トップ ※リアルタイム抽出とアーカイブ抽出のスパチャを統合(merge)したものを表示しています。
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
   $  USD   68    1439.95  175,389円
 EUR  EUR   11     423.99   56,835円
 YEN  YEN   11      47130   47,130円
 PLN  PLN    2    1525.00   43,213円
 WON  KRW   12     402000   40,102円
 CA$  CAD   11     258.00   25,072円
 SGD  SGD    6     260.00   23,339円
 NT$  TWD    6    4815.00   20,466円
   £  GBP    2      55.00    8,842円
 SEK  SEK    2     269.00    3,482円
  A$  AUD    7      28.00    2,561円
 NOK  NOK    3     165.00    2,321円
 MX$  MXN    2     300.00    1,822円
 ARS  ARS    6    1550.00    1,705円
 CLP  CLP    2       6000      924円
 EGP    1    1     500.00      500円
 INR  INR    1     100.00      159円
 COP  COP    1    4000.00      128円
---- ---- ----       ----  453,990円
No 時間 元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 03/25
$2.00   shrizumalonito Yo
2 03/25
A$2.00   G D - KFP for Kiwawa & the Cuties
3 03/25
$2.00   Salubrious Beets sup
4 03/25
ARS20.00   KAKUN 🐔 Where is the bottom half of the thumbnail?
5 03/25
$5.00   SOTA KUME (Bleach Japan) Bird Yakuza woman i request assistance! I'm at WAR with the leader of the NYAkuza. I thought you were her at first, but...no cat ears. Will u join me?
6 03/25
€2.00   Dominik K - KFP Wingman Oh nyo, I need to still cook too! 1am cooking-club
7 03/25
$2.00   Pyra ホムラ - The Revanite eats some chimkin
8 03/25
$5.00   Cruz Let's goooooo
9 03/25
$5.00   SameTori Concert Doko? Plus Gura's punishment she owes you, but i mainly just want to hear anime girls sing
10 03/25
EGP500.00   Saad El Chourbagui - KFP Sea Chicken ついにキアラが先輩たちと同じステージに立つことができたことが信じられないよ!マジ最高だった。特にキアラの踊りは神のようだった、テレビで見ていて、キアラが登場した時、すごく高く飛び上ってしまったし、歓声をあげちゃったし、歌って踊ろうとしながら飛び跳ね続けてしまいました。生まれて初めてこんなに応援した。自分のライブへの反応を言われたとおりに録画しておきたかったのですが、ちょっと厳しかった... 。この日がついに来たことをめっちゃ嬉しく思うし、これからの素晴らしい3Dパフォーマンスもめっちゃ楽しみ
11 03/25
¥10,000   鮫之丞Hai-Helfer Whatever whatever whatever 3millionおめでとう!店長の歌声ほんと好き配信中に急に歌うのもかわいいいつも店長に癒されてるよ!ありがとう店長!大好き店長!
12 03/25
$2.00   Korean Virgil (Yakuza 0 timeline) babu babu wahhhh wahhh
13 03/25
$100.00   Tython KFP Legal Eagle (1/3) I wanted to take a bit to look back on your performance before I sent these so here we go. I've never been proud of someone I've never met but after watching you these past months and knowing how hard you worked I can only say I'm proud of you for all you've done.
14 03/25
$100.00   Tython KFP Legal Eagle (2/3) I've said you are a star so many times and even with my expectations probably set to an unreasonaly high level you left me speechless and honestly misty eyed. You keep continuing to prove to me that I made the right choice to stay and support you as much as I can.
15 03/25
$300.00   Tython KFP Legal Eagle (3/3) Everyone did an amazing job over that weekend but you blew me away. You showed everyone the reason KFP decided to follow you. The passion and love you have for KFP and for this job truly shined so bright during that performance. Wherever your star may rise, know we are proud of you and love you so much.
16 03/25
CA$100.00   Jkhmonkey KFP Pentium II CPU Dear Ms. Takanashi Kiara. Allow me to offer my congratulations and gratitude for your spectacular performance. The exuberance I experienced watching you sing and dance was without doubt unparalleled. While my reactions may not have been as physically vibrant due to my
17 03/25
CA$50.00   Jkhmonkey KFP Pentium II CPU general lack of energy, your appearance truly touched my heart emotionally, and flooded me with memories. Memories of the past, your debut, the beginning of KFP, the joyous days as well as the hardships you faced. I have always admired your strength
18 03/25
CA$20.00   Jkhmonkey KFP Pentium II CPU to never give up even when the fates themselves seem to conspire against you, and not a single day have I ever entertained the notion that you had let anyone down. When I watched you run across the stage, greeting the
19 03/25
CA$10.00   Jkhmonkey KFP Pentium II CPU audience as you soared into their hearts and minds, it truly felt as if this moment was the culmination of your journey thus far, a journey I sincerely hope will not reach its terminus anytime soon.
20 03/25
CA$5.00   Jkhmonkey KFP Pentium II CPU You are truly, indubitably, a marvelous entertainer, an inspiring leader, and forever an idol in my heart. Sincerely yours, jkhmonkey.
21 03/25
CA$2.00   Jkhmonkey KFP Pentium II CPU BTW I definitely did not sneak in a rick roll
22 03/25
CA$1.00   Jkhmonkey KFP Pentium II CPU (無言スパチャ)
23 03/25
$5.00   Mr. Kazz Biggs Want a Kiarsenal "weapon" that's just your leg straight up? Like you're mid-Kikkerikick. And if so, for what outfit(s)?
24 03/25
¥10,000   米田すずめ 遅くなりましたが3Dライブ出演、本当に本当におめでとうございます。デビュー曲のHINOTORIとキレッキレのダンスでライブを最高に盛り上げたキアラさんはかっこよくて可愛い真のアイドル戦士でした。店長の笑顔を観ていたら目から涙がツーっと流れていて自分でもびっくりしました。KFPの一員として本当に嬉しいです。ただキッキリキックは蹴られて欲しがるKFPが増えそうで困りますね。最後にスパッツの長さに関して・・・ではなく私はリアルタイムで視聴しにくい現状ですが、KFPとして応援しています。
25 03/25
$10.00   Jacob 47 Alt (無言スパチャ)
26 03/25
$50.00   Pyra ホムラ - KFPの天の聖杯 Sry, inspiration struck in a nap. I'm egg, nutrition and life. Incubated by phoenix, I hatch. Life! Small and yellow, I'm nurtured. Grow big, I'm employed. Live for tenchou! I'm fried, free of mortality, I'm food. Live again! #YOLT The Chimkin Creed
27 03/25
$2.00   Maimuta Aiga When it doubt just mash +B Genocide Cutter!!
28 03/25
¥10,000   Salliちゃん🐥 Kiawaaaaaaaa!! 3rd fes OTSUキアラちゃんがダンスも歌も1番輝いてたわ!3Dのクオリティもホロライブトップレベルなのでは…!? 世界で1番大好きで憧れの、私の自慢のアイドル!ENコンサートがあったら何を犠牲にしてでも見に行きますね!And it was a huge honor to represent KFP at EXPO! たぶん日本人にキアラちゃんを宣伝出来たと思います!Thanks for being you, VIVA LA KIARAゆっくり休んでね!らぶ
29 03/25
30 03/25
ARS500.00   KAKUN 🐔 Weiß immer nicht ob du nur Spaß gemacht hast oder es ernst meintest Du erlaubst ja auch alle anderen Sprachen, wieso ausgerechnet DE nicht? Will halt nicht immer KR/JP benutzen. Aber ich ziehe es EN vor weil mehr Platz. Aber DE wäre mir am liebsten
31 03/25
ARS500.00   KAKUN 🐔 あなたのライブは本当に素晴らしくて、とても楽しかったです。あなたのダンスは素晴らしく、あなたはとても柔軟です。あなたは観客をコントロールし、みんなを興奮させました。私にとって最高の日の一つです。あなたを私のOshiと呼べることを誇りに思います。もっともっと、あなたの姿を見たいです。そして、あなたの素晴らしいコンテンツで私を祝福し続けてください。私はキアラちゃんを愛しています。あなたは最高で真のアイドルです。I want to see you dance many times more pls
32 03/25
₩2,000   바이올렛 에버가든 - KFP Main Simp Since my pfp is you can I ask for a KFP number plz
33 03/25
₹100.00   [NotApplicable] dont mind me just here to watch violet get thrown into the UR
34 03/25
$5.00   Asami Havenite hi maam i humbly request a number as well thank you oke bye
35 03/25
$5.00   Harborline - KFP Racecar Good morrow, Boss lady. After a while of employment under you, I wanted to know if I could have an employee number like some of my fellow brether-hen?
36 03/25
$5.00   Harborline - KFP Racecar Btw, I know you aren't a chicken, but can I say I find you "im-peck-able"?
37 03/25
$5.00   Harborline - KFP Racecar Btw, rember you said you had a KFP First Aid Kit? If possible, could you spare a bandaid, please? You see, I scraped my knee falling for you.
38 03/25
A$2.00   PatC - KFP Barista That feeling when Kiara IS the weapon!
39 03/25
$20.00   Jinro x1 I know it is bit late, but for today I have prepared finest Orange Carpet for you Tenchou! You really deserve the best.
40 03/25
$20.00   Jinro x2 I was so happy to see you reaching your Dreams finally!! This was one of big moment that everyone was waiting for.
41 03/25
$20.00   Jinro x3 Really proud to see you performing stage with your Senpais and Gen mates!!
42 03/25
$20.00   Jinro x4 The performance was Absolutely Stunning!!! It was beyond my imagination and it was such a breath taking moment.
43 03/25
$20.00   Jinro x5 You absolutely blasted that stage with your singing, choreography and your lovely expression was really something. That Cheering and calls hyped the stage so much more as well.
44 03/25
$20.00   Jinro x6 Also the 3D model.. omg it came out sooooo goooodddddd.
45 03/25
$20.00   Jinro x7 This Whole concert made me emotional and left unforgettable memories. Especially the KIKKERIKICK was force to be reckoned with...
46 03/25
$20.00   Jinro x8 Can't wait for the 4th Fes next time and hope to be there to cheer you on from the sides finally. (Lets goooo Orange boysssss pop that UOs as if there is no tomorrow)
47 03/25
$20.00   Jinro x9 Thank you so much for amazing performance and I can't wait to see more Live 3D performance in the future.
48 03/25
$20.00   Jinro x10 수많은 난관과 좌절도 있었지만 포기하지 않고 계속 도전하신 Tenchou님 정말 최고의 였습니다!!!!!!!!
49 03/25
€50.00   UltimoMK0 Wusstest du, dass es in dem critically acclaimed MMORPG yadda yadda du kennst den Rest einen Skill gibt der Phönixtanz heißt? Dein Auftritt hat gezeigt wie es aussieht wenn jemand diesen Skill meisterhaft ausführt. I got dem phoenixbumps さすが my oshi
50 03/25
NOK55.00   TheGamerCreed I’m excited to get back to our boi Majima, his story is really picking up now.
51 03/25
$19.99   Jeff Star
52 03/25
¥500   Merange【めらんげ】 店長自慢のKikkerikickを見せてくれ!!
53 03/25
₩50,000   PONG Hi Tenchou I'm gonna tweet to AGF Korea everyday! And you saw them! it made me so happy. let's see where this go!!!! Today was Day3! love you and let's have lots of fun today.
54 03/25
$10.00   Dr. Professor I had a dream a bunch of people who looked like Will Ferrell were trying to eat my fingers.
55 03/25
₩100,000   KFP는 어떤 곳일까 I wanted to see the stream. I listen to music when I go to work and get off work. I like that there are a lot of fun clips, too. These days, I'm happy to watch clips after work. I'm rooting for you a lot. I'll do my best to see you more often. watch only kronii everyday
56 03/25
£50.00   ryc03 Tenchou, congrats on your performance last week. I have a problem in the KFP kitchen to report though. We have a giant orange rubberband holding the ice-cream machine together, and ever since last weekend it's all burnt. Do you know what happened?
57 03/25
SGD50.00   Okuno Mike Thumbnail giving me various feelings Btw tenchou, yesterday was my first day donning on the uniform and start work in KFP. I didn't get to send you the sign-on bonus because SCs were not open. And can I have an employee number?
58 03/25
$4.99   Greg D I think you use your phone too much, Kiara...
59 03/25
ARS20.00   KAKUN 🐔 Dream Audience: Cool story bro.
60 03/25
$4.99   BeguilingBear Abe Weissman is based dad
61 03/25
SGD50.00   UNKNOWN I was wrong about you being the Sun of Hololive because you shi'ne even brighter than all the stars in the universe combined. Words cant describe how proud I am and how incredible you are. You really deserve all the praises and much more.
62 03/25
SGD50.00   UNKNOWN That was probably the hardest I've ever cried. You seriously did so amazing! Everything about your performance was absolutely divine, exquisite! It's definitely the best part of the whole concert! I'M EXTREMELY PROUD OF YOU, MY OSHI.
63 03/25
SGD50.00   UNKNOWN You are the cutest, most amazing, most incredible, most wonderful person ever existed. You are just perfect.There really is no one else like you, Kiara. You are irreplaceable. I say this a lot but I seriously mean it. You are the absolute best.
64 03/25
NT$750.00   Taichi-KFP_Puppeteer
65 03/25
$4.99   MudArcade
66 03/25
$5.00   LookingForTheTop I passed a super important IRL exam... and I didn't even studied, galaxy brain! WOOOOOOO o((*^▽^*))o now, time to get comfy with your stream humu
67 03/25
₩100,000   Choco[쵸코] Hello, Kirara~ It's really nice to see you at this time(12:00 in Korea).
68 03/25
A$5.00   PatC - KFP Barista This is a gentle reminder to KFP that every SC helps support Kiara to make more music. I look forward to your eventual CD and concert~?
69 03/26
₩50,000   Choco[쵸코] That was beutiful (*sniff*)
70 03/26
$5.00   Yenway What's with the gap between this guy's face and voice?
71 03/26
SGD50.00   UNKNOWN Thank you for making this week one of the best week that I'll never ever forget. I’m so glad to be your fan. You will always be my one and only oshi. I love you more than anything ever. Love you forever.
72 03/26
CA$10.00   Chaplam-lee Majima going "Crazy" makes sense once you meet a certain character in this game
73 03/26
NOK55.00   TheGamerCreed Dress up time, let’s go!!
74 03/26
$50.00   Shugo Hasegawa Kiara! Congratulations once again for your 3D debut from Holofes! I legit was crying and was so happy to dance with your performance but your kick made me laugh so thank you for that. Continue with the hard work Tenchou! Viva la Kiara & KFP
75 03/26
$10.00   Shugo Hasegawa First time able to see a live stream and able to superchat this week so sorry for any delay to send a superchat to you
76 03/26
NT$1,500.00   K F Penguin小楓 Tenchou, congratulations on the successful concert! About the concert, I have a small question: accounting to Lamy and Botan, their clothes were stripped and was on display by staff on that day. Did Jenma do the same thing to you? Were you naked until the show begins?
77 03/26
₩50,000   키키리키 (KFP_KOREA) I'm sorry I got a translator. I'm KFP working in Korea. I was confirmed with COVID-19 today. It's really hard, but I'm holding out while watching the manager's 키아라 사랑해요!!
78 03/26
79 03/26
$5.00   FlannelFlightsofFancy KFP Most Valuable Person Tenchou at Yuki "I raised that girl"
80 03/26
¥1,000   kazu (無言スパチャ)
81 03/26
₩5,000   날틀협회장 good morning..? evening? ummm... anyway.. have a nice day. 좋은하루 되세요 점장님
82 03/26
¥90   夜泣き赤ちゃん?
83 03/26
$2.00   過ちKen
84 03/26
$2.00   Mr. Kazz Biggs SHE'S LEARNING HEAT!!!! ~PROUD~ *cries with joy*
85 03/26
€4.99   Abtimus Prime thanks to you i am finally finishing yakuza 0! totally forgot about it after ps5 came out lol!
86 03/26
NT$1,500.00   毛毛 - KFP Congrats on fulfilling your wishlist, Tenchou! I’m so happy for you! Today is my birbday, and I'm almost a KFP bucket, you bring me so much happiness and energy during this year, thank u for being a part of my life. I'll always support u no matter what.
87 03/26
$5.00   Jim Tracy Can't believe they got Kotori to do a guest VA for this game!
88 03/26
$5.00   Yenway Finding a 9mm Automatic Pistol is going to be hard. It's smaller than a fingernail.
89 03/26
$2.00   Gee D literal tears for snsd mr taxi feels
90 03/26
MX$200.00   CaptJerkpants If you liked Nishitani's moveset, try finishing Majimas Cabaret substory to unlock it, its pretty overpowered.
91 03/26
CA$5.00   Chaplam-lee I am fairly certain majima character becomes like that guy later in the series
92 03/26
CA$5.00   Tanaka - KFP Corporate Stooge money pile fund
93 03/26
€100.00   Unitychad Hey Tenchou! Missed previous supa windows so here we go. I am just so proud of you! Seeing the crowd go wild to your amazing performance was a very emotional moment for me! I expected good stuff but you still impressed me! Feels good that my oshi is an absolute star!
94 03/26
$20.00   Dan Bartickle I don't know if you know this or if someone has told you but Yaguchi Mari is in Yakuza 4
95 03/26
NT$15.00   yi chen (無言スパチャ)
96 03/26
₩10,000   Hoovy the 프레이 I listen to the boss fighting with his earphones on at night, and I think this is really good to listen to at night.
97 03/26
€5.00   KFP Schnitzelkoch Tschango All those non-.drinkers are great for the drinkers. Leaving more booze for us. Thank you!
98 03/26
$20.00   Brendan - KFP M32 Rotary Grenade Launcher The last time I drank I drunkenly ordered 3k USD in Magic the Gathering cards. On the one hand, I was eating a lot of ramen for a while. on the other hand, my deck is really sweet now. So yeah, don't do that anymore...
99 03/26
$5.00   mistfist I have never drunk alcohol and don't plan to. It's nice to see people who don't drink, especially when they're as famous and talented as you Kiara :)
100 03/26
$10.00   AnonEars I just came back from a driving test after avoiding it for years that my previous permit expired, and I'm pretty sure I messed up almost everything a little. So I am very impressed with Touchy Banana.
101 03/26
$10.00   Gee D i know this topic is kinda over but u felt good be the one who knows best.... would cover corp hire a transgender talent???
102 03/26
NOK55.00   TheGamerCreed Excellent stream today Kiara, your really zoomin’ through the game
103 03/26
COP4,000.00   Mithin So immersed in the plot, thank you for today boss
104 03/26
SEK219.00   Laser-boss Not only is it Friday, it’s a payday Friday
105 03/26
$2.00   God of Amiibo I'm afraid I just blue myself.
106 03/26
¥1,220   ヂオユマン 私はリアルの名字が高山です。このアカウントは身バレ防止で捨てアカですが、普段から配信を楽しく見させてもらっています。先ほど名字を読んでもらえて、何かの縁を感じたのでスパチャを送ります。これからも頑張ってください!!
107 03/26
ARS500.00   KAKUN 🐔 You are extremely cute I really really really really love you boss. You are an incredible content creator. So good
108 03/26
A$2.00   G D - KFP Thanks for the playthrough Hotwings
109 03/26
$5.00   BlackFriction please Kiwawa Paper Mario would be godlike
110 03/26
$50.00   Jerorawr - KFP sous chef Your performance at 3rdfes truly impressed me. Your choreography, energy, and singing absolutely entranced the audience and viewers like me at home.You stole my heart, Kiara. When you decide to do a concert, I'll try everything to be there! You rock!
111 03/26
$10.00   Chris Cheeseman thank you for stream today kiara
112 03/26
MX$100.00   El Rufian the unwanted Nousagi Hi Kiara, ok I was going to say this... mmm I forgot it was...see ya!
113 03/26
$5.00   Jerorawr - KFP sous chef I'm sorry for not SC'ing too often recently. Been short on cash but I wanted to send something to you. Saving hard for 4th fes and Birbday merch.
114 03/26
$15.00   Mista' Kleen' Been a While since I properly Chu'd. M y ' Beautiful C E - G o d d e s s ' God Bless you Always
115 03/26
₩10,000   pariah the chimkin nugget Korean KFP are always working for you. viva la kiwawa
116 03/26
SEK50.00   Zatara I recommend 'Goblin Stone' as a future game, I really think it would work with the audience + its a side scroller
117 03/26
$5.00   Stuck Step Kronie I wasnt able to watch the stream because of a root canal but I intend to watch your vod. You're favorite Drone Kiara keep it up!
118 03/26
$100.00   _ egg Hey Tenchou! Been a fan since debut but only started chatting here a while ago, been a really fun time! Wanted to say thanks for all the streams. Keep up the great work
119 03/26
¥1,220   高山 Hallo! Ich bin Takayama!! 私はリアルの名字が高山です。このアカウントは身バレ防止で捨てアカですが、普段から配信を楽しく見させてもらっています。先ほど名字を読んでもらえて、何かの縁を感じたのでスパチャを送ります。この間、ついに3Dのキアラさんが見れて良かったです!これからも頑張ってください!!
120 03/26
$19.99   bediahvandougaljones Love you Tenchou.
121 03/26
ARS10.00   Put Down Your Leg And Sit Straight (無言スパチャ)
122 03/26
SGD10.00   Okuno Mike I learned English and Chinese in school, Japanese by interest, Thai through work, and now picking up German for higher education. bokbok maybe I speak birb too?
123 03/26
₩5,000   CBquratet 키아라를 봐서 피곤하지 않습니다!
124 03/26
¥6,100   元Account Name Penguins don’t count. They can’t even fly… wait, neither can chickens
125 03/26
CA$50.00   Renzuko Hey Boss, I'm taking some (unpaid) time off, I'm going to see some mountains for a week. i hope the mountain view will be as amazing as you girls on the holofes stage. Love Ya Lots hench- i mean tenchou!
126 03/26
NT$300.00   K F Penguin小楓 Penguin is bird
127 03/26
¥5,000   米田すずめ Komeda Spatz(≠s) 小鳥遊キアラの歩み。数々のオリジナルソロ曲&ユニット曲を発表。登録者130万人を達成。何故かDEとしてもデビュー?大好きなテイルズの案件に参加。JP,ID,EN合同コラボでは同時通訳や準備で貢献。遂にHoloのBEST GIRL YAGOOとHOLOTALKで対談を実現。そして念願のHololive 3rd FESでは、3D姿で歌とダンスで観客を熱狂させる。店長、もうデビュー時の目標はほぼ達成してませんか?照れくさいでしょうが、不死鳥の偉業を新規KFPに簡単に英訳してもらえるとスパッツが短くな…
128 03/26
$2.00   Eden Exile - KFP MMO How are you the CEO of a global food chain XD?
129 03/26
$5.00   GingerRanger13 - KFP Wedding Vow Scribe Give that woman an Oscar.
130 03/26
CLP1,000   El Canal Weaboo As a math teacher, i cried too
131 03/26
€2.00   Dominik K - KFP Wingman I cried too, even after the 20th re-watch
132 03/26
$5.00   DesuVult - KFP Crusader Can confirm, seeing you live on stage was super special. I started tearing up afterwards once it sank in that I got to see you on stage!
133 03/26
₩10,000   Personal Trader I'm enjoying the broadcast on a quiet rainy morning. :D Kiara & KFP FOREVER!
134 03/26
€100.00   bleijonny Tenchou i love your 3D performance and your KikkeriKick and i have a gift for you Chicken Nuggets
135 03/26
PLN1,500.00   Dento Shortly after your debut I watched you talk about how in the past despite your hard work it wasn't paying off. But in the end you succeeded. At that time I thought it's time to stop dreaming. Your words made me believe again. Thanks for sharing your flame with me. Seeing you on stage made me happy and proud
136 03/26
A$10.00   G D - KFP Soeaking of shows when are you gonna watch the last episode of HT S4?
137 03/26
€100.00   Arch Elin - KFP takodachi I am so proud of my Oshi! The performance was so good, you were burning like the sun onstage, nearly too bright to watch! I am looking forward to your 3D debut and hope that thereare many 3D-streams to follow cause my oshi is just too cute! Pls play Atelier Sophie 2
138 03/26
$5.00   mistfist To sing us a sad song at your concert, you've got to release one first! Long sad ballad by Kiara pls pls pls
139 03/26
₩10,000   내옆에고양이 tonarino neco 점장님... 카나리 카와이데스네
140 03/26
$5.00   motion. Been having a hard past 2 weeks in school and your streams were the only things keeping me sane Thanks for the streams boss
141 03/26
$20.00   Wicki Toons Marriage? What's that
142 03/26
£5.00   Pudding Ch. Imagine claiming that the Vtubers are your wives...so cringe amirite hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
143 03/26
€5.00   Unitychad You see that mountain? You can climb it!
144 03/26
CLP5,000   Kowkarot You speak facts, Tenchou. Sometimes there's a lot of social pressure for finding a partner, but building yourself should come first and foremost. Only then your vtuber waifu will finally notice you.
145 03/26
$10.00   LookingForTheTop There's a Noel clip where she asked a cosplayer to do poses.I was wondering if you were interested in something like that it's not like I want to see, for example,Arisa-chan posing, its for content!
146 03/26
A$5.00   G D - KFP its not painful... But I get you, u wanna keep it going
147 03/26
$5.00   Harborline - KFP Racecar (#817) I already asked this on several occasions, and I apologize for sounding annoying with my repetition, but may I recieve my employee number?
148 03/26
$10.00   AnonEars In solidarity I will try to finish Tales of Arise as well. I've had plenty of shows and games I got near the end but not finish like I never finish Eva and KH2.
149 03/26
¥2,000   ふれい 色々お礼
150 03/26
€5.00   KFP Schnitzelkoch Tschango Dont forget HTL, HAK and all those 5 year schools!
151 03/26
$100.00   Super Snake Mario Hey Kiara! I've been wanting to share my feelings about your 3D performance but haven't had a chance til now! You looked so beautiful on stage! You're dancing was so majestic and you're singing was absolutely divine! You truly lit that stage on fire! So proud! Love you!
152 03/26
$50.00   Gerthddyn I just rewatched your concert performance when you were on kitty break. Would you like to nerd out more on talking about dance moves? Also when you ran across the stage it was during the instrumental section. Do you intentionally have them for that?
153 03/26
A$2.00   G D - KFP Thank you mate for this tangentception
154 03/26
€50.00   Syrak - KFP Tsundere Chief A very late congratulations for your amazing performance during HoloFES! It was absolute fire! So much fire infact that SPWN crashed (I have seen the vod to see it uninterrupted again lol)