トップ ※配信中のスパチャをリアルタイムに抜き出しています。(5分毎に更新)
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
 PHP  PHP    2      74.00      182円
---- ---- ----       ----      182円
No 時間 元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 00:00:00   FalcomxTrails 💎 YabaIRyS
2 00:00:00   呂捷陞
3 00:00:00   noir24
4 00:00:00   Ijun
5 00:00:00   FalcomxTrails 💎
6 00:00:00   Asakura好葉 Zeta pov
7 00:00:00   FalcomxTrails 💎 Lol IRyS got muted
8 00:00:00   noir24 Yabai truly off the charts when she has no POV
9 00:00:00   youthnet
10 00:00:00   Erik Balthazar
11 00:00:00   Asakura好葉 gambling now
12 00:00:00   noir24 IRyS gambling. RIP sleep schedule
13 00:00:00   FalcomxTrails 💎 Gamble
14 00:00:00   noir24 I think IRyS and Bae share same brain cell when it comes to how they split their bets
15 00:00:00   Asakura好葉 poker
16 00:00:00   noir24 This is Chad cast, guest staring Anya
17 00:00:00   FalcomxTrails 💎 The gambling episode of Chad cast
18 00:00:00   Ijun
19 00:00:00   Namana night all
20 00:00:00   noir24 good night @Namana
21 00:00:00   FalcomxTrails 💎 @Namana Good night!
22 00:00:00   noir24 I can't tell if Bae gots crazy luck or she's a poker pro
23 00:00:00   Tuck Hoe Welcome to Nephamily
24 00:00:00   FalcomxTrails 💎 Have a good day/night guys! leaving for work now
25 00:00:00   FalcomxTrails 💎 Welcome to the Nephamily!
26 00:00:00   noir24 Take care @FalcomxTrails
27 00:00:00   noir24 its 1am but i can't stop watching these two playing poker.
28 00:00:00   FalcomxTrails 💎 GASPER
29 00:00:00   noir24
30 00:00:00   noir24 Well an attempt was made. Can't say Bae didnt try to save her
31 00:00:00   Ijun take care everyone especially iRyS please
32 00:00:00   J.M. Henry IRyS, please eat and sleep after this! ByeRyS!
33 00:00:00   FalcomxTrails 💎 Take care and rest well IRyS!
34 00:00:00   jRitz08💎 if you're reading this IRyS, why? go to sleep.
35 00:00:00   DG Dragon | 💎
36 00:00:00   Erik Balthazar
37 00:00:00   Namana IRyS, I really hope you have better luck sleeping than I am. Insomnia is killing me today
38 00:00:00   J.M. Henry When in doubt, just make yourself tired with a little exercise! And get something carb heavy after! It'll put you right out!
39 00:00:00   noir24 3am and im still awake
40 00:00:00   Joseph Song
41 00:00:00   Namana
42 00:00:00   J.M. Henry Oof
43 00:00:00   Alan UwU💎 I fall asleep easily & sleep tight beam~~
44 00:00:00   Yuu ch💎 優しいキャルちゃん Rest well everyone~
45 00:00:00   Namana Sleep well IRyS and enjoy some JoJo's when you wake up!
46 00:00:00   J.M. Henry Night, IRyS! Hope you manage to get to sleep this time!
47 00:00:00   J.M. Henry Same to you, Noir!
48 00:00:00   noir24
49 00:00:00   Ijun
50 00:00:00   Tuck Hoe
51 00:00:00   noir24
52 09/02
PHP37.00   Prewwee
53 00:00:00   Prewwee
54 00:00:00   Grim Flayer
55 00:00:00   匿名
56 00:00:00   Erik Balthazar
57 00:00:00   Joseph Song
58 00:00:00   Namana
59 00:00:00   Quaよん
60 00:00:00   noir24
61 00:00:00   Ijun
62 00:00:00   Erik Balthazar
63 00:00:00   Alan UwU💎
64 00:00:00   Joseph Song
65 00:00:00   Junn💎
66 00:00:00   Namana
67 00:00:00   Ijun
68 00:00:00   Joseph Song
69 00:00:00   noir24
70 00:00:00   Erik Balthazar
71 00:00:00   Asakura好葉
72 00:00:00   Zephryion
73 00:00:00   keiケイ
74 00:00:00   Namana
75 00:00:00   Quaよん
76 09/02
PHP37.00   Prewwee
77 00:00:00   Prewwee
78 00:00:00   J.M. Henry
79 00:00:00   Namana
80 00:00:00   Namana Welcome to the Nephamily!
81 00:00:00   noir24
82 00:00:00   Erik Balthazar
83 00:00:00   Namana
84 00:00:00   FalcomxTrails 💎
85 00:00:00   Yuu ch💎 優しいキャルちゃん
86 00:00:00   Ijun
87 00:00:00   Alan UwU💎
88 00:00:00   Junn💎
89 00:00:00   noir24
90 00:00:00   Namana
91 00:00:00   Erik Balthazar
92 00:00:00   真紅〔YumiNyan〕 kitto despaaair~
93 00:00:00   Tuck Hoe
94 00:00:00   Ijun
95 00:00:00   FalcomxTrails 💎
96 00:00:00   Erik Balthazar
97 00:00:00   土雞 Ming
98 00:00:00   noir24
99 00:00:00   CapricornusTailB