09/20 03:32:10 NT$1,500.00 ¥5934   Eden Pudding - CFAA Welcome back IRyS Sama
09/20 03:39:42 $5.00 ¥550   J.M. Henry Welcome back, IRyS! Best of luck in the final stretch of TF2!!
09/20 04:32:30 £10.00 ¥1510   Markgonaut OkaeIRyS! I've missed you so much! I caught up to the archives during your break & I loved seeing you collabing with your senpais alot. Can't wait for the 1st watchalong this week.SenpaIRyS Hope=Fear?
09/20 05:20:15 ₱250.00 ¥549   greentea💎on purple purple block HIRyS! BLT lets go!!^^ I can watch live today.^^ yay! told my boss the "RESIGN or OFF?" so I have my off & extended it until tuesday. LMAO btw, welcome back and thanks for the great singing stream!^^
09/20 07:03:55 $2.00 ¥220   IRyStocrat GrimCatnip [Nephamily] (無言スパチャ)
09/20 11:52:44 ¥10,000 ¥10000   真-shin- Yesterday, singing stream was so excitedBTW IRyS came back. CFAA and pre-chat gang too.Im so happyだがしかし!!! IRySさん、貴女はまだCFAAに加入していないようですが……Wolud you join the CFAA?
09/20 12:01:18 NT$1,500.00 ¥5934   Eden Pudding - CFAA
09/20 12:01:31 A$10.00 ¥800   Ceiling Fan Appreciation Association Prepare for IRySFall everyone!! (ps I love you prechat o7) Enjoy the game today IRyS! Can't wait for you to see the ending!
09/20 12:01:51 $5.00 ¥550   Dawnlite Yesterday's singing stream was amazing as always! Looking forward to adventure with BLT today.
09/20 12:02:19 NT$1,500.00 ¥5934   Asakura好葉 Here’s the payment of last unarchived. IRyS surprised me again but I love it. l listened to you sing ANGELUS, it's awesome and banger. I think “Destiny-太陽の花” also suitable for your voice. BTW do you know someone nick name is SODA in HOLOLIVE?
09/20 12:02:53 $20.00 ¥2200   ネオアームストロングサイクロンジェットアームストロング砲 Welcome to IRySandwich. Can I take your order? Yes I would like to have a BLT with a side of get in the buns IRyS!
09/20 12:04:13 $5.00 ¥550   Chaos Doughnut Karaoke last night was absolutely amazing. 10/10
09/20 12:06:15 $50.00 ¥5500   Ice White - CFAA Hello IRyS, it is my birthday today so here st for you.
09/20 12:07:06 A$5.00 ¥400   Seizon Ichi Hope you had a nice break. Glad to see you again.
09/20 12:08:20 $1.99 ¥218   ChaChi444 Are you still going through soda withdrawal?
09/20 12:09:22 R$10.00 ¥207   Mateus Sales ! You're becoming one of my favorites, even if your streams are very late for me. Yesterday was my B-Day, it was great to have a singing stream in my B-Day! Thank!
09/20 12:10:09 $50.00 ¥5500   Big Shoots Northstar chads stoically standing by
09/20 12:10:26 $5.00 ¥550   GorillianBux Have you ever tried Peanut Butter & Jelly soda? It's actually pretty good lol
09/20 12:11:06 $5.00 ¥550   DoomsDayDan MP custom lobbies should be unaffected by the relentless DDoS attacks, it's very easy to set up matches to play with members too
09/20 12:12:06 NT$75.00 ¥296   自由な男【Nephamily】【Slapling】 Destiny -太陽の花- is the OP song of BlackJack It's really nice! I also like 月光花, another OP of BlackJack!hope someday they will be on song list
09/20 12:13:50 MYR15.00 ¥393   Ryan (無言スパチャ)
09/20 12:16:00 £5.00 ¥755   Kuro Navi
09/20 12:17:50 $10.00 ¥1100   Zuulforrest WAR WITH CANADA LETS GOOOOOO MURICA
09/20 12:18:24 ¥1,000 ¥1000   72dey・ポンRySクネヒト 一昨日(おととい)でデビュー70日だったね。後1ヶ月もすれば100日!早いね。そこでデビュー100日記念にIRyS含めた定期的にコラボとかするユニット作っちゃうのどう?その名は、亜人(デミ)ユニット、『カトレア』カトレア=蘭(ランの花)花言葉=「気品」「魔力」「魅惑的(みわくてき)」メンバー、カ=(か)なた、ト=(ト)ワ、レ=(レ)イネ、ア=(ア)イリス。 どう?私の妄想的(もうそうてき)な提案w
09/20 12:18:31 ¥1,000 ¥1000   72dey・ポンRySクネヒト 歌上手メンバー揃ってる。企画のかなた(天使)APEXのトワ(悪魔)とIRyS(天使と悪魔のハーフ)英語、日本語ツヨツヨのレイネ(孔雀)とIRyS4人皆が亜人(あじん)w陽キャは、IRySだし、JPは引っ込みがちでJPから誘うのは中々ないけど、誘われたら超嬉しいというのがJPの性格だからIRySが勇気を出して声かけたらどうかな?もし実現しても私が見れるのは当分後になるんだけどねぇ
09/20 12:22:55 $50.00 ¥5500   Guardian Wolf ahhh your so adorable helmet guys watch out, solid irys the one women army is coming!
09/20 12:28:14 MYR15.00 ¥393   adi Best boi is here!!!
09/20 12:33:08 ¥200 ¥200   ヒイ口 (無言スパチャ)
09/20 12:36:22 $5.00 ¥550   Soulraze salty
09/20 12:36:56 $5.00 ¥550   Big Shoots rule 1: double tap
09/20 12:37:01 $20.00 ¥2200   Endmonaut quick air force brevity code breakdown: bandit = enemy, angels = altitude, 5 by 5 = understood, and Fox is a code for various missile types, however fox 10's are not a real thing, the Fox codes are 1, 2, and 3.
09/20 12:41:54 $5.00 ¥550   The Edgy Penguin CRyS
09/20 12:42:56 MYR3.00 ¥78   Eng Joo (無言スパチャ)
09/20 12:44:35 $4.99 ¥548   secret_simp_account Aim上手
09/20 12:49:01 MYR6.00 ¥157   The Engineer BLT and Hope best duo ever
09/20 12:50:38 MYR30.00 ¥786   JackKaze For a sec I thought BLT is talking to me but then I realize Cooper's full name is Jack Cooper.
09/20 13:01:51 SGD10.00 ¥814   VLK Did anyone order some hope?
09/20 13:03:45 $5.00 ¥550   Butter_Warrior99 So chat, we've learned a valuable lesson on big beams, don't walk into them.
09/20 13:05:23 NT$75.00 ¥296   YOSHII-IRySodaTime-CFAA-Nephamily shoot them all
09/20 13:05:35 MYR15.00 ¥393   pogKAI WELCOME TO APEX PRED IRyS
09/20 13:05:46 MYR15.00 ¥393   pogKAI WELCOME TO APEX PRED IRyS
09/20 13:06:27 $5.00 ¥550   EtchySketchyえっちスケッチ IRyS the next new Apex Legend
09/20 13:07:00 $4.99 ¥548   The Phantomnaut PROTOCOL 3
09/20 13:07:16 $5.00 ¥550   Butter_Warrior99 Salute a homie
09/20 13:07:23 MYR15.00 ¥393   Pouteitou o7 BT
09/20 13:07:37 $10.00 ¥1100   CKamikaze Protocol 3: Protecc the Idol
09/20 13:07:42 $5.00 ¥550   Dawnlite BT NOOOOOOO
09/20 13:07:48 $5.00 ¥550   Endmonaut SOUND SALUTES BOYS o7
09/20 13:07:57 NT$75.00 ¥296   ThugWill - O.G. IRyStocrat™ Happy Lunar festival, welcome back from the long break. here's some soda fund, soda and diet coke are the meanings of life.
09/20 13:08:12 $9.99 ¥1099   Kemma Hope has descended and you are noooooooot aloooooooo -protocol 3-
09/20 13:09:12 $9.99 ¥1099   Berserking Linked: Pilot Mission: Upheld Pilot: Protected..
09/20 13:09:15 $5.00 ¥550   Ace2049 Hope keeps descending.
09/20 13:09:15 $5.00 ¥550   Butter_Warrior99 BTW wait till the end of the credits.
09/20 13:10:52 $20.00 ¥2200   TheGreatBillyMays Your wall jumping may be bad, but I'm sure you can build up that skill.
09/20 13:10:58 PHP125.00 ¥274   greentea💎on purple purple block why do you wear make up in the battle field? TO DIE BEAUTIFUL.^^
09/20 13:11:46 SGD5.00 ¥407   Kelvin Koh You did well BT o7
09/20 13:11:51 NT$75.00 ¥296   Mike Lin BLT will be back.
09/20 13:11:52 ¥500 ¥500   marchiro3 全米が泣いた
09/20 13:11:52 NT$75.00 ¥296   ThugWill - O.G. IRyStocrat™ sorry I meant mid-autumn festival, those 2 festival s always confuse me... some more soda fund let's gooooooo.
09/20 13:12:51 PHP125.00 ¥274   Holozilla BLT o7
09/20 13:13:03 ¥500 ¥500   べあれっさー クリアおめでとう!
09/20 13:13:25 $5.00 ¥550   J.M. Henry Congrats! That ended quickly, lol So uhhh, Impromptu Song Stream? XD
09/20 13:13:30 $20.00 ¥2200   ネオアームストロングサイクロンジェットアームストロング砲 No~~~~ My #3 BLT is burnt to crisps.... Redo my order!!!
09/20 13:13:40 $20.00 ¥2200   psychofire23 Thank you IRyS for playing one of my favorite games. MP servers are playable might but may get timedout. Us remaining Pilots will keep fighting 4 our hope til the end. And Rendy Gaming fires away in this Kraber G100 montage.
09/20 13:13:48 PHP125.00 ¥274   Mewn congrats on completing titanfall 2! hopefully one day you'll get your revenge on sarah for putting all the work on you
09/20 13:14:23 $10.00 ¥1100   Butter_Warrior99 BTW, at the end of the credits, there is something special.
09/20 13:17:20 A$5.00 ¥400   Ceiling Fan Appreciation Association Titanfall 3 Doko?
09/20 13:18:11 PHP125.00 ¥274   Mr_TanukiUsagi Did you know? You could see Viper's face on Valkyrie's Apex short?
09/20 13:21:03 $10.00 ¥1100   Butter_Warrior99 BTW the blinking on the helmet says Cooper. From whom? Well maybe a certain sandwich. You could play the multiplayer. Or try your hand at master difficulty, or find all the helmets.
09/20 13:21:09 $20.00 ¥2200   UnNuclear The Morse Code that flashes on the helmet at the end says, "Jack?" which means BT is still in there.
09/20 13:21:16 $20.00 ¥2200   Celphied The blinking on the helmet spells out in morse code "J-A-C-K". Anyways, I enjoyed watching you go through Titanfall 2 and Hope you did too!
09/20 13:21:20 $5.00 ¥550   Lunamorte The flashing on Jack's helmet is binary for "Jack?" Implying that BLT's AI still exists in your helmet; remember the time travel level.
09/20 13:21:26 ₩5,000 ¥465   Super Burger Time Since IRyS played Titanfall2 does that mean there is hope for Titanfall 3?
09/20 13:21:33 MYR60.00 ¥1573   Pouteitou If IRyS typing on a membran keyboard is so soothing, what if here's more funding for a mechanical keyboard?
09/20 13:23:19 MYR15.00 ¥393   MythArtz Fund for ASMR mic
09/20 13:28:25 NT$300.00 ¥1186   YOSHII-IRySodaTime-CFAA-Nephamily Welcome back! Super happy to watch KawaiiRyStream again! The unarichived singing stream is awesome and let me see angel once again Btw BLT my man o7!!
09/20 13:30:19 $20.00 ¥2200   TheGreatBillyMays Trust chat. We would never lie.
09/20 13:30:58 SGD10.00 ¥814   Shawnical permission to pat your head
09/20 13:31:49 $2.00 ¥220   IRyStocrat GrimCatnip [Nephamily] CatGirl Nuku Nuku OVA (sub) is 6 eps. on crunchy
09/20 13:32:00 PHP250.00 ¥549   Cris P. Bacon Yesterday stream I was surprised that you sing one of my fav song "Dear Future Husband" Now I am asking for your hand in..marriage, Ma'am shessh
09/20 13:33:09 ¥100 ¥100   コゲツ (無言スパチャ)
09/20 13:33:26 PHP250.00 ¥549   HeroWayne Since we're practically chatting now, I just wanna ask if youve seen Spice and Wolf. Nice stream btw!
09/20 13:36:27 NT$30.00 ¥118   自由な男【Nephamily】【Slapling】 AkumaTenshi?
09/20 13:37:01 $20.00 ¥2200   zeroschneider HiRyS! I missed your last 2 streams because I got married, but I'm glad to see you back! I was wondering if I could receive a blessing of Hope for me and my wife so we can live a great and successful life together!
09/20 13:38:01 $9.99 ¥1099   Dugie555 You’re seiso and obviously always right! P.S.— going with the lists from last stream, how does one get on the “Future Husband List”?
09/20 13:38:08 A$5.00 ¥400   グウィンくん ユニットときたら「ホロオッドアイ」にすると、アイリス、オリーとルナの三人組になるかな
09/20 13:40:09 ¥1,000 ¥1000   72dey・ポンRySクネヒト ユニット作るなら、かなた、トワ、レイネ、IRySで『カトレア』が良いんじゃない?ランの花の一種で花言葉「気品」「魔力」「魅惑的(みわくてき)」だし。
09/20 13:40:50 ARS200.00 ¥223   𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐥🍥💎 𝐣𝐨𝐛 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐞, 𝐏𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐭... 𝐍𝐨𝐰, 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝'𝐬 𝐞𝐝𝐠𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞.
09/20 13:40:52 NZ$5.00 ¥386   Miickopii BLT Vtuber debut when?
09/20 13:42:50 PHP125.00 ¥274   Araya / アラヤ式 Hope is kinda Scary.
09/20 13:42:50 CA$100.00 ¥8613   Orion Hunter Great comeback stream yesterday! Blank Space was my favorite. I think you definitely deserve that soda.
09/20 13:42:55 $9.99 ¥1099   g Gg Oh god please IRyS I promise to make an angelic fanart of you please don’t kill me
09/20 13:43:02 $5.00 ¥550   ZyraZain All saw all of the Minecraft stuff on Kronii's stream. I knew as soon as it started that it was a misclick. Couldn't convince Kronii, though.
09/20 13:43:04 CA$10.00 ¥861   sanaka Hi IRyS! I speedrun Titanfall a lot and im really happy to see you bring more attention to my favorite game! Thank you for playing it and I hope you had a blast. Also Multiplayer is fine, but 50/50
09/20 13:43:47 CA$100.00 ¥8613   DancingCharmander NO SODA! SODA BAD!
09/20 13:44:56 NT$75.00 ¥296   Eden Pudding - CFAA u know what IRyS? Even the soda don't want u to drink it! Just.....let it go
09/20 13:44:58 SGD10.00 ¥814   lordsithevil SO NODA! wait what?
09/20 13:44:59 $20.00 ¥2200   TheGreatBillyMays SC war! No Soda
09/20 13:45:24 $10.00 ¥1100   Dawnlite Soda good
09/20 13:45:26 $10.00 ¥1100   AnOfficialGamer Fun Fact: The legend "Valkyrie" in APEX is the Daughter of Viper from Titanfall 2.
09/20 13:45:28 SGD5.00 ¥407   Kelvin Koh Time to tip the balance. NO SODA.
09/20 13:45:36 MYR30.00 ¥786   Pouteitou Expelliarmusoda!
09/20 13:46:02 MYR15.00 ¥393   Tierru (ティエル) no soda SC
09/20 13:46:07 MYR15.00 ¥393   adi NO SODA emote when
09/20 13:46:19 $10.00 ¥1100   Irish Wristwatch Yesn't on soda!
09/20 13:46:20 PHP250.00 ¥549   greentea💎on purple purple block be stronk! just a few days left. no soda...
09/20 13:46:37 NT$75.00 ¥296   YOSHII-IRySodaTime-CFAA-Nephamily Soda good! Sparkling water is a good choice for you
09/20 13:46:58 $100.00 ¥11001   magpie Team soda! It's ok to treat yourself once in awhile! Welcome back!
09/20 13:47:02 $5.00 ¥550   Blake Lantz are you ever thinking about playing the multy player of titanfall 2
09/20 13:47:02 MYR15.00 ¥393   A Cure SODA BAD
09/20 13:47:38 $10.00 ¥1100   J.M. Henry By the power of this SC, I hereby place IRyS Hope on a Soda Ban, lol
09/20 13:47:40 MYR6.00 ¥157   ihsan NO SODA YES SORA
09/20 13:47:42 MYR6.00 ¥157   Silver More soda , more RINGFIT
09/20 13:47:43 $10.00 ¥1100   Brian Hitchner No Soda! Water Gang!
09/20 13:48:17 $10.00 ¥1100   Fox_Paisen Soda was always there to lift you up...mainly cus of the carbonation but still listen to your heart oops i mean
09/20 13:48:30 $10.00 ¥1100   Synthenym Soda ne
09/20 13:49:06 MYR15.00 ¥393   MythArtz Maybe set a rule like 1 can of soda = 1 hour of ringfit
09/20 13:49:12 $5.00 ¥550   Garuda Panzer Don't drink soda, remember, Santa drinks Coca Cola. And you don't want to be like Santa.
09/20 13:49:16 $2.00 ¥220   billy joe【dead】 The helmet says "soda" in morse code
09/20 13:49:36 $5.00 ¥550   Furudo YES SODA. ONE OF US!
09/20 13:49:50 $5.00 ¥550   DoomsDayDan The text at the bottom of the screen while loading yourself into the cannon at the end shows BT backing himself up in your helmet
09/20 13:50:09 CA$13.99 ¥1204   Anh Pham HIRyS! May I ask would there be an Unravel cover or in karaoke? Great job with the stream btw
09/20 13:50:23 PHP125.00 ¥274   greentea💎on purple purple block soda is fine but just try no soda for a few days. then reward yourself. its a blissful feeling. so no soda lol
09/20 13:51:24 SGD10.00 ¥814   lordsithevil resist the bubbling. embrace water. umu
09/20 13:51:26 $5.00 ¥550   YoreAnesHert Simp Pie SODA = DOING RINGFIT ASMR
09/20 13:52:14 NT$75.00 ¥296   HilaRyS Soda gang assemble!
09/20 13:53:00 NT$75.00 ¥296   ThugWill - O.G. IRyStocrat™ perhaps getting a Corsair k100 keyboard with keys you prefer?
09/20 13:54:38 $5.00 ¥550   Lunamorte If you want a quieter keyboard, linear switches are generally what you want, especially if they are lubed. Hotswappable keyboards are also a thing.
09/20 13:54:42 ¥500 ¥500   鉄血ちょび髭 キレイで可愛くてスペック高くてPONなのズルい
09/20 13:54:54 $20.00 ¥2200   formula91 Your performance of "Only Hope" yesterday was *chef's kiss* perfection. Looking foward to what's next.
09/20 13:57:59 ¥200 ¥200   鉄血ちょび髭 てっけつちょびひげです
09/20 13:58:32 MYR30.00 ¥786   LOne naiVEty Sprite tip
09/20 13:59:17 $9.99 ¥1099   RavenWatch Yes every Christmas season
09/20 13:59:28 $2.00 ¥220   Jinro schweppes cream soda is one of the best soda
09/20 14:02:49 $5.00 ¥550   dylan jones There is text font called Papyrus. It was released in 1982 decades you made your debut.
09/20 14:03:00 $5.00 ¥550   Outrun the Wind If you like the bubbles and can live without the sugar, kombucha can be a healthy alternative!
09/20 14:05:08 ¥1,000 ¥1000   ふのまろ
09/20 14:05:27 SGD10.00 ¥814   lordsithevil "jus a couple matches"...later when checking VOD duration: 5hrs...what?
09/20 14:06:14 $20.00 ¥2200   TheGreatBillyMays Stream just started? LETS GOOO!!!
09/20 14:06:52 MYR30.00 ¥786   LOne naiVEty
09/20 14:15:49 NT$15.00 ¥59   Eternal DIVE PART II (無言スパチャ)
09/20 14:20:56 ¥1,000 ¥1000   72dey・ポンRySクネヒト 今年の秋アニメは、異世界食堂と無職転生の2期があるねぇ、楽しみだけど仕事始まったら見れないから休暇を楽しみにするしかない。    そういえば、ときのそら、AZKiもガンダムSEES好きみたいだから今度IRySも一緒に三人でマイクラでストライク作るとかどう?w
09/20 14:21:16 MYR30.00 ¥786   Pouteitou IRyS just went in Gorillarys mode
09/20 14:23:13 $100.00 ¥11001   Nero Z skin fund time?
09/20 14:24:23 SGD20.00 ¥1629   lordsithevil did i hear gacha?! heres my support fund!
09/20 14:41:37 SGD14.98 ¥1220   lAngelingl Finally got sometime between patients to watch… Titanfall sure looks different from what I remembered. Where’s the mechs?
09/20 14:57:22 SGD5.00 ¥407   Dragoncrusher Apex Fall 2 : Legend of Titans
09/20 14:59:24 ¥500 ¥500   Rineau my nephew is simping for you rn ong
09/20 15:05:29 ₩5,000 ¥465   KDJ Fighting!!
09/20 15:07:00 MYR30.00 ¥786   Pouteitou You're powered up now! Get it there!
09/20 15:07:13 PHP125.00 ¥274   greentea💎on purple purple block it's okay. drink your soda. ^^
09/20 15:07:28 $20.00 ¥2200   TheGreatBillyMays Cheating on your NoSodaSeptember is like cheating in APEX. IST!
09/20 15:08:03 MYR15.00 ¥393   Mohd A Soda fund
09/20 15:14:01 HK$158.00 ¥2232   Thanquol Motinga One More Gang Love your previous unarchived Singing stream! Will you do some karaoke collab with EN members?
09/20 15:14:02 $5.00 ¥550   Brian Hitchner IRyS just bringing HOPE to the outnumbered team
09/20 15:15:34 MYR30.00 ¥786   Pouteitou What do you mean? its 3v3 from what I saw
09/20 15:16:43 $5.00 ¥550   Silveril _ I stuck around for last game season 3, but I need to sleep lol. Have fun!
09/20 15:17:26 MYR30.00 ¥786   Zero Embrace the power of soda
09/20 15:17:29 $4.99 ¥548   AnOfficialGamer TBH your Game sense and aim aren’t bad at all. Just lack experience and need to dial in your sens. Also apologies if this counts as backseating.
09/20 15:32:47 $5.00 ¥550   Kinggundragon Here have a soda.
09/20 15:34:37 $5.00 ¥550   Zaclath Hi IRyS! I've loved your streams since your debut! My hope you have given is that you can keep giving us all this kind of hope! Remember: Protocol 3
09/20 15:36:05 ¥500 ¥500   ちゅんぴ タイタンフォールクリアとAPEXお疲れ様!! カップめんソーダはやめておくといいよ……(カレー味で敗北
09/20 15:36:54 $20.00 ¥2200   TheGreatBillyMays Hello? Oozora Sports Keisatsu? There has been a smuggling of a liquid performance enhancing drug.
09/20 15:37:01 NT$30.00 ¥118   Domo Kun we need Bigger desk
09/20 15:37:38 MYR30.00 ¥786   Pouteitou Bigger desk funding
09/20 15:37:58 SGD10.00 ¥814   lordsithevil karaoke collab would be fun! hope u can sing yaralaika! its yaralaika right?
09/20 15:38:36 ¥500 ¥500   Zeiss[つぁいす] せや!sodaとカップ麺のスープ混ぜたらええんや!!!やろうぜIRyS
09/20 15:39:09 $5.00 ¥550   Antarcticite Great last round. Victory soda time.
09/20 15:39:50 $2.00 ¥220   Memoo Bigger room fund
09/20 15:40:25 MYR15.00 ¥393   adi understandable have a nice day
09/20 15:41:40 HK$38.00 ¥537   Thanquol Motinga One More Gang Irysocool…..yup
09/20 15:42:29 $5.00 ¥550   somerandomname So with Pekora trying Team Fortress 2, you thinking about trying it? If you do, remember to spy check. Also, Scout has two soda weapon unlocks.
09/20 15:43:01 $19.99 ¥2199   Kilo - CFAA (無言スパチャ)
09/20 15:43:36 MYR15.00 ¥393   _ _kagura It's not last minute SC for today I think. I need to get some sleep. Tired after attending my class.
09/20 15:43:45 SGD50.00 ¥4074   lordsithevil here is my $5 SC. did the colour format change?
09/20 15:43:55 SGD14.98 ¥1220   lAngelingl Not so fun fact: Sugar can be addictive cos it triggers dopamine release. Always keep things in moderation!
09/20 15:44:13 MYR3.00 ¥78   DogeMLG420 BlazeIt (無言スパチャ)
09/20 15:44:31 MYR6.00 ¥157   The Engineer Last minute SC here also please okay TF2
09/20 15:44:41 $1.99 ¥218   Dugie555 Another four letter word: “cute”
09/20 15:45:00 $49.99 ¥5499   Kilo - CFAA (無言スパチャ)
09/20 15:45:36 A$10.00 ¥800   General Kenobi Hello there
09/20 15:46:22 SGD6.98 ¥568   lAngelingl I heard someone has Bucketlings of icecream
09/20 15:47:51 $20.00 ¥2200   TheGreatBillyMays a little cheesy, but i hope tomorrow's title goes along with "There is No Stream"
09/20 15:48:24 HK$15.00 ¥211   書遊Aisu What flavour of ice cream do you like most ?
09/20 15:49:50 $2.00 ¥220   Memoo ByeRyS BabeRyS