09/05 19:20:08 ¥1,000 ¥1000   ふのまろ
09/05 19:26:03 NT$150.00 ¥596   Eden Pudding - CFAA Time to bring some hopeor maybe despair..?we will see!
09/05 19:38:21 ¥100 ¥100   祭北乃熊さいほくのくま (無言スパチャ)
09/05 19:42:40 ₱125.00 ¥274   greentea on purple purple block~ PADORU sorrymasen checking miniwallet-kun
09/05 21:59:37 ¥500 ¥500   Zeiss[つぁいす] hopeはこの先生きのこることができるのか
09/05 22:07:29 ₹400.00 ¥598   Zero (無言スパチャ)
09/05 22:16:51 $99.99 ¥10987   Nero Z Padoru!
09/05 22:20:19 $2.00 ¥219   IRyStocrat GrimCatnip [Nephamily] (無言スパチャ)
09/05 22:28:35 CZK50.00 ¥257   Cute Anime Girls Are The Best Knowing how much you wanted to play Among Us makes me really excited about watching this stream! IRyS FTW!
09/05 22:35:26 ¥100 ¥100   コゲツ (無言スパチャ)
09/05 22:36:54 ¥100 ¥100   ヒイ口 (無言スパチャ)
09/05 22:40:48 NOK20.00 ¥253   Even Nybø HIDE CODE
09/05 22:45:58 ¥298 ¥298   柊之木 クセの強いメンバーだらけだけど、IRySちゃんのカッコイイ姿が見れるか、ポンな姿が見れるか楽しみ!
09/05 22:49:25 PHP125.00 ¥274   greentea on purple purple block~ PADORU sorrymasen IRyS X mikochi X suichan collab IKZ!!! let's go! miniwalletkun activated. not yet done with my DUEL with my bank. LMAO!Have fun IRyS!^^
09/05 22:50:27 $5.00 ¥549   FalcomxTrails - CFAA [Nephamily] Good luck IRyS!
09/05 22:52:28 $5.00 ¥549   ChaChi444 I've been looking forward to your fir st AmongUs collab. Good luck IRySoSus
09/05 22:55:56 NT$75.00 ¥298   YOSHII-IRySoCharming-CFAA-Nephamily Have fun Let's gooooo!!
09/05 22:56:27 $2.00 ¥219   USS Anime DD24 Hope has descended and delivered justice great job
09/05 22:58:31 PHP29.00 ¥63   Josh Harris Nicavera (無言スパチャ)
09/05 23:36:08 A$50.00 ¥4071   SmolBrain Hope just merced a MFer
09/05 23:58:01 BYN5.00 ¥218   Elijah Esther NicIrys
09/06 00:02:03 SGD5.00 ¥409   Monkey Man of the Renaissance Chat be a goddamn warzone huh
09/06 00:03:11 PHP125.00 ¥274   greentea on purple purple block~ PADORU sorrymasen we can win this! bois IKZ!
09/06 00:04:29 $5.00 ¥549   FalcomxTrails - CFAA [Nephamily] Fight the spammers with love chat!
09/06 00:04:33 PHP125.00 ¥274   greentea on purple purple block~ PADORU sorrymasen Nothing IRyS. we just love you.^^ just enjoy the game.^^
09/06 00:04:37 BYN5.00 ¥218   Elijah Esther IRySoCool fights with spammers by HEARTS
09/06 00:05:04 ₹400.00 ¥598   Zero Let's Gooooo Guys Beat em
09/06 00:05:16 $5.00 ¥549   DctrGizmo I just got here and chat is being spammed with bots. That's why we're filling it with irysheart emojis
09/06 00:06:12 SGD10.00 ¥818   KronniCopter's Propeller Chat is being attacked by spam bots . We decided to use the hearts to clear out those spam messages with love .
09/06 00:06:23 ₹400.00 ¥598   Zero Nothing to see Here Just Enjoy The Game
09/06 00:07:28 $5.00 ¥549   J.M. Henry Don't worry about the heart spam, keep on having fun!
09/06 00:07:43 HK$25.00 ¥353   Poll Chan We love You IRyS! just keep focus into the game !
09/06 00:08:14 NT$100.00 ¥397   智兒Chizhier
09/06 00:08:37 NT$150.00 ¥596   Eden Pudding - CFAA
09/06 00:09:10 $5.00 ¥549   Mossclaw14 ironically, this has chat stronger than ever, good luck IRyS
09/06 00:09:25 NT$30.00 ¥119   Evan W. -エヴァン-
09/06 00:09:45 $5.00 ¥549   Butters
09/06 00:10:49 SGD10.00 ¥818   lordsithevil leave the chat to us IRyS, enjoy your game! you are doing good!
09/06 00:12:06 £10.00 ¥1519   Ahmera Chat is cute today
09/06 00:13:23 NT$75.00 ¥298   薯條Fries enjoy the game we can hold it
09/06 00:14:41 NT$75.00 ¥298   Evan W. -エヴァン- LAST GAME~LET'S GO
09/06 00:14:56 ¥200 ¥200   Soulraze
09/06 00:17:57 SGD5.00 ¥409   MythArtz Don't forget to reports the spammers boiss. GOGOGO
09/06 00:18:41 €1.99 ¥259   Mattis Vider Members only chat or slow mod would be cool.
09/06 00:19:35 ¥250 ¥250   MOS KOS 〔[〔[[〔IRysガード全開〕]]〕]〕
09/06 00:20:31 $5.00 ¥549   Tony Bomboozled Here's a helpful tip: Edit, Live chat, Enable members-only chat, Save. Happy collabing!
09/06 00:21:13 PHP125.00 ¥274   Markyiemoo - CFAA Final Stretch Lads!!~ HEART BOMBARD GO GO GO
09/06 00:23:12 $100.00 ¥10989   mark raz that is all....
09/06 00:24:43 $9.99 ¥1097   Dugie555 Awesome collab! Also, welcome to the Nephamily new members! P.S.— We’re sending so many hearts because we love to show our support!
09/06 00:25:54 $5.00 ¥549   Mossclaw14
09/06 00:26:17 ¥500 ¥500   神楽仁 just thank you everyone for protecting hope
09/06 00:26:57 PHP125.00 ¥274   Markyiemoo - CFAA Good Job for your 1st AMOGUS Collab IRySu!! We love you so much!!
09/06 00:27:20 ¥500 ¥500   alpha
09/06 00:27:30 ¥500 ¥500   CestIa[セラ] RIP BOT
09/06 00:27:48 NT$75.00 ¥298   YOSHII-IRySoCharming-CFAA-Nephamily Hold IRyStocrats!!!!
09/06 00:28:08 PHP125.00 ¥274   𝙺𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙿𝚘𝚕𝚒𝚠𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚕 💎
09/06 00:28:09 NT$75.00 ¥298   Eden Pudding - CFAA Good jobKeep going
09/06 00:28:20 CLP5,000 ¥711   La última Rebanada VICTORY
09/06 00:28:21 $5.00 ¥549   Bububixby AMOGUS!
09/06 00:28:36 PHP50.00 ¥109   Renji Rhygen💎 Here's to IRyS and her brave IRYSTOCRATS!
09/06 00:29:37 $5.00 ¥549   SquidsAreAwesome100 Itochads koko
09/06 00:29:47 $5.00 ¥549   OnlyCeilingFans We purged the Impostor
09/06 00:30:04 €10.00 ¥1305   André Santos HEART BARRIER STRONG
09/06 00:30:30 PHP50.00 ¥109   Lanz Enterina - Nephamily [CFAA] good job guys and thank you manager san!!
09/06 00:31:10 ₹400.00 ¥598   Zero Chat o7
09/06 00:32:11 NT$75.00 ¥298   Eden Pudding - CFAA o7 chat good job
09/06 00:33:38 PHP125.00 ¥274   greentea on purple purple block~ PADORU sorrymasen We are Nephamily /IRyStocrats after all.o7 Enjoy the game IRyS!^^
09/06 00:33:39 NT$30.00 ¥119   Evan W. -エヴァン- o7 Chat
09/06 00:33:48 HK$25.00 ¥353   A-kun Really fun collab, looking forward to more IRySoSus =)
09/06 00:35:24 CA$5.00 ¥437   Hera Sohze IRyS forever
09/06 00:35:28 CA$10.00 ¥874   Orion Hunter IRyS and IRyStocrats are coolio!
09/06 00:35:52 ¥10,000 ¥10000   真-shin- o7 chats have fun IRyS and guys
09/06 00:37:00 PHP125.00 ¥274   Lanz Enterina - Nephamily [CFAA] Good Job everyone! We did it! Everyone gets BREADSTICKS!!!
09/06 00:38:21 $10.00 ¥1098   FalcomxTrails - CFAA [Nephamily] We love you IRyS! The IRyStocrats, CFAA and, Nephamily will always protect you!
09/06 00:38:45 ¥610 ¥610   しののめしのぶ 楽しかったです!!またコラボも楽しみにしてます…嘘つけないアイリスさん…可愛いです…!
09/06 00:40:17 ¥500 ¥500   Velvety【べるべてぃ】
09/06 00:41:06 SGD10.00 ¥818   lordsithevil THANK YOU FOR THE AMAZING STREAM! Glad you have fun on your FIRST Among us gameplay! and o7 to chat. YOU GUYS ARE GREAT!
09/06 00:42:52 $20.00 ¥2197   TheGreatBillyMays Proud Nephamily preserving the stream and the chat o7 o7 o7
09/06 00:42:52 $10.00 ¥1098   Ice White - CFAA
09/06 00:45:41 SGD10.00 ¥818   Rioreusu
09/06 00:46:09 $2.00 ¥219   Memoo ByeRyS
09/06 00:46:31 ¥500 ¥500   平和島 楽しい時間をありがとう!
09/06 00:47:10 NT$30.00 ¥119   Evan W. -エヴァン- お疲れさまでした
09/06 00:47:19 ¥250 ¥250   サヒー ほんとに可愛い方ですね
09/06 00:47:27 CA$5.00 ¥437   D3ADOath Don't do that, Don't give me hope. unless?
09/06 00:47:31 ¥610 ¥610   MOS KOS 楽しかったー!thank you IRysand guys good job!