配信名【PHOGS】revenge of the top hot dog 🐾✨
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 60 649.87 \93,452
YEN YEN 95 82660 \82,660
CA$ CAD 11 86.99 \9,332
EUR EUR 3 35.00 \5,549
A$ AUD 4 45.00 \4,245
NT$ TWD 10 900.00 \4,077
MYR MYR 6 111.00 \3,491
WON KRW 5 27000 \2,956
PHP PHP 10 974.00 \2,494
SGD SGD 2 20.00 \2,137
£ GBP 1 10.00 \1,836
R$ BRL 3 60.00 \1,760
MX$ MXN 6 169.00 \1,426
PEN PEN 3 32.00 \1,241
THB THB 2 300.00 \1,230
CLP CLP 1 5000 \834
HK$ HKD 1 25.00 \459
NZ$ NZD 1 5.00 \436
SEK SEK 1 20.00 \270
VND 1 20000 \121
---- ---- ---- ---- \220,006
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 08月11日
CA$5.00   Mero Nya Ch. A superchat, for good luck, BAU BAU!
2 08月11日
$5.00   Bishop BAU BAU the EN curse away
3 08月11日
¥100   [たべっこよーて]天津川 綾🧪 (a無言スパチャ)
4 08月11日
$4.99   Your Boy Stephen Adams / Pooh Bear FuwaMoco cute! Bau Bau
5 00:01:40 ¥800   aaamereuuu[あめれう] OHAYO
6 00:02:13 PHP50.00   third12[三塁] Hello FuwaMoco!!! BAU BAU
7 00:02:18 $4.99   Crusader_Rising BAU! BAU! To the cutest and best puppies on YouTube!
8 08月11日
CA$20.00   Wolfy Miwi I hope you're having a good evening/night today Fuwawa and Mococo! BAU BAU!
9 00:02:26 ¥200   ジル·きょーか はろはろばうばう~
10 08月11日
¥200   もふもふオオカミ
11 08月11日
PHP250.00   Lord Ashton PHOGS REVENGE! BAU BAU!
12 00:02:54 ₩2,000   iLlusionFish BAU BAU!
13 00:02:58 $10.00   Command Throw VIOLENCE! バウバウ!!
14 00:03:24 ¥500   響 -Hibiki- おはようBAUBAU!
15 00:03:30 NT$150.00   羅董LoDong HOT DOG!! BAU BAU
16 00:03:33 ¥1,600   琥珀kohaku BAU BAU
17 00:03:35 ¥200   レフミラ BAU BAU!
18 00:03:54 $1.49   Brandermau
19 00:03:58 MX$20.00   Yuki bau bau
20 00:04:07 ₫20,000   Jaki Natsumi 2 DAILY BAU BAU !
21 00:04:22 ¥500   まーくん おはおはーリベンジファイトだBAUBAU
22 00:04:58 PHP50.00   ズモトZumoto
23 00:04:59 $5.00   WaluigiCubed Fuwawa & Mococo are gonna be the best 2-in-1 hot dog ever. Good luck & have fun with Phogs today!
24 00:05:00 $2.00   iAMsuperBlast Phogs can't keep our cute doggos down!
25 00:05:01 ¥2,000   コンキメ 今日も二人が楽しそうにしてて自然と笑顔になれます。ありがとうございます!
26 00:05:06 ¥500   ぽん茶 おはようございます!BAU BAU
27 00:05:33 ¥140   よっしー168号
28 00:06:03 ¥500   Charlie(ちゃーりー) 真のホットドッグ目指してファイト〜!BAU BAU
29 00:06:37 €10.00   Volla Volt Behind all that cute fluff and fuzz are 2 very serious and dedicated Vtubers. I just want you to know that we all appreciate the amount of effort and passion you both put into your streams! BAU BAU!
30 00:07:48 $5.00   Komacheeky Big Dog Small Dog ホットドッグ
31 00:07:56 $5.00   FTExpress (a無言スパチャ)
32 00:08:41 ¥1,000   むらさきやさい HOTDOG BAU BAU!!朝からフワモコちゃんに癒される
33 00:11:42 $1.99   J Long long dooog~
34 00:12:00 ¥1,000   ヒロポン64ビット【Hiropon64bit】 朝からめっちゃいやされる。BAU BAU
35 00:12:07 $9.99   Somerandompokemon (a無言スパチャ)
36 00:12:52 $4.99   Somerandompokemon
Hello you two! I think you both are absolutely adorable and i want to hug you both!
37 00:15:31 ¥500   にくたろう ふたりの笑顔で今日も幸せですBAU BAU
38 00:19:29 MX$10.00   VistanDMG (a無言スパチャ)
39 00:20:20 MX$19.00   D. Oliver Gutiérrez (a無言スパチャ)
40 00:20:36 ¥1,000   ショコラ 今日も2人とも可愛すぎてめちゃくちゃ癒されています! これからもいっぱい推して応援するよ!BAUBAU!!
41 00:21:27 $5.00   TheGerm Hi Fuwamoco! Wow, my (3) kids LOVED watching you play PHOGS. They were cracking up on the stretchy wind part! You are well-liked in this house. BAU!
42 00:22:18 $5.00   CptTexas1 Head pats for best Oshis and Doggos! BAU BAU
43 00:22:19 $10.00   SailNTail Thank you for helping me smile!
44 00:30:20 $100.00   Bouu BAU BAU
45 00:32:07 MX$50.00   Freak Video Gamer Bau Bau! Glad to see you are having fun with Phogs 2: Revenge of the Top Hot Dog! Keep it up FuwaMoco you are doing great!, nice ribbons by the way
46 00:36:04 NT$150.00   プリニ good morning bau bau
47 00:36:52 CA$2.00   Dog Strings Is this a part of your guard dog training?
48 00:46:31 ¥1,000   ーひでー フワモコおるか?おるよ~♪
49 00:47:36 A$10.00   Lux Aeterna
50 00:48:02 PEN2.00   Steve J Hello from Peru! BAU BAU
51 00:48:26 NT$70.00   木村流水 cute bau bau
52 00:49:05 ¥1,000   りひと Smart and cute dogs
53 00:49:18 ¥500   みやしい 今日もBAU BAU助かる
54 00:49:33 $19.99   Maria G Mococo I love you!!!! Marry me plz!!!
55 00:50:40 $10.00   Ittapupu A bau bau to my favorite doggos!
56 00:51:50 HK$25.00   チャンソン・スカーレット Supporting our cute doges. Thank you for bringing us the fun stream
57 00:52:15 ₩5,000   NanE Huwamocochan very very cute!!
58 00:54:13 CA$5.00   Ngao bless you
59 00:54:13 $2.00   StarCreator bless you
60 00:54:19 $5.00   otm🐾 gesundheit!
61 00:54:19 $5.00   -Kai sneeze tskr
62 08月11日
¥2,000   おおおく かわいいくしゃみたすかる
63 00:54:24 ¥200   ーぷはー くしゃみたすかる
64 08月11日
R$5.00   Gbraga【ジーブラガ】 くしゃみ助かる
65 08月11日
66 08月11日
$2.00   Brandermau
Bless you!
67 00:54:32 CA$5.00   diejoubu sneeze TSKR
68 08月11日
SEK20.00   CireLink Super cute sneeze!助かる!
69 08月11日
NT$75.00   アクレス くしゃみ助かる~
70 00:54:39 ¥500   かもとつ TSKR
71 00:54:42 ¥320   迷刀PONPON丸 くしゃみ助かる
72 00:54:43 $5.00   Redz Sneeze Tax
73 00:54:45 ₩5,000   火日木-ひびき- くしゃみ助かる(bless you) baubau!
74 00:54:47 SGD10.00   りふ 助かる
75 00:54:52 ¥200   Northern Lights Bless you!! TSKR
76 00:55:00 ¥1,000   母なる大地 お大事に~
77 00:55:00 ¥320   猫まん (a無言スパチャ)
78 00:55:01 NT$30.00   全毛俠ぜんもしゃ『唱える常闇』 ​BLESSS YOU!!!TSKR
79 08月11日
¥200   Northern Lights
Bless you!! TSKR
80 00:54:57 ¥200   ダラケ貓 くしゃみ助かる
81 08月11日
¥200   TKGみやびんく ぶれすゆー
82 00:55:12 ¥320   琥珀kohaku
83 00:55:16 ¥200   ねこのや くしゃみたすかる
84 00:55:20 MYR15.00   Stryv「ストライブ」 くしゃみ助かるBless you!
85 00:55:21 ¥1,000   コンキメ
86 00:55:24 ¥200   纐纈綾乃 Bless you
87 00:55:25 $2.00   Erasariel Sneeze tskr! Cutest doggos!
88 00:55:33 PHP125.00   Darklancer99 助かる~
89 00:55:45 $5.00   Ricky Bezold Jr. sneeze TSKR
90 00:57:10 NT$75.00   Niersat🧪【DKDK10count💞】 打噴嚏幫大忙了
91 00:58:42 ¥2,000   レイン いつも楽しい配信をありがとう!フワモコのおかげで毎日が楽しいです! Thanks for streaming! You make me happy everyday!
92 01:02:38 ¥500   桃源郷-雪民No.1610-ねっ子-RUFFIANS リアクションと笑い方がかわいくて、メチャ楽しい♪用事があるから、続きはアーカイブで見るね〜(≧∇≦)bがんばってねっ!BAU BAU🩵🩷
93 01:03:23 R$50.00   Megumin *whispers to moco-chan* psst... may i marry your sister?
94 01:04:08 MYR30.00   Stryv「ストライブ」
Unfortunely have to leave the stream halfway for work, but watching you two helped me feel energized Good luck on clearing the game! Bau bau! 🩵🩷
95 01:04:33 A$20.00   Darth Warlock BAU BAU! you're both to sweet and wholesome. I can no longer be happy without you're streams, I always have a smile on my face while watching you two (so Smile Protected). you're laughs heal my heart. BAU BAU
96 01:10:31 $10.00   TheDAWinz Corrupt the child, destroy them all!
97 01:12:10 R$5.00   Ichi PC funds BAU BAAU
98 01:14:23 MYR6.00   Nemuriken Can i have some of the FUWAMOCO soup for Breakie ?
99 01:15:02 NT$170.00   Deng Yon BAU BAU
100 01:15:31 PEN20.00   pumwop
101 01:18:36 ¥5,000   エサクタ 今日もかわいい 明日もフワモコはかわいいぞ
102 01:19:40 $1.49   Reynard
103 01:20:45 CA$10.00   PK Scratch Thank you two for brightening up the day. I hope you both get all the headpats.
104 01:20:58 $100.00   Mofutonin You two are the most adorable duo. I can't help but smile and laugh throughout every stream. BAU BAU!
105 08月11日
$10.00   Bravo 브라보 The trophy isn't the real treasure, but rather you two the best guard dogs we can ask for! Happy to see phogs is running well this time and you both having fun together and with us! Much love Bau Bau!
106 01:25:40 $9.99   osos BAU BAU
107 01:29:22 ¥10,000   TaquitoBurrito I'm starting to think that Phogs are an absolute menace to society. So much destruction of property, food theft, and knocking kids off cliffs.
108 01:31:46 $4.99   Kafka on the Shore BAU BAU! Here is my pre-membership membership! BAU BAU!!!
109 01:32:01 $5.00   Bishop
A chocolate bath sounds like a terrible idea. Just look at what happened to Augustus Gloop when he fell in onr at Mr Wonka's factory.
110 01:34:20 CA$10.00   Mero Nya Ch.
This game has such a cute style, it suits you two well
111 01:34:23 MYR15.00   Cat King Hi Fuwamoco. It was fun watching you two happily gaming in your stream. It's cute and funny when you both are confuse or panic but is entertaining.
112 01:34:52 ¥1,600   大胆不敵で知的な紳士 2人ともかわいい、頑張れー
113 01:36:36 ¥400   しんき
114 01:37:04 $10.00   kyub3y Bau bau bau! Bau bau! Bau Bau Meow bau bau!
115 01:37:57 MX$20.00   VistanDMG
i dont understand this game but i am having fun
116 01:40:34 THB100.00   DDDJ Bau bau bau? BAU BAU BAU! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
117 08月11日
118 01:49:31 €20.00   deyz 🌿 wanted to ask since it seems like mococo likes to draw is there any chance you two might do drawing streams in the future? of course only if you want to also your drawings are realy cute mococo BAU BAU!
119 01:50:24 $20.00   Shin Kai I want to let you guys know that ever since your debut, I've been looking forwards to your streams everyday. I never lose my smile while watching. Thank you for being so cuuuuuute~~~ bau bau~~~
120 01:54:03 MYR15.00   Mr. Bravo This is exactly the kind of cuteness I needed to start my day! Thank you BAU BAU!
121 01:57:49 NT$75.00   全毛俠ぜんもしゃ『唱える常闇』
122 08月11日
¥500   ゆずぽんず BAU BAU!
123 01:59:18 CA$10.00   CrimsonPhoenix Good job today, it was fun to finally see you two play this game.
124 01:59:21 ¥500   モヘア・台風はそんなにいらないのよ
125 01:59:31 ¥2,065   ツーシン めっちゃ楽しかった♪リベンジ配信のテストは大変だったと思うけど、一生懸命 頑張ってエライ!ギミックをしっかり解いてエライ!今日も、かわいいFUWAMOCOを見れて幸せいつも元気をありがとう!
126 01:59:32 ¥200   百万金剛 おつかれさまー、今日の楽しい配信をありがとう!二人のこと大好きですBAU BAU !!
127 01:59:32 ¥200   かぬれ BAU BAU!
128 01:59:26 ¥1,000   幻夢 BAU BAU! I'm Genmu. You can't touch their ears and tails, but I've heard that "dogs love to be petted on their chins and bellies," so can I pet them? It's easy, so please write it in Japanese
129 01:59:44 SGD10.00   4016
130 01:59:50 A$10.00   StreamGames Looks like Fuwamoco came out on top this time around! Was a very fun stream look forward to the next one! BAU BAU!
131 02:00:27 ¥800   大胆不敵で知的な紳士
132 02:00:22 PHP125.00   Memora
133 02:00:49 $5.00   Asher Mundo THANK YOU FOR THE STREAM!! I had so much fun watching play! thank you for protecting my smile BAU BAU!!!
134 02:01:27 NT$75.00   くるみ
135 02:02:26 ¥500   ジル·きょーか
FUWAMOCOちゃんのBAU BAUがたくさん聞けて幸せ!!FUWAMOCOちゃん大好きやで!!
136 02:02:31 ¥500   ねぎねぎりくち(・Ⓒ・) 今日もお疲れさま!ふわもこかわいい!BAU BAU!!!
137 02:03:07 ¥500   Yakuhana BAU BAU
138 08月11日
¥200   バウバうに536円🍃🐾 BAU BAU!!
139 02:03:25 NT$30.00   我愛薯條 Bau Bau!!
140 02:03:55 $20.00   Anan Onel Super fun stream! BAU BAU! Smile status: PROTECTED
141 02:03:55 ¥800   モッチ2 楽しかった֊ ̫ ֊
142 02:04:02 ¥500   からから【パインニキ】 配信お疲れさまでした~!デザートにつられる犬もかわいいけど右下が一番かわいい!!カラオケも楽しみBAUBAU
143 02:04:04 ¥320   ぽん•de•リング BAU!BAU!
144 02:04:06 ¥2,000   よっしー168号
おつかれ様 ふわもこスープください
145 02:04:13 ¥320   白 shiro「すこん部・ちろりす」 今日も配信お疲れ様でした〜たくさんBAU BAU!をきけて楽しかったです!
146 02:04:16 ₩5,000   火日木-ひびき-
お疲れ様バウバウ〜! 2人が一生懸命(いっしょうけんめい)頑張る姿がとてもかわいかった!こんなかわいいアニマルストリーム見たこと無い!とても楽しかったよ!BAU BAU!
147 02:05:21 $5.00   Ninjastahr If mococo is on the table, I'll take her up on that offer!
148 02:05:33 NZ$5.00   Toitoi dog treat fee
149 02:05:38 ¥2,000   しんや 今日もいっぱい癒された~。BAU BAU
150 02:06:15 ¥500   くら いつもかわいい!ありがとう!BAUBAUヾ(*´∀`*)ノ
151 02:06:19 $9.99   DarkDragon214 thank you for all the fun streams
152 02:06:54 ¥500   ぽんえり 癒されました!BAU BAU!
153 02:07:09 ¥800   みんなの弟 今日も楽しかったよ!ありがとう!BAU BAU!
154 02:07:16 ¥500   Dickson RB BAU BAU
155 02:07:17 CA$10.00   Wolfy Miwi
Was Revenge Tasty and Amazing!? Bau Bau
156 08月11日
¥200   SMOK改め俺達のつんちょ BAU BAU
157 08月11日
¥1,000   母なる大地
You both did a great job today! おつかれさま!二人ともとてもかわいい!
158 02:07:30 ¥1,600   Rag とっても楽しかったです!これからもがんばってください!これからも応援してます!
159 02:07:46 ¥3,200   大胆不敵で知的な紳士
160 02:08:29 ¥1,000   ミナヅキ【Ruffians】 配信お疲れ様!楽しかった!フワモコちゃん今日もかわいい!大好きだよ!BAU BAU!
161 02:08:38 ¥500   taku 今日もとっても楽しかったよ!
162 02:08:48 $5.00   Ninjastahr
(Realized my previous SC had 0 context, Mococo was sad she wasn't proposed to so I'm doing so) Hey fuwawa, is it ok if I marry Mococo?
163 02:09:03 ¥200   よっしー【フォースの試験管】 BAU BAU!お疲れ様~!2人の上手な協力が見れて楽しかった!癒されたよ!!
164 02:09:29 ¥1,000   ショコラ
フワモコちゃん達今日も配信してくれてありがとう!フワモコちゃん達らしいゲームで見てて楽しかったし癒されたよ! これからもいっぱい推すし応援してるね!BAUBAU!
165 02:10:31 ¥2,000   よっしー 今日もたのしかったよ!いつも、げんきをありがとう!タペストリー買った!w
166 02:10:47 ¥500   あみこむ リベンジ配信おつかれさま。やっぱりふたりは息ぴったりね。次もたのしみにしてる!BAU BAU!
167 02:10:49 $19.99   myer_ Another great stream today! You two make a great team! I was smiling the whole time! I recently had an injury, and I’ve been stuck at home, and you two have really given me something to look forward to recently! Bau Bau!
168 02:12:05 $2.00   Aiko Amami だいすきだよ!!おやすみふわもこ!BAU BAU!!
169 02:11:55 ¥2,000   りひと
Hearing their cheerful "Bau Bau" shared a lot of energy with me today!Thank you!
170 02:12:16 CA$6.99   Fonzy Question! During group collabs, there’s someone who ends up tsukkomi and deal with everyone’s silliness. Who do you think it will be for Advent?
171 02:13:05 ¥190   みらしょ
172 02:12:58 ¥1,600   大胆不敵で知的な紳士
173 02:13:40 $20.00   Eintokun Sneeze's tax. And here is the headpats
174 02:14:55 ¥500   糸蒟蒻-Itokon- Congrats on getting your revenge! BAU! BAU!  お2人が笑いながら楽しんで遊んでるのを見てると、こっちまで笑顔になります
175 02:15:21 $10.00   Marko Yamashita Ch. Hello FUWAMOCO! 実を言うと、私は昨年、妹のように思っていた2人のとても大切なVTuberを亡くしました。癌で家族を亡くして以来、彼女たちは私の全てでした。彼女たちが私のことを覚えているかは疑問ですが、私は彼女たちを愛し、恋しく思っています。お二人を見て、久しぶりに笑顔になりました。あなたたちのチャンネルに出会えてよかった。お二人の成功を祈っています。
176 02:15:21 $10.00   General Hay I heard you're great at protecting smiles. We the ruffians would like to challenge you to a PROTECT-OFF! we're pretty good at protecting too! currently at Super Protecting 3! BAU BAU
177 02:17:07 ¥1,000   せんせい, いつか2人のシッポさわりたい
178 02:17:24 $10.00   Veradis Chama Sunlight makes me sneeze, maybe if you walk into bright sunlight at the same time you can synchro-sneeze
179 02:17:42 ¥500   やぎねこ ふわもこちゃんの可愛さに今日も癒されましたありがとう!これからも応援してます!
180 02:17:44 ¥500   MAになったルイナ 配信ありがとうございます。いつもふわもこちゃんの配信にいやされています。今日も可愛かったです!
181 02:19:35 ¥320   Zakuro_r ふわもこ大好き、歌枠でRebellion聞いてからすごく聞いてます!これからも応援してます!
182 02:20:39 ¥500   かにがやおとめ お2人の反応がとてもかわいくて楽しかったです!イコモチママのフワモコ水着タペストリーを注文したので、今から水着のフワモコがお家に来るのが楽しみです
183 02:20:56 ¥2,000   ぽん•de•リング
184 02:21:04 MX$50.00   Ortrus 【オルトロス】 Thank you for always making the start and end of my days so fun BAU BAU!
185 02:21:24 ¥500   東郷一二三 Thank you for giving us fun time! Please take care yourself! 楽しい時間をありがとう!長時間お疲れ様!お体労りながら頑張ってね〜
186 02:21:37 $5.00   Ninjastahr
Dang, someone else beat me to asking Moco, so I guess I'll just have to stick to headpats
187 08月11日
$5.00   NotoriousBSG82 Always love your streams Fuwa-chan and Moco-chan! You made my day when you go live! BAU BAU!
188 02:22:58 ¥500   水無月 配信お疲れさま~今日からお盆休みでFUWAMOCOちゃんのゲーム配信リアタイは今日が初?だけどとても楽しかったよ~!これからも活動応援するねBAUBAU!!
189 02:24:06 THB200.00   Pun Redfield Thank you for making my morning better every day~ Bau Bau!
190 02:24:39 ₩10,000   ㅁロ口 BAU BAU 代です
191 02:24:47 $10.00   Cyhne BAU BAU! Thank you both for another amazing stream! I always have something to look forward to now! Now I can't stop smiling all the time :D
192 02:24:58 ¥1,600   aaamereuuu[あめれう]
BAU BAU TAXはありますか?
193 02:25:15 ¥200   こうすけ ふわもこ大好きだよ 可愛すぎる
194 02:24:49 PHP50.00   Shimi433 Sneeze TSKR
195 02:25:24 $5.00   MidnightBreakfast my friends name is Carlos, can he get a bau bau? (most definitely not me)
196 02:25:39 ¥500   Zeiss[つぁいす] 日本人だけどホロENのファンです。FUWAMOCOふたりの会話好きすぎる~!英語も聞き取りやすくて助かる~~!応援してまーす!
197 02:27:26 PHP99.00   blueberu BAU BAU TSKR, stream highlight 🩵🩷
198 08月11日
PHP125.00   Dudamesh Mococo Wink TSKR
199 02:28:41 MYR30.00   ChocoMint BAU BAU TSKR
200 02:29:03 PEN10.00   O'connel Nade Nade FUWAMOCO So cute. BAU BAU
201 02:29:06 PHP50.00   ズモトZumoto
Thanks for another great stream today! BAU BAU!
202 02:29:10 ¥200   もののん 毎日見てるよ~BAUBAU
203 02:29:15 $2.00   shadowdemonlord
204 02:29:45 $20.00   Anan Onel
Can I get a "You can do it!" to help protect my smile when exercising?
205 02:29:47 ¥500   【WD】chu- Their smiles are cute, but there is also nourishment to be gained from their shouts.2人の笑顔もかわいいけど、絶叫から得られる栄養もあります!
206 02:30:01 $5.00   CodeMan Thanks for protecting our smile! Looking forward FWMC morning! BAU BAU!
207 02:29:59 A$5.00   Lux Aeterna
208 02:30:09 PHP50.00   Marin BAU BAU! i did something bad, can u scold me
209 02:31:28 $10.00   HaikouPaisen please membership hurry im gonna die from cuteness
210 02:31:36 $20.00   CptTexas1
We Love you two so much! Please take care of yourselves! ALL THE HEAD PATS! BAU BAU!
211 02:31:38 £10.00   GolemGabs You're both so entertaining to watch all the time, thankyou for helping me smile more.
212 02:31:46 ¥1,000   種村たね FUWAWA LOVE!かわいくてだいすき!
213 02:31:52 ¥500   ゆるりんか_節制を志したい Englishは全てはわからないけど、見に来てしまうかわいいお2人。たすかる(*´ω`*)
214 02:32:43 $5.00   Chami Smile status: Protected! BAU BAU
215 02:32:44 $5.00   Kurobeater04 (a無言スパチャ)
216 02:32:49 ¥205   中山こんのすけ フワモコちゃん可愛いから2人のぬいぐるみ欲しい!BAU BAU🩵🩷(^>ω<^)ノ
217 02:32:57 ¥200   Eila 221 船長しか勝たん 2人ともめちゃくちゃ可愛いよーー
218 02:33:12 ¥500   サンゴ (a無言スパチャ)
219 02:33:23 $19.99   FUWAMOCOMoments You two are adorable, but remember the LFD2 collab, if you give Mococo a weapon, she’ll protect the smiles, but break the kneecaps… your streams have become the highlight of my day, thank you for joining Hololive
220 02:34:29 ¥320   ウルフェリオン〈 ulfelion 〉 お疲れ様BAUBAU〜!今日も可愛かった!いつも応援してるよ。
221 02:35:43 ¥320   うなうな BABABAU.BAUBAU.BAUBABAU.
222 02:36:02 €5.00   rtyzxc What do you call this feeling of something being so cute that you want to cry?
223 02:36:50 CA$3.00   Paperbacks_
224 02:37:05 ¥500   ガンバアメイジング
225 02:37:12 $3.00   Yaiba Saya
226 08月11日
$5.00   AndyTran Thanks for today's stream! Glad you two were able to get revenge phogs going. FUWAMOCO are unstoppable!