時間 | 金額 元表示 | 円建て | 色 | チャンネル名 | チャット |
08/20 15:11:35 | RUB40.00 | ¥60 | Brrrrandtner | Привет, Муна! | |
08/20 20:04:40 | RUB100.00 | ¥150 | Brrrrandtner | Russian tongue twister for you: "Лунной ночью лунный котпесни лунные поёт" |
08/20 22:03:57 | RUB100.00 | ¥150 | Woodoomose | Привет! Удачи | |
08/20 22:04:04 | SGD10.00 | ¥818 | yuba | Привет Муна | |
08/20 22:04:51 | RUB400.00 | ¥600 | raduetsya | Маленькая миленькая Муна! | |
08/20 22:04:58 | RUB100.00 | ¥150 | Laflain | Залетаю, ловите | |
08/20 22:05:37 | NT$75.00 | ¥298 | Dingo | (無言スパチャ) | |
08/20 22:05:50 | RUB100.00 | ¥150 | Ice Demon 氷の魔物[SSRB] | Надеюсь тебе понравится! Русский язык тяжелый, но интересный! Good luck Муна Хошинова! | |
08/20 22:06:12 | RUB200.00 | ¥300 | shimoda | Удачного стрима и спасибо!) | |
08/20 22:06:56 | RUB200.00 | ¥300 | Niko Demid | Hi Moona, good luck in learning the russian! Greeting from manuls | |
08/20 22:08:15 | RUB40.00 | ¥60 | Ice Demon 氷の魔物[SSRB] | Меня зовут Дима... Так мило! | |
08/20 22:09:03 | RUB100.00 | ¥150 | Laflain | А это мы | |
08/20 22:10:01 | RUB100.00 | ¥150 | Woodoomose | Бык тупогуб, у быка губа тупа | |
08/20 22:12:23 | RUB400.00 | ¥600 | Wladimir Shapkin | You are doing great! | |
08/20 22:14:05 | RUB100.00 | ¥150 | MeeThya (ミーチャ) 39! | Zdravstvui, Moona Scarlet Hoshinova:) and good luck in learning Russian! и удачи в изучении русского! | |
08/20 22:16:26 | RUB100.00 | ¥150 | BANZAY | Привет! Удачного стрима | |
08/20 22:20:28 | RUB100.00 | ¥150 | Laflain | Каждый охотник желает знать, где сидит фазан. Each first letter of the word corresponds to the first letter of the rainbow color(google translate) | |
08/20 22:22:22 | RUB400.00 | ¥600 | Niken96 | Your pronunciation is very cute! You're doing great |
08/20 22:22:26 | NT$75.00 | ¥298 | WeiHung Tseng | hope you can get pekora figma next time | |
08/20 22:24:02 | RUB100.00 | ¥150 | Winterprison | Хай Муна. Люблю слушать, как ты поёшь. | |
08/20 22:25:41 | RUB200.00 | ¥300 | Brom | By the way, "Пюре" (Pyure) is not only a word for mashed potatoes, it is for any mashed food, like fruit pyure, mashed potatoes is just REALLY popular here. You doing very good, Moona!💜 | |
08/20 22:26:29 | €5.00 | ¥652 | Korru Linde | Seeing you learn Russian makes me very proud |
08/20 22:28:46 | RUB100.00 | ¥150 | Daniel Jiao | Excuse me, an English Superchat passing through... Jokes aside, Russian language is interesting, maybe I need to learn it too, goodluck learning Moon! | |
08/20 22:30:59 | RUB100.00 | ¥150 | Laflain | Муна это мама | |
08/20 22:33:03 | RUB100.00 | ¥150 | fatKos XL | Дима, это мой дом. Твой багаж в метро. Уходи. | |
08/20 22:34:50 | RUB2,000.00 | ¥3001 | Peer | Мама, смотри, это Муна из Хололайва | |
08/20 22:35:45 | RUB400.00 | ¥600 | Tommy The Winchester | We have (In Russian) Masculine–feminine–neuter contrast so you'll be confused most of the time figuring out which is which, though the base of the word should be recognizable. | |
08/20 22:36:55 | RUB400.00 | ¥600 | Elvendan | Very nice job, Moona! Thanks for trying russian, keep it up! Умница! | |
08/20 22:36:57 | RUB200.00 | ¥300 | Brom | Example: "Мой муж" = "My husband" "Моя жена" = "My wife" it will take time to learn | |
08/20 22:41:04 | RUB400.00 | ¥600 | Tommy The Winchester | On top of that you can change words place i.e. Эта пицца моя/Эта моя пицца/Моя эта пицца (This pizza is mine). So we basically can change words placing how we want and it still makes sense, which also can be awkward. | |
08/20 22:45:47 | RUB400.00 | ¥600 | ホロドフ・イェニセイ | Check the TIPS button before starting each lesson, there are explanations | |
08/20 22:47:54 | RUB100.00 | ¥150 | SystemOrdinary | Good luck, Муна. | |
08/20 22:48:13 | RUB69.69 | ¥104 | Setgor | In Russia no "my" only "our". HARASHO | |
08/20 22:51:47 | RUB1,000.00 | ¥1500 | stillsuitstk | Муна - лучшая девочка! | |
08/20 22:52:10 | RUB400.00 | ¥600 | Laflain | У тебя хорошо получается, молодец. Видимо Мана тебя подучила русскому. Хитрюга еще в чате подсказывает | |
08/20 22:52:16 | RUB100.00 | ¥150 | Kamerad | Собираем на билет в Россию | |
08/20 22:54:44 | RUB1,000.00 | ¥1500 | sdm bbr | На пюре | |
08/20 22:59:16 | RUB1,000.00 | ¥1500 | Q_Q Kowinski | Так выпьем же за то, чтобы наши рюкзаки были всегда полны борща, а в метро всегда были велосипеды!🍾🍾 | |
08/20 23:02:22 | RUB400.00 | ¥600 | Coquettish Cat of Rivia | Moona, about similarity between Russian and English: they are Indo-European languages and have common ancestor. Also, I would like to say that your pronounciation is very good) | |
08/20 23:04:29 | RUB400.00 | ¥600 | Brom | This one is hard. "Ь" is a special symbol meaning the softening of the previous letter, you just heard it in the word "мальчик"(boy). Basically the soft L is like last L in word "basically" | |
08/20 23:12:30 | RUB100.00 | ¥150 | Кекс | John cena - жeнщина. | |
08/20 23:16:57 | RUB200.00 | ¥300 | Brom | Dont let English grammar stop you Moona! | |
08/20 23:19:19 | RUB200.00 | ¥300 | Brom | Тост за Муну и ее прекрасный голос! | |
08/20 23:20:05 | RUB100.00 | ¥150 | Artem Morozov | Вздрогнем! | |
08/20 23:21:30 | RUB100.00 | ¥150 | Jet6ЯooVe | Funny. Few streams ago i asked Kana when is next Duolingo thing and here i see this. Subscibed in a perfect time. Privet from Syberia! | |
08/20 23:22:16 | $5.00 | ¥549 | Kureiji Xoukai | Привет Moona . Russian is very hard .You do a very good job. I love your voice "Моя Королева " - My Queen. I hope you teaching more words. | |
08/20 23:29:10 | RUB200.00 | ¥300 | Jaildraker | Moona, you don't have to pretend, we already know you're Russian. | |
08/20 23:29:20 | RUB400.00 | ¥600 | shimoda | Moona, didn't you feel like eating mashed potatoes or borscht after those lessons? | |
08/20 23:30:39 | RUB400.00 | ¥600 | Гражданин Польши市民 ポーランド | You're doing a great job. And your voice is very sweet. Спасибо, что решила изучить русский язык! |
08/20 23:35:15 | RUB100.00 | ¥150 | Vladimir Kagamin / ヴラジーミル・カガミン | that problem might be due to java PATH variable still linking to D:/, if java is installed on the renamed drive | |
08/20 23:46:03 | ¥500 | ¥500 | いくらのもちもち納豆汁 | おつムーナ! | |
08/20 23:46:15 | RUB100.00 | ¥150 | Aleksei K | as we say in russia: сасуга муна тэнсай | |
08/20 23:47:33 | RUB400.00 | ¥600 | Brom | Thank you for the stream, it was very fun! Tho Duo was not making sense couple of times |
08/20 23:47:59 | £5.00 | ¥759 | Gorbz | What a coincidence, I was just looking at my Russian dictionary the other day... | |
08/20 23:49:02 | RUB200.00 | ¥300 | Товарищ Маршал | Муна, ты была обворожительна. Спасибо за стрим. | |
08/20 23:49:39 | RUB40.00 | ¥60 | Ronnie256 | Good evening, Moona! Good luck at learning Russian | |
08/20 23:52:52 | RUB400.00 | ¥600 | shimoda | Муна, ты молодец! Ты очень быстро учишься! У тебя всё хорошо получается) | |
08/20 23:53:31 | RUB1,000.00 | ¥1500 | Артëм Мульдияров | Привет Муна, у тебя каждый раз улучшается произношение. Надеюсь у тебя получится пройти это обучение до конца. Пора возглавить нулевое поколение HololiveRU.) Поднять флаги РФ. | |
08/20 23:53:35 | RUB100.00 | ¥150 | ваня | когда выучишь русский язык почитай стихи Иосифа Бродского | |
08/20 23:53:59 | NT$75.00 | ¥298 | Dingo | (無言スパチャ) | |
08/20 23:54:39 | RUB100.00 | ¥150 | Kekc132 | Do you know that moon on the Russian language is Луна? | |
08/20 23:57:27 | $5.00 | ¥549 | Mamalia Malak-sama | Does Baba Yagoo have iron teeth and fly around kettle? | |
08/21 00:00:54 | RUB100.00 | ¥150 | Laflain | Муна моя жена | |
08/21 00:01:22 | RUB100.00 | ¥150 | Ice Demon 氷の魔物[SSRB] | Наша жена! | |
08/21 00:01:28 | RUB400.00 | ¥600 | Alexey Berkov | Thanks to OUR Moona. | |
08/21 00:01:59 | RUB200.00 | ¥300 | Brom | We have the green light boys! We are marrried in Russian! | |
08/21 00:03:14 | SGD5.00 | ¥409 | yuba | наша муна | |
08/21 00:03:28 | RUB100.00 | ¥150 | コロネスキ ワタメイト【SSRB】 | Муна умничка! ❤ | |
08/21 00:04:31 | RUB100.00 | ¥150 | Byron von Edmundバイロン | Privet Moona Mana. Так мило наблюдать за этим всем ^^~. Stay focused , moon girl, anything can change! |
08/21 00:05:14 | €2.00 | ¥261 | Korru Linde | Молодец Муна, я очень горд тобой! |
08/21 00:06:43 | RUB40.00 | ¥60 | Elaizo de Oscuro [SSRB] | So cute | |
08/21 00:09:35 | RUB100.00 | ¥150 | Diktatura | Привет, удачного стрима. На надеюсь у тебя всё хорошо продвигается в изучение русского. | |
08/21 00:12:54 | RUB100.00 | ¥150 | Razor | Mana |
08/21 00:15:11 | RUB400.00 | ¥600 | stillsuitstk | Как мы говорим на русском: Хай Хани! | |
08/21 00:15:48 | RUB1,024.00 | ¥1537 | koderr | Хай хани... | |
08/21 00:17:13 | CA$2.00 | ¥174 | パワーハウス 正式 | Missed the stream cause I was in the shower, s#%t. | |
08/21 00:17:22 | RUB400.00 | ¥600 | Мярикянов В | I will give my first to you |
08/21 00:19:15 | RUB40.00 | ¥60 | Даниил | Mana suka vodka | |
08/21 00:20:52 | RUB400.00 | ¥600 | tess | zvezdochka! zvezdochka! zvezdochka! | |
08/21 00:21:42 | RUB69.00 | ¥103 | dapetyj73 | Пользуясь случаем, хочу сказать, чай лучше кофе | |
08/21 00:22:12 | RUB40.00 | ¥60 | Франческа Петрарка | Муна бест вайфу! Good job today! | |
08/21 00:23:28 | RUB100.00 | ¥150 | Laflain | Всё, еду за своей женой в Индонезию | |
08/21 00:24:09 | RUB100.00 | ¥150 | Viktor Borisov | Greetings to Moona - Hololive RU 1s generation! | |
08/21 00:26:08 | RUB100.00 | ¥150 | Sliverel | So USAken was actually RUSSIAken all this time?! | |
08/21 00:28:00 | CA$2.00 | ¥174 | パワーハウス 正式 | lol called out | |
08/21 00:32:38 | CZK10.00 | ¥51 | Kazuki Zora | (無言スパチャ) | |
08/21 00:33:10 | CZK20.00 | ¥102 | Kazuki Zora | tes | |
08/21 00:33:40 | CZK50.00 | ¥257 | Kazuki Zora | OBISA!! |
08/21 00:33:47 | RUB69.00 | ¥103 | dapetyj73 | Скажи ,,инах йах" наоборот |