thing is this isn't the first Kronii related motor incident I had
607 00:00:00   dabombishere123 She’s unintentionally dangerous
608 00:00:00   JD Cadence Oh you had more motor-related incidents…
609 00:00:00   MiscDan64 Or maybe that's a you problem, so she'd say
610 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Just have stronger ankles
611 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig She needs to stream when I'm not on the highway
612 00:00:00   JD Cadence I’d imagine her saying that actually Dan
613 00:00:00   Rewind44 I don't think you should sue, you barely have a leg to stand on
614 00:00:00   MiscDan64 I think she actually did at one point lol
615 00:00:00   JD Cadence Omg Rewind…
616 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig statistically speaking...there should be at least one Kronie who died watching Kronii...
617 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Yeah, be careful about getting distracted on the highway I saw a head on collision yesterday. Luckily it happened outside the hospital.
618 00:00:00   JD Cadence Ngl I didn’t expect the sudden pun
619 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Kronii has killed me from cuteness, from hotness, from mald, and from cringe. So there you go, Gabe
620 00:00:00   JD Cadence Damn dabomb, I presume everyone involved with the incident was fine at least?
621 00:00:00   TemporalAeon ohohoho if we're talking accidents...
622 00:00:00   Rewind44
623 00:00:00   TemporalAeon actually im at work now, but i saw one that resulted in multiple deaths and close off a highway for over a week
624 00:00:00   JD Cadence Ooooh story time….
625 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig I want to put Kronii in a self defense situation where she mag dumps me directly at my centre of gravity and then finally double tapping me as I lie on the floor covered in blood..m
626 00:00:00   MiscDan64 I think I could say the same as dabomb, tho I dunno about dying from mald tho
627 00:00:00   JD Cadence Damn, the highway was closed for a week?
628 00:00:00   TemporalAeon yep, i think longer actually, and it was a frequently used highway so a lot of people had to detour through the city
629 00:00:00   KroMefour i mean, freak accidents happen
630 00:00:00   Rewind44 KroMefour
631 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Probably involved high load vehicles
632 00:00:00   KroMefour we had part of a highway here literally collapse from a fire lmao
633 00:00:00   JD Cadence Hello KroMefour
634 00:00:00   TemporalAeon ive told this story here before though
635 00:00:00   KroMefour also hi everyone
636 00:00:00   JD Cadence First time hearing about so I appreciate retelling it Aeon
637 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig imagine Kronii in an auto accident...shes a newbie driver so it wouldn't be surprising...
638 00:00:00   dabombishere123 JD, yes, everyone in the accident was fine. Worst accident I saw was when I was 10. The driver fell asleep and hit a giant boulder. It was a family. The mother in the backseat didn’t have her seatbelt
639 00:00:00   JD Cadence The mental anguish after getting to one will be pretty scarring
640 00:00:00   TemporalAeon wasnt a heavy load vehicle, drunk driver was speeding and uh...well there were a few collisions caused by his actions iirc
641 00:00:00   dabombishere123 And she crushed her son in the passengers seat
642 00:00:00   JD Cadence @Gabriel Kroniig
643 00:00:00   TemporalAeon ive kinda forgotten most of the details tbh
644 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Kronii wouldn't drunk drive...right...
645 00:00:00   JD Cadence Damn dabomb…
646 00:00:00   MiscDan64 That's actually painful to think about...
647 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Worse accident I saw was a policeman was trying to cross a highway at foot and used a whistle but one car wasn't looking and slammed directly at him sending him flying
648 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Oof
649 00:00:00   dabombishere123 JD, we tried to pry the door open and get her off him, but we weren’t strong enough. My uncle held his hand until his last breath
650 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Did he live? @ Gabe
651 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig I dont know
652 00:00:00   Kipa12312 hey, freechat, I see you're all being cheerful as usual
653 00:00:00   dabombishere123 And man we just telling sad stories. Imagine Kronii accidentally runs over a pedestrian, but the kicker is it was actually Gabe.
654 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig My aunt was driving and worked at the hospital he was in
655 00:00:00   dabombishere123
656 00:00:00   Rewind44 Kipa
657 00:00:00   Kipa12312 why dabomb?
658 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig He was in critical condition
659 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Oof. Glad he made it to the hospital
660 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig I would gladly run headfirst into Kroniis car
661 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Rewind, Gabe
662 00:00:00   JD Cadence Hello Kipa
663 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Hi, JD
664 00:00:00   Rewind44 Thanks for stimulating my fear of the road further as I get off work. See you at the stream later Kronies
665 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Kronii would definitely tell stories about her near death experiences once she gets a car
666 00:00:00   JD Cadence I hate people losing their lives over other people’s responsibilities…
667 00:00:00   Kipa12312 that will be a thing
668 00:00:00   Kipa12312 same
669 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig I wouldn't mind if Kronii accidently killed me because she was irresponsible...
670 00:00:00   dabombishere123 See you later, Rewind
671 00:00:00   JD Cadence No problem Rewind, but seriously stay safe out there
672 00:00:00   MiscDan64 I'll be back later folks, sorry to cut this short
673 00:00:00   Kipa12312 take care, Dan
674 00:00:00   JD Cadence See you Dan
675 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Talk to you later
676 00:00:00   Kipa12312 see ya later, Rewind
677 00:00:00   JD Cadence Oh snap I’ve got to head back to continue my shift, I’ll see you guys at the stream later
678 00:00:00   Kipa12312 take care, JD
679 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Dont drive...
680 00:00:00   JD Cadence Way to instill my already big fear in driving Gabe
681 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Dont be like that
682 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Just be afraid of every action you take
683 00:00:00   dabombishere123 JD
684 00:00:00   Sabas yes, remember The Lonely Island song, YOLO
685 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig I live multiple times
686 00:00:00   dabombishere123 My favorite song of theirs was I Just Had S*x feat. Akon
687 00:00:00   Kipa12312 That one is pretty good
688 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Catchy
689 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig you play that song a lot?
690 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Wait zex is filtered
691 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Not as much as I used to when I partied and raved every weekend
692 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig se x
693 00:00:00   dabombishere123
694 00:00:00   dabombishere123 seggs
695 00:00:00   Kipa12312 small eggs
696 00:00:00   Kipa12312 that's what that means right?
697 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig what else is filtered
698 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig fu ck
699 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Deez
700 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Morb
701 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Kronii
702 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig kronii
703 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Why is Kronii filtered
704 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig oh nvm
705 00:00:00   Kipa12312 because you talk about her too much?
706 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig I dont talk about Kr*nii dont be crazy
707 00:00:00   dabombishere123 I used to be a good mormon. With my harem and everything. And then Kronii came into my life…
708 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Mormonronii
709 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Imagine Kronii dressed as a mormon...
710 00:00:00   dabombishere123 What if Kronii had been like Nene and we were all husband-brothers
711 00:00:00   Sabas
712 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig husband-brothers-cousin-boyfriends
713 00:00:00   A Wicked One Imagine kronii as a blues brother
714 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Blue’s Clues?
715 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig didnt he die
716 00:00:00   Sabas there was a blue archive character added recently that I'd like to see kronii fanart of. saori, I think?
717 00:00:00   Sabas oh wait I found the one I saw earlier
718 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig kronii is an azur lane character
719 00:00:00   Sabas kronii dressed up as bruenhilde
720 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig kronii dressed as z16...
721 00:00:00   Sabas
722 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig I remember that Kronii Ulrich pic...
723 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Kronii dressed as Johnny Jojos from Joey's crazy expedition
724 00:00:00   EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time
725 00:00:00   Lambo
726 00:00:00   TemporalAeon
727 00:00:00   Sabas
728 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig NO LEAKING
729 00:00:00   Lambo leak what
730 00:00:00   Sabas I just saw GKids is making studio ghibli movies available for digital rental
731 00:00:00   Sabas dunno what you're talking about gabriel
732 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Nothing
733 00:00:00   TemporalAeon I just like randomly using emotes, idk what you mean
734 00:00:00   A Wicked One Leeks she hates vegetables. NO LEEKS.
735 00:00:00   TemporalAeon
736 00:00:00   Lambo oldman going crazy
737 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Everyone likes using emotes at the same time huh
738 00:00:00   Fish Blub blub blub
739 00:00:00   Sabas means kronii could rewatch princess mononoke for a watchalong
740 00:00:00   Sabas hi Fish!
741 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Fish you're back!
742 00:00:00   Fish
743 00:00:00   TemporalAeon FISH
744 00:00:00   Lambo Fish
745 00:00:00   TemporalAeon your safe this time bc im at work and cannot unleash my full power...
746 00:00:00   Fish
747 00:00:00   Fish *consumes your sins*
748 00:00:00   🌿Misery⏳ movie time soon
749 00:00:00   🌿Misery⏳ After the six Mumei delays, of course
750 00:00:00   Fish *drains your plasma*
751 00:00:00   Kipa12312 thank you, Fish
752 00:00:00   Lambo
753 00:00:00   Fish *quickly escapes via Umani 5*
754 00:00:00   🌿Misery⏳ Aeon you just gonna sit there and lose all your plasma? smh
755 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Godspeed, Fish
756 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon Morning chat
757 00:00:00   A Wicked One Cloud
758 00:00:00   Lambo Cloud
759 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon I need your help because I am not a native english
760 00:00:00   🌿Misery⏳ Helo Clood
761 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Turn into a square, Clood
762 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon What does the mean "fused"?
763 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Saiyan fusion
764 00:00:00   Lambo like fortnite
765 00:00:00   TemporalAeon rushing to finish work stuff for reasons
766 00:00:00   A Wicked One I take it you are conFUSED about something but I have no idea what that could be
767 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon Thank you for your kindness
768 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon Wicked
769 00:00:00   Rewind44
770 00:00:00   Kurozora
771 00:00:00   Rewind44 Kuro
772 00:00:00   Kurozora Am I visible or did I become a ghost
773 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) Guys...
774 00:00:00   hunkirii
775 00:00:00   Rewind44 Yubi
776 00:00:00   Rewind44 hunkirii
777 00:00:00   Kurozora Oh okay ty ty lol just wanted to make sure. Hi Yubi!
778 00:00:00   Lambo Kuro, Hunkirii
779 00:00:00   Lambo Yubi
780 00:00:00   Kurozora Hi Hunkirii and Lambo
781 00:00:00   zamu
782 00:00:00   Rewind44 Lambo ide
783 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) Sup im at work right now
784 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon Rewind, Kuro, Lambo, hunkirii
785 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon and yubi
786 00:00:00   Rewind44 zamu
787 00:00:00   Shannon hello
788 00:00:00   Lambo Rewind, zamu, shannon
789 00:00:00   zamu Hi
790 00:00:00   Rewind44 Shannon
791 00:00:00   Kurozora Shannon, Zamu, Cloud
792 00:00:00   Kurozora Wait my bad hi rewind
793 00:00:00   Shannon breakfast with kronii
794 00:00:00   Rewind44 No leaks okay
795 00:00:00   Lambo
796 00:00:00   🌿Misery⏳ This entire watchalong is just gonna be these two chuckles giggling to eachother
797 00:00:00   Kurozora Oh yeah… I’ve watched all 5 twilight movies… back to back to back to back to back
798 00:00:00   Kurozora That first one is rough… but tbh I think it only goes even more downhill
799 00:00:00   A Wicked One Wait who tortured you?
800 00:00:00   🌿Misery⏳ Hey now WIcked, maybe Kuro just has bad taste!
801 00:00:00   Kurozora I promised I’d do it with a group of friends
802 00:00:00   A Wicked One Good point Misery
803 00:00:00   Kurozora So misery is a twilight fan… duly noted
804 00:00:00   A Wicked One Doing it with friend isn't bad especially with snacks.
805 00:00:00   Kurozora This is why I can stomach the emoji movie and The Last Airbender lol
806 00:00:00   Rewind44 See you all in a few
807 00:00:00   Kurozora Alrighty rewind see ya!
808 00:00:00   🌿Misery⏳ Seeya Rewind, do not die
809 00:00:00   A Wicked One Peace rewind
810 00:00:00   🌿Misery⏳ Speaking of dying has anyone seen Nil lately
811 00:00:00   Lambo cya Rewind
812 00:00:00   Rewind44 Nil was here earlier Misery
813 00:00:00   A Wicked One IN the mornings I think I have. I mostly just lurk around then.
814 00:00:00   Kurozora There’s probably a way better Segway into that topic. But no I haven’t. Hope they’re okay
815 00:00:00   Nil I'm still here.
816 00:00:00   🌿Misery⏳ I see
817 00:00:00   🌿Misery⏳ Ah, so you are
818 00:00:00   🌿Misery⏳ And still alive, presumably
819 00:00:00   Nil Yeah, for what it's worth.
820 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Who’s doing a watchalong?
821 00:00:00   A Wicked One Think it's fauna with mumei
822 00:00:00   🌿Misery⏳ FauMei
823 00:00:00   Kurozora hi Nil!
824 00:00:00   Kurozora yeah it's on Fauna's channel and Mumei is watching with her
825 00:00:00   🌿Misery⏳ Already desynced
826 00:00:00   🌿Misery⏳ Lots of memberships today
827 00:00:00   dabombishere123
828 00:00:00   dabombishere123
829 00:00:00   dabombishere123 ~
830 00:00:00   wo0z hi chat! o7
831 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Hi
832 00:00:00   Kipa12312 wo0z
833 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Hey wo0z
834 00:00:00   Random Clipper
835 00:00:00   AnJello Yo yo yo
836 00:00:00   dabombishere123 This land is mine, this land is free. I'll do what I want but irresponsibly
837 00:00:00   friend 親愛 welcome new members
838 00:00:00   AnJello Wow that's a lot of membership
839 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Das crazy
840 00:00:00   Kipa12312
841 00:00:00   AnJello WAIT THERES A STREAM GOING ON
842 00:00:00   friend 親愛 yes but no notification
843 00:00:00   A Wicked One
844 00:00:00   Greed
845 00:00:00   friend 親愛 man i missed what happened so im confused
846 00:00:00   AnJello Man I hate being a VoD watcher
847 00:00:00   AnJello Discord brosplease
848 00:00:00   AnJello A lot of members
849 00:00:00   Random Clipper borg
850 00:00:00   friend 親愛 welcome
851 00:00:00   Matthew hello free chat
852 00:00:00   friend 親愛 matthew
853 00:00:00   Matthew hey friend whats up
854 00:00:00   friend 親愛 all good just listening to the stream
855 00:00:00   Matthew same just listening while making dinner
856 00:00:00   friend 親愛 nice you cook your own dinner
857 00:00:00   Matthew gotta do what you gotta do to survive and not rely on eating takeout everyday lol
858 00:00:00   Darkizer aw man, i just woke up. and its 6 am..
859 00:00:00   friend 親愛 darkizer
860 00:00:00   Random Clipper
861 00:00:00   friend 親愛 RC
862 00:00:00   Reivin
863 00:00:00   Random Clipper
864 00:00:00   friend 親愛 reivin
865 00:00:00   Rewind44 Reivin
866 00:00:00   dabombishere123 God I love her so much
867 00:00:00   Darkizer aw man.. i just woke up. i dont know what kronii saying.
868 00:00:00   Darkizer everyobe
869 00:00:00   Darkizer everyone
870 00:00:00   friend 親愛 rewind, dabomb
871 00:00:00   Kurozora hi everyone!
872 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Hi hi!
873 00:00:00   Lambo
874 00:00:00   Kurozora time to watch fauna and mumei finish twilight and give myself ptsd
875 00:00:00   Nerrev Ayo? she left a comment on my clip lmao
876 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ)
877 00:00:00   hunkirii I miss her already
878 00:00:00   Yune, the lurking one hello
879 00:00:00   Kurozora ah nice nerrev
880 00:00:00   TemporalAeon remember, no leaking
881 00:00:00   Absurd
882 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Good thing is the watchalong is archived
883 00:00:00   Yune, the lurking one grats Nerrev
884 00:00:00   TemporalAeon phonebouttodiegoodbyeladsseeyouinafewhours
885 00:00:00   Darkizer man can you atleast tell me ? guys i'm not watching..
886 00:00:00   Random Clipper Man, I really really hate notification.... I missed most of it
887 00:00:00   Lambo kronii doko
888 00:00:00   Rewind44 Well time to nap b4 stream starts.
889 00:00:00   Nerrev gonna do the honor to love her comment
890 00:00:00   Yune, the lurking one honestly can't wait for the watch a long. it's been so many years since I watched the land before time
891 00:00:00   AgentofShield11 Oh so it was your clip she commented on nerrev?
892 00:00:00   Nerrev sike time to dlete it- im just kidding
893 00:00:00   Yune, the lurking one I'm really excited
894 00:00:00   Encourage My Own Life To Be Alive. I just arrived before ending
895 00:00:00   Random Clipper Heart the comment, nerrev
896 00:00:00   Chroma Dingus Catcher of Hands Delete it, you won't
897 00:00:00   Nerrev Yeah i was surprised
898 00:00:00   Kurozora are you gonna pin it?
899 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Pin that shiz
900 00:00:00   namedoko I was late too.
901 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Pin it!
902 00:00:00   friend 親愛 heart and pin it
903 00:00:00   Nerrev But I already got a pinned comment..
904 00:00:00   Encourage My Own Life To Be Alive. Pin time
905 00:00:00   Random Clipper Did we stutter
906 00:00:00   Darkizer guys can atleast tell me what the membership talk about pls.
907 00:00:00   Random Clipper Do it nerrev
908 00:00:00   Random Clipper Can't darkizer, this is public
909 00:00:00   Kurozora kronii goes first, right? lol im kidding do whatever you wish
910 00:00:00   Nerrev we can't say that darkizer
911 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Darkzier no we can’t
912 00:00:00   Nerrev i mean of course guys, cmon im just kidding
913 00:00:00   AgentofShield11 I just saw it, pretty much laid out and addressed the issue plain and simple
914 00:00:00   Kurozora sorry man, thats just the rules
915 00:00:00   Kipa12312 no darkizer
916 00:00:00   Kipa12312 sorry
917 00:00:00   Nerrev I can't believe my pinned comment got ratio'd
918 00:00:00   AgentofShield11 If anything, the stream never needed to happen
919 00:00:00   Random Clipper Man.... I missed the first hour
920 00:00:00   namedoko Understandable*
921 00:00:00   Random Clipper Skil issue nerrev
922 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Nerrev who uses ratio in YT?
923 00:00:00   Darkizer uh.. can i leave a new comment in her newest membership vid . can you tell me there ?
924 00:00:00   Nerrev namedoko we didn't see your comment, so we dont know what you were correcting
925 00:00:00   Kurozora the only stream thats happening is the anniversary sc stream
926 00:00:00   Yune, the lurking one it's unarchived
927 00:00:00   Chroma Dingus Catcher of Hands It was the spiciest cereal stream I've ever encountered
928 00:00:00   Darkizer i'll delete it later..
929 00:00:00   Nerrev @Just a takoronie idk man i just learn the words like few days ago
930 00:00:00   Rekkuza What an odd listening experience that was..
931 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Kurozora
932 00:00:00   Rekkuza Also hello there
933 00:00:00   Kurozora hi Rekkuza
934 00:00:00   Yune, the lurking one on a lighter note, who got their Kronii merch?
935 00:00:00   friend 親愛 rekkuza
936 00:00:00   Kurozora but yeah, twilight series is a cursed moviethon i did to myself
937 00:00:00   Kurozora i got my merch. omocat and birthday
938 00:00:00   Random Clipper Hi rekkuza Im just so salty about the member notification right now It didn't inform me about the stream
939 00:00:00   Just a takoronie I mean i mostly see it on twitter combined with: +bozo+you fell off+ deez nuts on your chin and whatever
940 00:00:00   Rekkuza Im still at work. And I listened to that entire thing while doing my job lol
941 00:00:00   Kurozora so im definitely checking that vod to hurt myself because idk why i do it to myself
942 00:00:00   Yune, the lurking one nice. got my birthday today but then had to leave for work lol
943 00:00:00   AgentofShield11 I guess i shouldn’t have worried so much that I missed the first 5 minutes
944 00:00:00   Rekkuza Yeah I was lucky I caught the notification
945 00:00:00   Kurozora that's fair. its essentially a zatsu/podcast
946 00:00:00   Yune, the lurking one it's till in the box at home
947 00:00:00   Random Clipper You know, I was suspicious when the free chat was getting quiet, and before I knew it , i missed like 72 minutes of the stream
948 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Kurozora its what basically it was
949 00:00:00   Shimi nerrev ty
950 00:00:00   AgentofShield11 YT notifs still dogshitake tho
951 00:00:00   Kurozora yep lol
952 00:00:00   Rekkuza Mhm
953 00:00:00   Nerrev Wait what did i do shimi?
954 00:00:00   Shimi kronies
955 00:00:00   Kurozora god rob pat
956 00:00:00   Just a takoronie I was watching inas stream since it was also out of nowhere
957 00:00:00   Rice This is an automated warning to remind you that membership must not be leaked under any circumstance
958 00:00:00   Random Clipper
959 00:00:00   Rewind44 I almost slept early
960 00:00:00   Yune, the lurking one they are. I get notifs of streams 10 mins after they started
961 00:00:00   Kurozora oh yeah it wont be.
962 00:00:00   Kurozora time to
963 00:00:00   Darkizer guys.. can anyone tell me in member sc only. i'll delete after.
964 00:00:00   Just a takoronie So I didn’t catch the notification until it had begun
965 00:00:00   Random Clipper Technically speaking, aren't we already leaking by saying there was a stream, since its unaanounced
966 00:00:00   Shimi nice clip
967 00:00:00   Kurozora im talking about twilight, idk what you guys are talking about
968 00:00:00   Shimi no leak
969 00:00:00   Chroma Dingus Catcher of Hands leaking what. I never saw anything. Ever
970 00:00:00   Rice So shut up
971 00:00:00   Carhillion Being responsible sucks
972 00:00:00   Kurozora rob pat my beloved
973 00:00:00   Nerrev ohhh, thank you. it was such a surprise honestly to see her there o7
974 00:00:00   Kurozora he sparkles
975 00:00:00   namedoko @Nerrev It was a typo.
976 00:00:00   Yune, the lurking one scale of 1 to 10, how bad is twilight?
977 00:00:00   Kipa12312 ropert batmun
978 00:00:00   Just a takoronie A vampire that sparkles
979 00:00:00   Chroma Dingus Catcher of Hands Yes
980 00:00:00   Yune, the lurking one book and movie version
981 00:00:00   Greed 5 tbh
982 00:00:00   EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time 20
983 00:00:00   Encourage My Own Life To Be Alive. I gives 6
984 00:00:00   Kurozora uhh... ill be generous and give it a 3, but its probably a 1 or 2. out of 10
985 00:00:00   Rice Is 10 bad or good?
986 00:00:00   Greed still drinking
987 00:00:00   Yune, the lurking one 10 is good. 1 is bad
988 00:00:00   Carhillion 7
989 00:00:00   Kurozora tho its because i marathoned those movies and some of them hurt my brain
990 00:00:00   Rekkuza 10 out of what?
991 00:00:00   Encourage My Own Life To Be Alive. Then 4
992 00:00:00   Kurozora dont get me started on jacob holy jeez
993 00:00:00   Random Clipper Dude, okay hear me out....
994 00:00:00   AgentofShield11 Objectively speaking they’re mediocre movies, I honestly don’t know why people look down on it so much
995 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Yune 9.5/10 and im not negotiating if its how bad
996 00:00:00   Nerrev i never watch twilight like completely, it was always in the middle of my sister watching it lol
997 00:00:00   Rekkuza Oh.
998 00:00:00   Random Clipper The first twilight movie that I was able to watch... was the last one
999 00:00:00   Kurozora the first one is honestly mid... its whatever... its later where it hurts me haha
1000 00:00:00   Darkizer kromies.. mind one of you telling me what happen 2 hours ago in 【Members Only】Superchat Catchup: Hey Catch . comment section pls ?.
1001 00:00:00   Rice Getting enraged over a teen romance flic was ridiculous back then and it still is now
1002 00:00:00   Reivin TBF the last one its the best one
1003 00:00:00   EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time imagine those who watched on cinema
1004 00:00:00   Darkizer i'll delete after..
1005 00:00:00   Nerrev Darkizer buddy, sorry. We can't
1006 00:00:00   Kurozora im not mad at it, it just gave me memories
1007 00:00:00   EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time it's unarchived
1008 00:00:00   Random Clipper Dude, the last one gave me a seizure, and I didn't knew seizure exist at that time, it was so bad
1009 00:00:00   Kurozora it was fun hatewatching something. its why i can handle emoji movie and the last airbender
1010 00:00:00   Cortana maybe chat in the comment sectionn of that vod?
1011 00:00:00   Encourage My Own Life To Be Alive. never interested in it but I watch it together with my mama. Not that good
1012 00:00:00   Kurozora im that weird
1013 00:00:00   EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time RC
1015 00:00:00   Just a takoronie RC wait what? For real?
1016 00:00:00   Random Clipper Empt
1017 00:00:00   Reivin @Random Clipper imagine the other ones then
1018 00:00:00   EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time LEFT ME ON READ
1019 00:00:00   AgentofShield11 Can’t you DM someone darkizer?
1020 00:00:00   Random Clipper Wait what?!?!?!?
1021 00:00:00   Random Clipper ARE YOU SURE YOU'RE ON THE RIGHT ACCOUNT, EMPY
1022 00:00:00   Kurozora its alwasy team Edward, but thats not saying much
1023 00:00:00   EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time
1024 00:00:00   Nerrev Talking about rob I want batman watchalong
1025 00:00:00   Darkizer aw man.. i thought i'm part of the family
1026 00:00:00   Kurozora that batman movie was rad
1027 00:00:00   Just a takoronie I haven’t seen the batman movie
1029 00:00:00   Nerrev If you're part of the family, won't you understand our responsibility to not share?
1030 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Vesper said he read the entire series and it was trash. I’ll trust his taste
1031 00:00:00   Yune, the lurking one which batman @Nerrev? Christian Bale batman, Batflek? older ones?
1033 00:00:00   Kurozora the rob pat one
1034 00:00:00   Nerrev If we're sharing that would make us betraying the warden's trust
1035 00:00:00   Darkizer yeah but its still in membership video @Nerrev
1036 00:00:00   Nerrev Yeah I was talking about the rob pat, because we're talking about twilight
1037 00:00:00   Reivin I watched and read all the serie too... i wanted to see if it was that bad.. spoiler alert it was
1038 00:00:00   Chroma Dingus Catcher of Hands would it result in us getting shot?
1039 00:00:00   Kurozora oh yeah trust vesper on the books, and trust me on those movies. its not that bad, but i dont think its good at all lol
1040 00:00:00   Yune, the lurking one ohh
1041 00:00:00   Random Clipper Wait empy, I can explain
1042 00:00:00   Flashburn oh goddamn it
1043 00:00:00   Encourage My Own Life To Be Alive. you're not wrong hmm
1044 00:00:00   Flashburn I missed it and its not even archived
1045 00:00:00   EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time my kokoro broke
1046 00:00:00   Random Clipper Wait, the book is actually good?
1047 00:00:00   Kurozora no no no
1048 00:00:00   Random Clipper I know that feeling flash
1049 00:00:00   Nerrev Maybe each to their own, But that's how I treat my loyalty
1050 00:00:00   Kurozora its not
1051 00:00:00   Yune, the lurking one yeah I thought that one was good. but Rob Pat just didn't seem a "good" Bruce Wayne to me, yknow?
1052 00:00:00   EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time book is decent
1053 00:00:00   Random Clipper How many books are there?
1054 00:00:00   Encourage My Own Life To Be Alive. Hope one day there will be more then
1055 00:00:00   Nerrev I mean it's just interesting to see different interpretation of batman
1056 00:00:00   Kurozora 4, RC: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn
1057 00:00:00   Kurozora yeah i didnt mind 90s emo grunge bruce wayne lol
1058 00:00:00   Random Clipper I still find it funny that the only twilight I ever watched were breaking dawn
1059 00:00:00   Kurozora okay which breaking dawn RC, cuz one of those moments are legitimately cursed
1060 00:00:00   dabombishere123 I like him more in Twilight than as Batman
1061 00:00:00   Just a takoronie I literally watched 2 days ago a movie i wanted to go watch in the theater and couldn’t Abraham Lincoln the vampire hunter
1062 00:00:00   Nerrev Physical-wise, I love Ben Affleck's bruce. it's so powerful, strong and.. what was the word that start with g
1063 00:00:00   Random Clipper Loche ness monster, and the dream sequence!!!?!?!
1064 00:00:00   Chroma Dingus Catcher of Hands I managed to escape twilight all together
1065 00:00:00   EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time giga?
1066 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Gigachad?
1067 00:00:00   dabombishere123
1069 00:00:00   Nerrev no you meme head
1070 00:00:00   Encourage My Own Life To Be Alive. Goomba
1071 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Now those are vampires (even tho they were also able to walk in the sun)
1072 00:00:00   EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time
1073 00:00:00   Kurozora gravelly?
1074 00:00:00   Matthew I see that free chat has been revived
1075 00:00:00   Kurozora idk how to spell it
1076 00:00:00   Kurozora hi Matthew
1077 00:00:00   Chroma Dingus Catcher of Hands Gravy
1078 00:00:00   Nerrev oh sorry not g
1079 00:00:00   Just a takoronie RC IT WAS SOOO GOOD MAN!!
1080 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Grisly
1081 00:00:00   Random Clipper Grufty?
1082 00:00:00   EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time GORGEOUS
1083 00:00:00   Encourage My Own Life To Be Alive. Gravity
1084 00:00:00   Random Clipper How do it spell it?
1085 00:00:00   Nerrev i mean Brute lmao
1086 00:00:00   Kurozora LOL yeah that doesnt start with a G
1087 00:00:00   Matthew hey kuro
1088 00:00:00   Kurozora Brute Bruce Wayne
1089 00:00:00   Nerrev i made a mistake
1090 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Ah
1092 00:00:00   Kurozora its okay haha
1093 00:00:00   Nerrev Yeah that's what Ben's batman is
1094 00:00:00   AgentofShield11 Groovy
1095 00:00:00   Encourage My Own Life To Be Alive.
1096 00:00:00   Kurozora can i spoil breaking dawn
1097 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Watchalong with the warden? Abraham Lincoln and the vampire hunter? Or we gonna keep torturing her with cringe
1098 00:00:00   Nerrev shut up agent
1099 00:00:00   Kurozora i dont respect twilight at all so i have no qualms of spoiling
1100 00:00:00   Nerrev
1101 00:00:00   Random Clipper Nerrev hates us
1102 00:00:00   namedoko
1103 00:00:00   Yune, the lurking one gotta head back to work. best of luck to all here in chat and I hope everyone has a good day/night
1104 00:00:00   AgentofShield11 Couldn’t care less kuro go ahead
1105 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Nerrev
1106 00:00:00   Kurozora take care, Yune!
1107 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Take care, Yune
1108 00:00:00   Darkizer agent, can i dm you thou ?
1109 00:00:00   Random Clipper Since nerrev hates kronies, and kronies love kronii, Nerrev hates kronii
1110 00:00:00   Nerrev good luck at work
1111 00:00:00   Encourage My Own Life To Be Alive. I don't mind, I already watch it.
1112 00:00:00   Random Clipper Take care Yune
1113 00:00:00   namedoko Take care Yune
1114 00:00:00   Chroma Dingus Catcher of Hands that maths adds up
1115 00:00:00   Nerrev Random clipper twisting my words... as expected of clipper
1116 00:00:00   Kurozora so Jacob literally imprints on Bella's baby in her belly at the end of breaking dawn part 1 and it broke me and made me wonder why people ever liked Jacob
1117 00:00:00   AgentofShield11 I don’t think I’d explain what happened very well, sorry dark
1118 00:00:00   Encourage My Own Life To Be Alive. Have a nice day
1119 00:00:00   Chroma Dingus Catcher of Hands Civil war 2.0
1120 00:00:00   Random Clipper Next video title: Nerrev the kronii clipper actually hates kronii
1121 00:00:00   Kurozora this dude thought a fetus was his soulmate and i ded
1122 00:00:00   dabombishere123 He’s a p*do!??
1123 00:00:00   Reivin do we get the red letter tumbnail for Nerrev?
1124 00:00:00   Encourage My Own Life To Be Alive.
1125 00:00:00   Nerrev I will hunt you down
1126 00:00:00   AgentofShield11 D:
1127 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Damn, what a degenerate series lmao
1128 00:00:00   Encourage My Own Life To Be Alive. :D
1129 00:00:00   Nerrev the only one who can do whatever they want to me is the warden herself
1130 00:00:00   Random Clipper You can kill me, but you can't kill my channel
1131 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Nerrev is me?
1132 00:00:00   Nerrev *with
1133 00:00:00   Rice I feel bad for the actors for having to live with that as their image
1134 00:00:00   Random Clipper its over nerrev, you lost :krodab:
1135 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Yeah, like avada kedavra you, Nerrev
1136 00:00:00   Kurozora Rob Pat and Kristen Stewart are doing great for themselves now at least
1137 00:00:00   Chroma Dingus Catcher of Hands Which one of you has the high ground?
1138 00:00:00   Random Clipper dude, like imagine how traumatic it was for the actors
1139 00:00:00   Nerrev by kronii's own wand? hell yeah
1140 00:00:00   Kurozora and my girl Anna Kendrick? shes doing great too
1141 00:00:00   Rice Any Potter know it alls wanna make a custom wand for Kronii?
1142 00:00:00   Nerrev fun fact though, twilight saved Rob pat's career and life, so technically that gives us the new batman which I appreciate. so I don't mind twilight
1143 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Rice, don’t feel bad. Taylor Lautner made a worse movie where he plays a mentally handicap guy
1144 00:00:00   AgentofShield11 I SAW THAT RC GET THAT A$$ BANNED
1145 00:00:00   Kurozora still, the best twilight scene is that baseball scene in the first movie. its so silly but im willing to admit i enjoyed it
1146 00:00:00   Random Clipper
1147 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Bless Pattinson
1148 00:00:00   Kipa12312 what he say?
1149 00:00:00   Kurozora Rob Pat is based
1150 00:00:00   Reivin
1151 00:00:00   Rice It's just fans get so serious about movie/tv characters
1152 00:00:00   Rice Like that actor who plays Geoffrey from GoT
1153 00:00:00   Kurozora oh yeah, people got really crazy about it huh
1154 00:00:00   Rice That poor guy
1155 00:00:00   Nerrev what rice said
1156 00:00:00   dabombishere123 The Ridiculous 6 is what the movie was called. So goofy
1157 00:00:00   AgentofShield11 Sounds awfully a lot like an industry we’re familiar with rice
1158 00:00:00   Rice He was just doing a great job
1159 00:00:00   Nerrev the girls was going crazy back in the days
1160 00:00:00   Kurozora yeah, hes supposed to be hated. he was doing his job as an actor
1161 00:00:00   Random Clipper Dude, the Geoffrey guy is such a great actor
1162 00:00:00   Rice I'm not bringing that up again Agent but yes you're correct
1163 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Kronii room doko....
1164 00:00:00   Kurozora people really cant see between fiction and reality sometimes, and thats sad
1165 00:00:00   Reivin same happened to the capt America from the netflix series
1166 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Its JEOFFREY
1167 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig ITS A J NOT A G
1168 00:00:00   EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time IT'S J
1169 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE DID THIS WHEN I WAS A GOT FANS
1170 00:00:00   Nerrev the one from GoT ?
1171 00:00:00   Random Clipper Okay, the next you're gonna say is that its jif and not gif
1173 00:00:00   Nerrev It's Geoffrey, gabe
1174 00:00:00   Carhillion
1175 00:00:00   Rice If I said I spelled it that way on purpose to trigger any GoT fans would you believe me?
1176 00:00:00   Nerrev wth are you talking about
1177 00:00:00   dabombishere123 It’s GIF like GILF
1178 00:00:00   Chroma Dingus Catcher of Hands It's levioSAAAAAAA
1179 00:00:00   Random Clipper ITS JIF
1180 00:00:00   EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time whattt
1181 00:00:00   Rice Stop it Ron Stop it
1182 00:00:00   Carhillion Lasier
1183 00:00:00   EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time good the message was not sent
1184 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Anyone watching house of the dragon?
1185 00:00:00   Nerrev so like jpeg
1186 00:00:00   Random Clipper LMAO RICE, GODDAMNIT
1187 00:00:00   Reivin chat is going to get shadow banned for that RC
1188 00:00:00   Nerrev I plan to, heard it exceeds some of the expectation
1189 00:00:00   EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time jif is peanut butter
1190 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Also, I wasn’t aware that Geoff, was pronounced Gay-off. True story
1191 00:00:00   Reivin What? really?
1192 00:00:00   Nerrev Gabe is literally balding right now
1193 00:00:00   Just a takoronie I want to start it but GoT disappointed me in the end so idk
1194 00:00:00   Cortana 4k to 800k!!!
1195 00:00:00   Nerrev i mean malding, sorry
1196 00:00:00   AgentofShield11 JIF?! I don’t eat that garbage, I’m all about that skippy!
1197 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Well, my teacher’s was in high school, think he was Scottish?
1198 00:00:00   Random Clipper Man, Im still so salty
1200 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Kiara is watching it
1201 00:00:00   Kurozora alright ill probably see you all later for the sc stream, albeit lurking. its bball night. take care everyone
1202 00:00:00   EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time bball?
1203 00:00:00   Kurozora ball is life
1204 00:00:00   Just a takoronie “Bran the broken” that pissed me off soooo bad
1205 00:00:00   Reivin happy lurking
1206 00:00:00   Chroma Dingus Catcher of Hands
1207 00:00:00   Chroma Dingus Catcher of Hands Have fun
1208 00:00:00   EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time oh
1209 00:00:00   AgentofShield11 See ya later kuro! Best of luck on pulling for red tomorrow
1210 00:00:00   Random Clipper Ball with the bros
1211 00:00:00   Nerrev I'm gonna get some food too, see you guys in 2 hours i guess?
1212 00:00:00   Random Clipper Take care kuro Nerrev :kroasy
1213 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Yep, see ya Nerrev!
1214 00:00:00   EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time i'm taking a nap
1215 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Kuro
1216 00:00:00   Matthew take care nerrev
1217 00:00:00   EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time tuck me in RC
1218 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Later nerrev and emperor
1219 00:00:00   Orange Robot Back from exercising and eating dinner with family. Looks like I missed the gorilla
1220 00:00:00   Sylvynです
1221 00:00:00   EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time
1222 00:00:00   TrollingJugs
1223 00:00:00   Nerrev bye
1224 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Hey. She’s going to the gym, Rob. Don’t gotta be so harsh on her
1225 00:00:00   AgentofShield11 Oh don’t worry orange, you didn’t miss anything important
1226 00:00:00   Orange Robot Sleep well, Emperor
1227 00:00:00   Rice Please come again
1228 00:00:00   AgentofShield11 Take care nerrev, emperor
1229 00:00:00   Random Clipper No, die maidenless empy
1230 00:00:00   AquaticLettuce hello chat
1231 00:00:00   Random Clipper Just kidding*tuck empy in*
1232 00:00:00   EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time
1233 00:00:00   Orange Robot I will just have take your word for it Agent.....
1234 00:00:00   Rice Did you just come in?
1235 00:00:00   Random Clipper Lettuce
1236 00:00:00   Darkizer i doubt you too agent
1237 00:00:00   Rice I swear you were here
1238 00:00:00   EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time guys this emperor spirit brother, he just died
1239 00:00:00   Chroma Dingus Catcher of Hands It's nothing to worry about, except for [Redacted]
1240 00:00:00   AquaticLettuce youre seeing things rice
1241 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Aquatic
1242 00:00:00   Rice Tell me about i
1243 00:00:00   EMPEROR SPIRITS of Time
1244 00:00:00   Reivin hello emperor Spirit how should we adress you?
1245 00:00:00   Random Clipper
1246 00:00:00   Rice ZX Emperonii should be Missing No. now
1247 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Emperor, if you smoke can I call you Hempy?
1248 00:00:00   AgentofShield11 Well anyways gonna catch up on some wrasslin, I’ll see y’all later
1249 00:00:00   Darkizer agent, i'll dm you one day okay.
1250 00:00:00   Darkizer agent
1251 00:00:00   Random Clipper Agent
1252 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Agent
1253 00:00:00   Random Clipper
1254 00:00:00   Esper, Wizard of Time So, the membership stream was unarchived. Well too bad for me.
1255 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Room is up… no prechat
1256 00:00:00   Random Clipper Oh dude, its the honeium art
1257 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Looks so beautiful
1258 00:00:00   Cortana she looks like she is going to get married
1259 00:00:00   hunkirii She's gonna get married to Kronii...
1260 00:00:00   Random Clipper Dude, that boros in the bouquet, ah so cute
1261 00:00:00   Cortana married to kronii
1262 00:00:00   AquaticLettuce banger anniversary art
1263 00:00:00   Just a takoronie I just noticed theres a kronie with something on its face….
1264 00:00:00   Just a takoronie The one in the box
1265 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Prechat
1266 00:00:00   Chroma Dingus Catcher of Hands oh, I see that one. oh my
1267 00:00:00   Just a takoronie what type of kronie is that?
1268 00:00:00   TrollingJugs cute thumbnail
1269 00:00:00   Greed GOT MCDONALD'S LET'S GO
1270 00:00:00   Chroma Dingus Catcher of Hands Jealous
1271 00:00:00   MiscDan64 I'm back, everyone
1272 00:00:00   Orange Robot Isn't that the artwork from the Kronii anniversary website?
1273 00:00:00   Just a takoronie I got subway for a damm 2nd day in a row
1274 00:00:00   Random Clipper greed
1275 00:00:00   MiscDan64 I think it might be, Orange
1276 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Yes it is
1277 00:00:00   hunkirii
1278 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 It would be nice to have a member wall where people can talk about member stuff.
1279 00:00:00   MiscDan64 ey Hunkirii
1280 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 Not a free chat though, that would divide the community.
1281 00:00:00   MiscDan64 To be green again...
1282 00:00:00   Random Clipper
1283 00:00:00   Flashburn I missed it... I need to see it...
1284 00:00:00   hunkirii
1285 00:00:00   MiscDan64 ey Flash
1286 00:00:00   Cortana who is the one in the box?
1287 00:00:00   Orange Robot @BlackKnight03 Well the FC discord just opened up a members only chat room. Need to show proof of membership though
1288 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig It was kinda yabai...
1289 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Don't watch it Flashburn...
1290 00:00:00   hunkirii Me
1291 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Our relationship with her might never recover...
1292 00:00:00   hunkirii
1293 00:00:00   Chroma Dingus Catcher of Hands I'm still recovering
1294 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) ...
1295 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig I don't know if I should remain a Kronie now
1296 00:00:00   MiscDan64 What are we even talking about?
1297 00:00:00   Karona Kronii the merchless
1298 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Maybe I should become a fulltime Sapling
1299 00:00:00   Flashburn No, I must
1300 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig LEAKER
1301 00:00:00   Chroma Dingus Catcher of Hands
1302 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) Huh
1303 00:00:00   Flashburn my own damn fault for having a bad sleep schedule
1304 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) just gonna say Kronii hates me...
1305 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig I'm sorry Flasburn...there are no legal ways to watch it...unless?
1306 00:00:00   MiscDan64 Are we all talking doom tonight?
1307 00:00:00   Flashburn as if that's ever stopped me
1308 00:00:00   Zenya
1309 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Oh yeah
1310 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Yes we are
1311 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig The SC reading
1312 00:00:00   namedoko
1313 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Flasburn is missing it
1314 00:00:00   Zenya Don't be doomy, Be happy Gabe
1315 00:00:00   Chroma Dingus Catcher of Hands It's okay, Yubi. You'll get over it somehow
1316 00:00:00   Zenya
1317 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) Nah Kronii hates me forever sadly
1318 00:00:00   Cortana she hates me more?
1319 00:00:00   Random Clipper zenya
1320 00:00:00   MiscDan64 Days like this where I wish I could keep my positivity afloat
1321 00:00:00   Rekkuza Can't be positive all the time.
1322 00:00:00   MiscDan64 That's a sad truth right there
1323 00:00:00   Rekkuza It is, but it's commendable you at least try to keep it up.
1324 00:00:00   Rekkuza Just don't do it to the point where it feels like a lie.
1325 00:00:00   Kameroni if you are upset after kronii's last stream please just unsub and leave
1326 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) What last stream?
1327 00:00:00   Random Clipper Bruh, chill kameroni, don't need to be out for blood
1328 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) we didnt have a last stream
1329 00:00:00   MiscDan64 I try what I can anyway. You meet so many curveballs by the day that it challenges your way of thinking. and I seriously hate what that brings every time it does
1330 00:00:00   Flashburn very funny, Kronii. The members' post is gone now too.
1331 00:00:00   Esper, Wizard of Time Don't say that Kameroni. Everyone need "Time" to heal.
1332 00:00:00   Kameroni last public, and not out for blood, just they will be happier not watching
1333 00:00:00   Random Clipper Flash
1334 00:00:00   Random Clipper Can I cry on your shoulder flash
1335 00:00:00   Random Clipper Just chill man
1336 00:00:00   Flashburn we've always been kindred spirits, RC
1337 00:00:00   Random Clipper Flash
1338 00:00:00   MiscDan64 I seem like I try to keep the good vibes going but truth of the matter is I'm still fighting with my pessimism every waking moment. It's hard to stay positive sometimes, I'll admit that now
1339 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) Chill man she already talked about it, people will understand or not, like people that think im a real schizo
1340 00:00:00   Rekkuza Hm
1341 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Good vibes are overrated
1342 00:00:00   Rekkuza Well at least you're being honest about it, I suppose, Dan
1343 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Use the power of hate
1344 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon Oh room is up but of course there is no prechat
1345 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig It can work to your favor
1346 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig It's been up for 4 hours...
1347 00:00:00   MiscDan64 Now now, I don't think I'll ever stoop that low. I'm just riddled with too much stress to the point where it eats at me like crazy
1348 00:00:00   Rekkuza Hm
1349 00:00:00   dabombishere123 That Yubi Pucker pal, he’s a real schizo
1350 00:00:00   MiscDan64 I just don't show it as I'd rather not be a nuisance to everyone else
1351 00:00:00   Random Clipper I mean dan, you wanna talk about it!>!>.
1352 00:00:00   Random Clipper !?!?
1353 00:00:00   Random Clipper It's okay man, you're not even close to the biggest nuisance I have here (Freaking looking at you, you little shiz)
1354 00:00:00   Rekkuza Well, as I've said, you're free to talk here, just know that it's a public chat.
1355 00:00:00   Random Clipper Better delete that before she wakes up
1356 00:00:00   MiscDan64 Thanks Rekkuza, I'm making full note of that. No worries RC, you're good
1357 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig My advice really is simple
1358 00:00:00   Rekkuza I have no qualms about venting here, it's just my usual warning.
1359 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig You're gonna die
1360 00:00:00   Rekkuza At some point yes.
1361 00:00:00   Chroma Dingus Catcher of Hands
1362 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Maybe tomorrow, maybe 10 years maybe a 100
1363 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Worrying about the future and all your troubles is a very integral part of the human condition
1364 00:00:00   MiscDan64 Understood. Despite all the stress I face, I'm always quick to assure myself it'll all be okay
1365 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) that sounded like a threat at first
1366 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig But you should realize that in the end that'll all fade away like water
1367 00:00:00   Fish Blub blub blub
1368 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Thinking about stuff that doesn't bring you joy is pointless
1369 00:00:00   Just a takoronie I was literally gonna tell gabriel wtf? Until the later messages
1370 00:00:00   Chroma Dingus Catcher of Hands water you doin
1371 00:00:00   namedoko The fish is right
1372 00:00:00   Fish Is there still sins in the water, I'm still hungry
1373 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) I could add. look for any help / good things you can get. no matter how small
1374 00:00:00   Just a takoronie I agree with the fish
1375 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig I'd rather think about when I can eat chicken
1376 00:00:00   Kameroni
1377 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Or when there's the next Kronii stream
1378 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Or did I fulfill my daily f*p quota for the day
1379 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) mmm
1380 00:00:00   Random Clipper Ah fesh Would be nice if you return my spinal fluid now
1381 00:00:00   hunkirii
1382 00:00:00   Just a takoronie RC wtf
1383 00:00:00   Kameroni people are weird here...
1384 00:00:00   Fish *devours your sins* now live absolved
1385 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Oh wait
1386 00:00:00   Orange Robot Go to FC discord for that, Gabe
1387 00:00:00   Fish *drinks more spinal fluid*
1388 00:00:00   Chroma Dingus Catcher of Hands This is normal (probably)
1389 00:00:00   Fish *quickly escapes via Class-U dimensional rift*
1390 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) You really miss stuff when you aren't in free chat for a while
1391 00:00:00   Flashburn NO
1392 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig I just reminded myself of the quota
1393 00:00:00   Flashburn dont bring him there
1394 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Brb
1395 00:00:00   Random Clipper Ah goddamnit, he out smart me again
1396 00:00:00   MiscDan64 I always did consider Kronii one of my biggest motivational sources. Just watching her play or talk with us is enough to help me get through the day
1397 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ)
1398 00:00:00   Kameroni I hope Kronii collabs with them soon
1399 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) Dan, that's a good things. just remember to not depend too much
1400 00:00:00   MiscDan64 Of course, I still have good friends by my side that I always talk to regularly
1401 00:00:00   Rekkuza That's good to hear.
1402 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) 1 whole week of tempus collabs
1403 00:00:00   Kameroni @Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) BASED
1404 00:00:00   MiscDan64 Abraxas spitting facts, honestly
1405 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Dan, it’s good to have good friends to talk to that you can trust
1406 00:00:00   Kipa12312
1407 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Also same Dan
1408 00:00:00   Just a takoronie X2
1409 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) friends are good
1410 00:00:00   MiscDan64 I always did have a decent circle of friends. And that includes getting to know you all here. I'm grateful for each of you, no matter what
1411 00:00:00   Kameroni yeah idk about that
1412 00:00:00   dabombishere123
1413 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ)
1414 00:00:00   dabombishere123 You gotta commit to it fully
1415 00:00:00   Random Clipper Friends
1416 00:00:00   Kameroni sending it too hard tho
1417 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) hope you have a good time in this questionable chat
1418 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) Friends...
1419 00:00:00   dabombishere123
1420 00:00:00   Rekkuza It's questionable at times
1421 00:00:00   Rekkuza I'll give you that.
1422 00:00:00   MiscDan64 I'm used to the questionable nature at this point. It comes with the Hololive rabbit hole we've submerged in. But I know we're all here to make great memories with those we care for
1423 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) i wonder who fault is that this chat is questionable
1424 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) always all in good fun
1425 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Shut up Yubi
1426 00:00:00   Kameroni we all know who
1427 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ)
1428 00:00:00   Just a takoronie With how everything is currently rolling everywhere, the best thing is to enjoy the now fully and make memories because the future is unknown and right now everything is unpredictable
1429 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) Yeah probably some weirdo
1430 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) Cant be me
1431 00:00:00   MiscDan64 Takaronie raises a good point. It's easy to take for granted what we have now. Best thing we can do is make the most out of the time we have with our oshis, no matter who you support
1432 00:00:00   TopNepGear Yo room is up already!?
1433 00:00:00   TopNepGear Maybe I wasn't paying attention and she put it up earlier
1434 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) Yeah room up since a while ago
1435 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) yubi is the calmest, most civilzed chatter
1436 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) Of course
1437 00:00:00   MiscDan64 That I don't doubt for a minute
1438 00:00:00   Random Clipper You know, im scared
1439 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Why RC?
1440 00:00:00   Random Clipper This has been moving so fast lately that I don't know how to feel
1441 00:00:00   MiscDan64 Why's that?
1442 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) "This"?
1443 00:00:00   Random Clipper Don't know, just a feeling
1444 00:00:00   TrollingJugs
1445 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) Jugs
1446 00:00:00   Just a takoronie PTSD from idk if this can’t mentioned so i would guess everyone knows who and what i mean
1447 00:00:00   MiscDan64 Take it from me, don't overwhelm yourself too much RC
1448 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) was gonna say. take things slow and calm as best as you can
1449 00:00:00   桂木 Heiwa Kronniichiwa~(。・_・。)ノ♡
1450 00:00:00   MiscDan64 On the flip side, just sitting here talking about it does help calm my nerves. So I'm really glad you guys are here to talk when we really need it
1451 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) Heiwa
1452 00:00:00   Ritsu kronichiwa Heiwa
1453 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ)
1454 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser)
1455 00:00:00   MiscDan64 ey Heiwa!
1456 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Yea don’t overwhelm yourself RC
1457 00:00:00   TrollingJugs hope everyone's doing alright
1458 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Ritsu, heiwa
1459 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ)
1460 00:00:00   MiscDan64 Doing much better than earlier, thanks! @TrollingJugs
1461 00:00:00   oMEGaAD whoa whats going on? you guys doing ok?
1462 00:00:00   Ritsu did someone follow what kronii say? wait... can we talk about this?
1463 00:00:00   Ritsu i just wake up and see the comments
1464 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig If everyone is gonna be heavy
1465 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig I guess I'll be honest too
1466 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig I...
1467 00:00:00   MiscDan64 You love Kronii, right?
1468 00:00:00   KroMefour probably shouldn't in free chat, no. i'm sure she'll make a summary post about it tho
1469 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ)
1470 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Actually like Kronii
1471 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig WHOA
1472 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) whoa
1474 00:00:00   Kameroni
1475 00:00:00   Ritsu kromefour maybe you right
1476 00:00:00   Ritsu
1477 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig She's great but not love great gosh
1478 00:00:00   KroMefour gabe you literally went bald for her
1479 00:00:00   KroMefour lol
1480 00:00:00   MiscDan64 Just saying what I knew from the start is all lmao
1481 00:00:00   oMEGaAD damn i wish i didnt miss that unarchive stream, im out of the loop here
1482 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig I was gonna shave anyway
1483 00:00:00   Kameroni it was just Kronii calling out the schizos all good @oMEGaAD
1484 00:00:00   KroMefour did your hair grow back yet
1485 00:00:00   桂木 Heiwa I m here to say Hi and See ya o(^-^o)(o^-^)o
1486 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Yeah
1487 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Until the next bet maybe
1488 00:00:00   oMEGaAD well hopefully she feels better, she was having so much fun during that stream
1489 00:00:00   KroMefour @Kameroni there was a lot more to it than "schizos bad" tbh
1490 00:00:00   Ritsu you are not the onlyone missed maybe she'll talk about it later
1491 00:00:00   namedoko See ya Heiwa
1492 00:00:00   MiscDan64 I'm sure she'll be fine, I know Kronii's made of strong stuff to let this get the better of her
1493 00:00:00   KroMefour again wait til she (hopefully) posts a summary about it
1494 00:00:00   Ritsu bye~ heiwa
1495 00:00:00   Just a takoronie I mean the more she talks about it the more fuel for the other channels who live by drama stuff
1496 00:00:00   Kameroni she read a paragraph about getting help...
1497 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Huh ame going for sports and gura big brain
1498 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Yeah like Nerrev
1499 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Why nerrev lol
1500 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon check
1501 00:00:00   Kameroni Don't say peoples names...
1502 00:00:00   MiscDan64 ey Cloud, everything ok?
1503 00:00:00   🌿Misery⏳ Unusual crowd today
1504 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon Hi Dan, thank you for asking, I'm good
1505 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Its okay
1506 00:00:00   KroMefour well things are more hectic than usual today, misery
1507 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Nerrev isn't people
1508 00:00:00   Ritsu moring cloud
1509 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Sup cloud
1510 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon I just got my receipt and
1511 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ)
1512 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon FINALLY GOT SILVER WATCH
1513 00:00:00   MiscDan64 Awesome!
1514 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) nice
1515 00:00:00   oMEGaAD still waiting on my merch Sadness
1516 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Nice
1517 00:00:00   Rekkuza Ayo
1518 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig You got it before hunkirii lmao
1519 00:00:00   Just a takoronie cool!
1520 00:00:00   hunkirii
1521 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon But I am still late for 6 months
1522 00:00:00   Kameroni Kronii literally appreciated and commented on Nerrev's post...
1523 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Oh he's here
1524 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Kronii just doesn't know Nerrev like how I know him
1525 00:00:00   Kameroni
1526 00:00:00   Just a takoronie But whats with nerrev?
1527 00:00:00   🌿Misery⏳ Huh, well
1528 00:00:00   Ritsu
1529 00:00:00   🌿Misery⏳ Hope y'all are good, seeya at the stream
1530 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) cya Misery
1531 00:00:00   MiscDan64 Thanks Misery, it's all good now
1532 00:00:00   Ritsu bye misery
1533 00:00:00   Rekkuza See ya, Misery
1534 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Later misery
1535 00:00:00   hunkirii If i check the membership tab on her channel i can see my other badge...
1536 00:00:00   Random Clipper Misery
1537 00:00:00   Rice Mmm this soju tastes so good
1538 00:00:00   Random Clipper I get drunk from soju
1539 00:00:00   Ritsu
1540 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Nerrev is the Devil
1541 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig I HATE HIM
1542 00:00:00   Just a takoronie How can ame do 2 streams with just 30minutes between them seriously
1543 00:00:00   Ritsu Ame online see you guys later
1544 00:00:00   Ritsu
1545 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) fight,fight,fight
1546 00:00:00   Kameroni can't tell if he is serious
1547 00:00:00   MiscDan64 Anyway, I can't thank you guys enough for this talk. I always try to keep the peace but I won't deny I have my off days time to time. Good folks like you are the best~
1548 00:00:00   namedoko See ya Ritsu
1549 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) Dan
1550 00:00:00   Ritsu
1551 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Later ritsu
1552 00:00:00   MiscDan64 Take care Ritsu!
1553 00:00:00   Ritsu see ya guys
1554 00:00:00   Random Clipper Ritsu
1555 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Dan
1556 00:00:00   MiscDan64 No use getting worked up over everything when you have so much good going for you~ I speak for all of us when I say this
1557 00:00:00   MiscDan64 I stress easily, but I'm always quick to count my blessings
1558 00:00:00   Sabas
1559 00:00:00   MiscDan64 what's up Sabas?
1560 00:00:00   Sabas oh just observing free chat, don't mind me
1561 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ)
1562 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Sabas
1563 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig O-Oh no...I feel sleepy...
1564 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) power nap
1565 00:00:00   MiscDan64 All good Sabas. We were venting our stress out, but the moment's now passed
1566 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Wanna quote an eminem song for that but nah, go take a nap gabe
1567 00:00:00   Random Clipper Sabas
1568 00:00:00   Sabas yes, take a nap
1569 00:00:00   MiscDan64 Yeah, take it easy Gabe
1570 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig No...its so close...
1571 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser)
1572 00:00:00   Kameroni
1573 00:00:00   AquaticLettuce just an hour nap Gabe
1574 00:00:00   AquaticLettuce in and out real fast
1575 00:00:00   MiscDan64 In n Out sounds good right about now
1576 00:00:00   AquaticLettuce arent you cst dan? you got in n out near you?
1577 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon Remember, caffeine nap causes brain damages slowly
1578 00:00:00   Random Clipper
1579 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon It's like borrowing sleeps from loan sharks
1580 00:00:00   MiscDan64 That I am Aquatic. If only that were the case
1581 00:00:00   MiscDan64 That's to say nah, it's not nearby
1582 00:00:00   AquaticLettuce unlucky
1583 00:00:00   AquaticLettuce Five Guys tho would be me go to alternative
1584 00:00:00   Rice I once went to a job interview where in the middle of it all I pulled a book out and started reading it.
1585 00:00:00   Rice The guy asks The hell are ya doin?
1586 00:00:00   Rice I ask him: "If you get in your vehicle and go at the speed of light and you turn your lights on what would happen?
1587 00:00:00   Rice He says: I don't know
1588 00:00:00   A Wicked One Five guys is good if you want to go in debt for a burger and fries. They don't even pack the bag with fries like they used to.
1589 00:00:00   Rice I tell him: Forget I asked, I don't wanna work for you anymore
1590 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) Rice
1591 00:00:00   MiscDan64 ey Rice! how goes it?
1592 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig No prechat...
1593 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) Oh sup Rice
1594 00:00:00   Rice Oh hey
1595 00:00:00   Rice Who wants to drink with me? I'm on my second bottle.
1596 00:00:00   Chroma Dingus Catcher of Hands
1597 00:00:00   Chroma Dingus Catcher of Hands Bottle of what
1598 00:00:00   TemporalAeon I have no alcohol or money to afford it...
1599 00:00:00   Rice Soju
1600 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) (I'm just having coffee tho)
1601 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Also, stores are closed near me
1602 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) im at work i cant drink with you sadlyalso because im driving back home
1603 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 Testing 1, 2, 5.
1604 00:00:00   Chroma Dingus Catcher of Hands I just have a small amount of whiskey
1605 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 Not drinking stro zero?
1606 00:00:00   A Wicked One bk
1607 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) good test BK
1608 00:00:00   Rice They don't sell it here
1609 00:00:00   Rice Gotta order it on Amazon or something
1610 00:00:00   Rice That stuffs just juice anyways
1611 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 Indeed, it's how I get my calorie mates.
1612 00:00:00   MiscDan64 how goes it BK?
1613 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) BK! is nice to talk with you again
1614 00:00:00   Rice Oh!
1615 00:00:00   Rice Bk
1616 00:00:00   Rice How many supas this stream
1617 00:00:00   John Kronii my beloved
1618 00:00:00   Rice You always know
1619 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) 573
1620 00:00:00   John
1621 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 Only 557.
1622 00:00:00   Rice Really? that little?
1623 00:00:00   Rice Who told me over 900?
1624 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) damn almost
1625 00:00:00   Random Clipper Lmao
1626 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) @Rice is 1017 if you count members Free SC
1627 00:00:00   KroMefour rice almost got memed on...
1628 00:00:00   Rice Those never count
1629 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) maybe they count the other Stream Sc but yeah is gonna be a 3-4 hours stream
1630 00:00:00   A Wicked One Yeah they're kind of pointless
1631 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 If she were to read the free member supas too,
1632 00:00:00   Rice Also Thank you BK
1633 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 It would be 1703.
1634 00:00:00   John
1635 00:00:00   Rice I can always count on you
1636 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) 1703?!
1637 00:00:00   Rice Yubi what are your sources?
1638 00:00:00   Rice Always gettin it wrong
1639 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 I just luck out with information.
1640 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) my poor memory
1641 00:00:00   Chroma Dingus Catcher of Hands This checks out
1642 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) im at work i cant check any sources lol
1643 00:00:00   Rice You'll never pass the bar with that attitude
1644 00:00:00   MiscDan64 Everything okay? Making sure the good vibes are still flowing
1645 00:00:00   Rice I feel fine.
1646 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) Working at comcast at doing my law school things are differents things in one i wanna drop everything and it the other im having so much fun
1647 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) all good here, just sleepy
1648 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) i feel great! just tired from
1649 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) life...
1650 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ)
1651 00:00:00   Lambo life indeed
1652 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) But man its been a while since i talked with Rice or Bk, i still remember the first prechat and me talking with the old kronies
1653 00:00:00   Juntal Calos
1654 00:00:00   MiscDan64 I know how that feels Yubi. But it's okay, it'll always get better
1655 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) Calos... i dont remember you in the first prechat... did you change your name?
1656 00:00:00   Rice What do you mean? I'm literally here every livestream
1657 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) idk if I talked much in first prechat
1658 00:00:00   hunkirii who aare the old kronies...
1659 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) i mean talking not me just kissing around
1660 00:00:00   Juntal Calos I am FC member
1661 00:00:00   Rice That's your fault isn't it?
1662 00:00:00   Guysavage im 68 years old
1663 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) Well kinda... but is also kronii fault!
1664 00:00:00   MiscDan64 oh hey Guysavage!
1665 00:00:00   Rice I don't wanna hear it
1666 00:00:00   Juntal Calos My first Kronii stream was her getting back from Disney trip I think?
1667 00:00:00   Guysavage sup Dan
1668 00:00:00   Rice That was in November
1669 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) Guysavage
1670 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 I don't even remember the early pre-chats. Ha ha dementia
1671 00:00:00   Rice Late November
1672 00:00:00   Guysavage Abraxas
1673 00:00:00   Juntal Calos I haven't been around for a full year yet
1674 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) The old kronies are Rice, Bk, Kc, Guysavage, Pandapov, Atomic, Atlas, Midknight and... i dont remember more names
1675 00:00:00   MiscDan64 the OG veterans
1676 00:00:00   Rice Don't call me old you zygtote
1677 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) oh also Gabe!
1678 00:00:00   Rekkuza I guess I don't count cause I lurked for a while lol
1679 00:00:00   Sabas
1680 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) wasn't gantai around early too? dunno if debut tho
1681 00:00:00   Juntal Calos I was watching Mumei before that
1682 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) also Sabas!
1683 00:00:00   MiscDan64 it's alright Rekkuza, you're never too late for Kronii
1684 00:00:00   Rekkuza Well considering I was there from the start...
1685 00:00:00   AquaticLettuce lurked for a good part of the first couple months
1686 00:00:00   Rekkuza But you are correct
1687 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) I usually lurk too or just emotes
1688 00:00:00   Flashburn I was too late for Kronii...'s member stream today
1689 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 Press F for Flash
1690 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) Rekkuza and Aquatic also i remember you guys in like the 4 prechat
1691 00:00:00   Rice Shush you leaker you
1692 00:00:00   Lambo same Lettuce
1693 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) I remember Bk asking me if i already got my kissing permission or something like that
1694 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) and 2 weeks later i got kronii permission
1695 00:00:00   hunkirii I've been here since the start but i didn't use to talk a lot for the first streams...
1696 00:00:00   Nerrev wait, why was Gabe calling me devil, what the heck just happened
1697 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ)
1698 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) @Nerrev tsun gabe you know the usual halu
1699 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon
1700 00:00:00   Nerrev Oh the usual, got it
1701 00:00:00   MiscDan64 Yeah, it's all good
1702 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) I remember us trying to stop yubi...
1703 00:00:00   Juntal Calos The first thing I remember about Yubi was back when so many called you their wife
1704 00:00:00   Random Clipper
1705 00:00:00   Juntal Calos I was always confused at prechat
1706 00:00:00   Kipa12312 lmao
1707 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) oh right i was chat wife for a while
1708 00:00:00   AquaticLettuce the what
1709 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) Kipa
1710 00:00:00   AquaticLettuce so thats why she called you a traitor
1711 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Huh interesting, i was not aware of that
1712 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) IM NOT A TRAITOR!
1713 00:00:00   MiscDan64 hey Aeon, all good?
1714 00:00:00   Rice You're better off not knowing
1715 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Hey, Abraxas
1716 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Hey Dan!
1717 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Yeah im good
1718 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ)
1719 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig OPEN
1720 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig In maybe 20 minutes
1721 00:00:00   Velessia lol
1722 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) GABE I looked...
1723 00:00:00   Lambo
1724 00:00:00   MiscDan64 I'll be there when it's close to stream time. I just wanna relax for a good while longer
1725 00:00:00   Rice It's empty. Is today a 3 bottle day?
1726 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) have a good relaxation Dan
1727 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) Maybe she is taking a nap right now
1728 00:00:00   A Wicked One Might as well be Rice
1729 00:00:00   Rice You're goddamn right
1730 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon she made a room 90 minutes ago
1731 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) maybe nap after that
1732 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 At least things are back to business as usual and fun now that the big cloud has been addressee.
1733 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Yep it's gonna be a pretty chill stream I think
1734 00:00:00   MiscDan64 and I like tuning in to chill streams
1735 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 I wonder what BGM she'll use for this?
1736 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) the usual...
1737 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) unless...
1738 00:00:00   Rice Your mom
1739 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) *DIES*
1740 00:00:00   Sabas
1741 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ)
1742 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 That doesn't even make sense.
1743 00:00:00   Rice Who I'm sure is a wonderful lady
1744 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 Rice, we got to train you in the arts of bants.
1745 00:00:00   Sabas she should get some new music to change it up a bit
1746 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) mom playing instrument bgm
1747 00:00:00   Sabas second season of ouro kronii
1748 00:00:00   MiscDan64 Too soon to call but since tonight's about anniversary I know I'm gonna be crying. I still can't get over the actual Kroniiversary stream, that tugged at my heart and then some
1749 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon I hope 30 mins Prechat
1750 00:00:00   TopNepGear 30 minutes...
1751 00:00:00   John
1752 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) its all my fault...
1753 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 Never, Someboby is synonymous with Kronii. The piano, the bass, the bar ambiance .
1754 00:00:00   MiscDan64 It all just suits her perfectly
1755 00:00:00   🌿Misery⏳ My anniv SCs are not labeled as "Mommy Misery" I won the gamble
1756 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig NO CRYING
1757 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Oh right I should check that
1758 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Oh god please dont be DaddyAeon for those
1759 00:00:00   hunkirii
1760 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) ...
1761 00:00:00   🌿Misery⏳ You are just Temporal Aeon
1762 00:00:00   Rice You LOSE! GOOD DAY SIR!
1763 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon I am still unforgiven
1764 00:00:00   🌿Misery⏳ We are in the clear
1765 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Oh thank god
1766 00:00:00   MiscDan64 Thanks for keeping me in check Gabe. In all seriousness, I still can't get over the thought. I've only been watching for several months now and getting to know Kronii so well has been a life changer
1767 00:00:00   Lambo
1768 00:00:00   Carhillion Yo... I'm back
1769 00:00:00   Sabas nerrev tagged himself as the perv kronie? I would've expected gabriel
1770 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie]
1771 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon Hi back
1772 00:00:00   Sabas
1773 00:00:00   Random Clipper
1774 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) WB Carhillion
1775 00:00:00   MiscDan64 ey Carhillion!
1776 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie]
1777 00:00:00   A Wicked One I only did a CSCF so I'm chilling. Figured I left a message on the project anyway.
1778 00:00:00   MiscDan64 It's all good Wicked. Any bit of support is always appreciated
1779 00:00:00   AnJello Ello Chat
1780 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ CSCF is valid, even though it will not be read
1781 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) Jello
1782 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Hello Jello
1783 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Yeah cscf is secret
1784 00:00:00   Random Clipper
1785 00:00:00   MiscDan64 Didn't have to do em that bad Misery lmao
1786 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Shizuka and Misery
1787 00:00:00   Random Clipper Freechat 2 supas isn't a secret anymore
1788 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] You're mommy again
1789 00:00:00   Random Clipper And whatchu gonna do about it kronii, nothing
1790 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Yes, but the warden still does not...
1791 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Oh no
1792 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ I am always mommy
1793 00:00:00   Carhillion Mommy misery
1794 00:00:00   Juntal Calos
1795 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon
1796 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Anyways, the warden doesnt read them regardless, so we can still say we fly under the radar
1797 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie]
1798 00:00:00   Orange Robot Misery is both mommy and daddy since they're a hivemind
1799 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon Mommysery
1800 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Do not worry DaddyAeon, I will not harass you this time~
1801 00:00:00   Random Clipper Now Kith
1802 00:00:00   Carhillion That makes sense since you lay eggs...
1803 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] Daddy Aeon
1804 00:00:00   Juntal Calos
1805 00:00:00   A Wicked One Yeah that was a thing
1806 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon 24 minutes but no prechat
1807 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 Can we eat the eggs?
1808 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ On an unrelated not I have coffee!
1809 00:00:00   Random Clipper She hates us
1810 00:00:00   TrollingJugs
1811 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ You can eat the eggs but make sure to pass them before they hatch
1812 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] she hates us cloud
1813 00:00:00   TemporalAeon YEAAAH MISERY ONE OF US
1814 00:00:00   AnJello
1815 00:00:00   TemporalAeon
1816 00:00:00   Carhillion Coffee
1817 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon Monster Energy!
1818 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ lmao I was confused for a second
1819 00:00:00   Clock-kun Kroniichiwa Kronies! I missed the bonking..
1820 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) gotta get me a new coffee too
1821 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ I prefer energy drinks tbh but coffee was all I could get on short notice
1822 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon Clock kun
1823 00:00:00   TemporalAeon I used to drink way too many energy drinks, but I think if i continued down that path, I would have actually had a heart attack by now
1824 00:00:00   Clock-kun @Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon
1825 00:00:00   Kipa12312 now you choose coffee
1826 00:00:00   TemporalAeon I went: Energy Drinks > Soda > Coffee
1827 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] Also Hello Misery, Aeon, Carhillion, RC, Cloud, Jello, JC, BK, Wicked, Orange, Dan, Ethon, Clockkun and Kipa
1828 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon I drink 2 cans of Monster per day and my heart is still OK
1829 00:00:00   MiscDan64 ey Shizuka!
1830 00:00:00   A Wicked One Shizuka
1831 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Although the amount of coffee i drink is significantly less than how much I used to drink
1832 00:00:00   Carhillion Shiz
1833 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Hey Shizuka!
1834 00:00:00   AnJello Jesus Christ Cloud
1835 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon Shizuka
1836 00:00:00   John
1837 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ 2 cans is reasonable
1838 00:00:00   Juntal Calos
1839 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Shizu *big bug hug*
1840 00:00:00   AnJello Shizuka
1841 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Oh yeah 2 cans isnt bad...Dont ask how many i drank daily
1842 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] Hello John
1843 00:00:00   Carhillion aw okay
1844 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon I missed "at least"
1845 00:00:00   MiscDan64 b...but how many tho
1846 00:00:00   ZA
1847 00:00:00   John hi shizuka
1848 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon ZA, John
1849 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] wait you're not slimy kind of insect right Mommy
1850 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon 20 Minutes left but...
1851 00:00:00   Random Clipper pet the kronies
1852 00:00:00   Random Clipper And punt the shiz
1853 00:00:00   ZA fc
1854 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon RC WAIT
1855 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] RC
1856 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon Use this
1857 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ I am only slimy under the exoskeleton
1858 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) ...eh?
1859 00:00:00   Clock-kun @Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie]
1860 00:00:00   Carhillion
1861 00:00:00   AnJello Speaking of energy drinks, I had a 24 fluid oz can of NOS thats been keeping me awake for 2 days straight (except for like 1 hour of sleep)
1862 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] Then I'm good with huggiies
1863 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Yeah!
1864 00:00:00   AnJello Still have a little bit left for VoDs tonight
1865 00:00:00   Rice I know that feel
1866 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] Yubi
1867 00:00:00   Kipa12312 good luck jello
1868 00:00:00   John you look happy
1869 00:00:00   Rice Except without the energy drink
1870 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] Rice
1871 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon I use SI metrics so I don't understand how much 24 oz is
1872 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Why don't you just listen to them al at the same time, and pretend it's a bunch of different Kroniis?
1873 00:00:00   hunkirii I wish i could use energy drinks...
1874 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ 24 Oz is a lot of wizards....
1875 00:00:00   AnJello Plus, I finally worked in a long time, so that really helped wake me up tonight
1876 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon
1877 00:00:00   Rice almost 710 mL
1878 00:00:00   Carhillion misery...
1879 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] Hunkirii
1880 00:00:00   RTSE I don't think oz have magic
1881 00:00:00   AnJello Oh you
1882 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon Thank you @Rice
1883 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) hi cute one
1884 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] Hello RTSE
1885 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ At work we use metric so I do not understand imperial
1886 00:00:00   RTSE
1887 00:00:00   Rice np
1888 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) RTSE
1889 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon RTSE
1890 00:00:00   RTSE I never understand imperial
1891 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ What is RTSE short for?
1892 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] brb in 15 min
1893 00:00:00   RTSE It's just my nickname
1894 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon Real time speedrun Elite?
1895 00:00:00   hunkirii imperial hate
1896 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Hunki hates Emperor
1897 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Ruby Trismegistus Sapphire Emerald?
1898 00:00:00   Random Clipper i have resurrected from shiz's death blow
1899 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Oh welcome back RC!
1900 00:00:00   Clock-kun Chat still dead on the SC catchup..
1901 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon
1902 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Good job RC
1903 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Prechat...
1904 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) Kronii...
1905 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ The prechat is inside me, quick hop in my mouth
1906 00:00:00   AnJello It stands for Rolling Turtles and Super Entities
1907 00:00:00   AnJello idk
1908 00:00:00   Orange Robot I'm tired from chatting in the FC Discord. I think Imma lurk and chill now.
1909 00:00:00   TopNepGear Wow I got first in prechat
1910 00:00:00   Clock-kun @Gabriel Kroniig yeah, prechat, I stand corrected.
1911 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Nep is a liaronie???
1912 00:00:00   AnJello L i a r
1913 00:00:00   Guysavage nice try nepgear but i actually got first comment
1914 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Jegus the list of trustworthy kronies get smaller every day
1915 00:00:00   Sabas liaronies are why I have trust issues
1916 00:00:00   Random Clipper Confirm, Im the first dislike in the prechat
1917 00:00:00   Carhillion liaronies
1918 00:00:00   Clock-kun @Guysavage I saw your mousepad on some Vtuber news channel. Very cultured.
1919 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon
1920 00:00:00   AnJello I can't believe Gabe has liaronies followers
1921 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Bleh gonna miss the start due to watching dogs
1922 00:00:00   Guysavage lol thanks i might bring the pillow next
1923 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ I have trust issues because the scientists put a treat out for me and when I went to eat it they put a giant cup over me
1924 00:00:00   Rice Don't you mean Watchdogs?
1925 00:00:00   TopNepGear You mean one of the clippers who did what she said not to and twisted her words while delivering a clickbait title?
1926 00:00:00   RTSE watching dogs
1927 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) ...
1928 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Prechat doko...
1929 00:00:00   MiscDan64 as a kronie myself, my biggest goal is just to leave a nice impact on my oshi. I don't think of myself as crazy or outright funny, but just cheering her on and supporting her is all I can really do
1930 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) Its all my fault Gabe... im sorry
1931 00:00:00   Random Clipper My biggest goal as a kronie is to ribbon
1932 00:00:00   AnJello Heyo Misc
1933 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ)
1934 00:00:00   MiscDan64 I mean it IS a nice ribbon RC. ey Jello!
1935 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Goals....
1936 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig
1937 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon My goal...
1938 00:00:00   AnJello My biggest goal as of now is to GET OUT OF BEING VOD GANG ...while also trying to workout like Kronii
1939 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) Goal: Survive
1940 00:00:00   Kipa12312 gws and gsh RC
1941 00:00:00   AnJello Arms hurt
1942 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ "trying to workout like Kronii" is easy, you just chill at home
1943 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) my goal is kissing kronii
1944 00:00:00   MisterVeeg I just provide support
1945 00:00:00   MiscDan64 Just the knowledge I'm leaving a good impression on her is more than enough for me
1946 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Dont forget the subway, Misery
1947 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Thats her secret to success
1948 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Subway
1949 00:00:00   John
1950 00:00:00   A Wicked One My goal is to get filthy rich and blow it all on CSCF
1951 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Oh right sorry yeah you gotta lift one sammich a day
1952 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Hey Wicked if you make it big, send some cash my way
1953 00:00:00   MisterVeeg and occasionally the illusory irritated threat of dropkicks and suplexing people into the sun
1954 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) after that... idk go back to my jp account lol
1955 00:00:00   TopNepGear My goal is to get Kronii to finally say she loves us
1956 00:00:00   Rewind44 I didn't oversleep today
1957 00:00:00   Berserk Knight Not even 10 minutes left and no pre-chat?
1958 00:00:00   A Wicked One Rewind
1959 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon my wish is that the case she needs my blood will not happen
1960 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Sounds kinda sad Yubi
1961 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) Rewind
1962 00:00:00   Carhillion
1963 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon
1964 00:00:00   MiscDan64 I don't think I'll ever be one to send SCs or anything like that, but just leaving the most supportive comments is all I can really do. that and the ocasional drawing, I know I have the knack for it
1965 00:00:00   Flashburn Kronies don't deserve anything nice, like pre-chat
1966 00:00:00   John 8 mins
1967 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) well is gonna take a while to kiss kronii
1968 00:00:00   Sabas I'm not one of the weird kronies nor talented like the artists so the occasional super here and there is all I can do
1969 00:00:00   John
1970 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ)
1971 00:00:00   MiscDan64 Flash is onto something there
1972 00:00:00   AnJello its going to be a 5 minute free chat prob
1973 00:00:00   Carhillion prechat is a lie...
1974 00:00:00   Random Clipper Prechat up
1975 00:00:00   Orange Robot Same, Sabas. I'm not an artist or anything like that. At most I could write something
1976 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon
1977 00:00:00   TemporalAeon RC YOU LIED TO ME
1978 00:00:00   Clock-kun @Random Clipper Liaronii?
1979 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) RC
1980 00:00:00   TemporalAeon I TRUSTED YOU
1981 00:00:00   Rekkuza LOL
1982 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳
1983 00:00:00   Rewind44
1984 00:00:00   Random Clipper Wait its not up for you guys
1985 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon *sad cat photo
1986 00:00:00   Flashburn how could you, RC...
1987 00:00:00   Sabas add him to the list
1988 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Well have fun catching the start I will join you guys later
1989 00:00:00   MisterVeeg take care
1990 00:00:00   Random Clipper Maybe I am special after all
1991 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Seeya Juntal!
1992 00:00:00   A Wicked One Kronii out there getting flan for the reading
1993 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon Good luck Juntal
1994 00:00:00   John
1995 00:00:00   Rekkuza Take care, Juntal
1996 00:00:00   A Wicked One Peace Juntal
1997 00:00:00   Random Clipper Jun
1998 00:00:00   Clock-kun @Juntal Calos
1999 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ No cacti dates JC
2000 00:00:00   MiscDan64 Peace
2001 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) cya Juntal
2002 00:00:00   Guysavage see ya later juntal
2003 00:00:00   AnJello ?
2004 00:00:00   Rewind44 See you later Jun
2005 00:00:00   Juntal Calos I gotta watch dogs... two 1 year old puppies
2006 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon
2007 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ But who watcches the Juntals
2008 00:00:00   AnJello Anyways seems like its around 5 minutes left. That's my que chat
2009 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon Of course Kronii in the wall
2010 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ que?
2011 00:00:00   Carhillion 1 minute prechat
2012 00:00:00   AnJello I can't english, arms hurt
2013 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) prechat
2014 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Understandable
2015 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) Prechat...
2016 00:00:00   AnJello Believe in the Kronii and you'll get prechat
2017 00:00:00   Random Clipper 10 bucks that Kronii overslept
2018 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon She hates me
2019 00:00:00   John
2020 00:00:00   AnJello Anyways, have fun in the stream
2021 00:00:00   Clock-kun 20 says Kronii banned kissing in prechat
2022 00:00:00   RTSE That's a sucker bet and you know it
2023 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ 10 minutes says Kronii underslept -10 minutes, five dollar
2024 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) ITS ALL MY FAULT...
2025 00:00:00   Orange Robot I'm just here to vibe
2026 00:00:00   Sabas damnit yubi
2027 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon suffering...
2028 00:00:00   MiscDan64 My man Orange~!
2029 00:00:00   AquaticLettuce prechat is kil
2030 00:00:00   TrollingJugs
2031 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ no...
2032 00:00:00   TrollingJugs no
2033 00:00:00   Tate Aniki Kronii your prechat reps
2034 00:00:00   AnJello 5 gifted Kronii didn't oversleep
2035 00:00:00   Rice Aaand my 3rd bottle is empty
2036 00:00:00   Sabas Rice...you good?
2037 00:00:00   Abraxas Ethon (ᚨᛒᚱᚨᚲᛊᚨᛊ ᛖᚦᛟᚾ) OPEN
2038 00:00:00   Random Clipper 20 bucks that kronii thought "gonna take a short nap" and overslept
2039 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Damn you are downing that soju rice
2040 00:00:00   Rewind44 Rice?
2041 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig CLOSED
2042 00:00:00   AnJello K bye
2043 00:00:00   Random Clipper Dude I like soju, but like I get drunk on half a bottle
2044 00:00:00   Rice I'll tell you in Pre
2045 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ I do not trust anyone with a homestuck related pfp
2046 00:00:00   Rewind44 Pre is up
2047 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Okay well getting drunk on half a bottle is kinda sad lol
2048 00:00:00   RTSE IT'S U
2049 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Starting on time? Sasuga time warden...
2050 00:00:00   Pluviam Ambulare Hi FC
2051 00:00:00   MisterVeeg howdy
2052 00:00:00   Random Clipper plam
2053 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Hey Plum!
2054 00:00:00   A Wicked One Pluv
2055 00:00:00   Flashburn Pluv
2056 00:00:00   ZA
2057 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Plaumv
2058 00:00:00   Rewind44 Pluviam
2059 00:00:00   Rewind44 MommyMisery...
2060 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Yes, Rewind?
2061 00:00:00   Random Clipper
2062 00:00:00   Zenya
2063 00:00:00   Orange Robot
2064 00:00:00   Carhillion At this point it doesn't even surprises me anymore
2065 00:00:00   Rewind44 Orange
2066 00:00:00   TemporalAeon
2067 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ SUBWAY AGAINNNNNN
2068 00:00:00   Pluviam Ambulare Never change, Warden
2069 00:00:00   Random Clipper Lmao kronii
2070 00:00:00   TemporalAeon WARDEN I SWEAR ON MY LIFE
2071 00:00:00   TemporalAeon STOP EATING SUBWAY
2072 00:00:00   TemporalAeon AT LEAST PUT VEGGIES ON THE SUB
2073 00:00:00   Orange Robot This intro
2074 00:00:00   Rewind44 Tuna sandwich
2075 00:00:00   Orange Robot Tuna subs are pretty tasty tbh
2076 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Hey who bet the 5 gifted subs
2077 00:00:00   ZA kronii as the subway ambassador
2078 00:00:00   Rewind44 Kronii cant Krommunicate s3
2079 00:00:00   Carhillion subway warden...
2080 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Technically she did not oversleep, pay up
2081 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Wasnt me lol I dont got money to bet
2082 00:00:00   Sabas I swear to god, this warden of ours
2083 00:00:00   Rewind44
2084 00:00:00   Random Clipper
2085 00:00:00   Orange Robot Okay, I love her for this
2086 00:00:00   Sabas warden of eating fresh
2087 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ omg
2088 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ I thought you said "warden of eating flesh"
2089 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ I love my cannibal oshi
2090 00:00:00   Orange Robot There's your next SC idea, Misery
2091 00:00:00   Flashburn
2092 00:00:00   Pluviam Ambulare Your mental filter to only listen to what you want to hear is impressive
2093 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ hm...
2094 00:00:00   Carhillion Carnivore oshi not cannibal bro
2095 00:00:00   Random Clipper Goddmnit kronii
2096 00:00:00   Random Clipper She's so cute
2097 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Oh... ah... sure... yeah, you right Car....
2098 00:00:00   TemporalAeon
2099 00:00:00   Rewind44 Kronii pls dont try to chuckle while eating
2100 00:00:00   Orange Robot I can't help but laught out loud at this
2101 00:00:00   TemporalAeon This is quality stream content right here
2102 00:00:00   Rewind44 Kronii...
2103 00:00:00   Mellow where is she
2104 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Its been 10 minutes lmao
2105 00:00:00   Pluviam Ambulare In the future you'll have to imagine your own vtuber
2106 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳
2107 00:00:00   A Wicked One Time mutt typing it's not even her
2108 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Free entertainment, just imagine the stream in your mind
2109 00:00:00   Rewind44
2110 00:00:00   桂木 Heiwa
2111 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Look at her
2112 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Gaze upon her
2113 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Love her
2114 00:00:00   Orange Robot Still eating
2115 00:00:00   TemporalAeon In all her righteous glory
2116 00:00:00   Rewind44 Mukbang stream
2117 00:00:00   TemporalAeon HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO EAT A SUB
2118 00:00:00   ZA lol
2119 00:00:00   Orange Robot footlongs can take about 15-20 min
2120 00:00:00   Orange Robot if you eat slow and not choke
2121 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Damn, you guys eat slowly lol
2122 00:00:00   Mellow 3-5 mins?
2123 00:00:00   Rewind44
2124 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Yeah it would take me like 5 mins for a footlong
2125 00:00:00   Random Clipper LMAO
2126 00:00:00   Rewind44 Echo?
2127 00:00:00   Orange Robot TTS warden
2128 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ COME ON REALLY
2129 00:00:00   Pluviam Ambulare All new Kronii voicepack
2130 00:00:00   TemporalAeon LMAO
2131 00:00:00   Orange Robot She has truly embraced the TTS voice
2132 00:00:00   Mellow mic sounds weird?
2133 00:00:00   Rewind44
2134 00:00:00   Random Clipper Does she has permissio nto use TTS
2135 00:00:00   Pluviam Ambulare Mellow... er... is just...
2136 00:00:00   TemporalAeon It isnt kronii talking lmao
2137 00:00:00   ZA the warden of text-to-speech
2138 00:00:00   Rewind44 my sides
2139 00:00:00   Rewind44 Edoman
2140 00:00:00   TemporalAeon
2141 00:00:00   Random Clipper Edoman
2142 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Kronii.... lmao what is happening
2143 00:00:00   Rewind44 This dang warden
2144 00:00:00   Random Clipper Look at her, she's laughing at us
2145 00:00:00   Orange Robot This stream is truly blessed
2146 00:00:00   Pluviam Ambulare She is wheezing in her chair
2147 00:00:00   Flashburn oi, @Random Clipper , I got the VOD
2148 00:00:00   Mellow changed mic again?
2149 00:00:00   Flashburn go look
2150 00:00:00   Rewind44 Dont say that name Kronii
2151 00:00:00   Pluviam Ambulare Mellow...
2152 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Mellow lmao
2153 00:00:00   Random Clipper
2154 00:00:00   Rewind44
2155 00:00:00   Greed
2156 00:00:00   Rewind44 What time sorcery is this
2157 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ I cannot tell if she sounds more or less like TTS now...
2158 00:00:00   Orange Robot I would unironically like TTS voice to read my supa
2159 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Eugh, I hate those streams where they have the TTS that reads out donation messages
2160 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ It always intrudes on the stream in annoying ways
2161 00:00:00   Mellow TTS is so advanced now, you can have virtually any voice
2162 00:00:00   Orange Robot Yeah, I'm not gonna include those in my streams.
2163 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Can it imitate my voice?
2164 00:00:00   Orange Robot Although the notification sounds are much more annoying
2165 00:00:00   Pluviam Ambulare This is going to be a long one if she read them all
2166 00:00:00   Random Clipper Aww, look at rice getting all sweet and cute
2167 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig I'm gonna be hydrated
2168 00:00:00   Mellow honestly this is what i like about vtubers, the stream experience is way smoother and organized
2169 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Idk lol, everything froze
2170 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Oh Gabe is here
2171 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ This Rice is all soggy and sappy
2172 00:00:00   Flashburn This could take a while, not that I mind
2173 00:00:00   Pluviam Ambulare Gabe only shows during streams when he isn't looking at them... what does this mean...
2174 00:00:00   Random Clipper This rice is all cute
2175 00:00:00   Orange Robot My metal heart will burst from all this wholesomeness
2176 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ All these heartfelt messages gonna make mine sound disingenuous
2177 00:00:00   Orange Robot Looking over hololyzer, a lot of people left multiple SCs. I only left one $20 supa.
2178 00:00:00   Juntal Calos
2179 00:00:00   TemporalAeon I REGRET SENDING THOSE SCS
2180 00:00:00   TemporalAeon I SHOULD HAVE CSCF'D INSTEAD
2181 00:00:00   Pluviam Ambulare I'll be your bottom of the barrel, I didn't do anything
2182 00:00:00   TemporalAeon I DONT WANT HER TO READ MINE LMAO
2183 00:00:00   Random Clipper I don't have supas, all I have is an anniversary message sent by an anony
2184 00:00:00   Mellow imagine a subway collab, going to subway and asking for a kronii combo.
2185 00:00:00   Rewind44 Subway
2186 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ It would be like the al pacino dunkin commercialp
2187 00:00:00   Orange Robot Gura got advertised by Taco Bell. Kronii could do it
2188 00:00:00   Juntal Calos The dogs just wanna stay outside
2189 00:00:00   Juntal Calos
2190 00:00:00   Juntal Calos This could be awhile
2191 00:00:00   Pluviam Ambulare Can't you watch on mobile?
2192 00:00:00   Rewind44 What did we get out of that Taco Bell collab anyways? Was there like a limited time shark buritto or something?
2193 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Can't have audio due to neighbors
2194 00:00:00   Rewind44 oof, thats ruff Juntal
2195 00:00:00   Flashburn THERE IT IS, THE LAUGH I LOVE
2196 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Oh god that laugh
2197 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ How is she so cute
2198 00:00:00   Random Clipper So cute
2199 00:00:00   Pluviam Ambulare I-I don't know a single thing about one piece...
2200 00:00:00   Orange Robot One piece meme?
2201 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Besides the anniversary project I didn't get to send a Supa until powerwash
2202 00:00:00   Random Clipper Oh god, you're in for a ride
2203 00:00:00   Random Clipper THE ONE PIECE, ITS REAL
2204 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ I do not need no one piece, I got a two-piece already
2205 00:00:00   Kipa12312 one piece is real
2206 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Kipa darling
2207 00:00:00   Orange Robot I don't understand the mem
2208 00:00:00   Mellow so theres a guy called luffy...
2209 00:00:00   Random Clipper Good bob, good
2210 00:00:00   Flashburn huh, I expected her to read out all the supas, not just the $20 and higher
2211 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ CLOCKBLOCK LETSGOOOOO
2212 00:00:00   Kipa12312 same Flash
2213 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ OUCH
2214 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ OOF
2215 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ OWIE
2216 00:00:00   Random Clipper OOF
2217 00:00:00   Kipa12312 I know who Luffy is, I've read it twice
2218 00:00:00   Kipa12312 also I sent two $10 instead of 1 $20 rip me I guess
2219 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Oh man that one aged like milk lmao
2220 00:00:00   Juntal Calos ?
2221 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Aw Kipa, she will still read them at least to herself
2222 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Is she actually only reading $20 and up?
2223 00:00:00   Pluviam Ambulare Didn't take you for the regretful type
2224 00:00:00   Kipa12312 I regret many think
2225 00:00:00   Flashburn only reads the $20 out loud
2226 00:00:00   Flashburn *$20+
2227 00:00:00   Orange Robot She only sometimes read SCs below $20
2228 00:00:00   Flashburn if they're short or interesting enough, yes
2229 00:00:00   Kipa12312 well I hope she reads mine
2230 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ She reads them to herself, just not aloud
2231 00:00:00   Pluviam Ambulare It seems like a case by case basis
2232 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ If she likes it she will read it aloud, so await your judgement
2233 00:00:00   Pluviam Ambulare A good joke or a good tangent can come from any supa
2234 00:00:00   Kipa12312 DOes she always do this I don't remember or is it just to speed up the anniversary supas?
2235 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ She always this way
2236 00:00:00   Pluviam Ambulare Seems pretty normal to me
2237 00:00:00   Flashburn always, that's why I said I expected her to read out all the supas today
2238 00:00:00   Juntal Calos She has not read some of my $20's in the past I think
2239 00:00:00   Juntal Calos She doesn't like to read one's that might come off too personal
2240 00:00:00   Kipa12312 eh, well I hope she decides to read mine
2241 00:00:00   Orange Robot Geez, I can relate a lot to Kronii right now. Minus the voice acting and being intimidating bit
2242 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳
2243 00:00:00   Rewind44
2244 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ I am supposedly intimidating but I have only heard that from old white people so I dunno if it is just a regional thing
2245 00:00:00   Random Clipper I supposedly am the child of the room, no matter my age
2246 00:00:00   Mellow RC chat's baby
2247 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳
2248 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Same Orange
2249 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Shizuka scares me
2250 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Yeah but flowers also scare you
2251 00:00:00   Kipa12312 lol
2252 00:00:00   Greed ice cream
2253 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ This coffee tastes like poison
2254 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Much blood has been spilled by said flowers
2255 00:00:00   Flashburn hmmm, my guess is that it was Kirbopher
2256 00:00:00   Orange Robot See, she does read them to herself, if not out loud
2257 00:00:00   Pluviam Ambulare Someday you'll find the correct cactus for you
2258 00:00:00   Flashburn given my experience with him, he seems like the sort to be cliquey and was pretty acidic
2259 00:00:00   Rewind44
2260 00:00:00   Random Clipper Anything can be a cactus, if you're loose enough
2261 00:00:00   Mellow cactus' are tasty
2262 00:00:00   Mellow cacti?
2263 00:00:00   Rewind44 cacti
2264 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Ha, imagine if I was yandere that would be crazy
2265 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Could you imagine
2266 00:00:00   Orange Robot you sure act like it sometimes
2267 00:00:00   TemporalAeon alright bye guys im out seeyou in five minutes
2268 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ If that hypothetical scenario was the case
2269 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Hurry back DaddyAeon
2270 00:00:00   Rewind44 See ya Aeon
2271 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Aeon you sappy spiritdragon
2272 00:00:00   Juntal Calos You saying you don't take after Fauna?
2273 00:00:00   Random Clipper
2274 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Hm...?
2275 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Isn't Fauna the most Yandere out of council?
2276 00:00:00   Rewind44
2277 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Oh please JC, I was totally normal about love long before Fauna's guidance took hold of me
2278 00:00:00   Pluviam Ambulare For like 1min during debut
2279 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Plum has not watched Fauna streams
2280 00:00:00   Rewind44 Ice cream
2281 00:00:00   Pluviam Ambulare I prefer to think that I'm not so fixated on little details as most fans do
2282 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Anyway, Fauna is a good yandere, she helps people and makes them stay happy forever~!
2283 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ I am... a different kind...
2284 00:00:00   Juntal Calos They only stream of her's I saw was the one where all of council jumped in for RE7
2285 00:00:00   Greed
2286 00:00:00   Rewind44 Another Aeon
2287 00:00:00   Flashburn Aw, Aeon
2288 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ More like AWWWWWWEON
2289 00:00:00   Juntal Calos I haven't watched the anniversary yet either...
2290 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ JC does not watch Kronii streams
2291 00:00:00   Greed icecream
2292 00:00:00   Juntal Calos The moment I got home from work and irl stuff it ended
2293 00:00:00   Rewind44
2294 00:00:00   Random Clipper Jun hates kronii
2295 00:00:00   Mellow has JC watched mafia?...
2296 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ I GARLAND WILL KNOCK YOU ALL DOWN
2297 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Yes I finally did
2298 00:00:00   Rewind44 She advertising AC
2299 00:00:00   Pluviam Ambulare We have Juntal live?
2300 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Sadly both council and Kronii anniversary I missed due to work and haven't had the right time or mind to watch them
2301 00:00:00   Rewind44 Aeon
2302 00:00:00   Juntal Calos ?
2303 00:00:00   Rewind44 The next one...
2304 00:00:00   Rewind44
2305 00:00:00   Random Clipper WTF
2306 00:00:00   Random Clipper GODDAMNIT
2307 00:00:00   AquaticLettuce lmao
2308 00:00:00   Flashburn LMAO
2309 00:00:00   AquaticLettuce not again
2310 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳
2311 00:00:00   Mellow RC
2312 00:00:00   Orange Robot
2313 00:00:00   Rewind44 P2W
2314 00:00:00   Rekkuza I frickin knew she'd brag about this
2315 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳
2316 00:00:00   Mellow stay mad f2p
2317 00:00:00   Rekkuza The exact unit too
2318 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Operation successful lmao
2319 00:00:00   RTSE Someone called it
2320 00:00:00   TemporalAeon I got her to talk feh
2321 00:00:00   Rewind44 Good one Aeon, also
2323 00:00:00   TemporalAeon SO I TOOK IT UPON MYSELF TO DO IT FOR HIM LMAO
2324 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳
2325 00:00:00   RTSE The hero we deserve
2326 00:00:00   Random Clipper NO DUDE
2327 00:00:00   Random Clipper YOU FAQ
2328 00:00:00   RTSE
2329 00:00:00   Mellow #sponsor
2330 00:00:00   TemporalAeon
2334 00:00:00   Random Clipper THE POINT IS
2335 00:00:00   TemporalAeon SAME THING (kind of) lmao
2336 00:00:00   Orange Robot Get a room, you two
2337 00:00:00   Random Clipper NOT FOR KRONII TO KNOW I HAVE SUN EMPRESSS
2338 00:00:00   Rewind44 This is qualuty popcorn
2339 00:00:00   TemporalAeon SHE ALREADY KNEW, I JUST REMINDED HER
2340 00:00:00   RTSE
2341 00:00:00   Mellow RC again talking about sun empress...
2342 00:00:00   Rewind44
2343 00:00:00   Flashburn Im so lost right now
2344 00:00:00   Random Clipper I AM IN NO WAY INVOLVE IN THIS
2345 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳
2346 00:00:00   RTSE I used to play FEH and i still lost
2348 00:00:00   Random Clipper NO I AM NOT
2350 00:00:00   TemporalAeon I PUT MY OWN PERSONAL SPIN ON IT LOL
2351 00:00:00   Rekkuza LOL
2352 00:00:00   Rewind44 Sever
2353 00:00:00   TemporalAeon
2354 00:00:00   Rewind44 ZX
2355 00:00:00   Greed Read my comment but still p2w
2356 00:00:00   Random Clipper YOU"RE MISSIGN THE POINT
2357 00:00:00   Random Clipper I swear to god aeon
2358 00:00:00   RTSE
2359 00:00:00   TemporalAeon
2360 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Oh god she is gonna have some words when she reads what i sent in karaoke lol
2361 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Okay anyways, gonna get another coffee real quick
2362 00:00:00   Pluviam Ambulare You prayed to the monkey paw... what did you expected?
2363 00:00:00   Random Clipper Lamb
2364 00:00:00   RTSE I forgot the unarchived karaoke stream sc
2365 00:00:00   RTSE Why do i keep remember it's member's only
2366 00:00:00   Kipa12312 good luck on the coffee
2367 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ 1 hour and only like 1/7th of the way in?
2368 00:00:00   Orange Robot 8 hour SC reading let's go
2369 00:00:00   Greed enjoy her voice for 7 hours
2370 00:00:00   Juntal Calos So she is just reading the Supa's and not the messages sent?
2371 00:00:00   TemporalAeon wait wasnt the karaoke public?
2372 00:00:00   Kipa12312 I thought it was
2373 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ ???
2374 00:00:00   Random Clipper Depends on the message
2375 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Huh? JC?
2376 00:00:00   TemporalAeon pretty sure it was
2377 00:00:00   Flashburn it was public but unarchived
2378 00:00:00   RTSE It's public
2379 00:00:00   RTSE I somehow always remember it's as member
2380 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ What Kronii got in them water bottles
2381 00:00:00   TemporalAeon ohh i see
2382 00:00:00   TemporalAeon up to user interpretation
2383 00:00:00   Orange Robot Plastic water bottles are waste. Buy a reuseable bottle instead!
2384 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Plastic is reusable
2385 00:00:00   TemporalAeon agreed, and get a water filter if you fill it with tap water
2386 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ And you can eat it when you are done
2387 00:00:00   Juntal Calos I meant the message board ones cause someone said she might read a few of those
2388 00:00:00   Rewind44 Plastic water bottle lights and plant holders
2389 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Sorry for the confusion
2390 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ No worry, I am always confused
2391 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Time to crack some bones
2392 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ I am glad Kronii understands the allure of cracking bones
2393 00:00:00   TemporalAeon oohh oooh, im good at that!
2394 00:00:00   Orange Robot I never hear her neck cracks. Wow that was loud
2395 00:00:00   A Wicked One Didn't she say her water at the new place is metallic tasting?
2396 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ The best water has military chemicals that have leaked into it
2397 00:00:00   A Wicked One Turns you super human
2398 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Well, myself and Misery are already above human
2399 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Beat me to it Aeon
2400 00:00:00   RTSE The neck cracking keep reminding me when Kiara have to goes to the hospital because of her neck cracking habit
2401 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Skill issue
2402 00:00:00   Orange Robot Why does Kronii's potato PC have that yabai profile pic?
2403 00:00:00   Flashburn Cloud
2404 00:00:00   Rewind44 Cloud Rain
2405 00:00:00   Random Clipper I'm still recovering from the trauma Aeon did to my mental state
2406 00:00:00   TemporalAeon LMAO
2407 00:00:00   Rekkuza Bruh
2408 00:00:00   Pluviam Ambulare Love hit you hard, I see
2409 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳
2410 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Bro that was a huge w RC, i dont know what you mean
2411 00:00:00   Random Clipper Like dude you miss the point
2412 00:00:00   Random Clipper I don't want to say it, or you're gonna just send another stoopid supa ya donkey
2413 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Go on RC, you know Aeon would never do such a thing to you~
2414 00:00:00   TemporalAeon I dont know, will I?
2415 00:00:00   TemporalAeon No, I definitely wouldnt...definitely not...
2416 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ You trust your daddy, do you not?
2417 00:00:00   TemporalAeon SCs arent even on right now, anyways, so go ahead and say it!
2418 00:00:00   Random Clipper noh
2419 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ RC just say it to me then, you can trust me right?
2420 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ You trust me, I would never let anything happen to you (without my permission)
2421 00:00:00   Jack good morning afternoon evening kromies MEOW
2422 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Hey jack!
2423 00:00:00   Random Clipper Rewind
2424 00:00:00   Random Clipper Jack
2425 00:00:00   Rewind44 Jack
2426 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Jack
2427 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ About 25%, not bad...
2428 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ It is getting late here but I do not work tomorrow so I guess I will just burn through the night with y'all....
2429 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Lets goooo, be one with the night!'
2430 00:00:00   Flashburn She doesn't remember she's my kamioshi...
2431 00:00:00   TemporalAeon ...God Oshi? Paper Oshi?
2432 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ All of council is kamioshi then
2433 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ They all gods and make lotsa paper
2434 00:00:00   TemporalAeon LMAO
2435 00:00:00   Flashburn #1 oshi, nobody else gets my financial support and she gets my #1 priority for streams
2436 00:00:00   Juntal Calos
2437 00:00:00   TemporalAeon I was making a joke with the literal translation of "Kami"
2438 00:00:00   TemporalAeon LOL, i know what kamioshi means
2439 00:00:00   Random Clipper
2440 00:00:00   Sabas
2441 00:00:00   Greed
2442 00:00:00   桂木 Heiwa I shud have brought my earpiece (*T^T)
2443 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳
2444 00:00:00   Rewind44
2445 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ The fake laugh ouch
2446 00:00:00   TemporalAeon LMAO
2447 00:00:00   Random Clipper One piece
2448 00:00:00   Sabas you tried dot png
2449 00:00:00   Orange Robot I still don't get why its funny
2450 00:00:00   Jack time for work, always triangle, see y'all later
2451 00:00:00   Jack
2452 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ "funny" is a strong word OJ
2453 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Seeya Jack
2454 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Try to have a good day Jack
2455 00:00:00   Rewind44 Bye Jack
2456 00:00:00   Greed no clue but i rather ignorant
2457 00:00:00   Jack
2458 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Take care Jack!
2459 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Night, Jack
2460 00:00:00   Flashburn CLIP THAT RC
2461 00:00:00   TemporalAeon
2462 00:00:00   Flashburn HOLY FAQ THAT'S FUNNY
2463 00:00:00   Kipa12312 lmao "so tiny"
2464 00:00:00   桂木 Heiwa At least I got time to listen to my warden today (*´ー`*)
2465 00:00:00   Random Clipper
2466 00:00:00   Pluviam Ambulare Is the chat not in sub mode anymore?
2467 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Considering all the grays, no
2468 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ OH WAIT SUB MODE
2469 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ idk lol
2470 00:00:00   Random Clipper Not sure, let me unsub and check
2471 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ LMAO
2472 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Go for it RC
2473 00:00:00   TemporalAeon You better have an alt ready lmao
2474 00:00:00   TemporalAeon ...So you guys think RC did it?
2475 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ RIP RC
2476 00:00:00   TemporalAeon
2477 00:00:00   Rewind44
2478 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳
2479 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Have you ever noticed how words sound way longer than they look
2480 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Hrm I cant say ive ever thought of that, but now that you mention it...
2481 00:00:00   Orange Robot ye
2482 00:00:00   TemporalAeon OHHHH SHIELD BRO
2483 00:00:00   TemporalAeon I NEVER REALIZED THAT
2484 00:00:00   Flashburn took ya long enough
2485 00:00:00   TemporalAeon
2486 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Honestly, whenever I heard Tate's name, I just thought of Simon from Gurren Lagann
2487 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Because he would always call...Oh fork i forgot his name...
2488 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Bc he would always call him Aniki
2489 00:00:00   TemporalAeon KAMINA
2490 00:00:00   TemporalAeon THATS IT
2491 00:00:00   Flashburn Nihongo jouzu, Aeon
2492 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Kronii always wants what she cannot have...
2493 00:00:00   Flashburn
2494 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ YOR MIN GANDER
2495 00:00:00   TemporalAeon I almost said Kaname, but I cant even think of an anime character named Kaname
2496 00:00:00   TemporalAeon So i dont know where that name came from tbh
2497 00:00:00   Rewind44
2498 00:00:00   Orange Robot Ouro sounds better
2499 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Yeah Gandr, aint right
2500 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Also is it pronounced like that? I always said "Gone-der"
2501 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ I only know how to pronounce jormungandr because of Magicka
2502 00:00:00   Duck_Holo k
2503 00:00:00   Flashburn NEW HOLOBIRB: CANADIAN GOOSE
2504 00:00:00   Orange Robot Take a "Gandr" at Kronii
2505 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ That is correct Aeon
2506 00:00:00   Orange Robot *
2507 00:00:00   Rewind44 Duck_holo
2508 00:00:00   Kipa12312 we really dodged a bullet with that one
2509 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ I do not believe Kronii remembers me because she has not bonked me yet
2510 00:00:00   TemporalAeon She is quite tolerable with your antics, Misery lmao
2511 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Also, Fauna has also given you permission to reside in her home, so her as well
2512 00:00:00   Rewind44 Misery, she has mentioned your bug 'roleplay' before. I'm sure she remembers you
2513 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Oof I jumped in at the wrong time
2514 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Oh, she definitely remembers you, Misery
2515 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ The most bonking I have ever gotten was the time Kronii tonjok'd me and called me halu
2516 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ You good JC?
2517 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Oh hey Juntal!
2518 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Just jumped into the stream at a bad time with no context
2519 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Oh i wouldnt call it a bad time, per se, just uh
2520 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Yknow, it was a moment
2521 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ ~33%
2522 00:00:00   Rewind44 We still got a lot of SCs left
2523 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Oh boy we got a ways to go
2524 00:00:00   Rewind44 Thinking ahead Kronii
2525 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Now that i think about it, I do wonder if she realizes that all of the Aeons are me, or forgets about the existence of the other Aeons
2526 00:00:00   TemporalAeon I should experiment with that
2527 00:00:00   Flashburn we're only about halfway through the SCs
2528 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ "halfway"
2529 00:00:00   Rewind44 Im sure she does Aeon, she mentioned your blerryberry moment
2530 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Im gonna save some money and once i have it, i shall send an sc from each Aeon and see what happens
2531 00:00:00   Flashburn
2532 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ that could be fun
2533 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Have y'all arguing amongst one another
2534 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Ohhh thats a good idea! Now I need something for the Aeons to debate
2535 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ The ethics of capital punishment
2536 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Oof I feel bad cause I wasn't a part of this at all
2537 00:00:00   A Wicked One pc fund doko?
2538 00:00:00   TemporalAeon LOL
2539 00:00:00   TemporalAeon PC fund is dead, always has been
2540 00:00:00   TemporalAeon lmao
2541 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ JC?
2542 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ You wanna have a seat with mommy and talk about it?
2543 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ I can give you a nice deep-tissue massage
2544 00:00:00   TemporalAeon
2545 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳
2546 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Also, no need to feel bad, Juntal, you're here now
2547 00:00:00   Juntal Calos
2548 00:00:00   TemporalAeon And you'll always be one of us
2549 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ One of us...
2550 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ One of us...
2551 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ One of us...
2552 00:00:00   Random Clipper
2553 00:00:00   Sabas here. with us. forever.
2554 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ RC is back
2555 00:00:00   TemporalAeon RC! Has ten weeks already passed!?
2556 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳
2557 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Either way, welcome back from the dead!
2558 00:00:00   Random Clipper I sacrificed my budget yelan to speed up time
2559 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ lmao
2560 00:00:00   Kipa12312 wait RC is dead?
2561 00:00:00   zipli rip RC
2562 00:00:00   Kipa12312 rip RC
2563 00:00:00   Rewind44 zipli
2564 00:00:00   TemporalAeon
2565 00:00:00   zipli Rewind, Aeon
2566 00:00:00   Rewind44 Wait, who is budget Yelan?
2567 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Zipli
2568 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Kronii obviously
2569 00:00:00   zipli Hey Kipa
2570 00:00:00   Rewind44 Xinqqiu?
2571 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Kronii, Rewind
2572 00:00:00   Orange Robot Ice cream lickers
2573 00:00:00   zipli ngl I've mistaken so many Yelan pictures as Kronii fan art
2574 00:00:00   Mellow never played genshin but i know all the characters
2575 00:00:00   Mellow same with overwatch
2576 00:00:00   zipli That's pretty sus of you Mellow
2577 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ I know nothing about either
2578 00:00:00   Mellow im an art enjoyer
2579 00:00:00   Random Clipper
2580 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Oh! Except that Bastion is really hot, I know that
2581 00:00:00   Orange Robot Yataa!
2582 00:00:00   Flashburn
2583 00:00:00   TemporalAeon
2584 00:00:00   Kipa12312 I mostly like Genshin fanart, don't really play it anymore
2585 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ BOP HADES
2586 00:00:00   TemporalAeon OMG
2587 00:00:00   zipli
2588 00:00:00   Random Clipper
2589 00:00:00   Random Clipper KARONA
2590 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳
2591 00:00:00   Rewind44
2592 00:00:00   Orange Robot gottem
2593 00:00:00   Rewind44 Dangnabbit Karona
2594 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Now let's see Ouro Kronii's meme
2595 00:00:00   TemporalAeon LLMAO
2596 00:00:00   TemporalAeon STREAM OVER EVERYONE GO HOME
2597 00:00:00   Orange Robot Please clip this
2598 00:00:00   zipli I'm so happy I woke up right now
2599 00:00:00   Flashburn Finally, a good burn from Karona
2600 00:00:00   Random Clipper What a legend man, karona
2601 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Karona has been on a roll lately
2602 00:00:00   Kipa12312 I hope Nil's doin alright
2603 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ I love that Kronii is the only one he roasts so much tho
2604 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Nil was here earlier, but yeah hope Nil is well
2605 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Karona is just different like that
2606 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Built different
2607 00:00:00   Kipa12312 oh, I missed Nil
2608 00:00:00   Rewind44 Red in my kokoro
2609 00:00:00   Random Clipper Cute warden
2610 00:00:00   zipli Wow pretty rude
2611 00:00:00   Rewind44
2613 00:00:00   Orange Robot Kronii is legit seiso
2614 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ I had a stroke because of that voice gotdamn
2615 00:00:00   zipli Korean always sounds good
2616 00:00:00   zipli Of course it sounds better when it's Kronii speaking but still
2617 00:00:00   Random Clipper
2618 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳
2619 00:00:00   zipli
2620 00:00:00   Random Clipper LMAO
2621 00:00:00   TemporalAeon
2622 00:00:00   Rewind44
2623 00:00:00   Orange Robot
2624 00:00:00   Random Clipper
2625 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Staff-san shaking in their boots right now
2626 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Experiencing their final moments
2627 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Kronii just wants to talk
2628 00:00:00   Random Clipper Yes, talk *Chucks shotgun*
2629 00:00:00   Mellow was it a chan?
2630 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Shotgun-chat?
2631 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ *chan
2632 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ You knwo what nevermind I give up forget I said anything
2633 00:00:00   zipli Snitched
2634 00:00:00   TemporalAeon LMAO Shotgun-chat
2635 00:00:00   Orange Robot Who's SC was this"":L:""|||
2636 00:00:00   Orange Robot I cant type in the dark
2637 00:00:00   Kipa12312 I didn't find it in supa, so idk
2638 00:00:00   Random Clipper Its phong in the chat
2639 00:00:00   zipli Well gotta get to work, have fun with the stream guys
2640 00:00:00   zipli Curse my time zone
2641 00:00:00   Kipa12312 I figured, I something about Phong
2642 00:00:00   Mellow zipli take care
2643 00:00:00   Flashburn see ya zipli
2644 00:00:00   Kipa12312 take care Zipli
2645 00:00:00   zipli
2646 00:00:00   TemporalAeon seeya zipli!
2647 00:00:00   Random Clipper Take care zip
2648 00:00:00   Rewind44 Bye Zipli
2649 00:00:00   Mellow when they say they are not mad but use in the message
2650 00:00:00   zipli lmao the angry typing
2651 00:00:00   Greed omg
2652 00:00:00   Rewind44 Wow, gonna be a long stream
2653 00:00:00   Jukarei Chat: Vibing.Back behind the keyboard: The only thing I know for Reeaaaal
2654 00:00:00   Greed okayu music
2655 00:00:00   Mellow I need a typing test holo tourney
2656 00:00:00   Jukarei Its moments like this I kinda wish she had a button with a chainsaw sound.
2657 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Jukarei
2658 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Jukarei
2659 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Hey Jukarei!
2660 00:00:00   Rewind44 Typing of the dead race
2661 00:00:00   Jukarei hai hai ^ ^ finally cleaned up enough in the guest room to setup my laptop again lol
2662 00:00:00   Random Clipper Junkarei
2663 00:00:00   Jukarei don't get me started =w= with all the cleaning I've had to do that name is almost accurate lol
2664 00:00:00   Rewind44 Jukarei
2665 00:00:00   Jukarei @Rewind44
2666 00:00:00   Rewind44 Zenya
2667 00:00:00   Random Clipper Zenya
2668 00:00:00   TemporalAeon
2669 00:00:00   Orange Robot Getting close to 2 AM over here. How much longer?...
2670 00:00:00   Jukarei Zenya has come a long way too
2671 00:00:00   Flashburn halfway through
2672 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Quite a while to go, most likely, Orange
2673 00:00:00   Kipa12312 yeaha only halfway
2674 00:00:00   Kipa12312 *Yeehaw
2675 00:00:00   Random Clipper Zenya
2676 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Zenya
2677 00:00:00   TemporalAeon
2678 00:00:00   Orange Robot Alright. My SC was read already. I'm going to bed on the hour and then finishing the rest of this stream tomorrow
2679 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Take care, Orange
2680 00:00:00   Rekkuza Gnite, Orange
2681 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Alright, get some rest when you do! Seeya tomorrow Orange!
2682 00:00:00   Orange Robot I still have 15 minutes guys
2683 00:00:00   Random Clipper Bob
2684 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Thats why I said 'when you do' lol
2685 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Gotta cover my bases lmao
2686 00:00:00   Random Clipper Misery
2687 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ ???
2688 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ ???
2689 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Okay i was confused too lol
2690 00:00:00   Rewind44 Orange Robot
2691 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Do it. Get happy.
2692 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ OJ
2693 00:00:00   Mellow Good night Orange
2694 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ no kidding
2695 00:00:00   Orange Robot We're not alone
2696 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ You have bread to keep you company?
2697 00:00:00   Orange Robot Its a sleeping bread dog
2698 00:00:00   TemporalAeon
2699 00:00:00   Rewind44 Kipa supas
2700 00:00:00   TemporalAeon The question is...can i eat it?
2701 00:00:00   Random Clipper Kipa
2702 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Does a bread dog taste like bread or dog?
2703 00:00:00   Greed
2704 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Also,
2705 00:00:00   Mellow tastes like dread
2706 00:00:00   Orange Robot Sana will destroy the Earth before she would allow to eat a bread dog....before her
2707 00:00:00   Kipa12312
2708 00:00:00   Rewind44 Kipa supas
2709 00:00:00   TemporalAeon A sacrifice I am willing to make
2710 00:00:00   Orange Robot Kipa!
2711 00:00:00   TemporalAeon
2712 00:00:00   Mellow Kipa
2713 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ I dunno I seem to recall Sana throwing her bread dogs at the Kirby bosses to buy more lives
2714 00:00:00   Kipa12312
2715 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Lies
2716 00:00:00   TemporalAeon
2717 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Alright Gabe
2718 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig KRONIES HATE
2719 00:00:00   Flashburn this, but unironically
2720 00:00:00   Flashburn especially you.
2721 00:00:00   Kipa12312
2722 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Damn flash lmao
2723 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ I love all kronies
2724 00:00:00   Kipa12312
2725 00:00:00   TemporalAeon
2726 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ That is why I want to skin you all and eat your bones
2727 00:00:00   Flashburn That wasn't ironic btw
2728 00:00:00   Rekkuza Well now
2729 00:00:00   Kipa12312
2730 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig
2731 00:00:00   Random Clipper Misery
2732 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳
2733 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Cowardronii
2734 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Time to load up hololyzer to see what Misery said lmao
2735 00:00:00   Rewind44 Revoreb
2736 00:00:00   Flashburn She said it, she knew she said it, but she didn't say it now.
2737 00:00:00   Orange Robot At least Calli is in Hell
2738 00:00:00   Pluviam Ambulare ?
2739 00:00:00   Pluviam Ambulare What did Calli do?
2740 00:00:00   Juntal Calos I hope you guys are enjoying it
2741 00:00:00   Orange Robot She lives there gathering souls
2742 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Wait but she is on hiatus, so wouldnt that mean she isnt in hell?
2743 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Hell on earth maybe
2744 00:00:00   Pluviam Ambulare ? Since when?
2745 00:00:00   Kipa12312 hi, Juntal
2746 00:00:00   Orange Robot Then she just lives there in the underworldean Japan area
2747 00:00:00   Random Clipper JC
2748 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Oh right, yeah I forgot about underworldean Japan
2749 00:00:00   Juntal Calos I had to stop... I got no context and missed it
2750 00:00:00   Rewind44 Rainbow Rekkuza
2751 00:00:00   Pluviam Ambulare Vod will be there. Since is a supa reading you can listen at your own pace
2752 00:00:00   TemporalAeon
2753 00:00:00   Rekkuza Hm?
2754 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Your rainbow is next
2755 00:00:00   Random Clipper Rekkuza
2756 00:00:00   Mellow Rekkuza
2757 00:00:00   TemporalAeon
2758 00:00:00   Orange Robot Rekky!
2759 00:00:00   Flashburn
2760 00:00:00   Random Clipper Aww, look at rekkuza
2761 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Rekk
2762 00:00:00   TemporalAeon
2763 00:00:00   AquaticLettuce @Rekkuza oi
2764 00:00:00   Greed
2765 00:00:00   Pluviam Ambulare Rek She is calling you
2766 00:00:00   Flashburn @Rekkuza
2767 00:00:00   Jukarei @Rekkuza GET OVER HERE. -clockpile-
2768 00:00:00   Orange Robot Rekkuza cmere
2769 00:00:00   TemporalAeon CLOCKPIIIIIIIILE!
2770 00:00:00   Random Clipper Professor feh
2771 00:00:00   Kipa12312 i definitely misread that
2772 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ "thanks, man" has really entered my vocabulary thanks to Kronii
2773 00:00:00   Rekkuza Just... thank you, everyone.
2774 00:00:00   Rekkuza Had to say that.
2775 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Saem Misery
2776 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Idk it just feel so wholesome
2777 00:00:00   Jukarei Mhm, we're always here for ya
2778 00:00:00   Orange Robot Okay, good night everyone! Finishing the rest of this as VOD tomorrow
2779 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Okay rest well Orange!
2780 00:00:00   Jukarei Also I blame her for using Yoooooooo so much irl
2781 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Rekk
2782 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ GN OJ RW
2783 00:00:00   Random Clipper Bob
2784 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Uh oh she tip-tapping again
2785 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Night Orange
2786 00:00:00   Orange Robot
2787 00:00:00   TemporalAeon She was ready to bust out the murder keyboard
2788 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ return to nature, kronies
2789 00:00:00   Rewind44 My hermit dreams
2790 00:00:00   Kipa12312 hope you all are doing well
2791 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Next year come summer, im gonna take time off work and just drive up north again to see the stars
2792 00:00:00   TemporalAeon And same to you, Kipa
2793 00:00:00   Rekkuza Mhm.
2794 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ That sounds lovely Aeon
2795 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Right back at you Kipa, be well
2796 00:00:00   Rewind44 Better save up then Aeon
2797 00:00:00   TemporalAeon I actually quite enjoy road trips
2798 00:00:00   TemporalAeon And lmao, oh yeah money is a thing
2799 00:00:00   Random Clipper Save up Aeon
2800 00:00:00   Kipa12312 I'd love to quit life and just go into the mountains for a while
2801 00:00:00   Kipa12312 and I'm not even remotely an outdoors person
2802 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ "quit life" lol, I am waiting a little bit longer before I do that
2803 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Well I can sleep in my car and live off of cup noodles, so all I would need is gas money lmao
2804 00:00:00   Random Clipper Yeah shiz, why you poor, just earn money
2805 00:00:00   Kipa12312 not in that sense, Misery
2806 00:00:00   Random Clipper Why got college debt, just don't go to college
2807 00:00:00   Kipa12312 I still gotta live to watch Kronii
2808 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Just don't do lol
2809 00:00:00   TemporalAeon ...I thought you said you were immortal Misery
2810 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Well the hive as a whole is immortal, but the constituent bodies are slightly more disposable
2811 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Ah, right, yes I see
2812 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Okay but like lets be honest here....Her outfit makes like no sense
2813 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ She a eldritch avatar of time, her outfit need not make sense
2814 00:00:00   Rewind44 It's anime fashion, sometimes it do be like that
2815 00:00:00   Jukarei -points to the entire cast of ff 13-
2816 00:00:00   Kipa12312 She requires no explanation
2817 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Or just any Nomura design, Rewind
2818 00:00:00   Jukarei Personally I'm curious what that Zipper is made out of. Is it locked in stasis so it may defy universal law?
2819 00:00:00   Flashburn whatever it is, its super strong to contain Kronii's Time Capsules
2820 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳
2821 00:00:00   Kipa12312 nah, it's just a zipper
2822 00:00:00   Kipa12312 GSH
2823 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Kipa our local pharmacist
2824 00:00:00   Flashburn Kuro
2825 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Kuro
2826 00:00:00   Rewind44 Kurozora
2827 00:00:00   Kipa12312 I am now Pharma-Frog
2828 00:00:00   Random Clipper Kuro
2829 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Kuro is kinda sappy for a clock, kinda sus
2830 00:00:00   Rewind44 My friends are my power
2831 00:00:00   Kipa12312 is Kuro actuall a sapling? is that what you are implying?
2832 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Yeah that is my accusation
2833 00:00:00   Kipa12312
2834 00:00:00   Jukarei impossible. He's still able to walk and isn't trapped in that abominable forest of hers!
2835 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ 'tis but a sapling trick, but I have already said too much
2836 00:00:00   Flashburn wow, that one actually almost got me
2837 00:00:00   Flashburn
2838 00:00:00   Kipa12312
2839 00:00:00   Rewind44
2840 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Don't cry...
2841 00:00:00   Rewind44
2842 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ She sounded like Krono for a moment there.....
2843 00:00:00   Random Clipper
2844 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Kinda obvious to point it out, I'm glad Kronii's been getting a lot of love from the supas
2845 00:00:00   TemporalAeon
2846 00:00:00   Jukarei agreed Tear of happiness are alright now and then.
2847 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ It is really nice
2848 00:00:00   Rewind44 I'll have to finish the VoD another time, I'm slowly losing focus and nodding off. Good night FC2
2849 00:00:00   Flashburn 'night Rewind
2850 00:00:00   TemporalAeon GN Rewind!
2851 00:00:00   Kipa12312 take care, Rewind
2852 00:00:00   Random Clipper Rewind
2853 00:00:00   Some Guy Take it easy rewind :kroyasumi:
2854 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ GN RW RW
2855 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Night Rewind
2856 00:00:00   Rekkuza Rest well, Rewind
2857 00:00:00   Rekkuza So... unironically, I was about to tear a bit from the messages you guys and chat were sending, and then nerrev called me a liar and snapped me out of it
2858 00:00:00   TemporalAeon LMAO
2859 00:00:00   Flashburn
2860 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Oooh Nerrev lol
2861 00:00:00   Kipa12312 oh rip
2862 00:00:00   Jukarei Shall I bonk him?
2863 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Yeah why not
2864 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Knock him out and leave him in my enclosure
2865 00:00:00   Jukarei -BONK- ya yeeet! -pitches him over the fence-
2866 00:00:00   TemporalAeon OH my
2867 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Just save the spine for Shizuka!
2868 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Hm... yeah aight
2869 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Kronii is getting better at gaslighting
2870 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ ....still got a way to go though
2871 00:00:00   Jukarei did she really finally nail the Ojou laugh without trying? xD
2872 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie]
2873 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ oh right *violates and devours Nerrev's unconscious body but saves the spine* cannot be delinquent in my duties
2874 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] I SEE SPINE
2875 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] WHO SAY SPINE
2876 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Oh just in time *gives Shizu the spine*
2877 00:00:00   TemporalAeon
2878 00:00:00   TemporalAeon LMAO you Spine Summoned Shizuka
2879 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] Yummy
2880 00:00:00   Some Guy I was right to rally against your wanting of the hug emote
2881 00:00:00   Some Guy Still after spines
2882 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] See spine is . but hug is measuring onky
2883 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] only
2884 00:00:00   Some Guy
2885 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] but you cant stop me in here
2886 00:00:00   Some Guy You would use any means to get spines
2887 00:00:00   Some Guy No but I can spread word, reducing your efficiency
2888 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie]
2889 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Oh I just got a new supa....
2890 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Kronii Teeth Theory
2891 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] well Mommy misery ate meat, he always spare spine for me. Mommy misery so kind
2892 00:00:00   TemporalAeon The Great Aeon Bottom Teeth Debate
2893 00:00:00   Random Clipper
2894 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳
2895 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ omg Aeon lmao
2896 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] alright imma continue watching the stream
2897 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ enjoy Shizu
2898 00:00:00   Some Guy I have a dilemma, do chores tmrw or right now
2899 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Well you can do them now with the sc reading as bg
2900 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Its something you can just chill and listen to while you do your chores
2901 00:00:00   Jukarei -hides the real Nerrev tied up behind Boros- Thus, the hug emote shall not be added.
2902 00:00:00   Some Guy Ok let's hope no slip down stairs, if I end up slipping and perishing know that I blame you Aeon
2903 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Hey does anyone smell that? Smells like a terrified restrained person...
2904 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Please dont die, some guy!
2905 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Oh yeah do not die (before I can catch you) SOme Guy
2906 00:00:00   Some Guy I don't know, boss music always seem to play when I approach stairs. That and during the morning cus waking up early IS a boss battle
2907 00:00:00   TemporalAeon When i first moved into my house, one of the stairs was loose, so when i stepped on it, it like popped out of place, and I actually like crashed down the stairs hard
2908 00:00:00   Random Clipper
2909 00:00:00   Some Guy One time I was so sleep deprived i fell down half the stairs in my house hitting my hips on each one. I stayed down not because of pain but because I was tired
2910 00:00:00   TemporalAeon I like instantly went and fixed that, then had to check all the stairs and nail them down
2911 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Oof ouch. Ive had something similar happen where I stayed down, but it was more so in shame instead of tiredness lol
2912 00:00:00   TemporalAeon I just like...accepted defeat
2913 00:00:00   Kipa12312 ouch, Some Guy
2914 00:00:00   Some Guy Right? In that moment you are just like "I can't believe it/wtf just happened"
2915 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Sometimes you just gotta sleep in an agonized pile of misery
2916 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Sleeping with Misery?
2917 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Come sleep with mommy, Kipa
2918 00:00:00   Kipa12312
2919 00:00:00   Random Clipper
2920 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Sabas
2921 00:00:00   Kipa12312 I. . .I'm not tired!
2922 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Oh do not worry, Kipa dear, we can fix that
2923 00:00:00   TemporalAeon
2924 00:00:00   TemporalAeon RUN KIPA
2925 00:00:00   TemporalAeon RUN
2926 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ *seals the exits with thick webbing*
2927 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Curfew is in effect, darlings, please come back to bed~
2928 00:00:00   Kipa12312
2929 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Good luck Brave Soldier. Godspeed
2930 00:00:00   Kipa12312 *drives away in my cool red car*
2931 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳
2932 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Shucks! I cannot believe I forgot to web up the car
2933 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Anyway Kronii is adorkable
2934 00:00:00   TemporalAeon That she is
2935 00:00:00   Kipa12312
2936 00:00:00   Greed
2937 00:00:00   TemporalAeon
2938 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳
2939 00:00:00   Flashburn up next...
2940 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ mhm mhm [kronii head nod.gif]
2941 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Oh right i should drink water
2942 00:00:00   Jukarei -launches a firebomb from his FTL ship's toilet- Now Men! Escape while you can!
2943 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Flash
2944 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Jukarei
2945 00:00:00   TemporalAeon
2946 00:00:00   Random Clipper flash
2947 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Flash
2948 00:00:00   Rekkuza YOOO CYL 4 unit weapon refines next patch.
2949 00:00:00   Flashburn Kronii
2950 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ just realized it is past midnight...
2951 00:00:00   Kipa12312 yep
2952 00:00:00   Jukarei Ahhh ahhh he's a miracle?
2953 00:00:00   TemporalAeon It is indeed
2954 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Pain
2955 00:00:00   Jukarei Do you think Kronii realizes? or has the insomnia numbed her to the sensation
2956 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Kronii does not have a functional sleep cycle
2957 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Which makes sense what with time warden
2958 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Do any Kronies have a proper sleep cycle?
2959 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ ME
2960 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Sometimes
2961 00:00:00   TemporalAeon LMAO JUKAREI
2962 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Kronii's sleep schedule probably also contains Subway somewhere
2963 00:00:00   Jukarei e.e I may be free, but I can still get embarrassed.... but I mean it. A person shines brighter when they're a little bit selfish. If you're too selfless you'll wind up empty... I know from experience.
2964 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ You right J!
2965 00:00:00   Kipa12312 You just need that touch of selfishness
2966 00:00:00   Jukarei Anyway, time to stretch, wireless headset finished charging since the stream went so long lol
2967 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Yeah ive gotten up and walked around a few times
2968 00:00:00   Juntal Calos
2969 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig No...
2970 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig She's imprisoning me...
2971 00:00:00   Pluviam Ambulare Better get comfortable Gabe
2972 00:00:00   Flashburn Why do I have to be stuck with you...
2973 00:00:00   TemporalAeon You are stuck here forever Gabe. Forever.
2974 00:00:00   Jukarei -shackles Gabe, Misery, and Shizuka together in a chain gang- Better?
2975 00:00:00   Pluviam Ambulare The best part is that the door is open all the time... yet no one leaves...
2976 00:00:00   Jukarei Are we renaming FC2 to the Hotel California?
2977 00:00:00   Random Clipper
2978 00:00:00   TemporalAeon
2979 00:00:00   Pluviam Ambulare For copyright reasons... I say no
2980 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ *flies off into a hive nest with Gabe and Shizu in tow, never to be seen again*
2981 00:00:00   Kipa12312 It's close to Hotel California, but according to copywriter law, it's not
2982 00:00:00   Jukarei ah right, minor editing is necessary. Hotel Kroniifornia
2983 00:00:00   TemporalAeon RIP Shizuka, you will be missed dearly
2984 00:00:00   Pluviam Ambulare What about Hostel? Sounds more threatening
2985 00:00:00   TemporalAeon ...Oh and theres Gabe too, I suppose... /j
2986 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Shizuka
2987 00:00:00   Kipa12312
2988 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] Where are we going mom?
2989 00:00:00   Random Clipper
2990 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] its full of egg here
2991 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ A better home, one where I can take good care of you and not worry about any escape attempts
2992 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] do i get a table supple of spine there
2993 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Also there is a Gabe, for... emergency rations
2994 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] *stable
2995 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Of course~!
2996 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] oh yeah we have gabe
2997 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] emergency food
2998 00:00:00   Kipa12312 lmao
2999 00:00:00   Random Clipper
3000 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ I kinda like this Kronii
3001 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] Kronii is becoming fauna
3002 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Oh no... the Faunapocalypse is coming sooner than expected
3003 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Faunpocalypse
3004 00:00:00   Flashburn Kronii imitating Fauna but her soul's been removed
3005 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ An important part of imitating Fauna is not having a soul
3006 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Aeon
3007 00:00:00   Random Clipper
3008 00:00:00   TemporalAeon
3009 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Well, I tried
3010 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] Don't fall into her trap guyss
3011 00:00:00   Jukarei Don't go eating them Misery or we'll have you streaming Ringfit til you drop the weight
3012 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] she's trying to make us sleep
3013 00:00:00   Flashburn it is kind of nice, actually
3014 00:00:00   Kipa12312 She sounds like a Portal turret
3015 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Jukarei it is fiiiine, they just become eggs, remember~?
3017 00:00:00   Random Clipper Lamb
3018 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Lamb
3019 00:00:00   TemporalAeon
3020 00:00:00   Random Clipper LMAO RICE HAHHAHA
3021 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Poor Rice lmao
3022 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ SERVES YOU RIGHT, RICE
3023 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Rice does nothing but be eaten
3024 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Okay so we now have confirmation then that Fauna reads supas faster than Kronii
3025 00:00:00   Berserk Knight
3026 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Hey Berserk Knight
3027 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ BK
3028 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Fauna recieves the gold medal for sc reading
3029 00:00:00   Random Clipper
3030 00:00:00   RTSE Kronii is like number 2 in slowest sc reading
3031 00:00:00   TemporalAeon Okay i shall go pass out now, farewell lads
3032 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ How does she do it
3033 00:00:00   Berserk Knight
3034 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 Well, that was a wild ending.
3035 00:00:00   Rekkuza Gnite, Aeon
3036 00:00:00   RTSE in holo en
3037 00:00:00   Pluviam Ambulare Well, kinda late here and I haven't eaten yet. So I think this is good night already. Rest well FC. See ya at the next one.
3038 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ lmao gnite Aeon
3039 00:00:00   Random Clipper Take care aeon
3040 00:00:00   Random Clipper Take care Plam
3041 00:00:00   Rekkuza Kronii fading away voice.
3042 00:00:00   ZA
3043 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Gnite Plum!
3044 00:00:00   AgentofShield11 Oh man I gotta clock out before I end up pulling an all-nighter
3045 00:00:00   Jukarei She does it with all the consideration she has. That and more stubbornness than I've ever seen in well.... anyone. Concept or otherwise.
3046 00:00:00   Rekkuza And gnite, Pluv
3047 00:00:00   AgentofShield11 Kroyasumi!
3048 00:00:00   Kronii's Potato PC Nite everyone
3049 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 Also props to kronii for recognizing the symptoms of being shadowbanned on the spot.
3050 00:00:00   Rekkuza Gnite, Agent and potato pc
3051 00:00:00   ZA kroyasumii and cheers to you kronies
3052 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 good night everyone leaving.
3053 00:00:00   Random Clipper Agent PC Za
3054 00:00:00   Rekkuza Gnite, ZA
3055 00:00:00   🌿MommyMisery⏳ Goodnight to all you darling little kronies, do not try to leave while I am gone
3056 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Longest kronii stream ever?
3057 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 Not even close.
3058 00:00:00   RTSE Doubt that
3059 00:00:00   Some Guy Wasn't Inscryption really long?
3060 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 This was 4:35 minues, the longest was the BD supa reading which was 5:54.
3061 00:00:00   Just a takoronie Also Ame is going for her fourth stream.. jesus shes going kaela levels
3062 00:00:00   Jukarei longest while on an insomnia bender perhaps
3063 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 To be fair, Kronii did a guerrilla member stream earlier today, so this might be the most combined hours of streaming she did in one day.
3064 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Gn Agent, Potato
3065 00:00:00   kneet Goodnight fellow Kronies
3066 00:00:00   TopNepGear Yeah but this was the 2+4:35
3067 00:00:00   TopNepGear so really I think this is her longest day of streaming yet
3068 00:00:00   Rekkuza Gnite, kneet
3069 00:00:00   Just a takoronie True
3070 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 Which is what I said, I'd have to check what other double header stream days she's had.
3071 00:00:00   dabombishere123 kneet
3072 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Gn, Kneet and Potato
3073 00:00:00   Random Clipper Kneet
3074 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Pedro 50 won...
3075 00:00:00   AquaticLettuce i won
3076 00:00:00   LemonLizard Gabriel Kroniig actually got last
3077 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named
3078 00:00:00   dabombishere123
3079 00:00:00   AquaticLettuce hey phong
3080 00:00:00   hunkirii Pedro also won for me...
3081 00:00:00   Kipa12312 lmao the madman finally got what he wanted
3082 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 Why'd you and KC have to rat out the staffer Phong?
3083 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Vote for Pedro
3084 00:00:00   Wowzival Pedro is a chad
3085 00:00:00   Rekkuza LOL
3086 00:00:00   LemonLizard A vote for Pedro is a vote for Freedom!
3087 00:00:00   Random Clipper Phong
3088 00:00:00   Kipa12312 LMAO
3089 00:00:00   dabombishere123
3090 00:00:00   Outlawed Drifter I made my game suggestion to Kronii in the comments like someone suggested here, fingers crossed. I hope she doesnt mind.
3091 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named It's kronii's fault, I was just reminded of the moment cause she said she talks slow
3092 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig I can finally sleep...
3093 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig
3094 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named
3095 00:00:00   Jukarei As long as you're polite about it she shouldn't mind.
3096 00:00:00   Wowzival Lol that voice was so cute and cringe i just couldn't stop laughing
3097 00:00:00   Rekkuza You sleep?
3098 00:00:00   LemonLizard I doubt she'll mind, as long as it isn't constantly spammed
3099 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Lol why cringe, Wowzival? I thought it was cute
3100 00:00:00   Random Clipper Still phong, who was the staff, you wanna tell us?
3101 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Yeah, I was falling asleep. What was that voice at the end?
3102 00:00:00   Encourage My Own Life To Be Alive. Last Kronies for 1st anniversary,1st Gabriel Kroniig and followed by Pedro 50then SpaceSentinelin
3103 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Encourage, don’t give Gabe the copium
3104 00:00:00   Kipa12312 It sounded like a Portal turret to me
3105 00:00:00   Jukarei what did they say again? that she took her time talking or wha? That's brazen for sure.
3106 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named oh the staff?
3107 00:00:00   Kipa12312 something like that yeah
3108 00:00:00   Rice What
3109 00:00:00   Rice the
3110 00:00:00   Encourage My Own Life To Be Alive. I cannot he actually is
3111 00:00:00   Rice hell
3112 00:00:00   Rice is
3113 00:00:00   Rice today
3114 00:00:00   Rice right?
3115 00:00:00   Wowzival Cringe for all the stuff she was saying in that voice idk how to describe it but it was hilarious
3116 00:00:00   Encourage My Own Life To Be Alive. Today was nice
3117 00:00:00   Random Clipper Rice
3118 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named Ah it was cause during the meet and greet she was going over the schedule time. So staff got worried we'd be annoyed that we were waiting so long. So he said:
3119 00:00:00   Kipa12312 I agree, Encourage
3120 00:00:00   Encourage My Own Life To Be Alive.
3121 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named "sorry for the wait, you know kronii talks a bit slow and takes her time" or something along the lines
3122 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named hang in there rice
3123 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Rice
3124 00:00:00   AquaticLettuce Pray for staff-san
3125 00:00:00   Wowzival "you know how kronii likes too take her time talking " i thought it was a pun tho
3126 00:00:00   AquaticLettuce
3127 00:00:00   dabombishere123
3128 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 Also, Kronii was the last holo member doing a M&G so she could go over time.
3129 00:00:00   Random Clipper Do you actually know the name of the staff, I want to meet this legend one day
3130 00:00:00   Encourage My Own Life To Be Alive. pray for the shadow away
3131 00:00:00   dabombishere123 You know, even though we just had this supa reading, we’re still missing another two The Ina collab and Karaoke
3132 00:00:00   Rice But
3133 00:00:00   Rice he's
3134 00:00:00   Rice the
3135 00:00:00   Rice ultimate
3136 00:00:00   Rice lifeform
3137 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] oh no
3138 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] rice what happen
3139 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Rice, pls stop spamming
3140 00:00:00   Nerrev Bruh I feel bad for Kronii, maybe leaving a comment was a bad decision. People just shiitake in her replies
3141 00:00:00   Rice that's
3142 00:00:00   Rice what
3143 00:00:00   Random Clipper Rice will need to take another medical leave as the counter guy for hotel fc2
3144 00:00:00   Rice happened
3145 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named I don't, but I can ask a friend that knows the name of the staff
3146 00:00:00   Nerrev leaving comments that is obviously clear they are not watching thee stream
3147 00:00:00   Random Clipper Please do Phong Onegaishimasu
3148 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named but yeah she was last, the people at the meet and greet didn't care we were waiting, but the staff wants to be punctual and stuff so he got worried
3149 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) ...
3150 00:00:00   Wowzival That man about too know these personally
3151 00:00:00   AquaticLettuce oh yea nerrev i saw those, its fine its whatever
3152 00:00:00   Rice Did I
3153 00:00:00   AquaticLettuce let them mald
3154 00:00:00   Rice just get
3155 00:00:00   AquaticLettuce Isekaied?
3156 00:00:00   Rice censored
3157 00:00:00   Random Clipper Maybe?
3158 00:00:00   Nerrev Yeah I mean I know, that Kronii understand. we're done after all. it's just crazy
3159 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named it happens Nerrev
3160 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Nerrev, she’s got a thicker skin than we give her credit for.
3161 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named it happens to every talent in this situation
3162 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) Yeah this always happens
3163 00:00:00   Nerrev Yeah, shouldn't even bother to read it
3164 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named Even staff told her it happens so she was prepared-ish
3165 00:00:00   Random Clipper I mean tbh, I feel like the shipping problem is already dealt with, Kronii's merch shipping on the other hand
3166 00:00:00   Kipa12312 what comments? for this stream or what?
3167 00:00:00   Flashburn Now to watch the members' stream I missed earlier today
3168 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Flash
3169 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Hahaha, pain, Flash
3170 00:00:00   Nerrev it's the replies in her comment on my clip
3171 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) im gonna... drink coffe... and think about my L...
3172 00:00:00   Nerrev don't even bother to read it
3173 00:00:00   Wowzival GL Flashburn it was unarchived
3174 00:00:00   Kipa12312 oh she commented?
3175 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named lmao yubi
3176 00:00:00   dabombishere123 I hope she doesn’t even bother to read them, yeah
3177 00:00:00   Nerrev i did got ratio'd tho. fml
3178 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named that grammer mistake cost ya
3179 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) yeah...
3180 00:00:00   Flashburn It is archived, if you know where to look
3181 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] Poor rice
3182 00:00:00   TopNepGear I really think that was something that shouldn't have been clipped in the first place
3183 00:00:00   Nerrev that's a dangerous talking you bring here flash
3184 00:00:00   Wowzival Oh no
3185 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] wht do innocent people get bonk by yt often?
3186 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Hey, it’s an honor to get ratio’d by your oshi
3187 00:00:00   Kipa12312 oh ayeah I remember her saying she did comment on a clip
3188 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) i have to wait 4 months to ask something like that again... is gonna be my kisser anniv
3189 00:00:00   TopNepGear but at the same time, at least someone did a whole clip in the sea of drama baiting channels
3190 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Because YT is sus
3191 00:00:00   Flashburn not going to talk about it here but I'll be watching it now.
3192 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named Nah it's better that Nerrev clip the whole thing with context, otherwise only drama clip baits would exist
3193 00:00:00   Kipa12312
3194 00:00:00   Wowzival yeah still have yet to get bonked man idk I've been trying my best here too get bonked bro
3195 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) Yeah Nerrev did good
3196 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named anyways, that anniversary sc was full of fun tangents lol
3197 00:00:00   Nerrev its fine now, we moved on. im just ranting because how crazy her reply section is
3198 00:00:00   Rekkuza Yes it was.
3199 00:00:00   Rekkuza Also trying to intentionally be bonked will probably not get you anywhere. At least here.
3200 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 Well Kronii knows to avoid the third party crazies and so should we.
3201 00:00:00   Random Clipper Im a bit mixed feelings about the clip itself, but overall I think we can agree that the overall "Drama" if we wanna call it is already done and dealt with and we should move on tbh
3202 00:00:00   Nerrev that anniversary sc reading felt like a cold splash of water
3203 00:00:00   dabombishere123 People will do anything for attention
3204 00:00:00   Rice Are we
3205 00:00:00   Rice seriously
3206 00:00:00   Rice still
3207 00:00:00   Rice talking
3208 00:00:00   Rice about
3209 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) The Sc reading was... nice
3210 00:00:00   Rice this?
3211 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named Follow protocol, ignore, block and move on
3212 00:00:00   Nerrev we are not, we literally just drop it
3213 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named
3214 00:00:00   Rice Good
3215 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 We can talk about Kronii laughing you getting shadowbanned if you want Rice.
3216 00:00:00   Rice Sure
3217 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Yep, we’re still talking about you getting bonked, Rice
3218 00:00:00   Wowzival I agree with Rice the more attention we give it the stronger it has an effect
3219 00:00:00   Nerrev kek gottem
3220 00:00:00   Tiny little clock
3221 00:00:00   Kipa12312 lmao
3222 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) i wanna have a W...
3223 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named Rice gets shadowban and my name gets shadowban from kronii's brain
3224 00:00:00   Random Clipper Skill issue rice
3225 00:00:00   Rice Screw me
3226 00:00:00   Rice Right?
3227 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) @Phong / みそ the one who must not be named teach me the ways of the W gang
3228 00:00:00   Rice SCREW ME
3229 00:00:00   Nerrev Change your name yubi, she will treat your like normal again
3230 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 Honestly, my boston meet and greet and starting to get hazy to me now.
3231 00:00:00   Nerrev im sure she will notice it first because of your change then she will read you more because no more risk of kissing
3232 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) my name was Yubi fear Ina milk enjoyer
3233 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Hehehe nice, Yubi
3234 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Milk those tentacles
3235 00:00:00   Random Clipper Dafuq
3236 00:00:00   Encourage My Own Life To Be Alive.
3237 00:00:00   dabombishere123
3238 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 On yeah, you used to drink Ina's milk.
3239 00:00:00   Nerrev i mean you can do whatever with that lol
3240 00:00:00   Rekkuza Hm
3241 00:00:00   Wowzival I wish there was a face palm emote for this situation
3242 00:00:00   Random Clipper THE ONE PIECE, ITS REAL
3243 00:00:00   Rice They're
3244 00:00:00   Rice all
3245 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named Well she did read your message today, so just do the same thing you did before
3246 00:00:00   Rice terrible
3247 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) Yeah but let me reach one year being a kisser and im gonna ask a new job to kronii (also name)
3248 00:00:00   Nerrev shut rc
3249 00:00:00   Wowzival The RIBBON IS REAL
3250 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named We got morb and one peace
3251 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named kronii does this to herself
3252 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Kronii’s pieces are real
3253 00:00:00   dabombishere123
3254 00:00:00   Random Clipper I agree, its kronii own fault for the one peace
3255 00:00:00   Rice Your mom
3256 00:00:00   Rice is real
3257 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 Kronii's Two Piece.
3258 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named the amount of time she laughed when we went it's real was great though
3259 00:00:00   Wowzival Ha gottem
3260 00:00:00   Random Clipper Yeah, the laugh was so blessed
3261 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Like a kid laughing at peepee poopoo jokes lol
3262 00:00:00   Random Clipper Even if the meme was cursed
3263 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) also is weird that she thinks the kronies are kissers, im the only kisser here sadly
3264 00:00:00   Nerrev "stop guys, it's getting old real quick" few seconds later "yeah i guess i saw the one piece "
3265 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) Queue and sirg leo are not with me anymore...
3266 00:00:00   Nerrev
3267 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 I have a feeling kronii enjoys scat humor
3268 00:00:00   Random Clipper Btw aeon is gone right?
3269 00:00:00   Rice STOP IT
3270 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) TINNY ONE PIECE
3271 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named nah yubi
3272 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named there are other kissing kronies
3273 00:00:00   dabombishere123 I’m a scatman
3274 00:00:00   Wowzival Yeah but we kinda excepted you Yubi so i guess we are kissers by association
3275 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) wait really???
3276 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named yeah, they kiss irl
3277 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named
3278 00:00:00   Random Clipper Okay, aeon is gone. THAT PEACE OF SHITAKI, STOP SENDING SUN EMPRESS SUPAS WITH MY NAME
3279 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) oh my
3280 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 I wonder if Kronii can s sing Scatman.
3281 00:00:00   Rice Probably
3282 00:00:00   Sabas I nodded off during the stream, went back to hear my super
3283 00:00:00   Nerrev maybe if she try
3284 00:00:00   Wowzival Keonii singing piano man would be funny
3285 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named nice sabas
3286 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) also idk how the other fanbase know about the kissing do they lurk here??? i dont kiss in live stream
3287 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named it was lovely to hear her respond to so many
3288 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Kronii doing a bad Rap God fast rap on purpose
3289 00:00:00   Nerrev i can't send one because that day was very chaotic.. maybe next week..
3290 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named very wholesome
3291 00:00:00   TopNepGear Scatman('s estate) is VERY protective of their copyright. I doubt she could sing his songs if she wanted to
3292 00:00:00   Wowzival Actually how do they know
3293 00:00:00   Sabas Me: you keep improving week after week / Kronii: I wouldn't say week after week. Let's try bi-weekly
3294 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) yeah it was great now lets wait 7 months to hear the Birthday Sc!
3295 00:00:00   Random Clipper I wish I got money to send a supa one day
3296 00:00:00   Random Clipper A proper one
3297 00:00:00   Rekkuza One day, RC
3298 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named Kronii could do the meme part of scat man, that's all anyone knows of the song anyways
3299 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 Just see that sun emperess.
3300 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Just see your kidney
3301 00:00:00   Rekkuza LOL
3302 00:00:00   dabombishere123 *sell
3303 00:00:00   Wowzival we all pay what little tribute we can
3304 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser)
3305 00:00:00   Random Clipper Dude, bk I swear to god
3306 00:00:00   Random Clipper Look, the sun empress wasn't suppose to be like this
3307 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) pay to take L´s what a deal!
3308 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Oh, Gabe pays his tribute alright. Exposed in 4K
3309 00:00:00   Wowzival Stonks
3310 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 Too bad, this what you're know for RC.
3311 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 Also my mind is clay, I don't care about grammar.
3312 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) also Coffe didnt help im gonna sleep 2 hours
3313 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Pain
3314 00:00:00   Random Clipper Okay look, I wanna get this off my mind for a sec, I was just salty okay
3315 00:00:00   yubi pucker(professional Kromie kisser) Cya guys on the Superhot stream! have a nice day
3316 00:00:00   Random Clipper Yubus
3317 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 See yah Yubi
3318 00:00:00   Rekkuza See ya, Yubi
3319 00:00:00   Rice Please
3320 00:00:00   Rice come
3321 00:00:00   Rice again
3322 00:00:00   Wowzival RC salty about what what are you talking about
3323 00:00:00   Random Clipper Basically I sent my discord anni project message with a different discord name, so I decide to send my message as an anonyronie instead.
3324 00:00:00   Random Clipper But at the end of my message, I sort of added the line, that "do you know I have a sun empress" as kind of a joke so that she knows this anonyronie is me
3325 00:00:00   Random Clipper But for some freaking reason, the one in charge of the anni project decides to remove that line, without any prior notice, maybe time was short Idk, but without notice, so now its just anonyronie
3326 00:00:00   Random Clipper So Im just a bit salty that I spent so much heart and time and soul into this one message and its get washed away as just another anonyronie
3327 00:00:00   Wowzival lol cringe
3329 00:00:00   Kipa12312 LMAO
3330 00:00:00   Rekkuza LOL
3331 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 Should have just added your name.
3332 00:00:00   Kipa12312 skill issue?
3333 00:00:00   Random Clipper Im not gonna make kronii swore in tagalog kipa
3334 00:00:00   Wowzival
3335 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 But honestly, you got a gimmick Kronii's going to remember. So it's not all bad.
3336 00:00:00   Nerrev You can just ask ZXE lol
3337 00:00:00   Rice Ha
3338 00:00:00   Rice Ha
3339 00:00:00   Rice Ha
3340 00:00:00   Nerrev You can still do it now if you ask nicely
3341 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 i still think Kronii should just pick a name for ZX and call him by that regardless of what his name is.
3342 00:00:00   Nerrev since she hasn't read everything
3343 00:00:00   Random Clipper Freaking rice, I swear to god, Im gonna reduce your pay
3344 00:00:00   Rice You don't
3345 00:00:00   Rice own me
3346 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Why not just keep it short as ZX?
3347 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Just name yourself ZX Spectrum like the PC?
3348 00:00:00   Nerrev ZX is not even here why are we having this discussion lmao
3349 00:00:00   Rice Missing No
3350 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Yay Copywright infringement
3351 00:00:00   Random Clipper Well, kronii said she read like 1/3 of the message, and in which direction again?
3352 00:00:00   Wowzival Do you think KC will get his Butler contract ??
3353 00:00:00   Kipa12312 down
3354 00:00:00   Nerrev the middle
3355 00:00:00   Nerrev so there is still left and right
3356 00:00:00   dabombishere123 I’m surprised she didn’t just say yes
3357 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Had to blue ball the poor kid
3358 00:00:00   Wowzival poor guy
3359 00:00:00   Nerrev Obviously because She got my servitude already..
3360 00:00:00   Random Clipper Maybe I will ask about it, how do I contact the existentialronie
3361 00:00:00   dabombishere123 True
3362 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named @Random Clipper if you have an issue with your message, you can easily contact the staff for the project and they can just edit it
3363 00:00:00   Nerrev (headcanon) but I did use the gimmick first on my Twitter lol
3364 00:00:00   Kipa12312 You must first answer his riddles three
3365 00:00:00   Wowzival Nerrev does have more clips
3366 00:00:00   Rice Staff
3367 00:00:00   Juntal Calos
3368 00:00:00   Rice as if
3369 00:00:00   Rice they're
3370 00:00:00   Rice official
3371 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Juntal
3372 00:00:00   Nerrev doesn't matter. I wish for more clippers honestly
3373 00:00:00   Random Clipper Welp, sorry but I will try my best, senpai
3374 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named Project leaders, staff, mod team, it's really w/e you want to call it
3375 00:00:00   Random Clipper Okay, so let's see, who should I politely karen about
3376 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Nerrev is your sensei
3377 00:00:00   Nerrev yeah i mean to some degree you gotta respect them since it's not easy to move these many people
3378 00:00:00   Kurozora I listened in while I was at the gym but I’m home chillin now. How we feeling?
3379 00:00:00   Rekkuza Politely karen?
3380 00:00:00   Nerrev especially one that was done online
3381 00:00:00   dabombishere123 We doing fantastic
3382 00:00:00   Wowzival i would clip but i don't have enough time in the day i already barely get 5 hours of sleep i don't wanna lose more
3383 00:00:00   Rice Peachy
3384 00:00:00   Nerrev @dabombishere123 do you even see RC's video? he edits better than me
3385 00:00:00   Kurozora Oh yeah
3386 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Hope you’re feeling energized after getting that work in, Kuro
3387 00:00:00   Random Clipper Nah dude, I work like 8 hours on a video dude, I need some help
3388 00:00:00   Kurozora #freeRicepart5
3389 00:00:00   dabombishere123 *work out
3390 00:00:00   Random Clipper You see my thumbnail, I just gave up
3391 00:00:00   Nerrev my back is tired
3392 00:00:00   Rekkuza I didn't expect the hugs to come from my SC
3393 00:00:00   Kurozora Thanks haha. If anything I’m a little tired but I’ll be okay
3394 00:00:00   dabombishere123 I use kids art for my videos
3395 00:00:00   Nerrev with that fancy editing yeah of course it takes time lol
3396 00:00:00   Random Clipper Rekkuza, you were sweet, and much love
3397 00:00:00   Rekkuza So I'm pretty happy.
3398 00:00:00   Kurozora You’re a sweetheart Rekkuza you deserve all the hugs
3399 00:00:00   Kipa12312 brb gotta get more carrots
3400 00:00:00   Nerrev my last kronii's jack box clip took 24 hours
3401 00:00:00   Rekkuza Thank you.
3402 00:00:00   Kipa12312 I appreciate the work, Nerrev
3403 00:00:00   Nerrev Just saying i didn't wash my hands when i hugged you
3404 00:00:00   dabombishere123 You almost made me shed a tear, Rekkuza
3405 00:00:00   Random Clipper Oof, hope it was fun at least nerrev, I honestly learnt alot from your clips nerrev
3406 00:00:00   Kurozora Enjoy the carrots, Kipa
3407 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Just one
3408 00:00:00   Rekkuza lol
3409 00:00:00   Kipa12312 rekkuza
3410 00:00:00   Kurozora And that was a manly tear ain’t it
3411 00:00:00   Rekkuza Well either way, It was something I wanted to say for a while now.
3412 00:00:00   Nerrev yeah, editing clips like that are always fun. I just wish i have more time do more
3413 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Yep. Sometimes the liquid pride just comes out
3414 00:00:00   Kurozora well glad it’s out there, but I’ve know for a while
3415 00:00:00   Random Clipper Okay, ZXE, panda or atlas, these are the only names I remember, now where do I politely karen them
3416 00:00:00   TopNepGear So by Land Before Time, I can only assume I need to find the very first movie right
3417 00:00:00   Rekkuza But I need to go to bed, so take care everyone. And rest well when you do.
3418 00:00:00   Nerrev I told you to just ask them nicely
3419 00:00:00   Kurozora Yeah, no worries Nerrev. You do wonderful work as is, so thanks too
3420 00:00:00   Random Clipper Do take care nerrev, don't push yourself too hare
3421 00:00:00   Random Clipper Rekkuza
3422 00:00:00   Nerrev I'd recommend ZXE, because he is cool
3423 00:00:00   Kurozora Goodnight Rekkuza!
3424 00:00:00   hunkirii Yeah
3425 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Have a good sleep, Rekkuza
3426 00:00:00   hunkirii ZXE is cool
3427 00:00:00   Nerrev kroyasumi
3428 00:00:00   Random Clipper Yeah, Im gonna politely karen, isn't it like 3am in ZXE time
3429 00:00:00   Kurozora You gotta say you asked for no pickles first
3430 00:00:00   hunkirii But ask him later
3431 00:00:00   Nerrev @Kurozora thanks man, I'm doing it because I'm happy and if people who watch it are happy too then that just doubles it
3432 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Internet logic: you didn’t mention Panda or Atlas being cool, therefore you must hate them
3433 00:00:00   Wowzival do you think the yt algorithm uses accounts to recommend too others for example Yubi is a decent kronii but watches Kaela so yt will take what streams of Kaela he most watched and recommend them too
3434 00:00:00   Wowzival other kroniis
3435 00:00:00   Jukarei Congrats on surviving the night everyone! Lets uh, hope the boss' voice survived too
3436 00:00:00   Nerrev @dabombishere123 I just don't know them enough but ZXE has reached me few times in the past
3437 00:00:00   Kurozora No more talking for her until soup hot vr hopefully
3438 00:00:00   Kipa12312 gn Rekkuza
3439 00:00:00   Kipa12312 soup hot is the most innovative game I have played in years
3440 00:00:00   Random Clipper I mean, I think atlas is cool, I like his pfp.... I think...
3441 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named oh ya Kurozora we met at CRX right?
3442 00:00:00   Random Clipper As for panda, the comunity seems to chill around him, so he should also be fine
3443 00:00:00   Kipa12312 what are we talking about?
3444 00:00:00   Nerrev @Wowzival yes there are a video that got recommended because "x viewers are watching this video too" but that depends on who you just watch
3445 00:00:00   dabombishere123 I’ll have everyone know Atlas accidentally kicked me off the discord server when I first joined lmao
3446 00:00:00   dabombishere123 I’ll always hold that over them
3447 00:00:00   Kurozora Yeah haha we did Phong. I was the one with Gunpuku. To be fair. I was usually quiet haha. I’m pretty shy irl
3448 00:00:00   Random Clipper Okay, I decided that I will politely karen all three of them, and hope that none of them will kick me off
3449 00:00:00   hunkirii Why is she still awake...
3450 00:00:00   Kurozora You were the one who got caught with the takodachis iirc haha
3451 00:00:00   Wowzival Interesting
3452 00:00:00   Kipa12312 did she tweet?
3453 00:00:00   Random Clipper She tweeted Gura big brain time???
3454 00:00:00   Kipa12312 lol
3455 00:00:00   Kurozora She promoted Gura’s thing… which is during the members watchalong I think
3456 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named It was good meeting ya! yeah didn't get to talk to much but hopefully we meet again in another convention or something
3457 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Gura smol peabrain thyme
3458 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named she's moving watchalong to be in the gura thing
3459 00:00:00   Wowzival why was kronii bullying gira i only saw a clip of it
3460 00:00:00   Random Clipper Wait, was phong the one who kronii thought was a girl?!?!?
3461 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named yeah that was me too lol
3462 00:00:00   Kurozora Yeah no worries. I know we didn’t talk much but I can tell you’re nice so next time!
3463 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named she said before meeting me she thought I was a girl
3464 00:00:00   Kurozora
3465 00:00:00   Random Clipper Dude, that was funny
3466 00:00:00   Kipa12312 YOU'RE A GIRL?!
3467 00:00:00   Random Clipper Dude, phong looks jacked, he can freaking princess carry me or something
3468 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named I can do valley girl
3469 00:00:00   dabombishere123 I wonder what made her think that?
3470 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named Wait what
3471 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named I'm not jacked
3472 00:00:00   Kipa12312 lol nice, Phong
3473 00:00:00   Kipa12312 You are now
3474 00:00:00   Random Clipper Wait, was it phong the one with erm.... nene daki!??!?!?
3475 00:00:00   RTSE Must be you pfp
3476 00:00:00   Random Clipper Wasn't it phong!??!?!
3477 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named yes that was my nene daki
3478 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named LOL
3479 00:00:00   Wowzival @kipa12312 don't act maidenless
3481 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Wowzival, do you mean during the summer festival?
3482 00:00:00   Kipa12312 I'm not
3483 00:00:00   Kipa12312 It was during the recent Minecraft collab I think
3484 00:00:00   Wowzival yeah during the festival
3485 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named Nope nope, can't be me RC, I'm just normal Kronie that works out occasionally
3486 00:00:00   Rice I just
3487 00:00:00   Rice cracked
3488 00:00:00   Rice my chest
3489 00:00:00   Random Clipper
3490 00:00:00   Random Clipper Lmao rice
3491 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named
3492 00:00:00   Kurozora What
3493 00:00:00   Random Clipper You okay?
3494 00:00:00   Kipa12312 my sternum
3495 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named in a good or bad way rice
3496 00:00:00   Rice Idk
3497 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Rice's sternum
3498 00:00:00   Kurozora Do you need us to call an ambulance? Idk how
3499 00:00:00   Kipa12312 well, was it painful?
3500 00:00:00   Rice No
3501 00:00:00   Rice Whatever
3502 00:00:00   Kipa12312 then you're probably fine
3503 00:00:00   Rice It's
3504 00:00:00   Rice probably
3505 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named You'll be fine as long there's no after pain, hopefully
3506 00:00:00   Rice fine
3507 00:00:00   Rice yeh
3508 00:00:00   Kipa12312
3509 00:00:00   Random Clipper You should be fine rice, I crack my knee all the time
3510 00:00:00   Rice I crack
3511 00:00:00   Rice all over
3512 00:00:00   Kipa12312 My sternum pops like a few times a week
3513 00:00:00   Rice tbh
3514 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named I can pop my jaw pretty requently
3515 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named frequently*
3516 00:00:00   Wowzival gn or rather good morning guys I'm going to sleep
3517 00:00:00   Random Clipper Okay, now you guys are just flexing
3518 00:00:00   Rice Sometimes
3519 00:00:00   Rice it hurts
3520 00:00:00   Random Clipper Wow
3521 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named flexing my terrible jaw position
3522 00:00:00   Rice Please
3523 00:00:00   Rice come
3524 00:00:00   Rice again
3525 00:00:00   Kipa12312 same, Phong. Got tmj
3526 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named gn wowzival
3527 00:00:00   Kurozora Gn Wowzival!
3528 00:00:00   Kipa12312 gn Wow
3529 00:00:00   Rice Flex my
3530 00:00:00   Rice bad back
3531 00:00:00   Rice bad neck
3532 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named pretty sure my wisdom tooth messed up my jaw alignment so now I can just constantly pop my jaw
3533 00:00:00   Rice and now
3534 00:00:00   Rice apparently
3535 00:00:00   Rice bad chest
3536 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named so a doctor rice if it gets painful
3537 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named see a doctor*
3538 00:00:00   Kurozora Yeah that a significant part of your upper body there
3539 00:00:00   Wowzival @Rice (before i go to sleep) Try yoga at least twice a week if you can it'll assist with that
3540 00:00:00   dabombishere123 Gn Wowzival
3541 00:00:00   Kipa12312
3542 00:00:00   Random Clipper
3543 00:00:00   Kipa12312 nite, Wowzival
3544 00:00:00   HunkyDunk freechat is now your doctor. may i suggest some tuna subway sandwich? it heals all wounds
3545 00:00:00   dabombishere123 And also goodnight to all the kronies as well
3546 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named or some light fitness, since i started going to the gym, my body hurts less (from everyday activities)
3547 00:00:00   Kipa12312 HunkyDunk
3548 00:00:00   Kurozora Heading out too, Dabomb? Goodnight!
3549 00:00:00   Rice I want
3550 00:00:00   Rice A new
3551 00:00:00   Rice doctor
3552 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named gn dabomb
3553 00:00:00   Kurozora And hi HunkyDunk!
3554 00:00:00   Kipa12312 goodnight, Dabomb
3555 00:00:00   Rice Please
3556 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named oof hope ya find a decent one
3557 00:00:00   Rice come
3558 00:00:00   Rice again
3559 00:00:00   Random Clipper bombom
3560 00:00:00   Substidude
3561 00:00:00   dabombishere123
3562 00:00:00   Random Clipper Sub
3563 00:00:00   HunkyDunk maybe a pill will help
3564 00:00:00   Substidude Can't get the last Members stream out of my head... Why does Kronii have to deal with people like that...
3565 00:00:00   John
3566 00:00:00   Kipa12312
3567 00:00:00   Substidude
3568 00:00:00   John Kronii my beloved
3569 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Hi John
3570 00:00:00   John
3571 00:00:00   Kipa12312 It sucks, but at least she's handling it wel, Substidude
3572 00:00:00   Random Clipper John
3573 00:00:00   John
3574 00:00:00   Substidude True. She is based, afterall.
3575 00:00:00   Rice No
3576 00:00:00   Rice leaking
3577 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Based Kronii
3578 00:00:00   HunkyDunk @substidude it happens, considering tha most common audience of vtubers. dont pick on people too much, like kronii said theres respectful ones that you shouldn't bother and then theres assholes
3579 00:00:00   Rice members
3580 00:00:00   Random Clipper Okay, I don't know what based means, and at this point Im too afraid to asked
3581 00:00:00   HunkyDunk also its best not to talk about members content here
3582 00:00:00   John right
3583 00:00:00   Substidude Sorry.
3584 00:00:00   Kipa12312 I mean she said what was said during the Last Campfire stream
3585 00:00:00   Rice Also
3586 00:00:00   Rice Typical
3587 00:00:00   Rice doctor
3588 00:00:00   Rice trying to
3589 00:00:00   Rice feed me
3590 00:00:00   HunkyDunk @random clipper at this point it just means the opposite of cringe
3591 00:00:00   Rice a pill
3592 00:00:00   Flakarmor why are you breaking up your sentence dude?
3593 00:00:00   HunkyDunk is there any reason rice types like that?
3594 00:00:00   Rice I like
3595 00:00:00   John
3596 00:00:00   Rice doing
3597 00:00:00   Rice this
3598 00:00:00   Rice the
3599 00:00:00   Flakarmor GJ john
3600 00:00:00   Rice structure
3601 00:00:00   Rice comforts
3602 00:00:00   Rice me
3603 00:00:00   HunkyDunk okay
3604 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Rice is shadow banned
3605 00:00:00   HunkyDunk ill
3606 00:00:00   HunkyDunk comfort
3607 00:00:00   HunkyDunk you
3608 00:00:00   Substidude That's ominous
3609 00:00:00   Kipa12312 this gives me ptsd from the time I too was bonked
3610 00:00:00   HunkyDunk lol oh he got shadowbanned for it?
3611 00:00:00   Rice Someone
3612 00:00:00   Rice else
3613 00:00:00   Rice explain
3614 00:00:00   Random Clipper
3615 00:00:00   Kipa12312 It's why he types that way
3616 00:00:00   Kipa12312 YT bonked him
3617 00:00:00   Rice BK help
3618 00:00:00   John
3619 00:00:00   Rice Fine
3620 00:00:00   Rice I was
3621 00:00:00   Rice typing
3622 00:00:00   Rice normally
3623 00:00:00   Rice then I
3624 00:00:00   Rice got
3625 00:00:00   Rice banned
3626 00:00:00   Rice so now
3627 00:00:00   Rice I'm
3628 00:00:00   Rice forced to
3629 00:00:00   Rice type
3630 00:00:00   Rice like
3631 00:00:00   Rice this
3632 00:00:00   AquaticLettuce Skill Issue
3633 00:00:00   AquaticLettuce just dont get shadowbanned
3634 00:00:00   HunkyDunk naruhodo
3635 00:00:00   HunkyDunk anyways i better be going
3636 00:00:00   HunkyDunk its pretty late... seeya
3637 00:00:00   Rice Please
3638 00:00:00   Rice come
3639 00:00:00   HunkyDunk
3640 00:00:00   Rice again
3641 00:00:00   AquaticLettuce gn hunky
3642 00:00:00   Sabas
3643 00:00:00   John I love kronii's korean
3644 00:00:00   Substidude Sleep well, Hunky
3645 00:00:00   Random Clipper Hunky
3646 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Kronii's voice when she speaks Korean or Japanese is so cute
3647 00:00:00   Sabas Do kronies dream of electric watame
3648 00:00:00   Substidude Absolutely blessed
3649 00:00:00   Kurozora Rest up, Hunky!
3650 00:00:00   Kipa12312 I dream of nothing. . . If I do it is completely random
3651 00:00:00   John
3652 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Oh Good night, HunkyDunk
3653 00:00:00   Substidude ...So what is Electric Watame?
3654 00:00:00   Random Clipper
3655 00:00:00   Kipa12312 A fake portable Watame that runs on electricity
3656 00:00:00   Substidude Amazing. Where do you get those?
3657 00:00:00   Kipa12312 Uhh, the Bladerunner timeline??
3658 00:00:00   Phong / みそ the one who must not be named going to head to sleep, hope y'all have a great day/night
3659 00:00:00   Kipa12312 good night, Phong. Take care
3660 00:00:00   Substidude My life is so compromised right now, might as well buy a walking catastrophe that does borderline nothing wrong.
3661 00:00:00   Substidude Rest well, Phong
3662 00:00:00   Random Clipper Phong
3663 00:00:00   Kipa12312 good night, Kromies
3664 00:00:00   Substidude Sleep well, Kipa!
3665 00:00:00   Random Clipper I hate kronii
3666 00:00:00   Random Clipper Kipa
3667 00:00:00   Kipa12312 rc
3668 00:00:00   Kipa12312
3669 00:00:00   Random Clipper
3670 00:00:00   Substidude I will go too, lunch break's about to end. See y'all later!
3671 00:00:00   Random Clipper Take care substidude
3672 00:00:00   Kurozora Goodnight Phong, Kipa, and Sub
3673 00:00:00   Random Clipper How's live a live kuro
3674 00:00:00   Kurozora I like it quite a bit! I actually didn’t get to play it last night cuz a friend hit me up and wanted to watch season 3 of the boys lol
3675 00:00:00   Kurozora I enjoy that show btw
3676 00:00:00   Kurozora But the stories I’ve managed to get through so far I like. I can see how formative live a live ended up being in stuff like NieR, Undertale, and many other games
3677 00:00:00   Random Clipper Oh boi, dude that show is gorey af
3678 00:00:00   Kurozora Yep haha. I have the stomach for that, surprisingly
3679 00:00:00   Random Clipper Still can't get over the man's amazing australian accent
3680 00:00:00   Random Clipper and homelander just gets creepier and creepier
3681 00:00:00   Kurozora Billy Butchers probably my favorite character. A c-word, but a likable one. (He says that word himself, okay)
3682 00:00:00   Random Clipper Yeah dude, he is borderline becoming a villain I feel
3683 00:00:00   Kurozora And yeah I think homelander is a great character study
3684 00:00:00   Random Clipper And live a live is like nier?!?
3685 00:00:00   Random Clipper The stories aren't even connected right
3686 00:00:00   Kurozora Kinda? More so in how it’s a JRPG that likes to use multiple game genres to tell their stories
3687 00:00:00   Kurozora I think Octopath Traveler was meant to be a spiritual successor to Live a Live
3688 00:00:00   Random Clipper Great, I played neither of those game
3689 00:00:00   Kurozora Oh lol. But yeah, the comparison there is that it uses multiple game genres at different points in their game to tell a story
3690 00:00:00   Kurozora And Toby Fox is on record saying that Live a Live greatly influenced his approach to Undertale
3691 00:00:00   Random Clipper Hmm, interesting
3692 00:00:00   Kurozora Megalovania from Undertale was inspired by Megalomania from Live a Live
3693 00:00:00   Kurozora That’s just one example
3694 00:00:00   Random Clipper I can see the similarity
3695 00:00:00   Random Clipper Octo and live aren't that long of a game right?
3696 00:00:00   Kurozora Live a live is a fairly short game iirc. I’ve just been doing other stuff. Each story path is like a length of a movie, but that’s all I know so far
3697 00:00:00   Kurozora Howlongtobeat says about 20 hours I think?
3698 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] Man idk what in the world Someguy and Juntal doin in vc but don't disturb them
3699 00:00:00   Some Guy Not war crimes, only seal clubbing
3700 00:00:00   Juntal Calos We are just boating
3701 00:00:00   Kurozora Octopath traveler is a long game tho, if you want the true ending haha
3702 00:00:00   Random Clipper They are waiting for you to steal their spine
3703 00:00:00   Random Clipper Are any of these games ported to pc
3704 00:00:00   Kurozora Nice. Hope y’all are vibing
3705 00:00:00   Some Guy Not a chance in hell RC
3706 00:00:00   Kurozora Octopath traveler is! And live a live… maybe down the line it will be too
3707 00:00:00   Some Guy She's too slow
3708 00:00:00   Random Clipper I see
3709 00:00:00   Random Clipper Well, before I attemp to get them on switch, i first wanna beat BDSP
3710 00:00:00   Kurozora Live a Live, you could use emulators, but idk if you’d be willing to
3711 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] Misery gave me free spine today, I'll hunt another one Tomorrow
3712 00:00:00   Random Clipper I want to get the nation pokedex and try to beat all the gym leader again
3713 00:00:00   Kurozora Yeah for sure! You’re doing postgame now?
3714 00:00:00   Random Clipper And then I will say that I completed the game
3715 00:00:00   Random Clipper I heard that you can challenge all the gym leaders again if you get the national pokedex, and they will return as strong as the elite 4
3716 00:00:00   Random Clipper So Im quite hype about that, but I need to find time to play it
3717 00:00:00   Kurozora Oh I guess that’s a change they added in BDSP then
3718 00:00:00   Kurozora But yeah that’s dope
3719 00:00:00   Random Clipper But yeah, I need to properly set up my team, and I need to play the game at night to catch the night pokemons for the pokedex
3720 00:00:00   Kurozora Oh right, you’re JST. Was about to say that you should just play while Kronii streams or something
3721 00:00:00   Random Clipper Yeah
3722 00:00:00   Kurozora Alright I think it’s time for me to call it too. Kroyasumi, everyone!
3723 00:00:00   Random Clipper Take care kuro
3724 00:00:00   Shizuka [Happy n broke Kromie] Bye Kuro
3725 00:00:00   Juntal Calos
3726 00:00:00   Jack good morning afternoon evening kromies MEOW
3727 00:00:00   Jack
3728 00:00:00   Rewind44
3729 00:00:00   Juntal Calos
3730 00:00:00   Rewind44
3731 00:00:00   Jack
3732 00:00:00   Random Clipper
3733 00:00:00   Jack Boros Plushies,i want hold it
3734 00:00:00   Jack
3735 00:00:00   Rewind44
3736 00:00:00   Jack
3737 00:00:00   Sleepy L FC.
3738 00:00:00   Rewind44 Sleepy L
3739 00:00:00   Sleepy L Finally have time to rest and catch up on streams. Hope everyone's day has been going well.
3740 00:00:00   A Wicked One Sleepy. Hope you have been having a great day as well.
3741 00:00:00   Rewind44 Wicked
3742 00:00:00   Sleepy L Thanks. Wicked.
3743 00:00:00   A Wicked One Rewind
3744 00:00:00   Jack A Wicked One,Sleepy L
3745 00:00:00   Sleepy L Jack
3746 00:00:00   Rewind44 Welcome new Kromie
3747 00:00:00   A Wicked One Jack
3748 00:00:00   Rewind44 brb
3749 00:00:00   Nerrev my god
3750 00:00:00   Nerrev our warden
3751 00:00:00   Sleepy L Nerrev
3752 00:00:00   Sleepy L something happen?
3753 00:00:00   Random Clipper L Rewind Nerrev Wicked
3754 00:00:00   Sleepy L random
3755 00:00:00   Nerrev I'M PANICKING
3756 00:00:00   Cyrielle Frye I told you everyone Nerrev will only cause problems for Kronii
3757 00:00:00   Random Clipper
3758 00:00:00   Nerrev not now mr cyrielle
3759 00:00:00   Sleepy L
3760 00:00:00   Jack
3761 00:00:00   Jack
3762 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 What happened now Nerrev?
3763 00:00:00   Random Clipper BK
3764 00:00:00   Sleepy L BK03
3765 00:00:00   Warleader Love the clip Nerrev.
3766 00:00:00   Nerrev there are too many trolls that just want to stir drama and its ruining kronii's notification
3767 00:00:00   Random Clipper Wall
3768 00:00:00   Random Clipper
3769 00:00:00   Sleepy L warleader
3770 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 What. Did. You. Do.
3771 00:00:00   Warleader Kronii posted a reply on Nerrev's video, then replied to her reply to clarify.
3772 00:00:00   Nerrev that's my only worry because the warden herself knows what to do
3773 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 I
3774 00:00:00   Nerrev She is just too nice, but not all people can see that
3775 00:00:00   Warleader Yeah, Kronii is really too nice.
3776 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 This thing is just going to keep spreading, Honestly it might be prudent to disable comments for the time being.
3777 00:00:00   Nerrev I'd love to do that
3778 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 But?
3779 00:00:00   Nerrev @Ouro Kronii Ch. hololive-EN I don't even know if you gonna see this and sorry for the ping. I hope you don't mind I'm turning it off
3780 00:00:00   Random Clipper She's asleep right now lmao
3781 00:00:00   Random Clipper Will turning off the comment delete everything?!?!?!
3782 00:00:00   Nerrev yeah total shut down
3783 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 I was under the impression that disabling comments doesn't delete the old ones.
3784 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Honestly it sucks but if people can't control themselves you need to draw the line
3785 00:00:00   Juntal Calos No it completely removes the comment section I believe
3786 00:00:00   Warleader Yeah, comment section just gets yeeted.
3787 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 I mean if you turn them back on later.
3788 00:00:00   Nerrev It's just sad you know when Kronii actually trying to be transparent and clear
3789 00:00:00   Nerrev but there is always those kind of people
3790 00:00:00   Nerrev for now i change it to hold for comment
3791 00:00:00   Random Clipper Oh god, I see what's happening now, dear me
3792 00:00:00   Nerrev i will just delete everything after what she clarify honestly
3793 00:00:00   Nerrev it's nothing but trolls
3794 00:00:00   Shimi probably for the better yea
3795 00:00:00   Juntal Calos As I said before to Kronii about people... the number 1 rule to remember is people don't like to read or listen
3796 00:00:00   Random Clipper I mean, why did she replied The first one is already fine as it is, anything else seems like fuel to the fire
3797 00:00:00   Nerrev These people are twisting her words to fit their convenient
3798 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Because she wanted to be clearer on the subject rather then level it vague...
3799 00:00:00   Juntal Calos leave it*
3800 00:00:00   Juntal Calos But as Nerrev said they twisted it
3801 00:00:00   Nerrev Most people didn't listen to her explanation in the clip till the end too, so they asked a question that already been answered
3802 00:00:00   Kitoglavie Not a day passed, but the "witch hunt" began again. She asked to stop it...
3803 00:00:00   Nerrev there is no witch hunt, this is like she is fighting alone behind our back
3804 00:00:00   Random Clipper Nah, this seems pretty minor
3805 00:00:00   Shimi sometimes can't help comment I get that
3806 00:00:00   Nerrev i mean idk, she could be laughing while reading the replies too
3807 00:00:00   Random Clipper Tbh nerrev, you should had already stopped the comment to the video in the first play
3808 00:00:00   Random Clipper Place*
3809 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme Nerrev you need to nuke that whole thing
3810 00:00:00   Nerrev RC she replied just before the member stream start
3811 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme That reply she made was poorly worded and just shot herself in the foot
3812 00:00:00   Velessia nerrev you should take done the comment people are using it to attack Kronii
3813 00:00:00   Nerrev the comment was peace, after that we watch the whole stream of sc catc hup
3814 00:00:00   Shimi kronii big girl so it's fine but rather not have her think about this anymore
3815 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme She's bad with words we know this
3816 00:00:00   Nerrev i already closed the comment
3817 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme Delete the whole thing
3818 00:00:00   Random Clipper Oh you did? Better archive it hten
3819 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme And don't like the comment for christ sakes that brings more attention to it
3820 00:00:00   Zenya
3821 00:00:00   Random Clipper No you didn't I replied like a stoopid pepega
3822 00:00:00   Random Clipper Zenya
3823 00:00:00   TrollingJugs Zenya
3824 00:00:00   Velessia there is people who want to use it to attack Kronii, talking to taking this over cover JP
3825 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme She explained everything perfectly in the members unarchived and then went and made this comment which is just Anti fuel due to poor wording.
3826 00:00:00   Nerrev huh that's weird
3827 00:00:00   Nerrev what about now rc can you do it again
3828 00:00:00   J. Lau comments are turned off on my end
3829 00:00:00   Random Clipper Let me try
3830 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Same
3831 00:00:00   Random Clipper Okay, now its closed
3832 00:00:00   Juntal Calos And Cover and management should be aware at this point
3833 00:00:00   Brotherfish People are already latching on to the "unfortunately because of idol culture" part, why not just nuke the whole thing.
3834 00:00:00   TrollingJugs yeah they're closed now
3835 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme You should honestly just disable comments
3836 00:00:00   Random Clipper Okay, I agree the second reply is a bit unnecessary
3837 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme or not make clips
3838 00:00:00   Nerrev Sorry for ruining the fun Kronii but I hope you understand
3839 00:00:00   Velessia the fun ?
3840 00:00:00   Velessia this is not fun, a lot of people who don't watch her use her as the center of a weird culture war
3841 00:00:00   Velessia nothing fun about this
3842 00:00:00   Ten Tacles well, this is why you shouldn't talk too much sometimes.
3843 00:00:00   Velessia i know
3844 00:00:00   Nerrev Velessia you are getting too heated
3845 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 It's just a bad time to crack a joke.
3846 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme No he's right and you should have disabled comments the moment Kronii commented
3847 00:00:00   Random Clipper Okay first off, all of you, calm your tatas
3848 00:00:00   Velessia no i'm not joking with you there is a discord who want to bring thiis up to cover
3849 00:00:00   J. Lau Oh no, Kronii...
3850 00:00:00   Ten Tacles remember that and you'll do well wherever you go.
3851 00:00:00   Juntal Calos You act like Cover isn't already aware
3852 00:00:00   Random Clipper Secondly, nerrev, you too calm your tatas, you are very volatile right now
3853 00:00:00   Velessia yes cover JP is not, yet
3854 00:00:00   Brotherfish People are already latching onto the "unfortunately because of idol culture part" why not remove the whole thing?
3855 00:00:00   Nerrev You right BK, my bad
3856 00:00:00   Nerrev I was in the middle of editing one piece is real okay, i dont even get notification of kronii replied
3857 00:00:00   Nerrev youtube doesn't work like that
3858 00:00:00   Velessia do any of the regular in FC know what's been going on ?
3859 00:00:00   Random Clipper Bruh, its like 5 am
3860 00:00:00   Juntal Calos We are the regulars
3861 00:00:00   Nerrev i only know that like an hour later
3862 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme I'm gonna mix three analogies here
3863 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme Kronii stepped in it, shot herself in the foot, and then put that foot in her mouth
3864 00:00:00   Velessia there is 2 group that are using Kronii's situation to do their weird culture war, they are both adamant on using anything to hurt the other side and the one at risk is actually Kronii
3865 00:00:00   Velessia and i'm not being dramatic
3866 00:00:00   Random Clipper How big is the group? Unless they are from /vt/ we shouldn't really be scared
3867 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Sadly this would happen no matter what Nerrev did
3868 00:00:00   Rafael Aguirre
3869 00:00:00   Ten Tacles dang, almost 5 am already? FRICK i have to go... man, i wanna be unemployed so bad.
3870 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme Yeah that was obvious from the community posts, tons of people under accounts
3871 00:00:00   Nerrev yeah, they keep twisting kronii's words
3872 00:00:00   Random Clipper Ten
3873 00:00:00   Juntal Calos If they are already taking it this far nothing with stop them
3874 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme They're mostly from Reddit, Twitter, and Discord
3875 00:00:00   Velessia it's all over the internet, vt reddit twitter
3876 00:00:00   Ten Tacles ye bye bee
3877 00:00:00   Nerrev they are just there for drama
3878 00:00:00   Random Clipper Take care ten
3879 00:00:00   Juntal Calos See you Ten
3880 00:00:00   Nerrev kroyasumi ten tacles
3881 00:00:00   Ten Tacles u too
3882 00:00:00   Warleader Cya Ten.
3883 00:00:00   Rewind44 See ya Ten
3884 00:00:00   Velessia yes and your clips don't help at all, in fact it makes things worse
3885 00:00:00   J. Lau rest well
3886 00:00:00   Ten Tacles i have to wake in 3 hours tho
3887 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon Evening chat
3888 00:00:00   Random Clipper I mean, where are the groups from? Reddit? Im not scared. Twitter? What they gonna do, cancel culture doesn't reach here. /Vt/ ? Now im afraid, those guys are dangerous
3889 00:00:00   Warleader Okay, the clip itself is fine in my opinion.
3890 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon What are you taking about?
3891 00:00:00   Velessia the stuff happening under the clip is not, and Kronii replying 2 time didn't helped it
3892 00:00:00   Deadweight If Kronii is still around, bro, no matter how well you explain it it doesn't matter.
3893 00:00:00   Brotherfish The second comment reads perfectly fine but the "unfortunately because of idol culture" bit WILL be used to make problems for her.
3894 00:00:00   Deadweight The only reason why they're listening to you is so that they can cherrypick what you say and twist it to suit their narrative. Do you honestly believe they care about YOUR intentions?
3895 00:00:00   Random Clipper Cloud Deadweight
3896 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon RC, Deadweight
3897 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme Kronii once again tried to explain herself and once again is bad with words and now Antis are running with it trying to do their culture war again.
3898 00:00:00   Random Clipper Okay, okay, calm down you guys
3899 00:00:00   Nerrev what deadweight said
3900 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon It looks like I came here at bad time
3901 00:00:00   Shimi I don't think nerrev can do anything at this point beside delete so should stop talking about it
3902 00:00:00   Deadweight F no dude they just want to stir trouble. You've said your piece. You've clearly established your position, that's all you needed to do, end of story.
3903 00:00:00   Random Clipper Okay, now calm down for real now
3904 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Yeah sorry Cloud...
3905 00:00:00   Deadweight Anyone else who is still "confused" is being deliberately obtuse to frustrate you. You're trying to play chess with pigeons at this point dude.
3906 00:00:00   Random Clipper War doesn't happen overnight, so calm down now
3907 00:00:00   BlackKnight03 @Brotherfish Didn't she say the unfortunate part about the double standard for shipping and not saying idol culture itself was unfortunate?
3908 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon I don't know what's happening
3909 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme She explained everything perfectly in the member stream, but not everyone saw it and it was unarchived
3910 00:00:00   Warleader I mean RC, depending on timezones I do.
3911 00:00:00   Deadweight I get that you want people to understand and believe me you have no idea how much I respect you for doing that. But you have to understand that some people don't care for the truth.
3912 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme Then she tried to explain further on Nerrevs clip and shot herself in the foot
3913 00:00:00   Velessia @BlackKnight03 yes and people don't care
3914 00:00:00   Random Clipper Basically kronii left a bullet on the street, went to sleep and somehow accidentally shot herself in the foot
3915 00:00:00   Brotherfish @BlackKnight03 Of course I am not suggesting she meant anything by it, just that it is going to be used by drama stirrers and taken out of context, its already is being.
3916 00:00:00   J. Lau People will just use whatever they have as ammo, unfortunately
3917 00:00:00   Random Clipper Okay, okay calm down, the court request that you all calm down
3918 00:00:00   Deadweight Some people just want to watch the world burn. Those you cannot talk no jutsu. So yeah, ay caramba...
3919 00:00:00   Juntal Calos As I said before... it didn't matter who made the clip or what Kronii said at this point
3920 00:00:00   Warleader Have I mentioned that Kronii is too nice? She's really nice.
3921 00:00:00   Juntal Calos These people from what you say had intent to do this from the get go
3922 00:00:00   Shimi RC
3923 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon So, she came the Nerrev's channel recently, and she wrote some comments, and did it cause trouble?
3924 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme As clippers you guys have responsibilities to the people you clip, remember that. You are held to a higher standard. You need to be better.
3925 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon Is it right?
3926 00:00:00   Warleader You got it Cloud.
3927 00:00:00   Random Clipper Okay, everybody lets just all calm down here, and move few steps back here for a second
3928 00:00:00   Nerrev Switch please
3929 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme Yes she phrased things in a really unfortunate way
3930 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon And I cannot see her comments now
3931 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Yes Nerrev removed it
3932 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme And from the members unarchived I know that's not what she MEANT but the way it comes across is not great
3933 00:00:00   Brotherfish Comments off, good
3934 00:00:00   Nerrev i literally got hours of thinking and headache before i actually uploaded that
3935 00:00:00   Random Clipper First of all, all of us should understand, we are just bystander in this whole situation, and anybody who wants to pretend they hold and sort of influence or ability to change thing should calm down
3936 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme Anyone who watched the members unarchived knows what she meant.
3937 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme Sadly that doesn't include the bad actors who are currently manufacturing drama
3938 00:00:00   Velessia random that's not the point
3939 00:00:00   Random Clipper Secondly, stop panicking, its hard to read late at the night
3940 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon OK, let me say something
3941 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme If you're a clipper, you're not a bystander you're a participant.
3942 00:00:00   Velessia if you don't realize what kind of situation Kronii has been for the past 2 days you should get your head out of the sand
3943 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Switch I and Velessia you need to stop and calm down, actions have already been taken
3944 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon You guys hungry now?
3945 00:00:00   Shimi point the finger is not helping
3946 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon Then please eat some food and let's continue this conversation
3947 00:00:00   Random Clipper I just ate actually, and Im tired of looking at my pc
3948 00:00:00   blindfolded056 Yep that's right super hot totally and this schedule totally what Kronii would want Kronies using the chat for, hopefully nothing foolish
3949 00:00:00   Nerrev It already happened , we can't do anything about it yeah
3950 00:00:00   Nerrev don't point fingers too
3951 00:00:00   Random Clipper Right, take a few steps back, and instead of thinking about what will happen, we look at what IS happening for a second here
3952 00:00:00   Random Clipper God, you should use some more emoji, these wall of text is straining my eyes
3953 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon It looks like you need to actual break time to chill your brains at least 5 minutes
3954 00:00:00   BlackKnight03
3955 00:00:00   Nerrev This is really bad we shouldn't be like this
3956 00:00:00   Shimi
3957 00:00:00   Random Clipper
3958 00:00:00   friend 親愛
3959 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme I'm just saying you need to be more careful is all
3960 00:00:00   Nerrev by that i mean we should stick together
3961 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme Like that time you put that clickbait title on the time Kronii got mad without full context
3962 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon This is a bad situation, I agree.
3963 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon Then what is the worse?
3964 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Switch no matter of caution right now will help if what has been said is true right now
3965 00:00:00   Random Clipper Who, me or nererv
3966 00:00:00   Nerrev I already apologize about that
3967 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme So yes I guess you could say I am pointing a finger cause this isn't the first time you've slipped.
3968 00:00:00   Nerrev If you really want to talk about me, man i really can
3969 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme But its not all you, I know the drama queens are trying to make mountains out of this
3970 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Anything and everything will be used as ammo
3971 00:00:00   Velessia its too late but at least comments are close i guess, jesus christ...
3972 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme I'm just saying we can't give them anything so things need to be airtight cause they will take ANYTHING and try and harass Kronii with it
3973 00:00:00   Random Clipper Man, this place has 43 lurkers, thats too much for this time
3974 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme which they are currently doing
3975 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon Yes, even a small branch can be a weapons
3976 00:00:00   Nerrev Yeah I Suggest that we stop talking about this
3977 00:00:00   J. Lau At this point, what's done is done, all we can do is hope nothing bad further happens
3978 00:00:00   Nerrev for now
3979 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon and we cannot prevent all of them
3980 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Kronii thought she was doing the right and I agree with Nerrev
3981 00:00:00   Random Clipper Oh god kronii, why did you left such a landmine and went to sleep, you freaking pepega
3982 00:00:00   A Wicked One Holy cow I stepped away for a bit and I see the internet is still doing its thing.
3983 00:00:00   Velessia she isn't that good with words...
3984 00:00:00   Warleader Nerrev, I think you're doing a good job mate. This isn't an easy position for you. People make mistakes, it's natural, your clip this time was great. I love your work.
3985 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Cause she isn't*
3986 00:00:00   Juntal Calos But right now all we can do is wait
3987 00:00:00   桂木 Heiwa I m really confuse. Anyway, Kroniichiwassup~ (。・_・。)ノ
3988 00:00:00   Random Clipper Yeah nerrev, you still aight, like my father always says "Its okay to make a mistake, buts its not okay to make the same mistake"
3989 00:00:00   Juntal Calos We know what's going on so let
3990 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon Hello Heiwa
3991 00:00:00   Juntal Calos let's drop it
3992 00:00:00   Random Clipper Heiwa
3993 00:00:00   Shimi Heiwa
3994 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Heiwa
3995 00:00:00   friend 親愛 heiwa
3996 00:00:00   Rewind44 Heiwa
3997 00:00:00   Nerrev If there are still doubts in your guys' mind just know this, I'm always on Kronii's side and I didn't do this for views
3998 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme You coddling him isn't good, especially when his actions can hurt Kronii
3999 00:00:00   Sleepy L Heiwa.
4000 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme Nerrev I'm not saying you aren't but you're doing a hit or miss job sometimes
4001 00:00:00   Random Clipper right now, is there a way to hide away kronii's comment
4002 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme And you really need to hit all the time cause the internet is RUTHLESS
4003 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme But thanks for disabling the comments, it should help
4004 00:00:00   Juntal Calos I am not coddling him but assessing the situation and sadly what can we do?
4005 00:00:00   Random Clipper Right now, the best and only thing we can do is to get her comment away from public attention until she wakes up
4006 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon I can say nothing because I didn't see her comments
4007 00:00:00   Guysavage Nerrev already apologized. Switch, all of our actions as Kronies affect her so we should behave as well
4008 00:00:00   Velessia it's a tricky situation that even goes beyond Kronii
4009 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Thank you Guy
4010 00:00:00   Random Clipper Guy
4011 00:00:00   Warleader Switch, calm down. No one is perfect.
4012 00:00:00   Random Clipper Ay juntal, help me test something out
4013 00:00:00   Random Clipper Can you comment on my latest video
4014 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon The tradegy is... every kronie in here has a right opinion
4015 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Don't be rash right now cause it will make it worse
4016 00:00:00   Guysavage Also GM free chat
4017 00:00:00   A Wicked One I was watching a 30 for 30 about a dominate college football team. They had a bit about how the national press was tearing them a new one. There was a great quote about this type of behavior.
4018 00:00:00   桂木 Heiwa Cloud, RC, Shimi, Juntal, friend, Rewind, L-san (੭ु ›ω‹ )੭ु⁾⁾
4019 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon They have just a little difference
4020 00:00:00   Rewind44 Good Morning Guysavage
4021 00:00:00   Random Clipper Guy Sadly you're not the last kronie
4022 00:00:00   Warleader Hey Guy
4023 00:00:00   Nerrev guy please give me your final decision about soul hackers 2
4024 00:00:00   Shimi Guy
4025 00:00:00   Random Clipper btw wall, how ya been doing hope you're doing okay
4026 00:00:00   Guysavage It’s painfully average, Nerrev. The music is good tho
4027 00:00:00   A Wicked One "Bad guys make for colorful press, it's easy to write, it confirms prejudices." People are gonna vilify to push agendas.
4028 00:00:00   桂木 Heiwa Guysavage
4029 00:00:00   friend 親愛 g'morning guysavage
4030 00:00:00   Nerrev wait i thought they introduce new system?
4031 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Also Friend
4032 00:00:00   Nerrev sorry i don't think any smt games can beat persona's music
4033 00:00:00   Nerrev also good morning everyone
4034 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon Gosh I imagined this situation about that collab, but this went too far
4035 00:00:00   Random Clipper Hmmm
4036 00:00:00   Warleader It's been a real stressful week for me to be honest. I have something due for all of my units at Uni and trying to make sure I don't harm myself hasn't been easy.
4037 00:00:00   Guysavage I’ll pretend I didn’t see Nerrev say that
4038 00:00:00   Warleader I usually leave my pc before midnight to try to rest up but I been staying up here until about 3 or 4 in the morning.
4039 00:00:00   Random Clipper Jeez, sounds rough, but hopefully you get to rest after the week
4040 00:00:00   friend 親愛 i just woke upgoodmorning fc
4041 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Oof take care of yourself Warleader
4042 00:00:00   Rewind44 Good morning meh friend
4043 00:00:00   Random Clipper Friend
4044 00:00:00   Warleader It's made it real difficult to catch Kronii's streams, luckily this week were all at her usual time basically so I can catch them live.
4045 00:00:00   Shimi friend
4046 00:00:00   A Wicked One Hey war just remember even if you fail life will go on. The pressure can be surreal at times, but if you just do your best things will work out. If you ever need to vent lmk. Please take care.
4047 00:00:00   Random Clipper That's good to hear
4048 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon I couldn't watch half of the members at the daytime
4049 00:00:00   Rewind44 Hope you get through your situation with flying colors Warleader.
4050 00:00:00   Warleader It's nice to say it here, but don't worry about me, I got housemates I can vent to and they're all understanding and kind. Don't forget to take care of yourselves as well.
4051 00:00:00   桂木 Heiwa I saw a lot of new name (for me or they are lurker) last night in FC that I actually thought I m in the wrong timeline (゜ロ゜)
4052 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Yeah... I couldn't watch last nights stream
4053 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon Last night Freechat?
4054 00:00:00   Juntal Calos What do you mean Heiwa?
4055 00:00:00   Drex Hi, i'm cortana
4056 00:00:00   Shimi WarAll the best
4057 00:00:00   Random Clipper
4058 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon You mean... Superchat?
4059 00:00:00   Rewind44 Drex
4060 00:00:00   桂木 Heiwa I only drop by for a bit in FC during Kronii stream last night
4061 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon I am looking at FC logs yesterday
4062 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme What do you use to find FC logs?
4063 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon I cannot see weird things
4064 00:00:00   Rewind44 Hololyzer
4065 00:00:00   A Wicked One Just a different crowd at different times. Kind of like how the day shift barely knows the night shift. A few people will work both, but they can be different worlds at times.
4066 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon Thank you Rewind
4067 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme Oh I didn't know that worked for FC
4068 00:00:00   Rewind44 There's a shared area of Hololyzer to group all the FCs
4069 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon If you click フリーチャット on the left frame, you can see the lists of FCs
4070 00:00:00   A Wicked One I don't think it saves the logs past 24hrs right now, but yeah top of hololyzer has the free chat links
4071 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon So yes, all our conversations are being recorded
4072 00:00:00   Drex lol yes they are was interesting watching
4073 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme Big Brother is watching
4074 00:00:00   Drex the rust streams going on
4075 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon I think her actual Rust stream will be fine but...
4076 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme I wish I had like 27 monitors to follow all these POVs
4077 00:00:00   A Wicked One Be like the guy in the matrix
4078 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon Architect from Matrix Reloaded?
4079 00:00:00   A Wicked One yes
4080 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme If I had Matrix powers, things would be different around here.
4081 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme I'd just go "Dakimakuras, lots of Dakimakuras' and then I'd be surrounded by Kronii dakis
4082 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon And the god will give you a lot of YAGOO's daki
4083 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme Please no
4084 00:00:00   Warleader Ayo, still winning.
4085 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon You must say correctly when you wish what you want
4086 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme The Matrix will know
4087 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon Remember the monkey's paw
4088 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme When Neo asked for guns he didnt specify, he still got what he needed
4089 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme He just said "Guns, lots of guns."
4090 00:00:00   Rewind44 Oh yeah, I couldn't catch you then but HBBD Warleader
4091 00:00:00   Warleader Aw, thanks Rewind.
4092 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon If I were the matrix, I would gave him a lot of muskets
4093 00:00:00   A Wicked One Yeah hope you had a good one War!
4094 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon Happy Birthday Warleader
4095 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme Whose team is Matsuri on?
4096 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme nvm Apex Pro Suisei just naded herself
4097 00:00:00   Rewind44 Oh are they doing another team pvp setting?
4098 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme I believe its the S2 finale of Rust
4099 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme Team battle yeah
4100 00:00:00   Sleepy L Last day before reset. Some members are neutral and some on teams.
4101 00:00:00   Rewind44 Nice, the last one was fun and chaotic, hope I can check it once I'm off from work
4102 00:00:00   Warleader Thanks Cloud and Wicked.
4103 00:00:00   Random Clipper
4104 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon I have to make joke spacha message for the soup hot stream
4105 00:00:00   Rewind44 Did you manage to find the answer you were looking for in regards to the experiment RC?
4106 00:00:00   Jack
4107 00:00:00   Jack
4108 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon Jack
4109 00:00:00   Random Clipper I can hide a comment, but I can't bring it back
4110 00:00:00   Shimi Habada War
4111 00:00:00   Random Clipper And I can't choose a specific comment, now that's just scuffed
4112 00:00:00   Shimi Jack
4113 00:00:00   Random Clipper Come on yt, is this only a feature I can access by paying for premium, is that how it is susan, pay to win again
4114 00:00:00   Juntal Calos
4115 00:00:00   Warleader Thanks Shimi.
4116 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme Youtube has been downhill since Susan took over
4117 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Rip my comment
4118 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme I notice a lot more clickbait being promoted by the algorithm too.
4119 00:00:00   Random Clipper What do you mean since susan took over, she has been the ceo from the start
4120 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Views make money sadly
4121 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon Wasn't it enough to kill Vanced, Youtube?
4122 00:00:00   Random Clipper She founded yt in her garage
4123 00:00:00   Random Clipper Oh right, how long till vanced shutdown entirely
4124 00:00:00   Orange Robot I feel like Twitch might replace YouTube if this keeps up
4125 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon about 5 months?
4126 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme Oh man I hope not, I like Twitch for some things but not for Hololive
4127 00:00:00   Random Clipper Nah bruh, twitch is in an even worse spot bro
4128 00:00:00   Rewind44 Youtube is too big Twitch can try it but it won't be able to dent what youtube is now
4129 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Yeah twitch is terriable
4130 00:00:00   Juntal Calos I have very few people I watch on it
4131 00:00:00   Random Clipper Twitch has been losing money for bill gates for like 5 years now, and its about to get worse from now on
4132 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon I do too, 2 or 3 streamers on twitch?
4133 00:00:00   Shimi youtube for vod gang
4134 00:00:00   Rewind44 Bill gates?
4135 00:00:00   Juntal Calos
4136 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme Chat culture is totally different on Twitch, not really suited for Hololive imo
4137 00:00:00   Orange Robot The only people I watch on Twitch are the Vshojo vtubers and indie vtubers anyway
4138 00:00:00   Random Clipper Wait no, its jeff bezos
4139 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon But twitch emotes are good
4140 00:00:00   Orange Robot Steve Jobs died of ligma anyway
4141 00:00:00   Rewind44 Dang RC, confusing Bill Gates with Jeff Bezos
4142 00:00:00   Random Clipper I'm sorry jeff please don't take away my streaming privallages
4143 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme "Who the heck is Steve Jobs?"
4144 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Bleh don't say the V group around me...
4145 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme Kronii has probably seen those Sonic Meme videos
4146 00:00:00   AgentofShield11 Oh man, my head hurts staying up for that supa reading
4147 00:00:00   Orange Robot Ligma balls *Vine boom effect*
4148 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme No sleep gang represent
4149 00:00:00   Rewind44 Agent
4150 00:00:00   AgentofShield11 No regrets though, wholesome vibes throughout
4151 00:00:00   Rewind44 I had to duck out early to at least get 4 hours of sleep, any lower and I will be a zombie at work
4152 00:00:00   Orange Robot I decided to go to bed 3 hours in. I’ll watch the rest later on today
4153 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Sorry Orange I have seen the damage first hand by one of their members
4154 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme I'm on hour 17 of nosleep I think
4155 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon I woke up very early today and it was kinda lucky
4156 00:00:00   Orange Robot I only got 5.5 hours of sleep. I’m weak.
4157 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme Yeah that guerilla member unarchived was worth
4158 00:00:00   Juntal Calos I woke up to it
4159 00:00:00   Rewind44
4160 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Ate pop tarts and had coffee watching it
4161 00:00:00   Random Clipper I hate it
4162 00:00:00   Rewind44 I almost took a nap before it started
4163 00:00:00   Orange Robot That sounds nice Juntal.
4164 00:00:00   Juntal Calos What do you hate
4165 00:00:00   Juntal Calos RC?
4166 00:00:00   Rewind44 RC hates YT notifications?
4167 00:00:00   Random Clipper Yt notification failed me once again
4168 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme FACTS
4169 00:00:00   Warleader I missed it entirely.
4170 00:00:00   Orange Robot I saw the YT notification for the unarchived member stream, but I could watch because I was already to exercise and have dinner with family.
4171 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme YT notification has literally never alerted me on time for anything ever
4172 00:00:00   Rewind44 I was wondering where you were RC but I saw you in FC and thought you were just being silent because early morning
4173 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme You could have saved him...\
4174 00:00:00   Orange Robot *couldn’t
4175 00:00:00   Rewind44 I'm sorry
4176 00:00:00   Jack senpai dachi
4177 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme His death is on your hands
4178 00:00:00   Random Clipper I was confused why nobody was greeting any new member
4179 00:00:00   Rewind44 Jack
4180 00:00:00   Jack
4181 00:00:00   Rewind44 Yea, that was supposed to be the most active time on FC, the fact no one was commenting should have been sus at least
4182 00:00:00   Orange Robot At least somebody will have it archived somewhere...
4183 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme Did Pekora just betray everyone?
4184 00:00:00   Rewind44 Warcrimes? Lets gooooooooooooooo
4185 00:00:00   Jack
4186 00:00:00   Random Clipper My member stream
4187 00:00:00   Orange Robot
4188 00:00:00   Juntal Calos
4189 00:00:00   Jack kronii sama
4190 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme I don't understand why anyone would willingly make an enemy of Suisei unless you had a death wish
4191 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme Except maybe Botan, Towa or Aqua who can all outshoot her
4192 00:00:00   Jack senpai will u watch next stream?
4193 00:00:00   Random Clipper When you have nothing to lose, the demon have nothing to take
4194 00:00:00   Orange Robot So many stinking streams to watch. Just keeping up with Kronii is enough.
4195 00:00:00   Rewind44 If I manage to wake up
4196 00:00:00   Jack
4197 00:00:00   Orange Robot In other news, I wonder if we will get smol Kronii wearing a VR headset tonight?
4198 00:00:00   Jack
4199 00:00:00   Juntal Calos I wish Orange
4200 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme Surprise full 3D debut
4201 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme
4202 00:00:00   Random Clipper Beg smol plushie
4203 00:00:00   Jack so beautiful
4204 00:00:00   Jack perfect
4205 00:00:00   Juntal Calos How did Myth handle their early VR streams?
4206 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme Duct tape and Amelia Watson's sheer willpower
4207 00:00:00   Orange Robot I wouldn’t be surprised if Amelia got everything working with a bunch of paper clips and bubblegum
4208 00:00:00   Random Clipper Yeah, ame literally carried the entire thing...
4209 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme Without Ame there would be no Halloween, no Christmas, no 6 month, and no 1 year anniversary streams
4210 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon Based Ame
4211 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme All we'd have is the worst mixed cover of Country Roads known to man
4212 00:00:00   Random Clipper Dude, that country roads is a piece of history
4213 00:00:00   Orange Robot I wish was as savvy/determined with tech as Ame is.
4214 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme They totally flattened everyone's voice at parts you cant even tell who is singing
4215 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme Kronii could have done a better job at mixing, too bad she wasnt in Hololive then
4216 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Country Roads goes through my head every day...
4217 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Doesn't help I live in the country
4218 00:00:00   Orange Robot Good song, but bad game that adapted it.
4219 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme The Country Roads cover is so bad it was a joke answer during a Myth Jackbox collab the girls know its bad
4220 00:00:00   Jack
4221 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme Not their fault, just the mixing
4222 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme I'm sure they sang great but you'd never know it cause its all covered by an awful filter
4223 00:00:00   Random Clipper Ame literally had to be like, reaking it, i will do it myself
4224 00:00:00   Orange Robot Is that song still archived? I would like to hear it.
4225 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme Its on the Hololive official channel
4226 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme I think
4227 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme Also they cheaped out on the instrumental too, sounds weak
4228 00:00:00   Jack still there
4229 00:00:00   Orange Robot I’m guessing this around when the EN branch was fairly new and experimental.
4230 00:00:00   Orange Robot Now we have Gura with the most subs out of all of Hololive
4231 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme I mean it was 6 months after
4232 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme Also Hololive is more than capable of finding good mixers and instrumentals for covers, they just...didn't that time
4233 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme Also Gura already had the most subs in all of Hololive at that point IIRC
4234 00:00:00   Random Clipper Yeah, its actually crazy how much cover has grown since then
4235 00:00:00   Warleader Gura had the most subs a month after she debuted. Roughly.
4236 00:00:00   Random Clipper But I wanna be honest, the english management branch still feels lackluster compared to jp and id, just makes you wonder how truly understaff they are
4237 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme I mean it's a Japanese company so naturally the main focus is on JP branch
4238 00:00:00   Warleader And also, EN is all over the world.
4239 00:00:00   A Wicked One I think part of it is that they are on the opposite side of the world from most of the en talent. They do help when they can. Like mumei said her manager helped a lot with the beegsmol.
4240 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme All their 3D is in Japan, most of their resources which is why HoloX has 3D and Council doesnt
4241 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme ID girls can fly over to Japan pretty easily, EN not so much
4242 00:00:00   A Wicked One No one can get into Japan easily right now unless you have a lot of money.
4243 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme Insert Joke about Anya actually living in Japan here
4244 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme It's easier for ID though cause they all live in a country close to Japan as opposed to EN which people have pointed out are all over the globe
4245 00:00:00   A Wicked One Yeah, I just mean the borders are still closed to most visitors regardless of proximity to Japan.
4246 00:00:00   Orange Robot Do we need to re-enact the Skyrim intro to get into Japan?
4247 00:00:00   A Wicked One Might as well try at this point
4248 00:00:00   Juntal Calos "Hey you... Your finally awake"
4249 00:00:00   Orange Robot “Got caught trying to cross the border”
4250 00:00:00   Warleader You're*
4251 00:00:00   Juntal Calos
4252 00:00:00   Juntal Calos And now I reminded no matter how much I want to make a good a story... I can't write for
4253 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme It was a minor mistake, he's just being a nitpick
4254 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme Write your stories
4255 00:00:00   Random Clipper Well, just get some help juntal
4256 00:00:00   A Wicked One Editors exist for a reason Juntal
4257 00:00:00   A Wicked One Even the best writers make mistakes
4258 00:00:00   Orange Robot A good tip is to read what you’re writing out loud when check for mistakes.
4259 00:00:00   Warleader Listen, mistaking 'your' and 'you're' is an extremely common mistake, even for native English speakers. I am being an a**hole.
4260 00:00:00   Random Clipper Skill issue jun
4261 00:00:00   Orange Robot I feel like correcting “your” and “you’re” is almost a meme at this point
4262 00:00:00   Rewind44 Even Shakespeare couldn't spell his own name
4263 00:00:00   Juntal Calos An editor is gonna have to go through poorly written drafts of Clockwork at some point
4264 00:00:00   Juntal Calos 3*
4265 00:00:00   Random Clipper I will do it if you promise me a gabisu fanfiction
4266 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig
4267 00:00:00   Rewind44 Gabriel
4268 00:00:00   Warleader Speaking of.
4269 00:00:00   Random Clipper Gabe
4270 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme Make sure you get consent from both parties first of all
4271 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme lIke Kronii said, be respectful
4272 00:00:00   Orange Robot Anyway, that’s enough morning chatting in bed for me. Imma get up and ready for the day now. Talk to you guys later
4273 00:00:00   Rewind44 Gnight Orange
4274 00:00:00   Warleader Cya Orange.
4275 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme Also I don't think it would come up but just in case I do NOT consent to be shipped with anyone.
4276 00:00:00   Rewind44 Oops I mean goodbye*
4277 00:00:00   Orange Robot Rewind44
4278 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme I see what you did there
4279 00:00:00   Random Clipper I got gabe's permission, but KC is extremely against it, but he's a tsundere, so it should be fine
4280 00:00:00   Random Clipper Bob
4281 00:00:00   Orange Robot RC
4282 00:00:00   Shimi Orange take care
4283 00:00:00   Shimi RC
4284 00:00:00   Random Clipper Shimi
4285 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Yeah no the only romance I am writing is with my own characters
4286 00:00:00   Juntal Calos See you Orange
4287 00:00:00   AgentofShield11 Oh yeah, has progress been going smoothly with that juntal?
4288 00:00:00   Shimi RC
4289 00:00:00   Juntal Calos No the 3 drafts of Clockwork take all my time when I have the motive to write...
4290 00:00:00   Juntal Calos But that's been in short supply lately
4291 00:00:00   A Wicked One Peace Orange
4292 00:00:00   AgentofShield11 Oof sorry to hear that, I hope you find the time and motivation to get it done
4293 00:00:00   Juntal Calos I have to fix up a couple FC Kronies too
4294 00:00:00   Juntal Calos I gotta update Kipa and put in Shizuka
4295 00:00:00   John
4296 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon May I ask what progress is?
4297 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon And Hi John
4298 00:00:00   Random Clipper
4299 00:00:00   Rewind44 John
4300 00:00:00   John
4301 00:00:00   Juntal Calos I would say each draft is around 25ish%?
4302 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon
4303 00:00:00   Random Clipper Like come on juntal, its not hard for a gabisu fanfic....
4304 00:00:00   Random Clipper And then you will got yourself a nice editor
4305 00:00:00   Juntal Calos
4306 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Sadly now is not the time to be writing...
4307 00:00:00   Rewind44 RC, have you learned to differentiate the pronunciations between Steel Steal and Still ?
4308 00:00:00   Warleader Here's a hint, pronounce them as Steel, Steal, and Still. Should be useful.
4309 00:00:00   Random Clipper I can pronounce Steel and still, but steal is just based on context
4310 00:00:00   Random Clipper So i bought an oxford dictionary
4311 00:00:00   Juntal Calos
4312 00:00:00   Rewind44
4313 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Well RC is now armed
4314 00:00:00   Warleader But isn't steal...
4315 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme Armed with a carbine?
4316 00:00:00   A switch in line saves rhyme Fun fact people think carbine is pronounced carbine but it's not. Carbine is actually pronounced carbine.
4317 00:00:00   Juntal Calos No oxford dictionaries are good blunt force weapons
4318 00:00:00   Rewind44 That's what they mean by Knowledge is power
4319 00:00:00   Random Clipper You guys need therapy
4320 00:00:00   Velessia a lot of people do
4321 00:00:00   Juntal Calos It wouldn't hurt at this point
4322 00:00:00   Warleader My therapy is killing people, it's very cathartic.
4323 00:00:00   Rewind44 Velessia
4324 00:00:00   Random Clipper Jesus christ I thought velessia was rewind
4325 00:00:00   Juntal Calos
4326 00:00:00   Rewind44 RC, you need glasses
4327 00:00:00   Rewind44 They're very versatile
4328 00:00:00   Random Clipper Speaking of which, I am currently not wearing my glasses, but that's not the point
4329 00:00:00   Juntal Calos They gave me a headache... even sunglasses
4330 00:00:00   Rewind44 Have you checked with an Optometrist about that Juntal?
4331 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon I'll sink into a dream, have a good day and pray for our warden
4332 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon Kroyasumi
4333 00:00:00   Rewind44 Good night Cloud Rain
4334 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Night Cloud!
4335 00:00:00   Juntal Calos And yeah have faith in her
4336 00:00:00   Warleader Night Cloud.
4337 00:00:00   Cloud Rain / Unforgiven Demon I hope her doing well
4338 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Yes Rewind...
4339 00:00:00   Juntal Calos I have and the issue is I have better then perfect vision in both eyes...
4340 00:00:00   Rewind44 I guess glasses are not that versatile
4341 00:00:00   Juntal Calos I can go from making individual trees on the mountain to the pattern of skin on my hands in an instant
4342 00:00:00   Juntal Calos making out*
4343 00:00:00   Juntal Calos But any sort of lens or something that causes focus gives me a nasty headache quickly
4344 00:00:00   Random Clipper Cloud
4345 00:00:00   Nil Hello, everyone.
4346 00:00:00   Juntal Calos So when it's super sunny out... my eyes!
4347 00:00:00   Rewind44 I think you should sleep early RC, small chance FC2 might be deserted again when you wake up.
4348 00:00:00   Rewind44 Nil
4349 00:00:00   Juntal Calos I will be at work if that happens
4350 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Also Nil
4351 00:00:00   Random Clipper nil
4352 00:00:00   Nil I just finished reading the chat log. Seems like things are still going badly.
4353 00:00:00   Flashburn I have returned from watching the members' VOD
4354 00:00:00   Rewind44 Flashburn
4355 00:00:00   Rewind44 RC, I just realized one of your time wifi predictions were right, so I dub you Leakeronie
4356 00:00:00   Flashburn it only cemented my status as a gosling for Kronii
4357 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig VOD?
4358 00:00:00   Flashburn correct
4359 00:00:00   Velessia yeah i got that
4360 00:00:00   Random Clipper What which one????
4361 00:00:00   Random Clipper Rewind
4362 00:00:00   Random Clipper Oh right....
4363 00:00:00   Rewind44 The third one
4364 00:00:00   Flashburn oh you know, LaLa Land
4365 00:00:00   Random Clipper Hi nil, how has your days be going
4366 00:00:00   Random Clipper I see... you wanna knwo something funny rewind....
4367 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Lala land huh...
4368 00:00:00   Random Clipper I made that prediction before I saw the stream, so I didn't know
4369 00:00:00   Juntal Calos
4370 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig
4371 00:00:00   Flashburn
4372 00:00:00   Rewind44 Yea, you made that prediction on August 8
4373 00:00:00   Nil My day is bad, RC, but on the bright side, I've been thinking a lot about the current Hololive situation on my own, and was able to come to a conclusion.
4374 00:00:00   Random Clipper Erm nil, lets not talk about that
4375 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Were screwed?
4376 00:00:00   Juntal Calos And yeah...
4377 00:00:00   Juntal Calos I agree with RC
4378 00:00:00   Nil A conclusion as to why it's been bothering me, I mean. Not a solution. Don't worry. I won't share.
4379 00:00:00   Random Clipper I mean....
4380 00:00:00   Velessia
4381 00:00:00   Nil The first precept of the first law of the Void is Silence, after all.
4382 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Right now there is no point in adding more fuel to fire
4383 00:00:00   Flashburn I'm pretty sure I know what it is, Nil
4384 00:00:00   Flashburn Let's enjoy it while it's still here.
4385 00:00:00   Random Clipper Like?
4386 00:00:00   Random Clipper The precept of morals?
4387 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Yeah I didn't mean to shoot you down so harshly Nil... But for most normal people it's really out of our hands...
4388 00:00:00   Random Clipper Hmmmm
4389 00:00:00   Nil It's alright, Juntal. Everyone's been upset. No offense taken.
4390 00:00:00   Velessia and too many people think it's in theirs
4391 00:00:00   Random Clipper I would like to hear Nil opinion, but I wonder if the satisfaction will brought the cat back
4392 00:00:00   Juntal Calos That is up to Nil...
4393 00:00:00   Random Clipper I wonder if nil sees what I sees
4394 00:00:00   Warleader Lcuky for me I'm not a normal person. Time to go crusading.
4395 00:00:00   Warleader Lucky*
4396 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig just watch funny clock woman and embrace oblivion
4397 00:00:00   Nil Being as vague as possible, this sort of thing has always been a problem in this sort of setting. It was to be expected. What bothered me was why. I was very disappointed in people, but now I get it.
4398 00:00:00   Velessia gabe
4399 00:00:00   Random Clipper Hmmmm
4400 00:00:00   Warleader I don't understand people in general. You're all a bunch of weirdos.
4401 00:00:00   Rewind44 Yep we are weird
4402 00:00:00   Nil I know I said I would be less cryptic, but like you said, RC, my opinion isn't going to help anyone right now.
4403 00:00:00   Flashburn same, Nil, it soured my night because of how people were reacting
4404 00:00:00   Random Clipper I mean nil, im sure its sounds strange, but its not what you think it means
4405 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig We're weird but we're her weirdos
4406 00:00:00   Nil Just wanted to give a status update on my condition was all....
4407 00:00:00   Rewind44
4408 00:00:00   Flashburn Its fine, Nil
4409 00:00:00   Random Clipper Nil
4410 00:00:00   Juntal Calos It's fine Nil
4411 00:00:00   Random Clipper Wrong emote
4412 00:00:00   Kronii's Potato PC
4413 00:00:00   Rewind44 Kronii's Potato PC
4414 00:00:00   Random Clipper Pc
4415 00:00:00   Flashburn I can assure you that Kronii is taking it all in stride, though. Don't you worry.
4416 00:00:00   Velessia i hope so
4417 00:00:00   Kronii's Potato PC Why does chat always have to backseat these Rust streams ruins all the fun
4418 00:00:00   Nil I was never worried about Kronii. She stronger and kinder than most.
4419 00:00:00   Random Clipper Hmmm
4420 00:00:00   A Wicked One Sucks though
4421 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Oof I know nothing about Rust so I will have to wait and see
4422 00:00:00   Random Clipper Okay Nil, I want you to tell me your opinion without actually telling me how you reach it
4423 00:00:00   Random Clipper As weird as it sounds :krouan
4424 00:00:00   Random Clipper As weird as it sounds
4425 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig I SAW THAT
4426 00:00:00   Sabas
4427 00:00:00   Rewind44 Sabas
4428 00:00:00   Random Clipper Sabas
4429 00:00:00   Juntal Calos
4430 00:00:00   Random Clipper Erm... Earth to nil?..
4431 00:00:00   Nil @Random Clipper ...Fine, though I doubt it will make sense. My opinion is that the people causing the problem have always been the way they are, and this is just their current project.
4432 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig Nil no...
4433 00:00:00   Random Clipper My only question is, are they from /vt/
4434 00:00:00   Nil No.
4435 00:00:00   Juntal Calos I can't go into detail but I agree with Nil
4436 00:00:00   Random Clipper Shaddup jun
4437 00:00:00   Rewind44
4438 00:00:00   Juntal Calos
4439 00:00:00   Guysavage They are from everywhere
4440 00:00:00   Random Clipper Go write my gabisu fanfic if you have time here
4441 00:00:00   Rewind44 Everywhere everything all at once?
4442 00:00:00   Sabas How are you paying for the work, RC
4443 00:00:00   Random Clipper I will work as the editor
4444 00:00:00   Velessia yes guy a lot of people from everywhere, people who don't even watch Kronii
4445 00:00:00   A Wicked One Everything everywhere all at once is a great film
4446 00:00:00   Random Clipper Ikr wicked, thats pretty nice film
4447 00:00:00   Random Clipper Though I wonder the ending makes me wonder a lot of things
4448 00:00:00   Rewind44 RC is offering his non confirmed editing skills for Gabisu fanfiction smh
4449 00:00:00   Random Clipper btw flash, shouldn't you go sleep
4450 00:00:00   Sabas I have my own thoughts but I'll keep it to myself. Let's just be excited for gwaks in VR instead.
4451 00:00:00   A Wicked One Yeah I left the theater pondering about the film and life in genera;. Haven't had a movie do that to me in a long time.
4452 00:00:00   Guysavage if someone write fanfics about Gabisu or any other kronie ship I will draw or comission art for it
4453 00:00:00   Random Clipper Jun, you see!!!
4454 00:00:00   Random Clipper There's a market for thius
4455 00:00:00   Nil EEAaO is the only film that made me tear up over a rock with googly eyes.
4456 00:00:00   Juntal Calos
4457 00:00:00   Flashburn ...yes, I should go to sleep. I can't miss another unarchived guerilla.
4458 00:00:00   Sabas Shipperonies...
4459 00:00:00   Random Clipper Flash
4460 00:00:00   Juntal Calos I haven't agree to this
4461 00:00:00   A Wicked One Flash, I doubt we'll get another one soon
4462 00:00:00   Rewind44 Gnight Flash, hopefully for real this time, No items, Fox only, Final Destination
4463 00:00:00   Random Clipper Like dude, I wanna talk about the ending of EEAaO so bad
4464 00:00:00   Guysavage The first ship im drawing art of is Juntal Clipper
4465 00:00:00   Flashburn Orrrrr, I could just stay up the whole day
4466 00:00:00   Rewind44 Random Clipper talk about it somewhere else
4467 00:00:00   Rewind44 No spoilers
4468 00:00:00   Random Clipper I mean..
4469 00:00:00   Random Clipper I MEAN
4470 00:00:00   A Wicked One No spoilers
4471 00:00:00   Random Clipper I MEAN
4472 00:00:00   Sabas
4473 00:00:00   A Wicked One That movie is best experienced blind
4474 00:00:00   Random Clipper I MEAAAN
4475 00:00:00   Juntal Calos No Guy
4476 00:00:00   Random Clipper Go sleep flash, kronii loves sleep, and you should too
4477 00:00:00   Guysavage Sorry Juntal. I guess you like the name Random Calos better?
4478 00:00:00   Sabas Blocking RC
4479 00:00:00   Juntal Calos
4480 00:00:00   Random Clipper I mean, who here haven't watched it
4481 00:00:00   Rewind44 Fujosavage is back
4482 00:00:00   Juntal Calos I haven't
4483 00:00:00   Sabas What is it with certain kronies not listening
4484 00:00:00   Juntal Calos I need to watch since everyone has mentioned it
4485 00:00:00   Rewind44 I have not seen it RC, waiting for it on Netflix
4486 00:00:00   Random Clipper Time to sacrifice the lukers
4487 00:00:00   Rewind44
4488 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Honestly though I will not not shipping stories between real people
4489 00:00:00   Random Clipper What if I pay yo
4490 00:00:00   Sleepy L Random
4491 00:00:00   Tiny little clock
4492 00:00:00   A Wicked One Anyway I'm about to go ride a bike and get sweaty peace for now folks.
4493 00:00:00   Juntal Calos
4494 00:00:00   Rewind44 Tiny little clock
4495 00:00:00   Sleepy L Tiny Little Clock.
4496 00:00:00   Rewind44 See you A Wicked One
4497 00:00:00   Juntal Calos I just saw my typo
4498 00:00:00   Juntal Calos
4499 00:00:00   Random Clipper Clock
4500 00:00:00   Random Clipper Wicked
4501 00:00:00   Guysavage bye wicked one
4502 00:00:00   Sleepy L See you. Wicked. Take care
4503 00:00:00   Sabas
4504 00:00:00   Gabriel Kroniig dont go...
4505 00:00:00   Juntal Calos See you Wicked
4506 00:00:00   Tiny little clock
4507 00:00:00   Rewind44 Beeg Smol Soup Hot stream
4508 00:00:00   Guysavage Last
4509 00:00:00   Rewind44
4510 00:00:00   Juntal Calos
4511 00:00:00   Guysavage Kronii...
4512 00:00:00   Rewind44
4513 00:00:00   Guysavage
4514 00:00:00   Rewind44
4515 00:00:00   Guysavage
4516 00:00:00   Juntal Calos
4517 00:00:00   Random Clipper
4518 00:00:00   Greed
4519 00:00:00   Rewind44 Is a Jack Frost without a hat just as bald as Boros
4520 00:00:00   Rewind44 Greed
4521 00:00:00   Sleepy L Greed
4522 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Well I can't unsee that now
4523 00:00:00   Random Clipper Jack frost has a hat?
4524 00:00:00   Juntal Calos Well I gotta work in 2 hours and I think I need time to mentally prepare today
4525 00:00:00   Rewind44 Good luck today Juntal