記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 20 123.94 \17,959
YEN YEN 21 9860 \9,860
EUR EUR 3 35.00 \5,560
NT$ TWD 8 900.00 \4,087
NOK NOK 1 249.00 \3,460
A$ AUD 3 17.00 \1,600
£ GBP 1 5.00 \919
R$ BRL 2 25.00 \738
CA$ CAD 2 5.00 \539
MX$ MXN 1 50.00 \425
SAR SAR 1 10.00 \386
PHP PHP 1 75.00 \192
SEK SEK 1 10.00 \134
---- ---- ---- ---- \45,859
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 08月14日
¥500   レフミラ 今日はもう寝るのでアーカイブ代置いておく!BAU BAU!
2 08月14日
¥1,000   ーひでー フワモコおるか?おるよ~♪
3 08月14日
SEK10.00   mannen man (a無言スパチャ)
4 08月14日
NT$150.00   アクレス BAU BAU!
5 08月14日
¥200   ホルニッセ BAU BAU!
6 08月14日
NT$150.00   Bass BF left BAU, right BAU
7 00:01:03 $1.00   Jessie Dioquino (a無言スパチャ)
8 00:02:06 R$20.00   Chihuahua Abyssgard Even though it's monday, watching these two makes me energized. I wish everyone a wonderful BAU!!
9 00:03:45 €10.00   deyz 🌿 the holokaraoke was amazing! also cant wait for everyones favorite todays misunterstanding! BAU BAU
10 00:03:57 $5.00   JAILBIRD ロードスター I await this week's Misunderstanding Corner!
11 00:04:04 $2.00   Josh Desamero Misunderstanding corner protects my smile 🩵🩷
12 00:04:35 ¥200   犯三【Hansan】 おはよ?こんばんは?今日もよろしくね
13 00:04:46 NOK249.00   Hyperstate The doggos were good again last week. 12/10 My smile was protected.
14 00:05:04 NT$300.00   かみ箱 BAU BAU Thanks for today FWMCMORING! You save our morning!Can I (or we)get the headpat for just woke up?
15 08月15日
¥200   ジル·きょーか はろはろばうばう~!!
16 00:05:27 ¥500   もののん Baubau
17 00:05:31 ¥200   まくりー BAU BAU !! ばうばう!
18 00:05:31 $5.00   Berserkergang BAU BAU
19 00:06:03 ¥320   迷刀PONPON丸 BAU BAU
20 00:06:15 ¥200   もふコロ BAU BAU
21 00:06:16 ¥800   母なる大地 今日も朝配信ありがとう〜(日本は真夜中だけど) いつも楽しみにしてます〜 BAU BAU!
22 00:06:34 A$2.00   G D -KFP Emp Rec Mngr BAU BAU
23 00:06:54 NT$15.00   Eternal DIVE PART II (a無言スパチャ)
24 00:07:24 ¥1,000   利息の錬金術師 みどり 今日も可愛いー!!!
25 00:07:29 NT$30.00   豹豹Yuki Hellow BAU BAU 嗷嗷 >w<
26 00:07:50 SAR10.00   Ali Alkhalifah BAU BAU
27 00:08:07 $4.99   Baubauian11 (a無言スパチャ)
28 00:08:22 ¥320   akiwo tdo (a無言スパチャ)
29 00:09:04 $20.00   Anan Onel "Demon dogs also need to stick together" -- Is Pero a demon dog too?
30 00:10:07 $5.00   Dom good morning ladies!
31 00:11:52 $4.99   Crusader_Rising Thanks for protecting our smiles, FuwaMoco! You two are the best puppies on YouTube!
32 00:13:58 MX$50.00   Freak Video Gamer No Misunderstanding! and 1 million views on Rebellion! Congratulations Fuwawa! Congratulations Mococo! head pats for both!
33 00:14:25 $5.00   Lunar Abyss Ruffians in shambles, no misunderstandings
34 00:19:48 $1.99   Graestra Cute warm up tskr
35 00:20:47 $5.00   chi889 Mococo I don't know if it's said enough but I think you're really awesome. Though I can't pick a favorite because that would be rude.
36 00:21:34 £5.00   Soulinks It's great to hear you're taking care of yourselves, and well done being brave Moco-chan! BAU BAU!
37 00:21:38 $2.00   Alva Wildfire So Proud l of youMoco Good GuardDog Bau Bau
38 00:23:04 $10.00   Command Throw My smile is SO safe. Thanks for protecting it. 俺の笑顔のために防御うありがとうございます
39 00:23:45 $1.99   raccoonmario BAU BAU
40 00:27:07 ¥1,600   Piroぴろ 明後日から頑張る BAU BAU 仕事しながら聞いています!頑張って!!
41 00:28:31 NT$150.00   羅董LoDong BAU BAU love mococo
42 08月15日
€5.00   Mono no aware Nice
43 00:29:18 NT$30.00   聖鬪士
44 00:29:25 $10.00   WalkingCorpse If you really want to thank me, let me touch the ears!
45 00:29:30 €20.00   I am what I Torture I love to watch these Fuwamoco "mornings" after getting home from work. I hope you two will play "A Way Out" and "It takes Two" on stream some time, great coop games, that some of your senpais also played <3
46 00:29:43 CA$2.00   J M This is truly a Not tomorrow, today moment
47 00:29:56 $9.99   Fabian Burchard Fuwawa, would you mind if I marry Moco-chan? I wish to make her smile as big as possible. Here’s a ring
48 00:30:30 R$5.00   Ichi EDF EDF BAUBAUBAU !!!
49 00:30:56 $10.00   Grux 楽しいみです
50 08月15日
¥500   小梅けいと たのしみ~!
51 00:31:36 A$10.00   Avros Kyargath🎮⚔️ You two are so wholesome and adorable every day it really protects my smile so much. Thanks for being the best demon guard doggos in the whole world!
52 00:32:04 $4.99   dabomb Thank you for bringing a smile to our faces. BAU BAU! 🩷🩵
53 00:33:09 ¥100   ちびーず (a無言スパチャ)
54 00:32:58 $5.00   fonzki // フォンツキ fuwawa's got great energy and is really funny but mococo's skill and wit are unmatched bau bau
55 00:33:32 NT$75.00   linker20【BAU BAU民】 FUWAMOCO早安! FUWAMOCO good morning! BAU BAU(つ´ω`)つ
56 00:33:42 CA$3.00   Paperbacks_
57 00:33:42 ¥200   水葉Kou⚓️🐾
58 00:33:59 ¥320   雪城リマ Fuwa-Mocoありがとう  BAU代納めときます。
59 00:34:10 ¥200   百万金剛(こんごう) FUWAMOCO MORNINGおつかれさまー、今日も二人に癒されたよ~BAU BAU !!
60 00:33:54 ¥500   アリババ フワモコちゃん!いつも元気をくれてありがとうございます!楽しい活動が出来ますように!2人とも大好きです!
61 08月15日
¥500   紫野菜 I was healed before going to bed again today!Otsu Baubau
62 00:34:43 A$5.00   Kelvin Preston (a無言スパチャ)
63 00:34:45 ¥500   ペタ おつかれさま!ENもJPも一緒に楽しもうとする思いやりが温かい。FUWAMOCOもRuffiansも大好きだ!
64 00:34:47 PHP75.00   Memora
65 08月15日
$10.00   AndyTran Thanks for the stream! Congrats on 1 day without any misunderstandings! Glad you two are making sure to take care of yourselves. Fuwamoco are unstoppable!