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title【Deep Rock Galactic】chaotic OMET playing new game【Kaela / Anya | hololiveID】
sign cur num sum sum(YEN)
$ USD 24 111.00 \14,663
IDR IDR 17 600000.00 \5,119
EUR EUR 7 26.00 \3,693
SEK SEK 3 150.00 \1,906
PHP PHP 9 450.00 \1,083
MX$ MXN 2 90.00 \624
MYR MYR 3 13.90 \420
SGD SGD 1 2.00 \198
---- ---- ---- ---- \27,706

no time
org currency icon name message
2 00:05:32 MYR1.90   Haslan Wijaya (wordless superchat)
3 00:11:52 SEK50.00   Bruce Jedi Lee 🇺🇦 Good luck our penguin empress!
4 00:19:39 IDR50,000.00   dek lemon Scan the stone with CTRL so you know what type is that stone is. F for flare. different class have different ability (press 3 or 4).
5 00:21:42 IDR50,000.00   Bimo Aulia Cakrabuana 1 for Primary Weapon, 2 for Secondary Weapon, 3 for Movement Tool, 4 for Support Tool, 5 for Supply Pod, Middle Click for Grenade
6 00:23:54 IDR50,000.00   dek lemon
dont forget to farm Nitra so you can call your supply pod (80 Nitra requirement). Have fun you two!!
7 00:27:03 $5.00   Leppy Look for brown dirt, it's the way to go for next room
8 00:38:02 €5.00   Teemuslayer Here, use this money to play the DRG's tutorial!
9 00:38:27 MYR6.00   Druegnor As a Dwarf, gunner and engineer beginner friendly
10 00:41:48 $5.00   Night's Regalia You know what they say. If you don't rock and stone, you ain't going home. Can we get a rock and stone lads?
11 00:42:33 $2.00   Blarghnox game is telling you to lower difficulty lol
12 00:43:30 $2.00   Leppy
Tutorial is best class lemao, glhf
14 00:57:18 SEK50.00   Tommy Sedin So good to see more new greenbeards testing DRG! Welcome to Hoxxes! Rock and stone!
15 00:59:34 $2.00   Leppy
Collect Nitra(red wall crystal)to call in resupply
16 01:00:36 $5.00   Pancake God Kaela I was going to say please protect my oshi but I think you'll be safer with her
17 01:04:13 IDR20,000.00   Bimo Aulia Cakrabuana
Morkite is dark blue mineral on the wall, not in
18 01:10:40 SEK50.00   Tommy Sedin
Hold Tab for scanner/map! Mouse wheel to zoom in/out, space to turn towards where scanner is pointing.
19 01:31:19 $5.00   Bucho Rock and STONE.Driller gang, let's gooo
22 01:35:26 $5.00   nosaint317 Driller, eh? a woman of culture I see.
23 01:40:57 $5.00   Bucho
You can drill out the very base of those electric crystals to get rid of them
24 01:42:58 IDR20,000.00   jonathan ryan j so this is omet's warcry? interesting
26 01:45:03 IDR20,000.00   Bimo Aulia Cakrabuana
Left + Right Click to melee smash bug, saves ammo
27 01:45:19 $5.00   Bucho
I normally don't have many useful things to say about whatever game you play, but I'm a PRO driller, no boast
28 01:48:35 $5.00   Pancake God
Dont forget Kaela as driller you have to burn and blind everything even friends
29 01:53:44 MYR6.00   Druegnor
30 01:54:12 $5.00   The Rogue Admiral Kaela did the whole thing in a hospital gown. that's like running in heels.
31 01:55:38 IDR20,000.00   Bimo Aulia Cakrabuana
don't forget to use your AXE, Kaela (mid click)
32 01:57:03 IDR50,000.00   jonathan ryan j
banyak pr ni ya, yg lancar ya holoid. jangan jadi komedian terus
33 01:59:16 $5.00   Bucho
Driller when seeing their friends digging: You call THAT a hole? I'LL show you a hole!
34 01:59:57 PHP50.00   Marin kaela heroic battlcry when??
35 02:16:02 $2.00   AndyMcKeeFanForLife We have our priorities right :)
36 02:22:29 $5.00   Bucho
Throwing axes are good at clearing environmental hazards without consuming the axes. also, they do crazy damage to frozen enemies. cryo gun best gun
37 02:34:42 PHP50.00   Marin
think this game is kaela's new victim
38 02:35:09 IDR20,000.00   M Satria R P Thanks elaaa Seru uy gamenya,jadi pengen coba juga
39 02:36:22 IDR50,000.00   Naga Indosiar thanks for the fun and chaotic stream Kael. so tmr any stream?
40 02:36:29 IDR20,000.00   Cibengwawa game was hard in the start but u finish with GGCHU
41 02:37:15 PHP50.00   Marin
can u put glasses and hat? i need serious ela now
42 02:37:45 €2.00   Yamabro glasses in next outfit ?
43 02:38:52 IDR100,000.00   Bimo Aulia Cakrabuana
Thank you Kaela for streaming my favorite game (have 1800+ hour in game). The more you grind in this game, the more interesting it gets. (Upgrades, new weapon & grenades, etc) Rock n Stone Kaela !!
44 02:38:58 €5.00   Pramayuda Saleh Thanks for streaming on a good time for EU Bros. Jangan lupa istirahat ya Kaela
45 02:39:30 €5.00   Yamabro
you're not weird dw, you are the most serious and cool blacksmith ever, no comedian, no cute cute, no pat pat, no touchy touchy, no weird weird
46 02:39:55 $5.00   xRubywolfx Hope you both had fun, this game has come so far since I played back in alpha. Thank you for all the fun times
47 02:40:15 PHP50.00   Marin
we are too normal, that why we need weird kaela
48 02:40:45 $2.00   Blarghnox
sorry for Malding earlier, it was a fun stream
49 02:41:34 $2.00   Bucho
I may backseat and I'm sorry
50 02:42:46 $5.00   xRubywolfx
new name is rubbies lol
51 02:43:40 PHP50.00   Marin
15 mins ela lookin 4 glasses but cant find it
52 02:47:41 MX$65.00   Rene Alarcon You were both entertaining and fun to see you learn. Plenty of tension and action by the end. Funny when you tried to go to the moon.
53 02:47:51 $10.00   xRubywolfx
Yeah if they still have them there are little secret spots they have cosmetic or bonus stuff. you can find them by sound though you'll get around to it later.
54 02:48:07 IDR20,000.00   NYOMster kaela is surely super comedic
55 02:48:20 IDR20,000.00   Bimo Aulia Cakrabuana
Axe is pretty good with Cryo Cannon Driller
56 02:48:23 $10.00   Silbury Is it possible to play Deep Rock Galactic with your viewers? Maybe no microphone or text chat. Only asking, I understand if it's not okay.
58 02:50:54 PHP50.00   Marin
glases aside, heard there a beard thatgive +69luck
59 02:55:13 €2.00   Yamabro
Taking people's lunch money ?
60 02:55:27 PHP50.00   Marin
singing practice? gen4 advance training?
61 02:56:44 €5.00   Yamabro
oh nyo worst season ever, i've played 3 games I don't want to touch it anymore
62 02:57:57 PHP50.00   Marin
will we cry this year or not yet this year?
63 02:58:32 IDR20,000.00   dek lemon
ok, i'll be back to lol again then
64 02:58:56 €2.00   Yamabro
super pro tip : play tank
65 02:59:31 IDR20,000.00   Bimo Aulia Cakrabuana
I'm looking forward to DRG Deep Dive holo - collab
67 02:59:47 IDR50,000.00   Naga Indosiar
i know you know what the best for your body. but please take care of yourself more since you'll back again to LoL PC.
68 02:59:58 MX$25.00   Rene Alarcon
Will we see the rise of Toxic Ela? or Sleepy Ela?
69 03:00:49 $10.00   Skellum Rock and Stone! Good game. Another game like Forager is Graveyard keeper if you wana give it a look. Also now I'm playing forager again. Thanks Kaella
70 03:01:17 $2.00   Andrew Swallie wake up to ela talking about league. good day
71 03:02:12 SGD2.00   Alex Siu such a chill game compare to serious bus driving
72 03:03:19 PHP50.00   Marin
will we cry this year? or not yet this year?
73 03:06:36 $2.00   Bucho
buy all armor upgrades for more max ho, btw