1 10/12 08:24:11 A$2.00 ¥165   Patrick Chen - KFP Barista Let's go Watame senpai!
2 10/12 08:24:26 $50.00 ¥5649   motion "Is this where I buy a ticket?" Is what I would usually SC but I live in USA now and its alot harder to be awake for one of these
3 10/12 08:33:30 $2.00 ¥225   danke danke Kazz danke Biggscheon Want a Hot Take? Your Sheep Sister is CUTE!
4 10/12 08:36:46 COP10,000.00 ¥299   Spooky Mithin Sadly, I'll miss this one, but nothing wrong with being VOD gang, have a great time Tenchuo and everyone staying
5 10/12 08:43:55 $5.00 ¥564   LookingForTheTop Singing on a Zepp livehouse brings the idol experience to a new level! I wish you had the same chance but idol culture isn't big in "Australia".
6 10/12 13:36:46 ¥2,000 ¥2000   totang 一緒に応援ありがとう!私は現地で応援します!
7 10/12 16:17:32 ¥610 ¥610   無花果melenas yos sarla キアラちゃん^_^ 同時枠thanks!! 今日のWNFたのしもうっ!!!
8 10/12 16:21:12 ¥500 ¥500   シュバルツ Thank you To Kiara for setting up this place. o7
9 10/12 17:24:01 PLN500.00 ¥14176   Hokan - KFP Turtle Hussar One year of working and what I get? BEING THROWN INTO THE FRYER FFS! But must admit, it wasn't that bad, like boiling oil jacuzzi. Now my skin is all golden, and pretty. Bucket I got is also really comfy and... Tenchou? Why are you looking at me like this? TENCHOU?!
10 10/12 17:24:33 ¥450 ¥450   柊之木 がんばって起きれた代。雑談しながらまったりまとうぜー
11 10/12 17:25:28 MYR12.00 ¥324   LOne naiVEty
12 10/12 17:29:26 $5.00 ¥564   Joestar Hero Speaking of, today is my birthday, and I'm glad to be spending it with you tenchou
13 10/12 17:35:49 ¥5,220 ¥5220   Taichi-KFP_Puppeteer ticket
14 10/12 17:36:14 ARS50.00 ¥57   Kakun | KFP Eggshell Counter you always get so hype during Idol reactions it's so wholesome to see. I wanna see you in a concert too one day
15 10/12 17:37:56 €5.00 ¥652   Lord Ewok! - KFP Winemaker Truck rental fund, for the future flower stands
16 10/12 17:47:50 NT$1,500.00 ¥6043   suika Kamiya - KFP NO!
17 10/12 17:49:46 A$1.00 ¥82   G D - KFP (無言スパチャ)
18 10/12 17:50:11 HK$5.00 ¥72   Sky - KFP Helicopter (無言スパチャ)
19 10/12 17:50:15 $5.00 ¥564   Brian Hitchner "I'll be back in three minutes" And we never saw Tenchou again. The end.
20 10/12 17:50:17 $1.00 ¥112   Daemonseele (無言スパチャ)
21 10/12 17:50:18 A$1.00 ¥82   スノーラック【ザコ舎弟】 (無言スパチャ)
22 10/12 17:50:23 NT$14.00 ¥56   suika Kamiya - KFP
23 10/12 17:50:33 A$1.00 ¥82   G D - KFP (無言スパチャ)
24 10/12 17:50:35 CA$1.00 ¥90   Piing3 (無言スパチャ)
25 10/12 17:50:55 A$1.00 ¥82   Patrick Chen - KFP Barista (無言スパチャ)
26 10/12 17:51:04 NT$14.00 ¥56   suika Kamiya - KFP
27 10/12 17:51:32 A$1.00 ¥82   G D - KFP (無言スパチャ)
28 10/12 17:51:55 NT$14.00 ¥56   suika Kamiya - KFP
29 10/12 17:55:41 $9.99 ¥1128   Jeff Star
30 10/12 17:55:56 ¥100 ¥100   服部康雄 (無言スパチャ)
31 10/12 17:57:36 ¥500 ¥500   SISE1976 SAVAGE_一等兵 今のうちにキアラちゃんの涙と鼻ふくティッシュ代置いとく
32 10/12 17:58:43 NT$15.00 ¥60   Taichi-KFP_Puppeteer (無言スパチャ)
33 10/12 18:03:31 HK$5.00 ¥72   wai siu Chan (無言スパチャ)
34 10/12 18:18:19 $10.00 ¥1129   noodles【ヌーデルズ】 thank you for helping ENwatamates
35 10/12 18:21:28 CZK50.00 ¥256   T&N Studio Well in some time i start my project to you and other two Vtubers in Minecraft so when i be done do a video of it so be ready before winter
36 10/12 18:29:03 $2.00 ¥225   Trevor G - Hootle of KFP Gesundheit
37 10/12 18:29:03 $5.00 ¥564   Etho Bless
38 10/12 18:29:04 A$5.00 ¥414   WanWanAwoo Gesundheit
39 10/12 18:29:04 CA$2.00 ¥181   Jorge bless you
40 10/12 18:29:10 A$2.00 ¥165   Patrick Chen - KFP Barista Gesundheit
41 10/12 18:45:29 ₩5,000 ¥472   CH Postal Company Are you German?
42 10/12 18:51:00 $5.00 ¥564   Chop9suey28 idk boss I think she was looking at that KFP employee over there
43 10/12 18:51:25 ₩5,000 ¥472   성훈 키아라 즐거운 할로윈~
44 10/12 19:04:52 $5.00 ¥564   Eric Wu seeing audience clap for water, jokes, and wataoji is hilarious
45 10/12 19:47:38 €20.00 ¥2610   Al Koz Thank you for sharing these beautiful moments with us! And for all the translations!
46 10/12 19:50:29 ₩10,000 ¥944   Tanya Ch. 松金タニャ 키아라 완전 사랑해!!!
47 10/12 20:03:28 ¥1,000 ¥1000   米田すずめ Live viewingカフェ「Konya ha Frantic Phoenix」のチケット代
48 10/12 20:04:09 ¥500 ¥500   まて!オレはやってない ありがとうございました
49 10/12 20:04:24 ¥610 ¥610   チョッパリ 楽しかった!
50 10/12 20:04:33 $10.00 ¥1129   Salubrious Beets Thanks Kiara and fellow KFP and Watamates. I enjoyed geeking out with you all for 2 and a half hours. It made the concert a lot more fun!
51 10/12 20:05:19 ¥1,000 ¥1000   イルカのイルカくん 朝からお疲れ様!店長とみれて楽しかった!!!
52 10/12 20:05:21 ¥500 ¥500   しろー キアラちゃんもありがとう!!!!
53 10/12 20:05:22 ¥500 ¥500   ゆの人 同時視聴ありがとうございました
54 10/12 20:05:32 $100.00 ¥11299   Scipio Massimo As always, thanks for the watch along/translation, Kiara! It always makes watching these concerts much more fun~
55 10/12 20:05:51 $5.00 ¥564   Sarah Perkins Thanks for the watchalong as usual Makes the 4:30 AM wakeup times less difficult, now off to work
56 10/12 20:06:25 $50.00 ¥5649   Etho Thanks for the watchalong, Tenchou! Was really fun vibing with ya
57 10/12 20:06:58 $10.00 ¥1129   Kristian Vasquez Thank you very much for the watch-along and translation! I had a great time!
58 10/12 20:06:59 ¥1,000 ¥1000   あくぃなすせんとしあ 一緒に楽しめました。わためちゃん最高!キアラちゃんありがとう!可愛かったぞ〜
59 10/12 20:07:10 DKK100.00 ¥1754   Salacar These watchalongs of yours have made me watch concerts I probably wouldn't have otherwise, so thank you for always being amazing company!
60 10/12 20:07:22 ¥500 ¥500   すぱてぃ キアラちゃん同時視聴ありがとう!!ライブを更に楽しめて嬉しかったよ!!
61 10/12 20:07:34 ¥200 ¥200   Brave Raven キアラちゃん一緒に観てくれてありがとう!すごくいいライブを一緒に見れて本当に嬉しかったよ!
62 10/12 20:07:57 NT$150.00 ¥604   fafa
63 10/12 20:08:15 MYR6.00 ¥162   Reverie Neko Thank you as always for the watchalong, Kiara!
64 10/12 20:08:52 RUB200.00 ¥315   Kraller100 Thank you for the watchalong, Kiara! This was my first ever live concert and you made it even better that it could have been.
65 10/12 20:08:52 $10.00 ¥1129   Aron Thank you for the watch-along, Tenchou, as usual. These are always better watching it with you.
66 10/12 20:08:54 ARS20.00 ¥22   Kakun | KFP Eggshell Counter Thanks for the amazing watch along mama! wholesome
67 10/12 20:09:05 $5.00 ¥564   Gyudon Sheep Thank you for the watch along Kiara! It made the concert even better! Hopefully you can also have a sololive one day!
68 10/12 20:09:09 $5.00 ¥564   Brian Hitchner Please give Watame a big hug for us when you see her next, okay?
69 10/12 20:09:25 PHP125.00 ¥277   Merry Pippins Thanks for doing this watchalong and pushing me to watch Watame's concert with you. I needed this.
70 10/12 20:09:37 ¥1,000 ¥1000   リドル (無言スパチャ)
71 10/12 20:10:24 $5.00 ¥564   Trevor G - Hootle of KFP This was soooooooo good! thank you Kiara for that fantastic watch-along Kiara!
72 10/12 20:10:30 ¥200 ¥200   葉っぷぁ キアラちゃん同時視聴ありがとう!一緒に見れて楽しかったです!
73 10/12 20:10:34 A$50.00 ¥4142   G D - KFP Thanks for the concert watch a long, Watame was amazing , your commentary/reaction is second to none my Oshi
74 10/12 20:10:38 $10.00 ¥1129   Dustin Rollings I didn't understand single word Watame said, except for armpit, but her energy is universal and fun. Thank you for sharing your experience with us!
75 10/12 20:11:43 SGD5.00 ¥417   Okuno Mike Yagoo must be crying right now. And thank you Tenchou for the watchalong
76 10/12 20:12:40 ¥500 ¥500   りばる キアラちゃん、わためぇのソロライブ、一緒に楽しんでくれてありがとう!!Thank you Simultaneous viewing Kiara!
77 10/12 20:13:03 ¥1,000 ¥1000   みぜ キアラとの同時視聴ほんと楽しい、いつもありがとうね
78 10/12 20:13:32 $10.00 ¥1129   wifiguest Thank you for the watchalong, Kiara! It's always great to enjoy a concert with other people.
79 10/12 20:18:09 ¥610 ¥610   無花果melenas yos sarla 同時枠ありがとうキアラちゃん、涙がとまらないよ。みんなと一緒にみれてよかった。  チケット代in Zepp KFP!
80 10/12 20:20:43 A$5.00 ¥414   Patrick Chen - KFP Barista How much do we need to invest? First more original songs then eventually an IRL concert. I hope to one day see your live concert.
81 10/12 20:20:52 HK$50.00 ¥725   Sky - KFP Helicopter You name the country, then I book the ticket immediately.
82 10/12 20:22:09 $5.00 ¥564   Jim Tracy Ordering my ticket for the US tour date now!
83 10/12 20:22:15 A$5.00 ¥414   G D - KFP Kiara World Tour
84 10/12 20:22:57 A$5.00 ¥414   スノーラック【ザコ舎弟】 I want to thank you Tenchou for doing the watch along. Having another voice is like I'm not just watching it by myself at home! Also Tenchou live!!!!!
85 10/12 20:24:02 ¥1,000 ¥1000   hageteru 同時視聴ありがとうキアラちゃん
86 10/12 20:24:54 NZ$10.00 ¥784   Gut Gericht Won't Cover eventually fly all of the ENs to Japan to do a 3D in the Hololive studio?
87 10/12 20:25:53 $5.00 ¥564   Mr. Kazz Biggs DONT YOU DOWNPLAY THE GREATNESS OF "GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS". 'Tis a song of legends! 3D concert Hype
88 10/12 20:27:30 A$20.00 ¥1657   G D - KFP Some Funds for the Chicken Song
89 10/12 20:28:30 CA$5.00 ¥453   Piing3 Thanks for the watch along tenchou! Good luck with your future album!
90 10/12 20:36:51 ¥5,000 ¥5000   totang 同時視聴で盛り上げてくれてありがとう!会場からの帰り道なので、帰ったらアーカイブで同時視聴する!!
91 10/12 20:40:40 $10.00 ¥1129   BlackFriction It hurts when you leave for one day lol
92 10/12 20:43:12 ¥1,000 ¥1000   深山竜胆 キアラちゃん同時視聴ありがとう。あとでアーカイブで同時視聴するのを楽しみにしています。キアラちゃんの3D&ライブでの活躍も心から楽しみにしています。
93 10/12 20:43:30 CZK500.00 ¥2568   Nightingale Hi Kiara, Youtube scuffed my SC from ToA stream. They are backwards + last one disappeared completely so my message sounds more depressing than it was. I just wanted to say "thank you for being yourself and making me smile in my difficult times.
94 10/12 20:44:15 $5.00 ¥564   Chrispy I cant SC a lot these days but ill always support my oshi
95 10/12 20:45:58 NT$150.00 ¥604   Taichi-KFP_Puppeteer
96 10/12 21:03:01 ¥500 ¥500   小林誠 キアラちゃん、同時視聴でわためぇを応援してくれて、ありがとうね。
97 10/12 21:14:44 CLP10,000 ¥1371   meichon (無言スパチャ)
98 10/12 21:17:15 MX$20.00 ¥108   isaac Martinez (無言スパチャ)
99 10/12 21:31:58 €5.00 ¥652   Nihil Maxta Aways fun to see u stream kiara. i just started to lern japanese do u have any tips? greets from Bavaria
100 10/12 21:39:52 A$2.00 ¥165   Patrick Chen - KFP Barista Thanks for the stream. Have fun at TTRPG
101 10/12 21:40:08 CA$2.00 ¥181   Jkhmonkey KFP Pentium II CPU rest well boss
102 10/12 21:45:04 ARS20.00 ¥22   Kakun | KFP Eggshell Counter I LOVE TAKANASHI KIARA Kiara is an Idol.