1 09/24 03:21:14 $4.99 ¥548   TigerOverlord It’s just Gfuel. *Wink* *Wink*
2 09/24 03:36:29 ARS100.00 ¥111   greentea💎on purple purple block HIRyS! FitRyS let's go! just keep yourself hydrated.^^ btw, the watchalone, i mean watchalong was good.^^ lets watch the movies from the poll! ah, will try your anime recommendations. thanks IRyS!^^
3 09/24 06:11:28 $2.00 ¥220   IRyStocrat GrimCatnip [Nephamily] Get them gains!!!
4 09/24 06:41:28 ¥1,000 ¥1000   ふのまろ
5 09/24 07:44:36 $5.00 ¥550   J.M. Henry Sending some positive Fit your way! Do your best!
6 09/24 11:16:41 NT$75.00 ¥297   Eden Pudding - CFAA Good morning GrandMaRyS! Can't wait for the stream start! Please don't forget to Keep yourself hydrated! Hope u have a good day
7 09/24 11:52:31 ₱125.00 ¥274   greentea💎on purple purple block Enjoy guys! gtg gonna yeet some documents... again... later! lol take care prechat!^^
8 09/24 12:07:22 ¥1,000 ¥1000   76day・ポンRySクネヒト ニンニク、玉ねぎ、にんじん、牛肉、エビ、塩コショウ、ウスターソース、赤ワイン。 それと、鶏(トリ)ガラスープ、生クリーム、コーヒー、バナナ、飲むヨーグルト、ガラムマサラ、クミンパウダー、一味唐辛子、SBカレー粉、横浜カレーフレーク、ジャワカレー中辛。 久々にカレー作った美味しかった! 出前館代
9 09/24 12:12:22 R$2.00 ¥41   Rance Guertena Hirys! See the Hope From Brazil!
10 09/24 12:17:32 MYR15.00 ¥393   Pouteitou Free super chat yay!
11 09/24 12:19:25 NT$30.00 ¥118   Evan W. -エヴァン- Grandma.Long time no see.Miss u so much.
12 09/24 12:21:56 $100.00 ¥11001   Nero Z Q: Where can I buy the soda that called Totally Not Soda?
13 09/24 12:23:23 $5.00 ¥550   Alligator Wani Don't let yourself be outdone by the candy princess
14 09/24 12:24:29 $0.99 ¥108   ChaChi444 (無言スパチャ)
15 09/24 12:25:57 $5.00 ¥550   Alligator Wani Batman: "This is where I watched my parents die, IRyS." "You just GOTTA BELIEVE!"
16 09/24 12:28:15 $5.00 ¥550   Alligator Wani
17 09/24 12:40:10 $19.99 ¥2199   ネオアームストロングサイクロンジェットアームストロング砲 Ah My monthly watch IRyS workout while I workout day. 頑張れ~ see you on the other side FitRyS~
18 09/24 12:43:35 ¥1,000 ¥1000   76day・ポンRySクネヒト そういえばI、あの〜今まで言いにくかったんだけど、私半年前に半身麻痺なったのをきっかけに、実家に戻ったわけ。そしたらね?壁にかけてあったのが無くなってたんだよねもしかしてIRyS気にいって持っていって付けちゃった?壁掛けの鹿(しか)のツノのインテリア
19 09/24 12:44:02 MYR15.00 ¥393   adi Does the banana kicking in yet?
20 09/24 12:48:22 CA$5.00 ¥434   Momohaku Wasabi Sport drink let's goooooooooo
21 09/24 12:48:48 MYR15.00 ¥393   JackKaze Watching IRyS exercise while eating my totally not pineapple pizza~
22 09/24 12:51:58 £10.00 ¥1503   Ahmera I was eating but the stream made me drop all my spaghetti Sasuga, Nephilim!
23 09/24 12:53:33 $5.00 ¥550   Dawnlite Nice.
24 09/24 12:53:52 MYR60.00 ¥1572   Ying Jun Tan After this Irys will be IrySoFIT AGAIN!
25 09/24 12:55:26 ¥298 ¥298   柊之木 身体に芯を通すは「The core passes of body axis」とかそんな感じ。
26 09/24 12:57:27 NT$750.00 ¥2974   Eden Pudding - CFAA IRyS I just want to tell u later I will have BBQ with my friendsTrust me... I'm not trying be evil...just want to share this news with u and IRyStocrats ( Can't wait for that haha
27 09/24 12:57:38 CA$5.00 ¥434   megumicarrot awhile ago, i made a joke SC saying "IRySoWeak" but after seeing your improvement I can now say IRySoStrong
28 09/24 13:04:01 MYR15.00 ¥393   Mr. Troublemaker Tiny Hope
29 09/24 13:06:30 NT$30.00 ¥118   自由な男【Nephamily】【Stepling】 20 twins? their father MUST be so strong
30 09/24 13:11:47 $5.00 ¥550   Ry-Ry Good Jorb!
31 09/24 13:12:00 A$10.00 ¥801   Chris0129