時間 | 金額 元表示 | 円建て | 色 | チャンネル名 | チャット |
09/11 04:04:56 | ₱25.00 | ¥55 | Protoss overlord | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/11 04:07:04 | SGD1.00 | ¥82 | Lilac Lyliac | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/11 04:21:55 | $1.00 | ¥109 | Pota - Delivery Haa-corn | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/11 23:07:55 | $5.00 | ¥549 | Jesus Morales | haachama english is a blessing | |
09/11 23:07:58 | SGD5.00 | ¥410 | Lilac Lyliac | STONKS | |
09/11 23:08:03 | ₩10,000 | ¥942 | Chlorine クロリン | STONKS | |
09/11 23:08:03 | £10.00 | ¥1524 | FlawlessBiscuit | Haachama STONKS | |
09/11 23:08:24 | SGD10.00 | ¥821 | kishiro | STONKS! | |
09/11 23:08:35 | PHP125.00 | ¥275 | Protoss overlord | STONKS | |
09/11 23:08:39 | HK$10.80 | ¥152 | 杜基比とげぴー | Superchat stonks | |
09/11 23:08:47 | ₩5,000 | ¥471 | 설화[雪花] | S.T.O.N.K.S | |
09/11 23:08:47 | ¥200 | ¥200 | ふるふる | STONKS | |
09/11 23:08:51 | $5.00 | ¥549 | Erika_34 | STONKS |
09/11 23:08:51 | NT$75.00 | ¥298 | 羽の觴 | STONKS |
09/11 23:08:56 | $5.00 | ¥549 | Arnulfo Mendez | STONKS! | |
09/11 23:09:02 | ¥100 | ¥100 | ノブちゃまっちゃま〜 | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/11 23:09:03 | SGD5.00 | ¥410 | o2カレー様 | here's some stonks | |
09/11 23:09:22 | ₪15.00 | ¥15 | ZeR0W1 | stonks = profit | |
09/11 23:09:23 | €5.00 | ¥651 | Layl Bongers | Stonks is money number go up | |
09/11 23:09:24 | $5.00 | ¥549 | Elpnt | STONKS CHAMA | |
09/11 23:09:25 | ¥200 | ¥200 | ちゃまちゃまび | STONCHAMA | |
09/11 23:09:29 | ¥500 | ¥500 | みちるん | stonks! | |
09/11 23:09:32 | SEK50.00 | ¥638 | HoloKnight | Misspelling of the word "Stocks". As in stockmarket. | |
09/11 23:09:32 | $10.00 | ¥1098 | Novus Solus | STONKCHAMA |
09/11 23:09:34 | ¥810 | ¥810 | cha164 | 英語歌枠でのInfinity代 | |
09/11 23:09:34 | MX$50.00 | ¥276 | laloms | Speak Spanish ... Stonks | |
09/11 23:09:35 | $2.00 | ¥219 | WildestDuck | STONKS! Buying investing on Haachama coin | |
09/11 23:09:46 | ¥10,000 | ¥10000 | RED HEARTおじたん | さっきのRED HEART代 今日も歌ってくれてありがとん | |
09/11 23:09:47 | DKK100.00 | ¥1750 | Perestroika | Enabling superchats = STONKS | |
09/11 23:09:50 | NT$75.00 | ¥298 | アクレス | STONKS!ちゃまっちゃま~ | |
09/11 23:10:05 | $10.00 | ¥1098 | Authorized Patrol | Stonk superchat let's gooo! | |
09/11 23:10:40 | ¥200 | ¥200 | がっちゃー | STONKS | |
09/11 23:10:54 | ¥10,000 | ¥10000 | Infinityおじたん | infinity代 お歌枠で初めて聞けて嬉しかったです | |
09/11 23:11:19 | €2.00 | ¥260 | Silyamara, Certified Good Haaton | ||
09/11 23:12:24 | A$5.00 | ¥406 | Naktibalda | Haachama stonks going to the moon |
09/11 23:13:29 | NT$75.00 | ¥298 | 阿那那 | 逆にYAGOOが欲しい | |
09/11 23:14:17 | ¥200 | ¥200 | #りょう | YAGOO抱き枕買います | |
09/11 23:14:34 | CA$2.00 | ¥174 | Haachama and Kronii's footrest | 1 YAGOO body pillow please | |
09/11 23:14:39 | $2.00 | ¥219 | Void Gambit | I'll take all of the Yahoo body pillows | |
09/11 23:15:02 | NT$100.00 | ¥398 | thor本多 | this SC for Yagoo | |
09/11 23:15:18 | $10.00 | ¥1098 | Iggy__ | Haachama is the best meme queen! | |
09/11 23:15:26 | ¥200 | ¥200 | Y O | YAGOOサンドバッグ下さい | |
09/11 23:15:37 | DKK100.00 | ¥1750 | Perestroika | These memes are better than Reddit's | |
09/11 23:15:58 | $10.00 | ¥1098 | TechSY730 | Here is how I understand it. "Stonks" is basically "stock" as in the "stock market" (株式市場?), but can also be applied in contexts that doesn't really make sense as number value. Because it is funny. | |
09/11 23:16:05 | PHP50.00 | ¥110 | 『AoShi』青貼る神殿 | Red-Kun Dakimakura |
09/11 23:16:37 | ₹20.00 | ¥29 | Wilma Gomes | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/11 23:18:16 | $5.00 | ¥549 | Iggy__ | Can we get a Haachama dakimakura for Hot Girl Summer? | |
09/11 23:19:47 | $30.00 | ¥3296 | darryl smith | cups size pls? | |
09/11 23:19:59 | $30.00 | ¥3296 | Lexington the Lion | So, are you going to tell us your cup size now? | |
09/11 23:20:00 | $4.99 | ¥548 | BaboBabo | Hotchama Summer | |
09/11 23:20:13 | NT$30.00 | ¥119 | 羽の觴 | one cup please | |
09/11 23:20:27 | HK$10.80 | ¥152 | 杜基比とげぴー | Haachama weight stonks |
09/11 23:20:27 | $30.00 | ¥3296 | The Cute Master | Cup Size Doko? |
09/11 23:20:48 | PHP30.00 | ¥66 | Joseph Ralloma | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/11 23:20:50 | €2.00 | ¥260 | Plain Water | Cooking cup size? | |
09/11 23:20:58 | $30.00 | ¥3296 | Robbie Smith | ||
09/11 23:21:04 | DKK300.00 | ¥5252 | Perestroika | What about your feet size? | |
09/11 23:21:15 | $30.00 | ¥3296 | arkiandruski | Peer pressure always works | |
09/11 23:21:18 | A$20.00 | ¥1627 | Sassafraz | No cup size reveal is best. | |
09/11 23:24:17 | SEK100.00 | ¥1277 | HoloKnight | Silence wench! I do not wish to be horni anymore. I just want to be happy. | |
09/11 23:24:24 | PLN5.00 | ¥143 | A C | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/11 23:27:25 | $10.00 | ¥1098 | Erik_W1 | Hi Haachama, I got some slang for you. "That is so fetch", you say it when you see or hear something that you think is cool. It didn't catch on but you can make it happen with the power of Haachama! | |
09/11 23:29:41 | SGD10.00 | ¥821 | Reiza Kloise | Kronii said to viewer "ughh fine. I guess you are my little POGCHAMP. Come here". Can you say it to us too Haachama? | |
09/11 23:30:12 | $5.00 | ¥549 | Ryan | Haachama has legs for days | |
09/11 23:30:16 | A$5.00 | ¥406 | James Lowe | Boomchamachama~~ | |
09/11 23:30:24 | $20.00 | ¥2197 | NXT Master | Haachama is a boomer going to kindergarten | |
09/11 23:31:14 | £10.00 | ¥1524 | SoberBanana | "Fetch" is from the Movie "Mean Girls" It didn't catch on as it was meant to be a joke | |
09/11 23:31:28 | $4.99 | ¥548 | The Maxer | Hows your day?? | |
09/11 23:31:43 | $9.99 | ¥1097 | Stalutes64 | Holy sh*t= unchi no kami | |
09/11 23:31:57 | $10.00 | ¥1098 | Stanley Hopkins | Good morning Haachama! Did you know that "Innit" is english slang for "ですね"? >:] | |
09/11 23:32:33 | PHP125.00 | ¥275 | Sierre | Speaking of Mean Girls, have you seen Sawcon ? | |
09/11 23:32:38 | €5.00 | ¥651 | Zhadar | Do you already know about чики-брики (cheeki breeki)? | |
09/11 23:34:09 | $10.00 | ¥1098 | ???????????????? | excellent stream | |
09/11 23:34:16 | $5.00 | ¥549 | The No One | Good morning. Good modern slang: "Do your reps." Meaning: Practice. Example: Haachama is doing her eigo reps today! | |
09/11 23:34:31 | CA$10.00 | ¥871 | あなり | Haachama hard bass when? | |
09/11 23:34:52 | $10.00 | ¥1098 | Ur -Ray | SNEEEEEED! | |
09/11 23:36:14 | $10.00 | ¥1098 | add2Kart | gamer slang: BiS (ビス) = Best in Slot. it means the best of a type of thing. for example, Haachama BiS VTuber! | |
09/11 23:36:19 | $5.00 | ¥549 | arkiandruski | Haachama is fine. | |
09/11 23:36:47 | $20.00 | ¥2197 | Mister Bleach | Cheeki breeki is a meme from the game Stalker, there is a song from it (Bandit Radio) that became a meme and got a hardbass music genre remix | |
09/11 23:37:21 | HK$5.00 | ¥70 | 春の袋 | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/11 23:38:33 | $10.00 | ¥1098 | BB Online | Where I'm from, when we bump into someone, we turn to them and say, "Eyyy, I'm walkin' 'ere!" | |
09/11 23:39:21 | SGD5.00 | ¥410 | o2カレー様 | Haachama, BURMA is a 2012 boomer meme... | |
09/11 23:39:32 | ¥200 | ¥200 | 室長気分のムロラン太郎 | はあちゃまのブルマ | |
09/11 23:40:11 | $20.00 | ¥2197 | Shaehl | Babe, I'm breaking up with you. It's not you, you were poggers. It's me, I'm omegalul. I'm sorry if this is pepehands but it has to be done. Our relationship has been weirdchamp for months, it's time to end it, no kappa. | |
09/11 23:41:38 | €5.00 | ¥651 | Geezus | does Hachamachama have mommy milkers? | |
09/11 23:42:05 | ₪15.00 | ¥15 | ZeR0W1 | I never heard of this. maybe you meant bummer? Bummer means zannen. and wtf is that bottom text? | |
09/11 23:42:25 | A$30.00 | ¥2441 | Sassafraz | Once you have become Haachama chama, you can not leave chama! | |
09/11 23:42:29 | $10.00 | ¥1098 | | bonking everyone in chat | |
09/11 23:42:35 | $20.00 | ¥2197 | gentlepenguin | can you say "be a good boy and lick my feet" | |
09/11 23:43:54 | ₪15.00 | ¥15 | ZeR0W1 | bummer, not boomer. boomer is old people. bummer is "zannen" in Japanese | |
09/11 23:44:09 | CZK50.00 | ¥256 | Daniyal Kumpeisov | bonk bonk cringe supacha | |
09/11 23:44:52 | £5.00 | ¥762 | SoberBanana | Burma: Be Undressed and Ready My Angel. Boomer: Baby Boomer, Older person, someone with an older menality, doesn't understand the memes | |
09/11 23:45:04 | PHP125.00 | ¥275 | Protoss overlord | Bummer = Zannen, Boomer = Old people | |
09/11 23:45:10 | €10.00 | ¥1302 | Silyamara, Certified Good Haaton | Bonking is what you do when we get too worked up during your ASMR! |
09/11 23:45:30 | $5.00 | ¥549 | Persona Pat | Don't let chat confuse you a boomer is a robot. | |
09/11 23:45:45 | CA$10.00 | ¥871 | あなり | boomer is like ババ | |
09/11 23:47:28 | $5.00 | ¥549 | Nouseng Thao | calli is bamf | |
09/11 23:47:53 | $5.00 | ¥549 | BB Online | Good English, Haachama |
09/11 23:48:13 | ₩5,000 | ¥471 | koi | HAACHAMA thanks for RTing my art you really made my week! Here's some slang for you your stream is 'straight BUSSIN'' | |
09/11 23:48:46 | ₪15.00 | ¥15 | ZeR0W1 | newer slang: GOAT it means Greatest of All Time saikou | |
09/11 23:48:57 | CA$5.00 | ¥435 | KZ tandingans scooter | you're a top sheila for learning some australian slang | |
09/11 23:49:14 | ¥250 | ¥250 | ursulet | English stream tasukaru. | |
09/11 23:49:21 | €5.00 | ¥651 | John Smith | Do you want a really old meme? Oh hai! I can haz cheezburger? | |
09/11 23:50:51 | $5.00 | ¥549 | Void Gambit | bussin = delicious or really good | |
09/11 23:51:42 | NOK50.00 | ¥637 | Hololando | Allour base are belong to HAACHAMA | |
09/11 23:52:13 | £10.00 | ¥1524 | SoberBanana | Haachama, have you heard of the website UrbanDictionary, All of the slang you are looking for is on there. | |
09/11 23:52:42 | $5.00 | ¥549 | Pota - Delivery Haa-corn | Very old meme that I like is “I buy that for a dollar” | |
09/11 23:53:35 | CA$2.00 | ¥174 | Haachama and Kronii's footrest | Holometh > Holomath | |
09/11 23:54:53 | ISK1,500 | ¥1289 | armann 24 | never do math on stream!!! life lesson of stream!!! | |
09/11 23:56:01 | $20.00 | ¥2197 | NXT Master | SMH = Smell My Haachama | |
09/11 23:56:01 | PHP50.00 | ¥110 | 『AoShi』青貼る神殿 | Shaking My Haachama | |
09/11 23:57:23 | $50.00 | ¥5494 | Jorzn84 | Simp my Hachama | |
09/11 23:58:02 | $5.00 | ¥549 | BB Online | Do you know pwned? | |
09/11 23:58:09 | PHP125.00 | ¥275 | Brohen Taimelol | Still Missing Haato | |
09/11 23:58:25 | CA$2.00 | ¥174 | Haachama and Kronii's footrest | SEISO my haachama | |
09/11 23:58:34 | $10.00 | ¥1098 | Erik_W1 | This stream has been so Fetchchama. | |
09/11 23:59:01 | $5.00 | ¥549 | Slug Lord | PEROPEROPERO those toes | |
09/11 23:59:39 | MYR15.00 | ¥397 | Ero -chan96 | can i lick ur feet hehe | |
09/11 23:59:54 | $5.00 | ¥549 | Moe Rami | Stretch my Hachama | |
09/11 23:59:57 | SGD10.00 | ¥821 | o2カレー様 | You can say "I like your drip" when you like someone's outfit. It's the same as "cool outfit". P.S. Yagoo's got some drip on him | |
09/11 23:59:57 | SGD5.00 | ¥410 | Reiza Kloise | Haachama, do you know [SIMP]?インターネットで女の子にお金をあげる負け豚と言う意味 | |
09/12 00:00:15 | €5.00 | ¥651 | John Smith | Spider Meal Haachama | |
09/12 00:00:36 | ISK750 | ¥644 | armann 24 | stream much headache | |
09/12 00:00:48 | $2.00 | ¥219 | ZMBproductions | Haachama is so Fetch! | |
09/12 00:00:50 | MYR15.00 | ¥397 | WeissMann 1310 | Haachama, modern internet memes have infamously short lifespans. Just have fun with them as much as you want. It's not cringe to do so, it's based. | |
09/12 00:01:33 | ₪6.00 | ¥6 | ZeR0W1 | your pronunciation is BASED | |
09/12 00:01:43 | R$5.00 | ¥105 | Rance Guertena | Haachama could speak Mother F*ck*r in Portuguese? will make Brazilians happy! it's says | |
09/12 00:02:27 | NT$300.00 | ¥1194 | 放火 Louis | HAACHAMA DA BEST!!!! | |
09/12 00:02:45 | ¥500 | ¥500 | DK KK | Arigathanks HAACHAMA!! | |
09/12 00:04:27 | NT$30.00 | ¥119 | 羽の觴 | OMG, Yagoo finally gets his position | |
09/12 00:04:37 | ¥810 | ¥810 | Nao chama | HAACHAMA so cute I love you | |
09/12 00:04:41 | ¥810 | ¥810 | まっ | ||
09/12 00:04:53 | ¥810 | ¥810 | mats_k | 英語のスラング一緒に勉強できて楽しかった! |
09/12 00:05:02 | NT$30.00 | ¥119 | useseldom | Thank you Haachama! Thank you Google sensei! | |
09/12 00:05:07 | SGD2.00 | ¥164 | Lilac Lyliac | I wish I have that yagoo... | |
09/12 00:05:09 | €2.00 | ¥260 | Zhadar | Can you leave Yagoo and me alone for a bit? | |
09/12 00:05:45 | $4.99 | ¥548 | S13Drifter209 | Yo we got best girl behind you |
09/12 00:05:51 | MYR6.00 | ¥159 | mkak87 | smh, Haachama. That's was fun | |
09/12 00:05:57 | ¥213 | ¥213 | mamiyaakari | 深いね、ボクとはあとみたいにね。 | |
09/12 00:06:00 | ¥200 | ¥200 | nyanhiro(にゃんひろ) | OMG YAGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO | |
09/12 00:06:26 | A$2.00 | ¥162 | Walrus | 子供の頃から聴いてない古のスラング配信懐かしくて楽しかった~ | |
09/12 00:06:34 | €5.00 | ¥651 | Bea Álvarez | I have arachnophobia, Haachama you are my superhero! You eat all that evil tarantulas. Thank you Haachama |
09/12 00:06:36 | PHP125.00 | ¥275 | Protoss overlord | Great stream chama! English slangs can and will get confusing but you can do it! | |
09/12 00:06:55 | $2.00 | ¥219 | Pota - Delivery Haa-corn | Man, Yagoo gets all the goods | |
09/12 00:07:11 | ¥810 | ¥810 | Chrono Katzchen | Teach us some Japanese slangs too sometime! 日本語のスラングもいつか教えてください!!楽しかったよー はあちゃまいつもかわいいい | |
09/12 00:08:04 | SGD5.00 | ¥410 | 4016 | nice nihongo btw | |
09/12 00:08:16 | ¥500 | ¥500 | 防人そば屋 | (無言スパチャ) | |
09/12 00:08:22 | $10.00 | ¥1098 | darryl smith | just wanted to say my little sisters love you and watch you on there school computers.... now they scream HAACHAMA CHAMA everytime i see them. perfect as all things should be | |
09/12 00:09:12 | ¥500 | ¥500 | 柊幹【ひいらぎ みき】 | English SLANG、スペルの組み合わせとか本当センスあって面白い!理解できた時とか感動してしまいました。はあちゃまありがとん! | |
09/12 00:09:15 | ¥200 | ¥200 | 99 tatsuya | 何故かベッドを見てYDK(やればできる)がYAGOO Dying Kitchenに脳内変換された | |
09/12 00:09:16 | ₩10,000 | ¥942 | Chlorine クロリン | 特に理由の無いスパチャがはあちゃまを襲う!!これも日本語のスラングかと | |
09/12 00:09:45 | ¥500 | ¥500 | 希月‐ | I've learned that BURMA is 全裸待機 in this time, Thank you! | |
09/12 00:10:10 | ¥500 | ¥500 | ふるふる | はあちゃまっちゃま~もいつか世界共通のスラングになるかも! | |
09/12 00:11:38 | $2.00 | ¥219 | Slug Lord | Am I your little Pogchamp, Haachama? | |
09/12 00:11:54 | SGD5.00 | ¥410 | Super SSG | HAACHAMA CHAMA! Sadly missed the stream itself (I know, SMH me |
09/12 00:12:15 | ¥213 | ¥213 | mamiyaakari | とりまなるはやで付き合ってください。 | |
09/12 00:12:18 | ¥810 | ¥810 | Piro 810 Sophie | I study English with HAACHAMA.It was a lot of fun today too!Let's do our best together. Otsu-Rouge |
09/12 00:12:52 | PLN10.00 | ¥286 | A C | Thanks for based stream. This boomer is happy. | |
09/12 00:13:33 | $5.00 | ¥549 | Iggy__ | Another word you can use is "Zoomer." Zoomers are young people and Boomers are old, so Haachama is a zoomer. | |
09/12 00:23:34 | MYR6.00 | ¥159 | mkak87 | HachaaMART~ |
09/12 00:28:25 | ¥200 | ¥200 | Piro 810 Sophie | ┗( ・´ー・`)┛ | |
09/12 00:30:49 | ¥200 | ¥200 | Y O | お絵描き助かる代 | |
09/12 00:32:49 | ¥200 | ¥200 | Piro 810 Sophie | Otsu Rouge |