09/19 23:04:08 £5.00 ¥755   Kuro Navi Aki-chan for life!
09/19 23:05:13 ¥200 ¥200   カミジョー こんばんは~ヽ(゜▽、゜)ノ
09/19 23:06:06 ¥1,000 ¥1000   神奈【かんな】 アキロゼ画伯の新作に期待!!
09/19 23:08:01 ¥200 ¥200   酒カス レヘ・ネウス まったりと素敵な時間にできますように♪かんぱーーーい
09/19 23:08:07 ¥610 ¥610   aires is かんぱーい
09/19 23:08:16 $4.00 ¥440   darkness2101
09/19 23:08:17 ¥400 ¥400   リスティ
09/19 23:08:23 ¥220 ¥220   るぶれ かんぱーい
09/19 23:08:25 $4.00 ¥440   Rakyu500
09/19 23:08:25 ¥500 ¥500   クラウン どんな面白い事が起こるのか楽しみ!!かんぱーい!!!!
09/19 23:08:27 ¥500 ¥500   れぃん-LainBell- かんぱ~い
09/19 23:08:28 ¥400 ¥400   コバっち
09/19 23:08:31 ¥500 ¥500   グイン カンパーイ
09/19 23:08:31 ¥200 ¥200   みぜ 乾杯!!!
09/19 23:08:36 ¥500 ¥500   ちゃたろう カンパーイ
09/19 23:08:45 ¥400 ¥400   S_T _G
09/19 23:08:52 ¥500 ¥500   神奈【かんな】 がんぱーい! アキちゃんケンタの月見食べたの?
09/19 23:08:54 A$4.00 ¥320   Remiii
09/19 23:09:06 ¥200 ¥200   うちとく uchitk かんぱ~い!
09/19 23:09:34 $4.99 ¥548   Sean R. (無言スパチャ)
09/19 23:10:16 ¥1,185 ¥1185   箱ティおじさん 本部長昇格おめでとうございます!
09/19 23:11:21 ¥1,000 ¥1000   たかあきくん (無言スパチャ)
09/19 23:27:40 SGD10.00 ¥814   JW
09/19 23:38:06 $10.00 ¥1100   Unbiased 102 Hi Aki, I just want to say that you give off the feeling of the neighborhood girl the protagonist plays video games with and lacks the courage to confess to
09/19 23:44:03 $10.00 ¥1100   darkness2101 Aki with Almighty Chad Chin!
09/19 23:49:58 $20.00 ¥2200   PsylentMourning Hey Aki, this Is the second every superchat I have ever sent. I found you a year ago and I wanted to say thanks to you and the Rosetai for being a fun and relaxing place to hang out.
09/19 23:58:31 MYR15.00 ¥393   ck churusos Sorry that I dont know Japanese but I would just wanna support!!!!!!
09/20 00:05:33 $5.00 ¥550   Ricardo G (無言スパチャ)
09/20 00:05:41 SGD10.00 ¥814   Rena Sakuma