09/04 21:41:28 A$2.00 ¥162   Patrick Chen, KFP Barista Here together with KFP, Ame and Kiara
09/04 21:41:36 $5.00 ¥549   LookingForTheTop Cat question: Ever been a time your babies did an oopsie that made you angry and be like "these babies need some discipline!"
09/05 00:18:47 ₩119,000 ¥11243   WatsAim - KFP Salt Dispener Ame and kiara are streaming the collabo same time. it's really hard to decide..! but red SC for cute Kiara~ (it's not because i toured Usual Room yester day) (사실 난 아메채널에서 볼거야 하하하.) << same word, don't care boss
09/05 00:20:20 $5.00 ¥549   Ninja Turtle Raphael Froggo *tips hat*. Ive come to say i forgive you. If you hadn't stolen my tako gf from me, i wouldnt have met the newest love of my life. A snail...
09/05 00:20:26 $5.00 ¥549   Ninja Turtle Raphael anime girl named Ploppy. The wedding's at 7, id love it if you came. And i know, for a snail & a turtle, this relationship's moving rather quickly...
09/05 01:28:20 A$50.00 ¥4071   Patrick Chen, KFP Barista Hi Kiara it's the first Sunday of September and that means it's Fathers day here in fake Australia~ But another way to look at it is it's the 5th of September or my birthday! I've been waiting almost a full year to hear you wish me a Happy Birthday~
09/05 01:28:24 A$20.00 ¥1628   Patrick Chen, KFP Barista And now that the day has finally come I don't really know what to say. I just want to give you my sincerest thanks for making this year more bearable. For always bringing a smile to my face and so many others.
09/05 01:28:31 A$10.00 ¥814   Patrick Chen, KFP Barista It's not quite been a year together but the memories feel like it's been a lifetime. You give so much of yourself to us, so my way of giving back is with kind words and my undying support.
09/05 01:28:39 A$5.00 ¥407   Patrick Chen, KFP Barista If possible can you also wish a happy birthday to my brothers and sisters sharing my birth date? I'm sure there are many who're unable to superchat <3
09/05 01:28:44 A$2.00 ¥162   Patrick Chen, KFP Barista Love you lots, stay amazing Kiara
09/05 01:28:52 A$1.00 ¥81   Patrick Chen, KFP Barista (無言スパチャ)
09/05 01:29:00 A$12.00 ¥977   Patrick Chen, KFP Barista [Red] I hope you liked my mini rainbow, because you're the sunshine that made it all possible.
09/05 02:35:59 €100.00 ¥13054   Fro Fro KFP loves you, Hot Wings!
09/05 02:42:26 ₩5,000 ¥472   Dam Pung 담풍 kikeara! I'm so sleepy that I'm going to bed now. I'm looking forward to karaoke stream. I'll definitely watch it live!
09/05 02:45:10 $4.99 ¥548   Tython KFP Legal Eagle Just sending a bit of good vibes for the convention appearance and knocking this game out before then. We know you’ll manage to pull off both.
09/05 02:56:00 $5.00 ¥549   ZeroRyuk milk for the frozen baby
09/05 03:02:25 ¥250 ¥250   ともや 今日は僕の誕生日なのでENで1番好きなキアラちゃんに祝ってほしいです!!
09/05 03:45:47 €1.00 ¥130   V P (無言スパチャ)
09/05 04:15:32 ₩5,000 ¥472   반전목소리 Kiara I know you are very clever but if you are confusing you can do BangPle(방플 = Watch and play) Hehe
09/05 04:47:31 MX$50.00 ¥275   RoyDZX Tenchou, this is my 1st SC ever, we know you can do this, you don't need backseatting, believe in yourselves!!! BTW KFP LOVES YOU!!
09/05 05:29:36 $2.00 ¥219   THE PLANT YOURE TRYING TO KILL Its not too late to have mercy on mr plant *cries*
09/05 05:30:40 $2.00 ¥219   THE PLANT YOURE TRYING TO KILL AHHHHHHHHHHHHH *dies*
09/05 05:57:45 $1.00 ¥109   Jello-mancy (無言スパチャ)
09/05 05:58:13 A$1.00 ¥81   G D - KFP (無言スパチャ)
09/05 05:58:36 CA$1.00 ¥87   Jkhmonkey KFP Pentium II CPU (無言スパチャ)
09/05 05:58:45 A$1.00 ¥81   G D - KFP (無言スパチャ)
09/05 05:59:12 MX$10.00 ¥55   HoloVtuberSimp From KFP (無言スパチャ)
09/05 06:23:35 CA$2.00 ¥174   Jkhmonkey KFP Pentium II CPU great job AmeTori~ and have fun at the Con Kiara!
09/05 06:23:39 A$20.00 ¥1628   G D - KFP Thanks for the stream Mates . it was fun
09/05 06:25:46 ARS10.00 ¥11   Rodnaz (無言スパチャ)
09/05 06:30:10 $5.00 ¥549   flimflammable (無言スパチャ)