配信名【Free Talk 雑談】ICC & Cover Release Otsukare!【hololive ID 2nd Generation | Anya Melfissa】
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
YEN YEN 16 22100 \22,100
EUR EUR 5 135.00 \21,209
$ USD 3 25.00 \3,592
NZ$ NZD 5 24.00 \2,118
NT$ TWD 8 375.00 \1,737
IDR IDR 9 180000.00 \1,719
THB THB 1 200.00 \818
HK$ HKD 1 38.00 \697
MX$ MXN 2 70.00 \586
CA$ CAD 1 5.00 \543
MYR MYR 1 15.00 \460
---- ---- ---- ---- \55,579
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 06月26日
MYR15.00   ZoMBiE Awesome new cover from Zenya ! Thank you.
2 00:05:50   TAKO anyaaaaaa
3 00:05:58 $10.00   cowboy_arnold Excit3d for HOLORO this month!
4 00:06:18   just ains Hi syg
5 00:06:21   Aoi Tenshi Holoro Excit3d IKZ
6 06月26日
  Nightmode Ch. Lagu covernya keren
7 00:08:03   Nkmiyahara (メンバーシップ入り)
8 06月26日
  Kinkenang i love the cover and so exit3d for your 3D
9 06月26日
  ぐれーす 20
10 00:09:05   さまよう野良猫 歌枠楽しみ!
11 00:09:09   Kumur (メンバーシップ入り)
12 00:09:59 ¥200   FU KU 歌枠正座待機
13 00:10:05 IDR20,000.00   Sashimi Enjoyer ICC seru banget Nya!
14 06月26日
  Yang 1
15 00:15:10 IDR20,000.00   Sashimi Enjoyer
Nulis setlist doang atau skalian nyanyi nih Nya??
16 00:15:19 NZ$2.00   RiceRoll juli debut first outfit ya? www
17 00:15:34 NT$75.00   Fraze wow Anya is such a bully, teasing people who cant come to ICC by showing the event-only karaoke songs list
18 00:15:44 NT$30.00   ollo' Dinp Anyapella??? wkwk
19 00:15:58 ¥200   フォルテ 俺、アーニャさんの歌枠聴くの夢なんだ どうかけんとうお願いします 土下座
20 00:16:36   HikariChan (メンバーシップ入り)
21 06月26日
IDR20,000.00   Kojoy Desu Kawaikute Gomen...UGH COCORO ITAY, I miss that!!
22 00:19:36 IDR20,000.00   Sashimi Enjoyer
Glad i came to the ICC universe xD
23 06月26日
  こえだ 5
24 00:20:14 $5.00   Pancake God I so jealous where is our kawaii Anya
25 00:21:18 €10.00   赤澤みき I hope this has given you motivation to ever do karaoke stream in this universe again. *politely asking on my knees*
26 00:22:04   iqbal nukleat🍂 The Idol Anya
27 00:22:18 NZ$2.00   RiceRoll
srsly? aidoru?? yea big regret now...
28 00:23:49 NT$30.00   Fraze
want to come but location issue(s)
29 00:24:33   やまぬー (メンバーシップ入り)
30 00:25:15 ¥500   Negotiator Bill Hi anya, I was kidnapped, the kidnapper said if you say "Don't leave me, Onichan" he will let me go, please help me
31 00:25:43 ¥1,000   エンドルフィン 歌って欲しいので人生初スパ 投げます!
32 00:25:57 €5.00   赤澤みき
I took critical damage knowing i missed out on Anya singing IDOL. I guess it's time to move to Indonesia.
33 00:26:41 NZ$5.00   RiceRoll
what are the chances that you will sing aidoru again in the future? im coping hard
34 00:26:45 IDR20,000.00   Sashimi Enjoyer
Setlist was lit! Dinginnya JCC jadi bikin gerah
35 00:27:48 ¥500   Negotiator Bill
Hi Anya, the kidnapping case happened here, the kidnapper said that if you tell "Plz that my Onichan back" he will let the hostage go, please help us
36 00:28:36 ¥500   katakuraかたくら スロウダウナーよかったよー!
37 06月26日
38 00:29:55 ¥1,000   HappySwan ゼータちゃんとのスロウダウナー、めっちゃ良かったですよー! 久しぶりの歌みたありがとうございました!
39 00:31:37   Passing by Anya terima kasih sekali telah membuatku bangga bisa denger Anya nyanyi di ICC, chu tskr
40 06月26日
  都築朋幸 5
41 00:39:09 NZ$5.00   RiceRoll
Yea you looked really busy, erai erai. Good luck on the rest of the year, including July and August!
42 00:45:08 €100.00   赤澤みき
Here's my red sacrifice. You have no chill Anya, it's been non-stop excitement! If i can go to the next event i'll use all my luck to finally meet you! but i don't need to be there to tell you how amazing you are! looking forward to all future projects.
43 06月26日
  布丁pudding 5
44 00:46:36 ¥2,000   香坂全 スロウダウナー、二人とも格好いい歌声で素晴らしかったです。でも、アーニャさんが普段歌わない「可愛くてごめん」や「Idol」みたいな曲も聞いてみたいので、いつか配信で聞かせてくれたら嬉しいです……
45 00:46:51 ¥200   ほたて貝 スロウダウナー良かった。それと白衣似合う
46 00:47:10 THB200.00   Buffy BearBear Thank you for all your hard work lately! slightly jealous of ICC folks. s l i g h t l y. I looove slow downer! good job! Super excited for July. I wonder what's coming hmmmmm
47 00:50:08 HK$38.00   Pearlパール Malam Anya, cover from yesterday are so good!But I have a bad new, i accidentally knocked over the birthday glass … even i already bought new one
48 00:50:30 NT$75.00   Fraze
M-chan, Anya pilih kasih nih masa karaoke cuman buat yang ICC aja
49 00:51:06 NT$75.00   布丁pudding Congrats on the cover release! I think your have a very cool voice that suit Slow Downer a lot! And looking forward for the excit3D project!
50 00:51:48 IDR20,000.00   Sashimi Enjoyer
Di Juli ada.... Aku dan Kamu :))
51 00:52:04 ¥500   エンドルフィン
52 00:52:43 CA$5.00   puyike Our Anya is always super cute, the difference is she won't apologize for it
53 00:53:11 ¥1,000   nikou. 心なしか、最近アーニャさんの配信を見て所々で言葉遣いはより甘くより柔らかく感じます。良いことがいっぱいありそうで、何より嬉しいです。7月楽しみにしてます。セットリストが、、、
54 00:56:53 €10.00   赤澤みき
The Anya slippers are a dangerous homing weapon, so i bought another pair
55 00:59:08 $10.00   Pancake God
Even if we don't get to hear kawaiiGomen Anya the Slow Downer cover was so cool and to see cute 3D fluffy hair Anya again will heal my heart. Thank you as always Anya!
56 00:59:28 MX$50.00   Otto Crossheart Good look with the projects petite weapon, PS: Remember that once i said that you look like Akimoto Manatsu? there's a hint of why on the setlist
57 00:59:55 NT$30.00   Fraze
tambah billing
58 01:00:06 NZ$10.00   RiceRoll
You know setsubun? This stream somewhat feels like that but with salt www. Nevertheless, I'll come home again sometimes to support you, good luck and seeya then.
59 01:00:26 ¥500   ラズライト 歌みた最高でした!7月も楽しみがあって良い夏になりそうです!
60 01:02:06 IDR20,000.00   exyezed hi anya n chat, good luck n have a nice day
61 01:03:47 ¥1,000   んでそー タイムマシン投資代
62 01:04:53 ¥1,000   ミタ いつも配信ありがとうございます。3D配信は今から楽しみです、そしていつかホログラに出演することも楽しみです!もし仮に、世界線が違うかもしれませんが日本に収録で来ることがあれば匂わせをいっぱいお願いします。
63 01:06:15 ¥2,000   こえだ アーニャちゃん、雑談お疲れ様〜zenyaのスロウダウナー、カッコよくて最高だった、よ(^o^)来月は3Dお披露目だ、ね、今からすごく楽しみ!今日の配信で完璧な、セトリもできちゃったコトだし、ネ!?ナンチャッテ(笑)
64 01:08:33 NT$30.00   Fraze
this superchat purpose is to delay the stream end
65 01:09:01 IDR20,000.00   Asthene Still hoping for >2 雑談/month -from kaito @ICC
66 06月26日
IDR20,000.00   Kojoy Desu
This is Billing extension, seperti di warnet
67 01:09:47 NT$30.00   Fraze
but i just want to hear you talking
68 06月26日
  Pearlパール Is possible to listen anya sing 強風オールバック
69 01:10:03 MX$20.00   Otto Crossheart
This SC purpose is to troll someone
70 01:10:16 ¥10,000   あろまりぼ 天Q anay no response
71 01:12:08 €10.00   赤澤みき
Thanks for the talk, see you in Kawaikute gomen stream tomorrow