配信名【Stream 7】Free Talk & Donation Reading & Summer Vibes ☀️🍦
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 15 140.77 \19,532
EUR EUR 6 102.77 \16,010
WON KRW 1 100000 \10,930
IDR IDR 28 849400.00 \7,855
YEN YEN 6 3646 \3,646
R$ BRL 1 77.77 \2,252
PHP PHP 4 425.00 \1,085
CA$ CAD 1 5.00 \524
VND 1 77700 \455
SGD SGD 2 4.00 \419
A$ AUD 2 4.00 \379
---- ---- ---- ---- \63,087
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 07月16日
$7.77   Aster Teasing aside, thanks for all you do as Chief You may thank us but your efforts let you reach 777K Love you Zeta I'll always support you and Bazo-sama
2 07月16日
  zipli 1
3 07月16日
  zipli 1
4 07月16日
  zipli 5
5 07月16日
6 07月17日
  Lauri Congrats on 778k
7 00:05:23 $5.00   Rin Forgive her guys. she is a new streamer
8 00:05:24 IDR20,000.00   Hana zeta, udah ga rusak?
9 07月17日
  nopal ama jeta HI CHIEEFFFF, imma go to sleep, enjoy streaming
10 00:06:23 IDR20,000.00   validion Glad to hear your usual voice chief, nice bgm btw
11 00:06:55 CA$5.00   Musashi Cam You'll never be able burst my eardrum your voice is too soothing for that.
12 07月17日
  zipli 1
13 00:08:16 $10.00   Rin
Smol indie 144p 10fps streamer. Also, Why are u wearing kimono in the middle of the day at a school swimpool LOL
14 00:08:20   イズモ バカ助かる
15 00:08:22 ¥778   くもきち 778kおめでとう!(kumokichi)
16 00:09:20 ¥778   かいと (a無言スパチャ)
17 00:09:38   Takii Os (メンバーシップ入り)
18 07月17日
19 00:11:03 SGD2.00   Particles パーチカルス i love u Zeta Hi!~
20 00:11:33 IDR50,000.00   Paw Paww ayo spill lagi chief!! kata kakekku kalo spill setengah2 ntar pantatnya kelap-kelip lohh
21 00:11:41   Timothy (メンバーシップ入り)
22 00:13:05 $2.00   Rin
Sparkling dumpy
23 07月17日
¥500   神楽アシス😎 Holocure update very so hype!!! Seems your ult is you can became transparent? I can't wait! btw that's school pool, you should wear school水着
24 00:14:35 $2.00   Rin
Certified new streamer LMFAOOO
25 00:14:46 $5.00   Ryan Sagala I can't believe Zeta can so easily snap us away from existence. Please don't snap us away Zeta.
26 00:15:45 €5.00   Ameki Ch. 【Hololive & Vtubers Clips 】 Congrats for the 777k Zeta! Thanks for giving us all these amazing streams yesterday!
27 07月17日
  Particles パーチカルス (メンバーシップ入り)
28 00:17:48 IDR20,000.00   Zecretary Magang[secret unit] ku nonton sambil rakit gundam chief
29 00:17:51   validion (メンバーシップ入り)
30 00:18:15   Nath⁷ (メンバーシップ入り)
31 07月17日
IDR20,000.00   Mr SomePlack semangatin kawanku valen dong...lagi revisian dia
32 00:18:50 IDR50,000.00   Mas Maman
33 00:18:39 IDR50,000.00   miku2021 stomach okay? no cat food poison right?
34 00:19:55 $10.00   Rin
Time to make Zeta a billionaire. Here is $10/1,000,000,000 fund to start it off
35 00:20:17 IDR9,900.00   Mas Maman
36 07月17日
  juiceshield Thanks for all the fun streams chief and congrats on your milestone I'm cleaning the house so this stream has good timing
37 00:21:28 IDR14,900.00   Mas Maman
38 00:21:37 IDR20,000.00   Hana
minum aer kolam zet, siapa tau menambah ke fokusan
39 00:22:35 IDR19,900.00   Mas Maman
40 00:25:10 SGD2.00   Particles パーチカルス
your voice is very soothing nya!
41 07月17日
  Darkmoonice what do you think of the upcoming update holocure? now that holoid got introduced, theres going to be you in the game!
42 00:27:58 $20.00   Rin
Top research has shown that in order to maximize your focus and productivity and produce the highest quality of work, you need to listen to the stream of Vestia Zeta of Hololive Indonesia Gen 3 (source: trust me bro)
43 00:29:07 IDR20,000.00   RafidMuhammadZ aku suka bangett covernya zet~ moga ada fullnya
44 00:29:09 ₫77,700   nora sino 遅くなったけど777k(778k)おめでとうー! 楽しい時間をありがとうね~!
45 00:30:19   Civrey no i flashed them instead
46 00:31:32 IDR20,000.00   Mas Maman
What if your kouhai do more trolling than you?
47 00:31:48 €77.77   Gowfret Congratulations for reaching 777k subs chief ! Thank you for putting some hololive in my hollow life
48 00:32:33   David Jose Giraldy Zeta, klo kamu masak, apakah pake mecin ?, rencana pengen masak daging pake mecin dengan 777 sendok
49 00:32:16 IDR50,000.00   Paw Paww
apakah nanti waktu Gen4 debut bakal ada yang bilang "Maaf, aku Gen4 Gen4an dulu"??
50 00:33:28   フェイト (メンバーシップ入り)
51 00:33:47   Aoi Tenshi 2 bulan lagi saya minta kenaikan gaji Chief
52 00:36:08 A$2.00   SaxonBlue You're uploading your shorts?
53 00:38:23 $2.00   Darkmoonice i take that back...
54 00:40:09 $50.00   Rin
I gotta run errand, so thanks again for the eventful day yesterday Zeta. U usually say u dont deserve our SC, but we sometimes think we dont support u enough for your hardwork. GL with your future project. I'll be looking forward to it. Love u, otsu~
55 00:42:22 R$77.77   Marcelo Yoshida Congrats chief! Thanks for your hard work! made my brain so smooth!
56 07月17日
IDR20,000.00   Anchor Vath can't see what's not there (head empty)
57 00:44:19 PHP50.00   Cams AMANDA NOOOOOO!!!
58 00:44:51 A$2.00   Hooooo Nice hand Zeta, I wonder who you stolen that from
59 00:46:45 IDR50,000.00   Lynxx i cant type anything, now i must to wait for 7 hours
60 00:48:05 €5.00   zipli Whoa, splatter warning. Chill with that spit
61 00:48:25 IDR50,000.00   Paw Paww
r we couple rn? cuz u breathing hehe gomen
62 00:49:20 IDR20,000.00   Anchor Vath
Exactly.. now sell it with yesterday's banana
63 07月17日
IDR50,000.00   Nandemonai kalo di sinetron tv holo7 harus joged tiktok dlu baru bangun dari coma
64 00:53:30 IDR20,000.00   Anchor Vath
she's holding her breath again
65 01:02:11 $10.00   Aznsoulreaper Gotta head out and watch the new Mission Impossible movie. I'll judge Tom Cruise if he can't do even half the moves Zeta can pull off. Hope the best with all your August Projects! Take care!
66 01:02:16 ¥500   Timothy ni dateng2 donation reading kok malahan ada sensor bar di bahu?
67 01:04:55   SLUGY Congrats on 777k!! Holocure also released a trailer for upcoming ID characters which is quite a coincidence lol
68 01:09:00 €5.00   Coronas de Laurel Talking about dreams I dreamed about you yesterday but I'm afraid to telling you what it was because you might do it just to scare me
69 07月17日
  Marcelo Yoshida 10
70 01:14:08 €5.00   zipli
You ain't my mom
71 01:14:14 IDR14,900.00   Mas Maman
72 01:16:39 IDR14,900.00   monyetguru
73 01:17:38 ₩100,000   SnowRed5 Oh HI Cat! This RED SC is my second one(Snow5)! Congratulations 778k subs!! and this is RED BANANA!!!
74 01:19:01   Naizo (メンバーシップ入り)
75 07月17日
  Pinats 5
76 01:20:23 IDR100,000.00   Yulius congratulations chief on 778 subs:_lightstick:.thank you so much for all the streams. today is my birthday too so it's count celebrate together? can't wait until u reach 1m subs. ganbate chief.
77 07月17日
  Fluther (メンバーシップ入り)
78 01:30:39 $5.00   corvus. Test SC. Also congrats on the 777k and now 778k subs! Keep it up chief!
79 01:31:00   Rendraayub 777 :D
80 01:31:35 IDR20,000.00   Rhex D tes tes. selamat 777knya chief
81 07月17日
  DEEZ NUTS (メンバーシップ入り)
82 01:34:03 IDR14,900.00   Lynxx
83 01:38:36 IDR20,000.00   Sha dow have you taken a shower zeta?
84 01:44:32 $5.00   Danklord Weedsmash Did you see Holocure 0.6 Trailer?
85 01:44:41   Yudha Sena omg 9 months mau brojol
86 01:46:53   Batara Saw Young koo did you know how a dinosaur order a steak? Medium Rawr~
87 01:49:45 $5.00   Danklord Weedsmash
Oi I just found out in America they call a flicky-flicky-willy-donka a lightswitch, mate
88 07月17日
PHP125.00   Cams
Can we play Golf It again, chief? Was fun and I need to have my revenge
89 01:52:43   Zeta's Bacteria #7 I am the bacteria you are looking for!
90 01:53:45 IDR50,000.00   Mastermind023 omg2 soal liburan, aku SC pas peppa blm dijawab. Km pernah liburan k negara ap aja? Whats ur fav & ke negara mana yg kamu pingin? Flex it like peppa.
91 07月17日
  Barisuta582 Guys you know what? Actually there's an adorable rat in Hololive EN, It's absolutely fine if you don't want to collab with her...
92 07月17日
PHP125.00   Cams
Hydration Game: Have a sip of water whenever Zeta giggles on debut stream
93 02:01:14 PHP125.00   greentea💎on purple purple block It's a fun one. There is a manga. of that. You will like it..^^
94 02:07:14   Pinats OTSU
95 07月17日
IDR20,000.00   FBC Otsuzeta~
96 02:08:01 $2.00   Rin
Hi, I am back. Did u get beaten up?
97 02:08:18 ¥1,000   Zeta's Bacteria #7 Otsu 777k
98 02:08:37 ¥90   葵シド
99 02:08:37 €5.00   zipli
You looking a bit stiff there chief