配信名【HOLOCURE】Just One More Game !!!
記号 通貨 回数 通貨毎合計 円換算合計
$ USD 53 538.33 \78,325
WON KRW 4 208900 \22,678
CA$ CAD 8 46.97 \5,045
YEN YEN 4 2400 \2,400
IDR IDR 2 100000.00 \949
THB THB 1 200.00 \823
PHP PHP 4 149.00 \384
PEN PEN 3 7.49 \292
SEK SEK 1 20.00 \265
MYR MYR 1 6.00 \187
NT$ TWD 1 15.00 \68
R$ BRL 1 2.00 \58
---- ---- ---- ---- \111,474
No 時間
元金額 icon チャンネル名 チャット
1 08月18日
$0.99   ᚺᛖᛊᚢᛊ ᚨᛚᛒᛖᚱᛏᛟ [Jesus Alberto]
2 08月19日
  melooon (メンバーシップ入り)
3 08月19日
$1.49   KanashiiWolf
4 08月19日
  Anthony Poon (メンバーシップ入り)
5 08月19日
  黃崇庭 (メンバーシップ入り)
6 08月19日
  pengs (メンバーシップ入り)
7 08月19日
  Worst H (メンバーシップ入り)
8 08月19日
$1.49   Justin Thyme
9 08月19日
$0.99   Kyon
10 08月19日
$0.99   Vincent Kong
11 08月19日
$1.49   GrumbleDogg෴ˁǂᴥಠˀ෴
12 08月19日
  AstraLee •Investigator Sapling• (メンバーシップ入り)
13 08月19日
$20.00   Notserp Hello Mooms! Today is my birthday so I'm gonna get a little sappy. Thank you for every stream, song, and smile, you've truly brightened up these past 2 years. I will do my best to support you in all your endeavors
14 08月19日
$10.00   Notserp
Also I imagine you have civilization duties coming up again soonish so I wanted to wish you good luck! I had to take a year off, and if I was able to come back smoothly I'm sure you're going to kick a
15 08月19日
  talonkg (メンバーシップ入り)
16 08月19日
$1.49   Eva - ᛖᚠᚪ ᛞᚩᚳᚩ
17 08月19日
  Hummus 1
18 08月19日
  mkultron 5
19 08月19日
CA$1.49   0btuse
20 08月19日
  mkultron 10
21 08月19日
  Rick267u7 oh hi
22 08月19日
$1.49   Tenfen
23 08月19日
  Morado199 (メンバーシップ入り)
24 08月19日
PHP37.00   Wexie
25 00:00:25 $1.49   ChunkyMonkey
26 00:00:37 $20.00   UnmorptedCamel Holocure? Nice! Apparently the newest update added a ⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿huge✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑ Mumei Easter egg somewhere. I haven't found it yet though, I'm still looking for the old one.
27 00:01:03 $20.00   Eva - ᛖᚠᚪ ᛞᚩᚳᚩ
oh hi Mumei, 7 Star Grand Admiral of Hooman Forces. I had a dream that you revealed a "pop punk" outfit with black ripped skinny jeans, a "Hoomans" band tshirt, and high top skateboarding shoes. It was pretty snazzy tbh :D
28 00:00:51 CA$1.49   The Samurai
29 00:01:33 PHP37.00   Akkaネン
30 00:01:35 $1.49   Isaac Wolf
31 08月19日
  The Smeacon Empire(Leader of Shuckle gang) Oh yeah, we moomin
32 08月19日
  VeeJaiii the Moomin Silly Oh Hi
33 00:02:07 PEN1.49   Ed Morningstar🪶
34 00:02:00 ₩1,400   I Sang Min
35 08月19日
  lai chi hong
36 08月19日
  Jojo Eizn
37 00:04:44 $10.00   MisterVeeg
38 00:05:46   🪶HoomanOnigiriyaa🍙 (メンバーシップ入り)
39 00:05:50   Osighrice 1 YEAAAAR
40 00:05:53   ayyBailey Moomin
41 08月19日
  Izentiel Hoo?
42 00:06:19 $10.00   Skellum Hi Moom, do you like Pecan pie?
43 08月19日
  Izanashi Lena 5
44 08月19日
45 00:09:11   Rob Hunter Hey Mumei? How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie pop?
46 00:09:34   Josh (メンバーシップ入り)
47 00:11:47 $1.49   SlayerWraith [Hooman General]
48 00:12:11 THB200.00   Jorama Sama how many "one more game" ticket do you have? :D
49 00:14:36   setsuna200 Will you ever go to sleep Mumei?
50 08月19日
51 00:19:09   3000 ERA-coated Tanks of Soup 3000 rock-solid :Ds of Koseki Biboo
52 08月19日
  Seiiko Return of the TOWL
53 00:20:57   Eternal (メンバーシップ入り)
54 00:23:37 R$2.00   Dida Diego I'mma have to ask you to stop being so cool ma'am.
55 00:23:52   Lord Tam-Tam (メンバーシップ入り)
56 00:24:20   Diablo Burrito (メンバーシップ入り)
57 00:25:00   Lord Tam-Tam (メンバーシップ入り)
58 00:26:01   LintMan (メンバーシップ入り)
59 08月19日
60 00:30:49   DuoRunner (メンバーシップ入り)
61 00:32:49 $1.49   Sentaul
62 00:33:26   Shrimpy - ゼロ (メンバーシップ入り)
63 08月19日
  Gaby Ohara Mendoza (メンバーシップ入り)
64 00:36:26 MYR6.00   Amiru Thank you for being here spending time with us.
65 00:36:38   VR Hibiki (メンバーシップ入り)
66 00:37:51   Totoxri meow
67 00:41:14 ¥1,000   NForza Here's some money
68 00:44:50   Alex (メンバーシップ入り)
69 00:46:48   Evan C Mumei is best gamer
70 00:46:52 $9.99   LILMANghost hi moom my birthday is in a couple of days and i want some wisdom from my oshi also glad you have some work done for us to wait for
71 00:48:19 $5.00   UnmorptedCamel
If you wear sunglasses over your regular glasses at all times, you can be instead of AND have good vision.
72 00:49:54 CA$6.99   Seiiko Hello Dr.Nanashi! Seeing as school is right around the corner, what advice would you give to someone suffering from ADHD in order to focus on studies?
73 00:50:21   Sheldon, KFP, archiver of the Usual Rooms Mumei they changed greed Chance of hitting HoloCoins out of targets has been reduced significantly. From 10%/15%/20% to 3%/4%/5%
74 00:51:06 $10.00   StellaratorSoup draw pot of greed
75 08月19日
  진우 (メンバーシップ入り)
76 00:52:05 ¥200   目黒_meguro ムーム とっても つよい!
77 08月19日
  立花櫻良 Hi
78 00:54:07   Patrick Squire (メンバーシップ入り)
79 08月19日
  マカダミア (メンバーシップ入り)
80 01:06:13   KuruK D. Urza (メンバーシップ入り)
81 01:07:05 $100.00   Orenjiro Manju Hi Mumei! I have been enlightened by your amazing skills. Please continue to show us the way so that one day the scoreboad will be filled with Hoomans in your honor
82 01:10:59   Jay_Red_G Cha ching
83 01:14:49 PHP50.00   TacoCurse Mumei am i not good looking?
84 01:19:07 ¥700   OneBlade Oh hi. The other day, I pre-ordered Mumei's birthday set and BEEGsmol plushies for all the members of CouncilIrys. I'm rooting for you!
85 08月19日
  mkultron 5
86 01:26:28   Sh' jad All of our good traits are thanks to you. All of our bad traits are your fault also
87 08月19日
  Yone_A Hala MuM
88 01:28:48   MR. gameboy one more run?
89 01:33:56 $50.00   OFF hewwo moomie! love our omnipresent owlshi! < 3 < 3 ALWAYS STAY MOOMIN!!! < 3
90 01:34:56 SEK20.00   Jane Hedrah Run Risu like you Run a GoldRys run.
91 01:38:45 CA$10.00   VeeJaiii the Moomin Silly Did mooms said she wanted the supa chatto? Here you go
92 08月19日
  AlbertScoot What, Hoo even are you?
93 01:40:07 $5.00   GilroyIronheart Moomin be shoppin'
94 01:40:20 $20.00   g Gg Wait, you're a girl? I thought you were the personification of an idea!? Now I don't know what to believe!
95 01:40:22 ₩100,000   Arahant Hello moom I really enjoyed the Holotori collaboration, it was my birthday and it was a very nice birthday present for me. Looking forward to the 2nd anniversary of the council soon! Have a great day, Moom
96 01:40:38 $10.00   CyriuX7 You're a girl? I thought you were birb.
97 01:41:22 $10.00   yohflyer (a無言スパチャ)
98 01:43:05 CA$10.00   Nanoshi Mumeishi Give you superchat? As you wish
99 01:43:26 $50.00   Russell Buckett The rumor come out, does is Nanashi Mumei girl?
100 01:43:26 $10.00   StellaratorSoup
101 01:44:21 $2.00   StarCreator bless you
102 01:44:31 $1.99   ᚺᛖᛊᚢᛊ ᚨᛚᛒᛖᚱᛏᛟ [Jesus Alberto]
Bless you
103 01:44:32 CA$5.00   Fonzy sneeze tax TSKR Bless you
104 01:45:03 $2.00   OFF
sneeze tax
105 01:46:42 $5.00   Kay Yu #JusticeForFriend
106 08月19日
  AFriend umm ummm aaa umm
107 01:49:54 $10.00   StellaratorSoup
Friend is cute, I trust him with my life
108 01:50:06 CA$2.00   Jake Baker Talks in the theatre?
109 01:50:11   SlayerWraith [Hooman General] Friend is just bloop with a bag over him prove me wrong
110 08月19日
$5.00   AlbertScoot lol, you did Shuba dirty, good job.
111 01:51:27 $5.00   The Gnome's Silliest Prophet Friend mention!? It's been 136 days since we've seen him Mumei. I wait for him everyday with his plushie by my side.
112 01:51:48   EpicBlue That top 10 anime betrayal was the best
113 01:57:58 $1.00   Justin Thyme
114 01:58:16 $1.00   Bahabali (a無言スパチャ)
115 01:58:23 PHP25.00   Akkaネン
116 01:58:33   Nicholas T V
117 08月19日
  mkultron 5
118 01:58:41 $0.99   ᚺᛖᛊᚢᛊ ᚨᛚᛒᛖᚱᛏᛟ [Jesus Alberto]
119 01:58:56 PEN1.00   Ed Morningstar🪶
120 01:58:36 $1.00   DekuJames (a無言スパチャ)
121 08月19日
  Wayne Hong 5
122 01:59:55   Princess Nitch Hoooooo!
123 02:01:53   FreeMeal she got charge rifle gene i believe
124 02:02:11   Jakneth some people just have those idol meeting superpowers
125 02:08:23 CA$10.00   Super Jawbreaker Me with my homies always go to an idol meeting whenever one of us wants to go. We protect each other whenever a demon lurks within the room because we are most vulnerable when facing the wall.
126 02:13:11   Gsley (Grimsley) Nice nutz!
127 08月19日
128 02:16:51 $19.99   ᚺᛖᛊᚢᛊ ᚨᛚᛒᛖᚱᛏᛟ [Jesus Alberto]
Hi Mumei. Just a reminder of my idea drawing Koyori as Willie E. Coyote from Road Runner. Btw this is my last day to moving to my new house and I’m here watching your steam. I’m so hyped for HOLOTORI OG Song and Council Anniv
129 02:28:07 ₩7,500   Aaron Hong seems like you're having fun. Here's my daily donation. oh, and when I said to keep you on track, i meant to replenish your budget from your absence
130 08月19日
  GrumbleDogg෴ˁǂᴥಠˀ෴ 1
131 08月19日
IDR50,000.00   Nandemonai Don Don
132 02:38:26   darkflamr 0 (メンバーシップ入り)
133 02:38:50 $20.00   Kyon
Thank you for the cozy stream Mooms! As someone relatively new to Holocure, your streams are educational content for me. I was genuinely taking notes!
134 02:39:07 $2.00   Justin Thyme
Thanks for the stream, Mumei
135 02:40:36   Greed-1914 Glad to know Japan has been a good experience for you
136 02:40:42 $1.00   Shadowkan33 (a無言スパチャ)
137 02:40:58   Doctor Worm Thanks for the stream Mooms!
138 02:41:33 $5.00   Shadowkan33
are we moomin yet?
139 02:41:43   NOT Overnight Oh hi! Just hope for Irys 3D and HOLOTORI OG
140 02:41:59   Ninjastahr Lots of stuff, only one moom to do it. Thank you for working so hard!
141 02:43:28 ¥500   コーデリア【Cordelia】 Good job Mumei. Thanks for the fun stream!
142 02:44:00 IDR50,000.00   FaMuKroZeKoRa Quack
143 02:44:14   Prime Glad you're enjoying the newest update to Holocure.
144 02:44:19 $5.00   EtchySketchy Do you hire Hoomans at your Holohouse? If so, are they getting properly fed? Me and my friend wants to apply someday. Thank you.
145 02:44:25 $5.00   Blood Donations!Help save a life today Have a good night Mooms!
146 02:45:58 $10.00   GrumbleDogg෴ˁǂᴥಠˀ෴
Saw the preYdator short. The Mooms can dance! Dance battle with another Holomem when?
147 02:47:01 $20.00   LookatThisFace Mumei today is my birthday, also this is my first super chat. Thank you for always mooming, also I hope you sleep well, also hi.
148 02:51:13 NT$15.00   だいすきだよ鬼い (a無言スパチャ)
149 02:53:02 $5.00   EtchySketchy
Holotori collab was so fun! Really excited for the new video! Also hoping there's more offcollabs in the future!
150 02:56:22 PEN5.00   Touko Hello Supreme Commander Mumei. I will send you the dentist bill.
151 02:56:30 ₩100,000   종수 Hello, Mumei I'm lying on the couch with my seven dogs and cats watching your stream Sometimes I ask them if they understand what she's saying, but they look at me and then they're watching TV again
152 08月19日
  Shadowing Ace off to bed G'night!!
153 03:01:12 $2.00   Crissy Hello Mumei, i hope you are doing well
154 03:02:57   Edbert (メンバーシップ入り)
155 03:07:20 $20.00   EtchySketchy
According to a certain Doctor that's a brown paper bag, excessive Moomin' can cause symptoms such as fatigue, hunger and forgetfulness. Dr. recommends cutting down on Moomin' episodes and getting adequate sleep and rest.
156 03:12:04 $1.99   Nick Brown Oh hi! Glad to see you moomin ^o^ Don Don