時間 | 金額 元表示 | 円建て | 色 | チャンネル名 | チャット |
08/28 01:50:03 | RUB40.00 | ¥60 | Ierakas | Water | |
08/28 02:28:25 | $2.00 | ¥219 | Drake Electric Boogaloo V26 | (無言スパチャ) | |
08/28 02:36:48 | ARS34.56 | ¥38 | LeoRéal | clean up funds | |
08/28 13:02:46 | $10.00 | ¥1098 | Franzise | Embody chair funds |
08/28 13:08:13 | $5.00 | ¥549 | Vivy Core | WAO | |
08/28 13:17:04 | $20.00 | ¥2197 | BigHaas | good work in the mario kart collab, that 3vway battle for the top spot was intense all the way through the tournament |
08/28 13:18:45 | $2.00 | ¥219 | Aurum Phloem | Don't forget micin ww | |
08/28 13:19:20 | $5.00 | ¥549 | Ketsuban Solo | Oh my god is this HoloIBath | |
08/28 13:23:18 | PHP125.00 | ¥274 | TooMuchSky | cooking stream but instead of cooking food we are cooking Reine. | |
08/28 13:23:46 | $2.00 | ¥219 | aceofspades | Call Ollie, she'll help you with scissoring | |
08/28 13:29:58 | $4.99 | ¥548 | Luke Fabis | Pool noodles in the US are usually just big chunks of Styrofoam in the shape of a noodle. You swim on them. | |
08/28 13:31:56 | CA$5.00 | ¥437 | Thicc Lad - Royaltea Enthusiast | I'm a little late, is this the fabled Reine soup stream? | |
08/28 13:32:16 | ARS20.00 | ¥22 | Oss Plus | Can you pls say "Hola Traviata!" | |
08/28 13:38:43 | MX$10.00 | ¥55 | masterphandom3476 | (無言スパチャ) | |
08/28 13:40:42 | $5.00 | ¥549 | Ryan Sagala MERAKyat Paid Actor Association | All this YABE is missing is fishing but Reine since you're in the bath can I I reel you in? Because you're a real Catch. |
08/28 13:43:05 | $5.00 | ¥549 | JimmyNGX | I've never played Mario Kart before, but I've played a lot of other racing games such as Burnout which is my favorite. (btw I'm a Burnout Champion) | |
08/28 13:43:10 | SGD5.00 | ¥409 | dropdavolt | if she drinks the bubbles would it mean she's drinking Bubble Tea?? |
08/28 13:45:30 | $5.00 | ¥549 | Ryan Sagala MERAKyat Paid Actor Association | Hey Reine since you're a master fisher can you teach me how to fish? Because you masterfully hooked and reeled me into you. |
08/28 13:45:40 | PHP50.00 | ¥109 | TooMuchSky | Reine what is your favorite Cheese? | |
08/28 13:53:34 | $5.00 | ¥549 | Ryan Sagala MERAKyat Paid Actor Association | Do you think if we MERAKyats play Mario Kart with Reine whenever we throw a blue shell it'll always hit Reine because she is our Number One? |
08/28 13:59:24 | PHP125.00 | ¥274 | farm animal | The 3 way Ina/Reine/Irys rivalry was FUN, you three were absolutely ruthless and competitive. I wonder what it's like to have all of you side by side. | |
08/28 14:00:01 | €5.00 | ¥652 | Aria Lavinde | Speaking of blue shells, when you are first, the second is near you and you see a blue shell in the map... slow down and grab some popcorn. :_monch: | |
08/28 14:16:16 | PHP50.00 | ¥109 | maridood | Cursed ASMR? I'm ready to get hurt again LET'S GO | |
08/28 14:17:15 | PHP250.00 | ¥548 | Kapitan_Krunch | I'm ready for some binaural air fryer ASMR | |
08/28 14:27:55 | NOK20.00 | ¥253 | Kake Biffen | ||
08/28 14:31:22 | ¥500 | ¥500 | きなこもち | 初スパチャです! 今日誕生日なのですが祝ってくれると嬉しいです! | |
08/28 14:31:23 | NOK100.00 | ¥1269 | Kake Biffen | ||
08/28 14:46:32 | $4.99 | ¥548 | Luke Fabis | Bath, laundry, and dishes in the same pool. I was told this would be yabe, but I didn’t expect it to be like this. | |
08/28 14:49:08 | $5.00 | ¥549 | Ryan Sagala MERAKyat Paid Actor Association | Remember Reine when you go to wash your plates use your Dish Washer... to store the plates after you finish washing them by hand. |
08/28 14:57:18 | $10.00 | ¥1098 | Brian Hitchner | Pavolia Reisin | |
08/28 15:06:43 | $5.00 | ¥549 | Brian Hitchner | Hello Future Reine, aka Present Reine when you're reading this... I'm sorry for Past Reine. Ganbatte! Fight on! You can do it! | |
08/28 15:13:36 | $5.00 | ¥549 | Yenway | If Subaru was converted into a bird, anyone can be converted into a bird. | |
08/28 15:17:43 | $5.00 | ¥549 | Brian Hitchner | There she is. Hello Future Reine, dealing with the situation Past Reine got her into! | |
08/28 15:29:42 | $10.00 | ¥1098 | Xerpocalypse | It's really cool that they managed to link the servers together. I was a bit worried that it might not be realized a while ago, but it's so cool to see it happen. Thanks for the YABE stream this week! | |
08/28 15:38:25 | MX$20.00 | ¥110 | Davvie | *water splash* | |
08/28 15:43:10 | $2.00 | ¥219 | Ryan Sagala MERAKyat Paid Actor Association | My YT crashed when Reine was reading my flert... | |
08/28 15:47:49 | $2.00 | ¥219 | No Nein | Hey Reine, knock knock | |
08/28 15:55:04 | $5.00 | ¥549 | Kas Flowers | first time catching a stream live and it's been fun lol thank you reine! i'm on the US east coast so it's bed now... | |
08/28 15:55:37 | €5.00 | ¥652 | Aria Lavinde | Can we also request a happy birthday song for one of our locla MERAKaijus, Draxix, whose birthday is today too? ^w^ Also bless you~ :pray: | |
08/28 15:57:33 | ARS50.00 | ¥56 | Oss Plus | Hello, I have a request, could you pls say "Hola Traviata!" | |
08/28 15:58:36 | $100.00 | ¥10989 | Ryan Sagala MERAKyat Paid Actor Association | Reine you Truly are a master Fisher. You managed to reel all us MERAKyats in with your comedy and charm. Your hard work and fun time during the stream. We hope you reel more of us in and never release us because we MERAKyats and Royaltea appreciate what you do |
08/28 15:59:47 | $5.00 | ¥549 | Zealotgold | Fund for the Reine soup and goodnight from the best coast! | |
08/28 15:59:52 | NT$150.00 | ¥596 | elite星詠みこP | I had a dream last night. In that dream, I was eating ramen with reine. I am not sure if I paid for the fee before leaving the ramen stand. So here is the fee. | |
08/28 16:00:53 | €10.00 | ¥1305 | Aria Lavinde | Thank you for the chill pool stream, Reine~ And congratulations again for the ASMR microphone! Looking forward to your sessions! :D By the way, Pochi-mama's Reine drawing stream will be in one hour~:3 |